Ibogaine - taking the leap Monday

Yes. Positive thoughts sent down south. Simply cannot wait for an update, and eagerly anticipating your "follow-up" notes in the coming months.
Someday, hopefully sooner I'll be able to try it. While it may be no cure-all, ibogaine seems to force the insights an addict needs to break the cycle among other more difficult to quantify benefits. No other treatment can claim to do that. It all sounds too good to be true, but so is the high from heroin all too good and not in the least "true". Miracles abound on earth, so let this be one of them, and may it work its ways on you to the maximum benefit.
If our natural state of being is healthy and balanced internally, who is to say you can't be bumped back on the track almost like one would fix a screen door?
Here's to sliding smoothly!
One never falls far from the track!
Good luck CokeMonger!!!


This is an article about the TJ facility that was written in a local free magazine. When they article came out, my dope connection at the time wanted to seek treatment. That was always going to be the first thing he did if he hit it big at one of the casinos. He never did win big and he probably gambled away the fee of 5 ibogaine sessions trying. Representatives of the ibogaine clinic used to come and hand out fliers to patients at the Fashion Valley methadone clinic when I was a patient there from time to time.

Hope it goes well. I live in the SD area. Hit me up with a PM if you want to hit a meeting when you get back across the border.
Day 4. (dont go searching for it, there is no "Day three". Culdn't type, Tried texting "Love you" to my girlfriend -- no luck.

IBogaine.... I know I'm hardly one to speak at this stage of the game, but..... Wow. I have to say that Monday (for at least three months earlier than that on a daily basis), I was shooting 9-12 bags of heroin at least twice a day. Nothing since then.

I don't know if I had withdrawal and was just too absorbed to realize it, or i I had essentially none (except a little stomach cramping). Either way, I havne't even wanted a fucking cigarette since Tuesday night. I don't want dope right how, that's or damned sure.

But the Ibogaine just wipes you out, kicks your ass. The energy involute to, for example, send a text message, is WAAAYY more than hat wI'd had. About an hour ago, I thiknk pfft of my old drill sergeant yelling in my face "You have no idea how har you can push yourself!! move! Move!" and I managed to actaull get up as much as i have.

What was Ibogaine like? Well I saw the analogy on here to a giant LSD trip. Not quite, but mentally maybe yes except Ibogaine take your body, too, and is far, far, far more powerful. Intense visual hallucinations auditory ones, glimpses of eternity, I don't know... Then being spaced out of you mind and body for at least a couples of days, and, as of now, no drugs and don't want a cigarette (40 hrs snce last one).

Thanks again of the many comments and well-wishing. Please keep then up. I'm hoping my energy level and peace will continue to increase. Girlfriend is coming tonight at 10:00 to visit. Cannot wait.

Ive always been interested in if ibogaine actually works or it's just a load of shit. But it does look promising from what ive read and hopefully it will work for you man.

Good vibes sent your way man.
I am so happy to hear that this is working so well for you. Thank you so much for posting your entire experience as it happens to you, this is of great interest to a lot of people. I really hope that everything works out well for you. I know you must be wiped so I will wait till your all done to ask you any questions. Good luck!!!
Day five

DAY FIVE: Much the same as day four. Yes, to answer the question about an lsd comparison, it was like dropping 5-15 hits of the strongest acid ever made. Except, of course, one doesn't come out of an acid trip with a heroin addiction disappearing, which is what happened to me. Essentially no withdrawals - a little cramping in the stomach, but that's about it. Sleeping a lot. 20 minute nap, up for 45 minutes, 20 minute nap. No no no energy. I am utterly without energy. Blah.

One thing I was completely unprepared for was just EXACTLY HOW MUCH this ipes one. I mean butt kicked completely absolutely wiped. No energy to walk across a room

Had a cigarette, which i had also been hoping to quit, so that's not all good news. But, one cigarette (lit and put out 4 times) is still better than 25 a day and, besides, that's secondary to the opiate issue.

and one thing I can fo sure, and coming from me this is weird... I can't imagine wanting a shot of drop. Usually, even if I'd just gotten off, my mind ould easily wrap around the idea of another shot of dope mixed with coke. not now.

Also had a lot of verbal "therapy" today, talking about and planning out how I'm going to work on the patterns that got me here.

They suggested I stay an extra day, so there may be one more update before I drove back to California and get on that bird back to new jersey.

Well, gotta take a nap. Peace out.
It's great to hear that this is working for you. Even though you had to borrow money, in the long run it will be well worth it if you stay clean. And I truly hope you do. Luckily suboxone worked for me, but I've been on it over a year now, so it's really starting to become very expensive and it sucks trying to ween off of it. At like day 4-5 of no suboxone I get psychically ill and I have thrown up at this stage... but I'm down to about 4mgs every 4 days or so, but I'm Rxed 12mgs a day. I'm trying to save some up so I can ween myself down without having to keep paying the doc.

Good luck with the rest of your ibogaine treatment! Please give us a detailed trip report, or something telling us the whole experience when you're finished. There's not much data explaining ibogaine treatment at all on this website.

Day six:

Dilated, I just asked Claire and she says they've worked with many Suboxone addicts.

Well, still very very energy deficient, but am leaving in a few minutes. I could probably get back in bed and sleep for three days, but I want o at least see some of Tijuana an San Diego before heading back home. So, having more ultra-healthy food and a protein shake to try to get some degree of energy back. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep on the plane.

Obviously, it's too early to say what the long term result will be of having done the Ibogaine trip. I know it's going to take me a year to pay it off; that's the only sure part as of now.

But, as of today, I have no withdrawals and no drug thoughts (which is a completely new space for me to be in). The question is how well it will last - but my hopes are pretty high at this point (assuming I follow through on the aftercare).

Well, leaving in five minutes, so -- thanks again for all the caring and support and feedback on this thread. I hope it'll be helpful (to me and to others considering the Ibogaine route).

- http://www.ibogaine-therapy.net/ -
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^^^Happy for you, glad you got through this (even though its the initital stages, its one hell of a start on your path to sobriety!) I really enjoyed reading your posts. Im about to watch the Ibogaine documentary now, I am absolutely astonished and dying of curiosity. Take care and please keep us updated on your condition. :)
well well. inspiring at the least. hopefully this will inspire others that find themselves in seemingly hopeless situations. keep the updates going. i hope to see this thread grow rather large in the coming months.
As far as suboxone goes they(most clinics, good ones at least) will not administer Ibogaine unless you have been off of suboxone for at least 2-3 weeks.
Most clinics, once you arrive, will maintain you on oral morphine from 3-5 days prior to giving you your test and then full dose and most clinics want you to stay up to two weeks after your dose because of the extreme potentiating effects of ibogaine which have resulted in quite a few people ODing after coming home. This is because their tolerance is back to nothing and that coupled with the potentiation will kill you very easily.
If you find a clinic willing to treat you within a week of using suboxone it's probably not a clinic you want to go to.
Unexpected and unpleasant .....

Well, as my previous posts indicated, my energy level has been at a solid negative since the day after doing the Ibogaine trip.

Monday night into Tuesday I somehow transformed from feeling blaaaahh and flu-like to withdrawals. Yeah, I said withdrawal. A week after taking Ibogaine.

They were NOT / are NOT in line with the amount of dope I was doing (about 2 grams a day) by any means, but it's still unpleasant and surprising. I had started withdrawal Tuesday (8/4) when they dosed my with the Ibogaine, and all the withdrawal symptoms stopped as the trip began. (I'm still not sure "Trip" is the right words - although I don't know what else I can compare it to except 15 hits of solid acid, it's really not a comparison. No one would undergo the Ibogaine experience for fun).

Muscle aches, insomnia alternating with sleeping for exorbitant amounts of time, runs, cramps, general unpleasantness, nausea, etc.

Been taking the usual (Skelaxin for muscle aches, Ambien to sleep, 7 shots of booze when it hits bad) to treat symptoms. Again, not on par with withdrawing from 2 grams a day of dope . . . which I've done cold (and done via Naltrexone precipitated withdrawal) in the past. More like the withdrawal after doing a Suboxone taper, but still .... I didn't think this was supposed to happen at all.

The one difference, which I attribute to the Ibogaine, is that I'm not jonesing for opiates at all. That's different. No thoughts of ending the misery via return to slavery.

It doesn't change my conclusion -- I'd still recommend Ibogaine -- but it does taper my enthusiasm a bit. Also has me curious as to how long this crap will last -- I haven't had any opiates in 10+ days now.... how can I be in withdrawal? And how long will it be before I can get out of bed, via HUGE effort, before noon? Good thing I work for myself or I'd have been fired by now.... and if I don't get back to doing paying work, I... well, no point in panicking. Just taking it easy and hoping the weekend restores me.
Good luck man.

I think a lot of people look at Ibogaine like it will be a cure all and they find that it helps.
I'd rather have it eliminate cravings than withdrawals... w/ds are temporary, cravings are not. I wonder how long they will stay away for? Forever? Could that be?? Ibogaine is really confusing I don't understand it at all even after reading this first hand account of what its list.
just ride it out, man. you're still incredibly fortunate and you don't want to waste all that money by using.
You do realize that all your worries now mean nothing compared to brilliant joy of your life dope-free, all that worry is gone. Your money worries will dissolve when you approach work sober this time.
I understand how miffed you could be about having some w/d- may they pass quickly.
Ativan and booze! Holy moly, it must be pretty bad w/d, right? It just does not fit my preconceived post-ibogaine notion, afterglow vision, of healthy living and treating my body with care???!?
Either do w/ds!