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The Official Tramadol Discussion Thread

I have not been able to find any info on mixing the two. I've done some stupid shit but it was mostly due to lack of knowing. When I first was put on methadone I continued taking my nightly 20-30 mg of valium. My wife said I often nodded out in the chair during movies and stuff. Even towards the end of my methadone use(prescribed 10 mg twice a day) when I would pop 40-50 mgs for a buzz in the morning I would drink at night and never had a problem. Ofc I was never warned not to mix so I never knew what I was doing. Once I became aware of how easy it is to od mixing methadone with alcohol or benzos I quit going to that doc and went back to my regular doc who gives me the percs.

I read that the half life of tramadol is 4-5 hours, so even if it isn't wise to drink while taking the trammies, would that apply if I took them at 11 am and want to start drinking around 7 pm.

Funny thing is, before I could talk my doc into the 90 percs a month, he wrote me a script for ultram to take inbetween doses if the percs were not lasting long enough for 2 per day. When I went to fill all my scripts the chick at the counter told me if I was used to anything higher than loratabs that the ultram would not do me any good. So, I chose not to pay for them and left them on hold. Knowing my doc as I do (when he started me on valium he started with 10 mg, when he started me on percocets, he started with 10 mg) the script is for what ever dose that they come in the highest. At least I know now that they are worth picking up if for nothing else than to help during my perc WDs.
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OK, Tramadol has lost its magic for me. When I first started a couple years ago. It would floor me. I would be so happy, nodding out, unable to move, better than sex euphoria.

I took a break from it for awhile because it was making me sick, but I found a way around that after awhile. But then I lost my job and could afford to keep using it.

Now that I have started using it. I don't nod at all, I don't get the euphoria hardly AT ALL! I just get a lil speedy which is great for work and I feel a little happier.

I doesn't seem to matter how much I take. 1 gram I'm guaranteed to puke and I'm just too fucked up to really enjoy it like I should. Its not a good high. I think there is such a thing as TOO HIGH.

How can I get the nodding and euphoria back? I take benadryl every time. I plug the Tramadol so I don't puke it all back up and waste the high. And now and then I take kpins with it, plus Lamictal to reduce the seizure risk. Although I've never had a seizure ever.

^^Sorry to tell you but other than stopping for a LONG time the only way to get that nodding and euphoria back is to take stronger opiates. Tolerance is a biatch!
Well, it is the next day. Had quite a few beers at the bar then came home and continued to drink while playing cod5 on the ps3. I was wasted and some dude kept calling me a sister fucking hillbilly with no teeth due to my accent. It was a blast. Just popped the 350 mg of tramadol with the 10 mg valium. I never had the urge to puke yesterday so am I to assume that is mostly when the dose is much higher. If it is common should I take a phenerghan to help incase I start feeling sick?
^^Thats a serious problem. You gotta solve it before it's too late!! Get a vape or really nice bong
Yeah I actually noticed on the tram that my chronic tolerance went way up, never got the nervies either pretty good I might stop drinking with my weed all the time and try the cannatram for a while
Tramadol Withdrawal Hell

First time here so not real sure how to do this but here it goes. I discovered Tramadol about 3 years ago when I stopped drinking alcohol. I went cold turkey after reaching a point of drinking up to 3 bottles of wine a day, sometimes more and sometimes mixing in a couple of really strong drinks of gin and tonic. Anyway, I found Tramadol which seemed to give me the same little buzz without hangovers, the shitting feeling the next day and so on. After about a year, my tolerance was getting higher and higher so that I was up to about 2500mg a day. Then I had a seizure and my husband basically saved my life. It almost killed me. Thank god I wasn't driving at the time but apparently I stopped breathing and didn't respond to CPR right away. Bad day. I totally went off of the and did the detox in the hospital but because I was sleeping so much, it wasn't that bad and stayed there for 3 days. About 6 months later, I was prescribed them for a problem with my leg and it started all over again. I am now up to 2100mg a day and need to stop. My husband found an order form on my computer from the pharmacy I buy them from online. Ironically, I ran out yesterday morning anyway and am going through horrible withdrawals. After reading through all these threads, I realize that I need to do it by tapering and not cold turkey again. The thought of potentially having a seizure from going through cold turkey detox is frightening. This site has been tremendously helpful for me and I thank you all for your openness and honesty. I went to my doctor today to get on a program to get me off and into the next step of staying off. Not sure how I will do the latter but I need to do this. I cannot live like this anymore. Oh, did I mention I am going through a divorce right now as well? Bad days ahead.
im live in pa where do i get tramadol? also a ? with soma is soma safe mixed with suboxone? i like soma only did it once 3(350) it was a good short high stress reliever?
ok have ne of u used the internet sites to get tramadol i mean its not controlled so what would be the big deal? any input is appreciated
Thats how I started was online. No biggy. The big deal? Its a legal high, and those are rare.
I wish I could have been one of those who got a nice buzz from tramadol, but I'm sure my tolerance from other drugs is just way too high. Can't really knock it though. It has helped with my pain(in doses of at least 400 mg) and I have not had any WDs from being without my percocets. It does seems to make me a little less irritated but that could be in my head. As I said way above, I first got these from my Nana, who just wanted to help with my pain. She gave me around 40ish and I made them last a week. The day I ran out I was reminded by my wife that I had a script for Ultram that I never filled. Called the pharmacy, had it filed and now have 60 more in my stash. I think I'll continue to get my doc to write this one since I know I will always run out of my percs. High or no high, they are worth having around if you have an opiate addiction. As for the speed effects, I am not sure, since I always take a 10mg valium to reduce seizure risk. All in all, they are worth the 9 bucks I paid for them.
I posted earlier that Tramadol was not a particularly useful pharm - compared to w/d

I take that back completely. It gives you a great sense of well being. It is not crazy euphoria like Oxy, but thats not what I want. I want to walk around and not look high as fuck, and tramadol allows that. It is a great anti anxiety, and anti depressant, also, takes care of the pains. You cant snort it (I dont think), you cant really take more than 400mg (seizures), it is a great drug for withdrawl, and really a drug that is (abuseable) but much much less so than drugs like hydrocodone, oxycodone ect. Its not a perfect drug, but nothing is. Thats my opinion. I have experimented with almost all opiates, lots of adderall/vyvanse, mdma, shrooms, dxm, and still, the relatively mild drug - tramadol, is very medicinally theraputic, I dont feel guilty for taking it, and it makes me considerably happier.
I tried 150mg last night with a little codeine and it was pretty damn nice. I see a lot of hating on tramadol by more experienced opiate users but I enjoyed it and the feeling lasts ages :D.
i just ate 200mg with breakfast and i feel like a champion, they beat anything out there for withdrawals in my opinion and if ur tolerance is low and ya get 150-300 mg in ya, you will feel lovely all day
Took tramadol for the first time which is my first opiod also. Its not bad just stimulating and relaxing. No major euphoria. Best thing was the waves of tinglies and the mood uplift. Took 200mg
Hey there, picked this thread for my first bluelight post as Tramadol has, against the odds, become a useful drug of choice for me but one with which care is needed all the time. I feel that my observations may constitute a useful contribution and in some measure reduce some of the controversy. I hope so.

Tramadol is a drug which in my own experiences with self and friends using, plus the reading I've done, obviously has much different effects profiles in different users. The effects are also open to qualitative interpretation based on matters of sheer personal taste.

Firstly people seem to have wide differences in the ways by; and the efficiency with which the drug is metabolised. This leads some people to describe the effects as awesome and others to describe them as worthless. Neither group is wrong but they tend to misunderstand each other to an unfortunate extent. This is compounded by the different effects that users regard as negative or positive - the quality of the experience to those who do get effects is necessarily highly subjective.

Some people regard the "speedy" effects of this drug as an unfortunate side effect while others revel in them. The long duration relative to most opioids is also regarded as positive by some users and negative by others.

I personally really enjoy this drug. The opioid buzz is mild rather than overwhelming and the vaguely MDMA-like serotonergic effect is nothing like as strong as true amphetamine derivatives but the two mild effects in combination suit me down to the ground. It's a mood lift with a nice genuine and long-lasting euphoria for me. I guess I'm one of the "lucky" ones.

Why the inverted commas around "lucky" - because there are genuine downsides to being able to get a nice high off this drug. Firstly while tolerance develops slowly it is hard to take long enough breaks to prevent it creeping up on you over time. Breaks combined with larger doses (like 500mg twice daily in my case) seem to finally keep tolerance at bay for longer but one is playing russian roulette with seizures at this level of use. I like it too much for this to stop me (which shows the psychological addiction I have to this drug in addition to phases of greater or lesser physical addiction) but it is a serious concern and I would recommend anyone who falls in love with this substance to find other sources of diversion and only partake occasionally before you end up hooked like me. Secondly at times Tramadol seems to randomly give me unpleasant nervous jitters. These are sometimes compounded by a strange sensation which is almost impossible to describe (bouncing along bumpy mental surfaces while undergoing tense muscles is the closest I can get) which feels to my worried mind like I'm close to seizure. Because of these first two problems I always ensure I have a supply of effective benzodiazepines handy. I don't take these unless I feel I need them and then after the onset of the first Tramadol dose since taken too early they can mask the pleasant come up.

Thirdly anything over approx. 3 days of continous use of high dosages seems to be enough to potentially produce a further 3 days of uncomfortable physical and mental withdrawals. These can be alleviated by low doses of benzos and weak opioids (such as the otherwise inferior codeine phosphate) but never circumvented entirely if they decide to strike (which seems to be a random occurence with approximately one in four chance of happening after any given 3-4 day binge). I usually try to take Tramadol not more than 4 days in a row followed by a small gap, another indulgence and then a long rest (fortnight minimum and preferably 3 weeks). Unfortunately at times of stress my self-monitoring sometimes fails me and I idiotically dose for a full week before getting a grip and stopping for 3 weeks. If this happens I can practically guarantee that the first few days will be an uncomfortable withdrawal period complete with virus-like physical symptoms, nasty simultaneous lethargy/restlessness and black depression. You have been warned - if you turn out to be a tram-lover you may need more willpower than you own to keep fully out of the woods.

For the sake of the interest of those who like the duration and mild stimulation of Tramadol but yearn for the "cleaner buzz" of a stronger opioid agonist I must report that taking a relatively weak opioid some time in to a Tramadol high really potentiates the former. Interestingly I note a far more significant difference between codeine phosphate and Dihydrocodeine (DHC) than I usually find between these two drugs alone. If one has very low tolerance then codeine can work for this but DHC is far superior. I discovered this when a well-meaning doctor supplied me with a bottle of DHC for breakthrough pain while on Tramadol. Since tram itself is more effective as a painkiller than DHC in my case anyway the latter was practically useless for breakthrough pain but when bored I tried a solid recreational dose of 300mg DHC approx. 4 hours after taking Tramadol. To my surprise this produced a mildly noddy and quite satisfying opioid buzz marred only by a brief spell of uncomfortable levels of itchyness. It also brought the Tramadol back up a bit for a bonus. I have tried this four or five times with similar results and twice more with codeine with less success but noticeably better euphoria from the codeine than I would consider normal. This combo may constitute playing with fire and I don't advocate it nor do I recommend anyone to emulate my irresponsible dosage. I merely mention it for the curious. Incidentally I would advise anyone who has had to take a benzo on the tram ride to avoid such combos as taking all 3 one time made me very sleepy indeed and dolt that I am the potential for serious respiratory depression arising from mixing these substances didn't occur to me until after I'd slept it off. I had a lucky escape and besides as previously mentioned by another one of the beauties of Tramadol use is the ability to function fairly normally whilst high and you lose all hope of that if you combo yourself in to stupor.

I have also experienced constipation and difficulty in passing urine whilst on higher doses. Ensuring a reasonable moderate intake of fluids, leaveing the bathroom tap running when attempting to urinate (and having patience!) and a short course of senna-based laxatives overcome the worst of these unpleasant side effects. Other than that you'll live with it if you're sufficiently in to the high but it's another reason not to dose daily for long periods.

So to summarise I believe that Tramadol is a drug very much of personal choice and one that certainly has its place in the scheme of things for those who enjoy it. It is also potentially dangerous in repeated higher doses (like mine unfortunately - I dread the day when a trip to the hospital is necessary but some people dose higher and longer than me without developing seizures I just hope I'm one the lucky ones) although sensible steps like ensuring benzo availability can defray the risks somewhat. Therefore it commands respect. I don't think anyone in the Tramadol debate is actually wrong just a little blinkered to their own viewpoint.

Finally another reason to start low dosage wise if you are new to this drug. A small number of unlucky folks seem to be unable to take Tramadol without really unpleasant nausea and vomiting even at relatively low doses whith opioid tolerance. You really don't want to find out the hard way that you are one of these unfortunates due to the relatively long duration of Tramadol's effects, including the ill ones!