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Lysergamides [LSD Subthread] Spiritual Experiences / Plus Four / ++++

strangely enough I've eaten acid innumerable times -- strong acid, weak acid, blotter, drops, you name it -- and I've never even come close to a +4. I kinda feel like there's a cutoff point for me personally; a point where no matter how gone I may be, I'll still almost always be in familiar territory and the world will still exist, but I guess maybe I'm alone on that one.

the most acid I've ever eaten recreationally was a good 10 hits in a night. When I take that much I find I start to enter the territory of pure, useless delusion as opposed to finding anything meaningful or profound behind it all, although my thoughts will still amuse me greatly and whatnot. A part of it may be that a vast majority of my LSD experiences have been in social scenarios, and I'm kinda plagued by lame interpersonal relationships with overly simple people that aren't particularly conducive to intellectual growth, so eh.

the most acid I've eaten at any one given time was probably in excess of 40 hits of liquid. I'm being modest here because the last thing I wanna see is people jumping on my dick and telling me I'm trying to brag about what drugs I eat, but I swear it was an outrageous amount. This one isn't lumped into my recreational use category because it can only be attributed to frenzied self-destruction, or at least an attempt in that direction.

but yeah, my point is...eating that much was intense beyond words. Not even intense, like 5-MEO-DMT is intense for example...just...engrossing. I don't have much to say about it, though, and I can't tell you if it was a +4 or what, because the vast majority of the time it affected me I was blacked out, and the remainder of the time I was simply too deep in another fucking world to do anything mentally constructive. But hey, anything's possible.

so yeah, I sure have been going out of my way to post on bluelight lately.
lysergicanimal said:
OH no sorry buddy I wouldn't go this far In having all this other stuff made illegal, I believe more in a free society than we have now, Your just mocking me right Personaly I do like a nice cold beer & a hoot once in a while & I also believe in freedom of religion, except when those religions say they should be the only religion which can be a big root of WAR , but don't you agree?

Nope, not mocking you...

...oh wait, yes I am. =D

Of course I agree with you. I actually wasn't mocking you, I was trying to make a point. If LSD and other psychedelics are illegal, then so should other tools for spiritual exploration.

Of course that is ridiculous; hence, my point. :)
I've had a few, but theres one that sticks out in my mind far more than the others. Unfortunately, thats due to some bad circumstances surrounding a wonderful trip.

Words are kind of hard with this sort of thing, so bear with me...

I was laying on my bed, lights off, music on, on 4 tabs of some good clean cid. I guess it was kind of late, 1am-ish. I do not remember the events leading up to it, but I came to a realization that life was just going to repeat itself over and over(I took it as the same shit was gonna keep happening to me if I didn't change some stuff, not a very great time in my life). For some reason the word "oobemamahemamos" seemed to me to define this concept, and I kept repeating this. Unfortunately, in the midst of this experience there were cops at the door, and my landlord was there to let them in as I didn't hear them knocking. After a few seconds of talking with them they decided I wasn't mentally fit and needed to be protected from myself.

The ego-death came at the same time I was being whisked away in a stretcher, and during an out-of-body experience where I could see myself in the stretcher from above. Probably the most horrifying moment of my entire life.
wng- said:
I've had a few, but theres one that sticks out in my mind far more than the others. Unfortunately, thats due to some bad circumstances surrounding a wonderful trip.

Words are kind of hard with this sort of thing, so bear with me...

I was laying on my bed, lights off, music on, on 4 tabs of some good clean cid. I guess it was kind of late, 1am-ish. I do not remember the events leading up to it, but I came to a realization that life was just going to repeat itself over and over(I took it as the same shit was gonna keep happening to me if I didn't change some stuff, not a very great time in my life). For some reason the word "oobemamahemamos" seemed to me to define this concept, and I kept repeating this. Unfortunately, in the midst of this experience there were cops at the door, and my landlord was there to let them in as I didn't hear them knocking. After a few seconds of talking with them they decided I wasn't mentally fit and needed to be protected from myself.

The ego-death came at the same time I was being whisked away in a stretcher, and during an out-of-body experience where I could see myself in the stretcher from above. Probably the most horrifying moment of my entire life.

Ouch man, having the police interrupt that experience must of been horrific. I just hope that they weren't there for some reason that got you into alot of trouble.
Zagenth said:
Ouch man, having the police interrupt that experience must of been horrific. I just hope that they weren't there for some reason that got you into alot of trouble.

No no, just a noise complaint from a neighbor. Luckily I didn't smoke cannabis at the time, and it was the last of my LSD so my room was clean, they didn't find anything and didn't charge me with anything...besides the ridiculous hospital bill
wng- said:
No no, just a noise complaint from a neighbor. Luckily I didn't smoke cannabis at the time, and it was the last of my LSD so my room was clean, they didn't find anything and didn't charge me with anything...besides the ridiculous hospital bill

Wow, dodged a bullet there. Still, that's a shitty way to finish a trip :(.
That was my first full ++++ experience, if I recall correctly. I think being on that stretcher sort of forced the ego-death on me. I couldn't just tell myself that I was tripping, I truly believed that I had died, and was to be reborn again so that I could try to live my life the way that I should, and this process would repeat until I got it right. Before that experience I was hesitant to let the drug just take control, this was semi-forced upon me and allowed me to see the magic that psychedelics hold.
^ No, me in full rant mode about the stupidity & bollocks around the activity of thumbprinting

The Hoff Bomb said:
Psssh i can explain mine... I forgot that i ingested a drug, I started sharing thoughts with my gf, then sharing bodies, then minds. Our conciousness grew and grew, and everything we passed over became a part of us. Then I snapped back to reality for a brief second and BOOM! I was off again, I looked into her eyes and fell in love. I could see our concious minds floating out of our heads, connecting our bodies and souls again. Came too again, and looked up into the sky. My girlfriend and I melted together, into a universe of blue purple and white... Most Amazing hours of my life... She said the same thing happened to her... haha beat that

I hope you were playing "Light My Fire" by the Doors & very loud while you two were experiancing this karma episode.
fastandbulbous said:
^ No, me in full rant mode about the stupidity & bollocks around the activity of thumbprinting

Oh, lol. Well, that rant might require a thread all its own ;)
fastandbulbous said:
^ No, me in full rant mode about the stupidity & bollocks around the activity of thumbprinting
I think your jealous :p

I want to know is a thumbprint any different then a +4 on DMT.

and to further that, is DMT a +4? or is it off the charts? I'll make a new thread to discuss this.
I think your jealous

I don't think he is serious but that said I can vouch that F & B is circumspect with LSD intake , that's not to say shy of it, but takes it one at a time till he assesses the mindstate, strength, set etc then if alls good he goes for it !

So people tell me anyway!
zophen said:
I don't think he is serious but that said I can vouch that F & B is circumspect with LSD intake , that's not to say shy of it, but takes it one at a time till he assesses the mindstate, strength, set etc then if alls good he goes for it !

So people tell me anyway!
I know, I wa just kidding, I respect the hell out of the man/mutant what ever.

same with you.
^ cheers I was sure you were kidding but sensed he wasn't certain , doesn't hurt to set the record straight anyway!

much love!
"Spiritual" Experiences/LSD

This thread isn't for the athiest or anti-christ. Please. I just don't want anti-religious posting. Waste of my time. However, I'm not trying to slam anyone here, just preventing uneeded arguments on this thread. Respect.<3

I myself, am not much of churchgoer in my heart, I just go because I am told to go, it is the socially acceptable thing in my community, and I was sent to a private christian school in my younger years.

I've recently been talking to my pastor about my LSD experiences. I told him about having "Spiritual" experiences whilst on the substance. I thought these trips were very important to my in retrospect, revealing truths and the unknown about God to me. These experiences are only in very high dose, around 500mcg, resulting in +++++ trips. I've only had 2 of these very intense spiritual experiences. Has anyone else had experience in this field of psychedelics?
My pastor told me that this was the 'demonic realm' trying to access and speak lies into my life, these 'lies'... being a twisted version of God's real promises for releasing our full potential for the world living for Him.:(

Now I'm confused into what I should take of these experiences. Should I still be taking such high doses, lower doses are sometimes just as fulfulling, just not in the spiritual sense. Enlighen me bluelighters.
I think it's more like the church which is the demonic realm trying to access and speak lies into your life.