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Lysergamides [LSD Subthread] Spiritual Experiences / Plus Four / ++++


Dickhead for short !!!!!!!!!;) ;) :D :D :D =D =D =D =D =D :p
+4 on LSD was the same as any other substance that can take you that far just different coming in and out of it. Going into it I had the slowing of time, twice was with music in the background and the music slowwwed down and a single note that just existed in a moment, everything in my vision turned to a colorful syrupy place with tracers that slowed down to a halt and then I existed in a moment and a moment and everything that was a moment collapsed and then I did not exist at all became one of all apart of everything !!!UNDESCRIBABLE!!! after a bit I realized I was I, and I am fucked, I am dead what happed to me and I gather bits and peaces of my ego and try to peace them together, on LSD for me this takes a little while the rebirth is long and hard and confusing sometimes. After a bit I get together and feel like I am alive again and feel soo much love for live, I am reborn and feel great. Those are my +4 experiences on LSD I could write more but I’m on my way out the door for a pint of beer and food. Peace
zophen said:

Dickhead for short !!!!!!!!!;) ;) :D :D :D =D =D =D =D =D :p
Hehe, omg I really do pity the fool who actually does turn out to be uglier than me. It's a hard knock life for us scrubbers.
I think the descriptions of a +4 all carry a few common characteristics: a sense of joy; no self or I (or at least a nonidentification with individual I); sense of infinity that is directly experiened, beyond time, or timelessness( with direct cognition of the true eternal moment or now); a feeling or overwhelming conviction that this is one's true identity, and that it's so simple that words fail to describe it( because words have meanings that are limited); that this is always present no matter how things may appear; and finally the realization that even though the experience may have been revealed through the use of drug, it can be reached without needing anything outside of oneself at all, at any time.
I really do pity the fool who actually does turn out to be uglier than me.

It's gratifying to know that you appreciate the true value of people !
zophen said:
It's gratifying to know that you appreciate the true value of people !
Haha, no I'm saying that I was so badly smashed with the ugly stick that anyone uglier than I would be a sad state of affairs.

Unfortunately it's sort of a double whammy for me because I'm ugly but never really bothered to develop a great personality like most of my fellow uglies do.
Unless you put a pic in your gallery we'll just assume you're a suave git softening us up with this sort of talk! :)

Now a sad state of affairs is horribly mutilated...
Xorkoth said:
I think he means "Has anyone had a +4 on LSD? If so, please discuss/explain"

I got a +4, and it got me to the hospital.

Reliving birth, and deep stuff like that. Trip got killed by some anti-psycothic, the worse time in a lifetime, when the anti-psycothic is fighting the LSD.
+4 = pure white light pure love perfect place in universe.
all tension uncertainty insecurity problems totally dissolved
for the illusions they are.

for 6 months afterward, everything was perfectly radiantly beautiful.
every wrinkle on every little old lady's face sublime perfect beauty.
everything in life clicked smoothly into place.
like riding a cosmic wave through life.

stayed that way til something from the past triggered a letdown.
everything back to normal, more or less. but was left with an
inner emotional strength which has seen me through
incredibly rough times.

happened only once.

i don't think trogere understands what a +4 is. sounds like
he was headed there but aborted. i had an earlier trip like
that, six months before the real one. the closer you get to
a +4 without making it, the scarier and more dangerous
it is.

I also don't think you can force a +4. i know people who dropped
massive doses and never got there. it's a blessing that comes
without warning. people who meditate properly will get there
more often than anyone using drugs.

Last edited:
crowbar said:
Care to elaborate?

A combinaison of around 200mcg of LSD, 200mg+ MDMA and meth.

At first, trails, and all the usual stuff.

Then, it started to go wrong. These were two gangs in the world, the good people, and the bad people. I had to be part of the bad people, to get power.
And, then all went so fast. I was at a rave in winter. I got out in the street, seeing nothing of the real world, only visuals. My mind was running so fast. I was someone inside a videogame, similar to Mario Bros. But, the objective of the game was to find ketamine to get the power, to rule the world. After, my mind went from concept to another, searching for one word that would explain everything. And, then, I found the word, it was "birth". Then, I remember coming back to myself, at the hospital.

Words cannot explain what really happened in my mind that night. I'm used to heavy trips (0,5g+ of Ket without tolerance, ...), but this trip was way stronger.
I found LSD trips to be really personnal. When a ket adventure can only be visual, LSD goes deep inside you, and throw in your face things you don't want to get back in your face.
everything was perfectly radiantly beautiful.
every wrinkle on every little old lady's face sublime perfect beauty.
everything in life clicked smoothly into place.
like riding a cosmic wave through life.

stayed that way til something from the past triggered a letdown.
everything back to normal, more or less. but was left with an
inner emotional strength which has seen me through
incredibly rough times.

That's the best description I've yet read!
athousandormore said:
+4 = pure white light pure love perfect place in universe.
all tension uncertainty insecurity problems totally dissolved
for the illusions they are.

for 6 months afterward, everything was perfectly radiantly beautiful.
every wrinkle on every little old lady's face sublime perfect beauty.
everything in life clicked smoothly into place.
like riding a cosmic wave through life.

stayed that way til something from the past triggered a letdown.
everything back to normal, more or less. but was left with an
inner emotional strength which has seen me through
incredibly rough times.

happened only once.

i don't think trogere understands what a +4 is. sounds like
he was headed there but aborted. i had an earlier trip like
that, six months before the real one. the closer you get to
a +4 without making it, the scarier and more dangerous
it is.

I also don't think you can force a +4. i know people who dropped
massive doses and never got there. it's a blessing that comes
without warning. people who meditate properly will get there
more often than anyone using drugs.


Great description! Truly.

All 4 of my +4 level trips (especially the first, my very first trip) still affect me today. It's as if the vibrations from them are always resonating. For months after my first one, my life fell into place as you described. it really is very much like riding a cosmic wave through life. Every one of them has done so (and to be honest, these days most of my trips cause this effect to some extent). That wave drops off and become smaller the longer you go between such trips, unless you focus your efforts while sober and maintaining that state and truly transforming yourself without the aid of drugs. Which I have not yet done.

Hi all you psychedelic psychnauts I like this thread & I would like to add my two cents worth to this, Since this was one of my best trips(I've only had the privilge of trying good vitamin "a" a few times in my life) I guess it just doesn't seem to trickle down my way through the cracks of reality enough. So I don't know if this was a plus four experiance or not. So you guys be the judge!

. I was seventeen studying for an algebra final it was 1982, I was bored. So I ended up rummaging through my brother’s drawer & I found just a small 3/16ths of an inch square non-discript piece of paper smaller than todays sized tabs. So I thought is this cid? so without even thinking about it I ate it. About fifteen minutes later! It started with a kaleidoscope of colors pinwheeling in from my peripheral vision from the left & right, to the center of my vision, (this stuff was lighting) it felt very good & it makes you laugh as it takes over your mind & I thought Yup I maybe should of not ate that tab, because I knew I was off for a real ride! & I had a test tomorrow.

It total blew my away! Where so many thoughts rush through your mind at one time & you feel like there is no barrier between you and your surrounding environment. Everything takes on so much more significance & time ceases to exist & you feel so powerful. Knowing you have the keys to creation in your hands, & when you look at your hands doesn't it just make you smile then go look in the mirror & see yourself transfrom before your eyes, totaly awesome. Then when you open up the universe from the keys you have. You become one with the cosmic consciousness, empowering you to understand the secrets of life!

Do any of you ever have the kaleidoscope of colors come on then they would colide & fall & float around like colors diamonds? i think this is a trait of real pure clean Albert Hoffman compound, any thoughts?
^Sounds like real good pure fresh acid to me!
crowbar said:
Anything more to say about the anti-psychotic's reaction with the LSD? Or can you not recall that?


It's really, really horrible.

Luckily, I didn't got into the state of mind "Will I stay like that forever?".

For maybe an hour, I really don't know, the anty-psychotic is fighting the drugs, and then after, with all the medication, you feel like dope free, but a little bit tired, all the visuals are gone.

To stop a trip with an anti-psychotic is not great, because some issues that are coming with the trip aren't resolved. It's all stop before you can resolve them.

zophen said:
^Sounds like real good pure fresh acid to me!

Fresh that's the problem My fine feathered friend that was 1982 I might as well say 1892 since thats how long ago it feels. I know l.s.d. does not hurt your memory anyhow, this is proof. Man we need the guys from the Brotherhood Of Eternal Love " Back Scully & Sands We need orange sunshine:) spread across the land again. or I'll settle for purple microdot or strawberry blotter, whatever is real Man. I feel like I'm living in the twilight zone & were all zombies it's gorge orwells 1984 the govn't has complete contol over us, freedom is just an illusion, We should have the feedom to expand our consciousness if we so desire. If L.S.D. has to be illegal than so should WAR & tabacco.
^^ And alcohol. And meditation, buhhism, and other self-discovering religions/spiritual paths.
A Mocking bird!

Xorkoth said:
^^ And alcohol. And meditation, buhhism, and other self-discovering religions/spiritual paths.

OH no sorry buddy I wouldn't go this far In having all this other stuff made illegal, I believe more in a free society than we have now, Your just mocking me right:) Personaly I do like a nice cold beer & a hoot once in a while & I also believe in freedom of religion, except when those religions say they should be the only religion which can be a big root of WAR , but don't you agree?

If L.S.D. can't be legal, than so should WAR & tabacco be outlawed in our taboo straight laced redneck materialistic rat race society. Where a good part of the population only judges a person'e success on how much materlistic wealth you have aquired, at the expence of eating black holes in mother nature.

At our stage in evolution we should be by now much more tolerant of each other, & we should outlaw war mainly not only for the human suffering it causes but for the reason that our planets atmoshere simply cannot absorb our destructive power anymore & that we are causing catasrophic climate change.
So at least a good lsd trip would make people a lot more aware of our environment & realize that we all come from mother nature & that we should protect our womb.