• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Art Post some ART that you're feeling today - and why?

an image that ive always liked, depicts a man intoxicated with absinth. i just love his stance

cant find a high res file or a site i can buy a print from, any help would be appreciated thanks
Lately I've been reading about how the mind literally processes visual information. The scientific exploration of this process has inspired quite a bit of visual art in the past 40 plus years.

One favorite artist of mine that comes immediately to mind is Chuck Close:

so anyways! i'll try this again...

after browsing this thread earlier, it got me thinking about some of my old favorites. i figured i'd show them off. :)

back in my heavy acid tripping days, i discovered a canadian artist named darcy watt. i loved his stuff so much that i decided to email him. to my surprise, he actually wrote me back and was incredibly kind and thankful for my compliments. this piece was the one that hooked me. it reminded me of pink floyd's "the wall."


I love this piece you've displayed. That is SO cool about getting in contact with him as well. It's something that I can totally imagine myself doing :)

Rousseau's Sleeping Gypsy.

When I was about 4 years old, my parents left me at a friend's house for the night while they went to a party. I awoke in the middle of the night and noticed this print on the wall. I was afraid to go back to sleep for fear that a lion would come along and eat me!

Years later, it became one of my favorite pieces of art. Whenever I'm in NYC, I stop by the MoMA to see it. :)

by Rodge Roundy

This piece could be representative of so many different aspects of my life. :)
^ I thought you might have done that... it's a pretty cool piece. How did you make it?
Ty very much I dont share my stuff very often im glad you like it. I did it in photoshop, cs3