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Psychonauts and alcohol....The Poll

How often does a psychonaut drink?

  • Daily

    Votes: 38 11.5%
  • Weekly

    Votes: 99 29.9%
  • Monthly

    Votes: 33 10.0%
  • More then once a month

    Votes: 43 13.0%
  • Less then monthly

    Votes: 76 23.0%
  • I don't drink

    Votes: 33 10.0%
  • Other (I drink blood, I drink drano etc.)

    Votes: 9 2.7%

  • Total voters
I occasionally have a beer or a glass of wine on a weeknight. I usually will have about a 6 pack of beer on Saturday nights, more if I'm on any other drug. I don't know why, but I love a cold beer when I'm high on anything.
More than once a month. Almost weekly.

And I always hate it the day after.
I selected "less than monthly". I never drank every day or was addicted to it, but in my last year of high school and most of college, I enjoyed drinking at parties (I went to/had a lot of them, as I lived in a house with 4 other friends on the first floor with me and 4 friends on the second floor and we'd have the best house parties on campus :)). After a while I started having a hard time controlling the amount I had... and I am a sloppy drunk once I cross a line. Or rather, I can't take drink after drink without blacking out and usually just laying around half-asleep. Then once there was an incident where I blacked out for 12 hours straight and came to find out I had chugged most of a handle of vodka and a friend of mine convinced me to drive him to see this girl (he later said I thought I had sobered up because I was able to speak a coherent sentence to him at some point after I had been passed out babbling nonsense 8)). Anyway, long story short I drove into a ditch and got6 apprehended by 2 sheriffs. Through some stroke of bizarre luck, my cousin had just, less than a week before, married this girl who working in the 911 dispatch office, and the cop who first pulled me over liked her and recognized my last name and decided to call my dad (I happened to be in my hometown for the weekend) to come pick me up, so I ended up with no car damage and no trouble with the law whatsoever, even though I was barely awake and couldn't say my own name to the cops. I ended up with alcohol poisoning and the next week was the worst of my life perhaps... the emotional and physical toll was really fucked up. As far as I knew, I remembered taking a shot at the party, and suddenly I was waking up 12 hours later feeling funny with my dad giving me a horrible look.

Anyway (after that trip down memory lane), ever since then I have not liked the effects of alcohol at all. I didn't even touch a drop of alcohol for over 6 months, and when I did, I found that I had become so sensitive to its toxicity that even a single glass of wine (even a few sips really) with dinner or something makes my body sore as if I'm starting to get a hangover, and emotionally I become irritable and depressed. However as time has gone on (this happened 6 years ago), I have occasionally been in the right frame of mind to drink a little bit and get buzzed from it for social purposes, usually involving some sort of stimulant (which I don't do often either). I have not actually been DRUNK since that event except for a few times about 3 years ago when I had just moved across the country and our first friends were big alcohol partiers. In fact I haven't been more than a little buzzed since 3 years ago.
I do not drink alcohol. I do not like the intoxication and it inhibits testosterone production (not good). I do, however, enjoy a zzzzip of G every once in awhile.

swilow said:
Obviously, a daily drinker drinks more then once month, but only select the most accurate option.
this is offtopic, but I'd like to point out that a daily drinker saying he drinks at least once a month is an accurate statement (even though he drinks more). Its a more precise statement to say he drinks 30 times a month.

precision vs. accuracy

conceptually distinct concepts
I have a beer or two occasionally because I like beer, but on the whole I dramatically cut back my drinking after trying LSD. I haven't been drunk in a long, long time (a few years).

My crutch was never really alcohol, but weed. And I've even stopped smoking weed as my use of LSD has increased.
Riemann Zeta said:
I dramatically cut back my drinking after trying LSD. I haven't been drunk in a long, long time.

This seems to be how it's going for me at the moment. I still drink quite a lot (daily) but haven't gotten very drunk in over a week... except for being just a lil tipsy last night. The desire for alcohol does seem to be on the wane, which is excellent news cos I never really liked boozing in the first place :).
I've given up drinking, I wouldn't really attribute it to using psychedelics (although they have shown me how retarded people are for dismissing the plethora of drugs available and sticking to booze, I remember being 17 on LSD at a festival just looking at everyone clutching their beers like it was a fashion accessory or something and thinking they were all acting like fucking chimps). I've always hated drunk people, and even when I've gotten completely shitfaced on booze I've never done anything I've regretted/blacked out/gotten into a fight, I think people just use it as an excuse to behave like cruel fucking egotistical assholes or maybe most people are just cruel egotistical assholes.)

I've always been more into weed anyway :)
I drink a few professionally made fancy cocktails a few times a month, rarely more than two at a time. I dislike the taste of most kinds of alcohol. Especially beer grosses me out. I used to love wine but for some reason I'm kind of off that as well.

But some kind of awesome liquor concoction is a nice treat after work occasionally. I really love a good bloody mary at brunch sometimes too. Alcohol is not really my drug, I wasn't raised to be a drinker at all, my parents never had the stuff around the house when I was growing up.
I drink less and less. The times of party weeks (getting drunk 3-5 times a week)
are long gone. Now it's more like 2-3 per month.

Besides partying I have never drunk much. This means the occasional beer or metaxa with my friends 3-4 times a month.
I drink daily (nightly), and have done so for several years. However, I rarely drink more than 3 drinks a night. I don't like getting drunk.

I do tend to drink a little heavier (5-6 beers throughout the evening) if I am tripping, but not by much. It helps with some of the stimulation and anxiety I feel while tripping, and I don't feel it effects the mental aspects of the trip too much considering my body is accustomed to daily drinking already. If anything, drinking is just making me feel normal, as I'm only really feeding an addiction and not necessarily feeling intoxicated from it.
Gaian Planes said:
this is offtopic, but I'd like to point out that a daily drinker saying he drinks at least once a month is an accurate statement (even though he drinks more). Its a more precise statement to say he drinks 30 times a month.

precision vs. accuracy

conceptually distinct concepts

....what???!? :\ 8o :p :D MOST ACCURATE I WROTE. Anyway, socks vs. precision= concepetully distinct- not what the threads about tho ;)

Andy, you a cat <3
I like a tasty IPA with dinner once in a while, especially if we're having something really spicy. The carbonation settles the stomach and the hops cleanse the pallet--perfect!

I have no desire to ever be drunk again though.
I put weekly but it's not to get drunk, I just really like beer. Nowadays whenever I try and get smashed I just can't do it for some reason. I get to a certain point where I just don't want to drink anymore. I like ethanol intoxication though, lots of laughs. :D
whoremoaning said:
I've given up drinking, I wouldn't really attribute it to using psychedelics (although they have shown me how retarded people are for dismissing the plethora of drugs available and sticking to booze, I remember being 17 on LSD at a festival just looking at everyone clutching their beers like it was a fashion accessory or something and thinking they were all acting like fucking chimps). I've always hated drunk people, and even when I've gotten completely shitfaced on booze I've never done anything I've regretted/blacked out/gotten into a fight, I think people just use it as an excuse to behave like cruel fucking egotistical assholes or maybe most people are just cruel egotistical assholes.)

I've always been more into weed anyway :)

I hardly ever use alcohol. I drink maybe once every three months, and I'm usually alone.
I'll drink if I'm really bored and wanna get messed up with two shots of whiskey or if I have an annoying pain (like my mouth ulcers I have right now) and want it to away I'll have a shot of whiskey so I'll feel tingly and buzzed, but other than that I hate it. I mean the effects make you feel good, but it makes you act like an idiot, and I'm glad I've done it alone my first time drinking. One time I got drunk and I hit on my straight friend and shit, way better drugs out there and I find its effects to be the opposite of psychedelics, mentally that is.
I drink weekly but not proud of it. I don't know what keeps me coming back, but the old alcohol is still my friend. On the bright side, ever since i began using psychedelics, I feel the number of drinks I drink in a session has gone down, meaning that I don't get as drunk as I used to. After you get that initial euphoric feeling after a few drinks, what's the point in going on? It just goes downhill from there.
I only get drunk once every two or three months, and it's always when I go back to visit my college friends. I don't care for alcohol, but there's something to be said for drinking way too much and running around campus!

Usually I'll have 1 drink a month when I'm eating out. I have a soft spot for tasty girly drinks :)