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The Healthy Living Photo thread!

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haha - my bad - I'm not around many places but TDS and steroid section - guess I'll have to stick around though if you keep it up with these photos! Damn!
Hay guise! Long time no see!

I have a peeksure of me looking all gross complete with man sweat, post workout. Busty and I have introduced skipping into our circuit and it is doing the job so nicely!
10 minutes skipping and 10 minutes cycling in 2 minute intervals - one does skipping while the other does cycling, then swap. Then I do some yoga and sit-ups & push-ups to warm down.


Feels good mang. %)
Hay guise! Long time no see!

I have a peeksure of me looking all gross complete with man sweat, post workout. Busty and I have introduced skipping into our circuit and it is doing the job so nicely!
10 minutes skipping and 10 minutes cycling in 2 minute intervals - one does skipping while the other does cycling, then swap. Then I do some yoga and sit-ups & push-ups to warm down.


Feels good mang. %)

while in the military i was in charge of physical training. nothing super cereal. many of our women (air force) refused to sweat. ahh im loosing track of my point. you look like a great gal to run with. they (af chicks) didnt. thumbs up, and keep up the good work.

and warm downs? that made me lol. i forgot about those.
What pain do you have? What condition or injury?

If you have a re-existing condition that you must work with in order to exercise, I suggest seeing a physical therapist to advise you on what you can safely do and what you should be doing to avoid further deterioration.

I find I do more work in yoga than pilates. I think yoga has built more visible muscle for me than pilates. I relax more during yoga (depending on the style of class). Although I have been doing both every week for over a year.

An exercise that incorporates mindful breathing, muscle isolation, and kegels works for me LOL!
I have less lower back pain since doing pilates and my waist is tighter.

Totally agreed! I've built way more noticeable muscle through yoga than I did at the gym. Yoga combined with other exercise is amazing. Getting your body all stretched out is fantastic...and then being aware of all your parts while you're engaged in other exercise. Mmmm.
many of our women (air force) refused to sweat. ahh im loosing track of my point. you look like a great gal to run with.

Um, refused to sweat?! Ie: they refused to undertake any kind of exertion at all? You can't really refuse to sweat where I live.. it's humid and hot 6+ months of the year. :\

I think taking a cold shower after giving yourself wobbly-legs from working out so hard is one of the best feelings ever. :D

I'm lucky I have a hot motivation partner. ;)
its funny i weightlifted for like 5 years and 2 of those years were really focused bodybuilding, and ive never ever once broke a sweat weight training (i get a bit moist if i do an ab workout from all the surplus reps).

my average body temp is 96.0, i think that has something to do with it (i like to attribute it to perfect form and excellent breathing ;)). its really hard for me to break a sweat.

5 minutes of technique reps in kung fu tho... there are puddles around my feet.
That... that is a large quantity of bacon there. Looks like a damn good breakfast.
That... that is a large quantity of bacon there. Looks like a damn good breakfast.

yeah it was a good cheat meal on the last day of january..been taking the diet really seriously in february....i'm getting really lean....im 191lbs 7.8% bf according to my scale which i feel im more like 10-13%
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