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This WAR never ends.

NSFW due to multiple videos, the content is actually okay:

There's something about that voice, dawg! I fuckin' hate it! If it reminds me of Nicki Minaj or Cardi B then that woman's starting with a handicap.

Her flow better be fuckin' phenomenal to make up for that, yeah?
And speaking of which, I recently discovered a god damn gem that goes by Snow Tha Product. She's been around for a few years and I might be late jumpin' on the wagon, but you know what? I don't even give a shit. I love listening to this bilingual woman put words together, and I can't speak Spanish aside from si, no, and no habla.


One of the VERY FEW tracks where I felt like Crooked I/KXNG CROOKED was outrapped by his feature artist. Fuckin' woman reminds me of Eminem when he blew up in the late 90's/early 2000's.

And we gon' top it off with an actual production!

and dawgggggg we gotta save the masterpiece for last, this the shit that turned me onto her from a random youtube rabbithole:

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Snow Tha Product is such a redundant name

Like, hello, of course I'll do coke with a beautiful woman. Duh.
Snow Tha Product is such a redundant name

Like, hello, of course I'll do coke with a beautiful woman. Duh.

Maybe it sounds better in Spanish?

I had the same kneejerk reaction until i started hearing her roll those R's and just fell in love with that shit. Then I saw her featured on a Crooked I/KXNG Crooked song and I was fucking amazed to hear any female rapper sound like her.
I mainly brought her up because her voice reminded me of that Nicki Minaj/Cardi B sound, until I started focusing on what she was saying and I was like "hold up, I need to check this spotify list"
Après la confiscation en douce de l'autorité parentale soit-disant pour réparer la DPJ l'été dernier voici maintenant un oeuf de Pâques pour Halloween...

Entrevue avec Nicolas Berthelot, chercheur à l'UQTR

Des chercheurs de l’UQTR se penchent sur la consommation de cannabis chez les parents

Financement du Programme STEP : Mieux faire face aux défis de la maternité, briser l’isolement des femmes ayant vécu des abus ou de la négligence

La chasse aux parents indignes. Après tout qui ôserait protester contre la vertu!
Remember Richard Bélanger, a Québec city do¢tor for juveniles?

Cinq ans de légalisation: le cannabis trouve encore son chemin vers les jeunes

How about his memorable statements seen on 'Découverte'/Radio-Canada?...

Quoted VERBATIM for everyone's benefit:

« En clinique c'est pas tant ces choses-là qui font, euh... qui font peur aux adolescents. C'que les jeunes ont l'plus peur c'est les choses qui les touchent directement là. Ça va aussi avec le comportement adolescent, donc... J'les vois allumer quand j'parle, euh... de... d'augmentation d'la masse mammaire chez les garçons, de savoir ça, qu'y a une suppression donc qu'ça peut amener une... une poussée des seins chez les garçons - ce qu'on appelle la gynécomastie - ou à la limite une diminution d'la quantité de spermatozoïdes qu'y produisent... C'est quelque chose d'intéressant à savoir, p'is chez les filles ça augmente la prolactine, donc ça peut amener des montées laiteuses mais surtout ça diminue, euh... la fertilité et l'ovulation. » (November 10, 2014)​

Then this bizarre event which occured in some Ontario school, seen on CTV:

« Officers wrongly told teens that pot causes 'enhanced mammary growth in men' »... (2018-Feb-18)​

Though that's actually a CNN "hoax" of 2013, as i vaguely recall... The day before we saw Didier Jutras-Aswad, senior member of the CSAM-SMCA on TVA, the same guy who was paid by Pfizer to produce 1 study on 120 studies that got co-featured with Richard Bélanger in the Découverte program of 2014 exactly. E.G. bigot prohibitionism is a full-time job that pays or they'd all vani$h - like a vampire under sunlight...

CBC Radio PodCast, Cross Country Checkup Top Stories (2023-Oct-20)​
Have you noticed an impact on your family or your community?
Cross Country Aircheck: What's your story?


Be warned, they required private information as the civic name, address and phone number just to get a chance to participate, while if you listened on the radio or else it's clear what tangeant that was going to take anyway: Hollywoodian Halloween everyone!!

:bat: 💀 :Halloween:

As expected it ain't over yet as it seems either traditional or plain ma$$-media simply can't say "ADDICTION" often enough in BOTH official languages - in this present case via 'ICI Première' (Radio-Canada 98.5 MHz FM), via 'Les années-lumière' of November 12 exactly:

Une zone du cerveau associée à la dépendance: entrevue avec Anne-Noël Samaha.

This pharmacology & physiology/pharma¢okineti¢$ university teacher, who by the way participated to a recent 90th event on *ADDICTION* (organized by l'Association Canadienne-Française pour l’Avancement des Sciences and who received funds from Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Canada Foundation for Innovation, the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council plus the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé or 'FRQS', plus support from Québec's government, Radio-Canada and the UNESCO...), seems to believe « the only surefire way to protect yourself from addiction is not to take drugs ». That clever pie¢e of profe$$ional advi¢e was given publicly ~8 years ago already, so i guess it wasn't in support of « légaleezation » at all, since co-morbidity appears practically ignored while giving alcohol drinkers a sample of self-indulgence (if one can read between the lines).

More specifically, according to her a drug’s "addictiveness" (in rat$...) happens to reflect the "huge" influence from « ...both the speed with which a drug reaches the brain and how often brain levels rise and fall during intoxication... »; in short a Roller-Coaster category of Consumption Method & Associated Ritual justifying frequent referals to *ADDICTION* in english and french, with a few twists (don't forget THE background!)...

Which also coïncides with Éduc’alcool proudly supporting the 40th "Opération Nez Rouge" campaign that is occuring between November 24th and Décembre 31th this year; e.g. yet another day on planet Itnoc: In The Name Of Children.

🍷🍷🍷 ... 🚕
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There's a TV ad i liked very much, it said « Where's the bacon?! ».

Lets suppose H.R. stood for Hater$ Remediation instead, the following snapshot would still apply and i'd be curious to know who's got a clue how:

Everyone from both sides keeps talking about a need for « research » but i've got to wonder, how do you collect data with no actual measurements performed at the site of origin? ...

I mean ever seen any consumption tool that looked like this one? I'll bet not and yet i'm all opened to suggestions matching this specific purpose as illustrated in a humble illustration as that, my routine « Prototyping Platform » which i tagged as my "Plan-B" years ago - anyone willing to reming me why?

M'well, besides more gang-bashing declarations of war, of course.

Here they go again:

« C’est un enjeu de santé publique »: le vapotage de cannabis en hausse chez les jeunes - entrevue​

TVA/LCN actually using one of those resources which our ma$$-media love$ to demonize...

N.B.: i've already covered the contributions of Richard Bélanger before so Google is my friend and yours too i bet!


« Comments are turned off »

PouHa! Ah! Ah! Not just "turned off", *DELETED*, as in *ERASED*.

M'well, here's what this YT video inspired me anyway! Euh...


Pratiquement chaque Halloween le do¢ Richard Bélanger débarque, par exemple jadis lors de son passage remarqué à 'Découverte' de Radio-Canada, un 10 novembre 2014... Je Me Souviens - VERBATIM:

« En clinique c'est pas tant ces choses-là qui font, euh... qui font peur aux adolescents. C'que les jeunes ont l'plus peur c'est les choses qui les touchent directement là. Ça va aussi avec le comportement adolescent, donc... J'les vois allumer quand j'parle, euh... de... d'augmentation d'la masse mammaire chez les garçons, de savoir ça, qu'y a une suppression donc qu'ça peut amener une... une poussée des seins chez les garçons - ce qu'on appelle la *gynécomastie* - ou à la limite une diminution d'la quantité de spermatozoïdes qu'y produisent... C'est quelque chose d'intéressant à savoir, p'is chez les filles ça augmente la prolactine, donc ça peut amener des montées laiteuses mais surtout ça diminue, euh... la fertilité et l'ovulation. »​

Bref, pour moi ce visage équivaut à juxtaposer cannabis et gynécomastie. Quant au citoyen moyen à lui de tirer ses propres conclusions sur la valeur réelle d'une $¢ien¢e d'ailleurs démentie en Ontario suite à des excuses publiques formulées par la police de York via CTV un 18 Février 2018 précisément:

'Officers wrongly told teens that pot causes 'enhanced mammary growth in men'...​

L'escouade scolaire avait colporté le même "hoax" de CNN datant d'au moins 2013. Or les ma$$-média$ on beau jeter de la poudre aux yeux ça finit toujours par se savoir et alors le jugement peut enfin tomber comme une tonne de briques:


Reporter le poids de leur crise existencielle (de distributeurs territoriaux) sur le dos des internautes va pas les sauver, la nouvelle mémoire collective y pourvoira éventuellement et j'espère qu'ensuite le verdict s'avèrera aussi dur pour eux que des décennies de prohibitionnisme socio-toxique pour notre jeune$$e sacrifiée aux fantômes de l'ère victorienne (songez au bon do¢teur John Warnock et son asile de "lunatiques", adulé dans l'infâme livre 'The Black Candle' de la juge en cour juvénile Emily Murphy aka Janey Canuck).

Autres références:

"Narconon Trois-Rivières"

Cinq ans de légalisation: le cannabis trouve encore son chemin vers les jeunes
I take pregnenolone daily and this thread is non-sense.
The poster is fucking nonsense too, every forum has one of these dummies who probably sit at home using human shit and a finger tip to scrawl their shizoid manifestos across their walls with one flickering lamp minus the lamp shade illuminating their dark dirty hovels and then they have the audacity to post the nonsense up for everyone else as if we are supposed to just go along with their insanity.
Its as if you forgot to read one or two of your source links which is literally unrelated to your sleep deprived freedom mumble chant. nobody is coming to take your magic plant.
Electrum1 gets the point. Its a study discussing a possibly naturally derived chemical that blocks THC effects, which in turn is a new step in treating cannabis addiction...?

A+ for thread template though, ill give you that.
Lets see what we really have here...

Joined: Apr 17, 2023

Joined: Nov 28, 2023


That reminds me of a few YouYouMi (mirror) houses visited before, like FuckCombustion from we got our moderators, etc.

The fact remains, Richard Bélanger who presumably pronounced his oath to Hippocrate was still seen & heard by a French-canadian audience ranging in the hundreds of thousands across my country, associating cannabis and "gynecomasty" in an attempt to lure whole populations and most specially the politi¢ian$...

YouYouMi all you want, invite friend since you seem to need them (...), History is a sure value and those shadows you try to make actually depend on The Light I Follow!

Lets see what we really have here...

Joined: Apr 17, 2023

Joined: Nov 28, 2023


That reminds me of a few YouYouMi (mirror) houses visited before, like FuckCombustion from we got our moderators, etc.

The fact remains, Richard Bélanger who presumably pronounced his oath to Hippocrate was still seen & heard by a French-canadian audience ranging in the hundreds of thousands across my country, associating cannabis and "gynecomasty" in an attempt to lure whole populations and most specially the politi¢ian$...

YouYouMi all you want, invite friend since you seem to need them (...), History is a sure value and those shadows you try to make actually depend on The Light I Follow!

Ive been lurking this forum forever man so I dk what your gay little post is supposed to be inferring, what Im not allowed to comment on someone posting absolute gibberish because my "join date" isn't as early as yours haha, we gotta real OG IN DA HOUSE BRO. Being a member here is part of your actual identity IRL as a person isn't it? I mean don't get me wrong Im a huge druggie loser who sits online all day but I have the self awareness to know non of this is important or matters but you actually care. Big swingin dick Mr. 2013 coming through clear the way :pooprocket: :pooprocket: :pooprocket: :pooprocket: :pooprocket: :pooprocket: :pooprocket: :pooprocket:
Still the YouYouMi obstructor tactic, must be a friend of the $i¢k 'n $ad Bloc Pot political (fantom) party, a friend of the Norml guys who repent on their knees, begging to exist. The one worse alternative being FuckCombustion, full of $nake$!

So, don't YOU ever waste a minute trying to perform the following Google Search query, IN ENGLISH if YOU dare:

Gynécomastie "Richard Bélanger"​

As YOU wouldn't manage making good use of the results anyway, for example:

Les effets du cannabis sur le cerveau des adolescents - La Maison des Jeunes de Rivière-du-Loup
Chez les filles:​

– Apparition de montées laiteuses (galactorrhée)

Chez les garçons:

– Suppression de la testostérone
– Baisse des performances sexuelles et de la libido
– Développement des seins (gynécomastie)

Which should normally leave an impression of déjà vu and not only in a remote place of our rural Québec! Plus, guess what, the propaganda remains on-line at Radio-Canada with even more "verifiable" elements on this most peculiar mediatic operation, specifically its "source":

Quels sont les effets du cannabis sur le cerveau des adolescents? (2014-Nov-7)​
« ...autres effets insoupçonnés... »​

Texte: Danny Lemieux, 'Découverte', Radio-Canada
Photo: Justin Tang, La Presse canadienne

So in short Danny Lemieux and Justin Tang assisted "Richard Bélanger" in propagating reefer madness based on gynécomasty, via our national French-speaking TV network during premium hours - which was later admitted misleading wrong by police in Ontario, after a 4 years lap...

The FACT is that all these "information" arti$an$ can play any game they like while History captures some of their tracks and YOU ain't there to simply denounce it.

Somehow the hints been a low-hanging fruit all this long, waiting for YOUR generation of slow-Moe to stand on their spine and weight the evidence - INDEPENDENTLY, but YOU won't as it was much "funnier" to chase 1 easy target over the net insisting to destroy the reputation of 1 single identity in the house of mirrors and ZERO valid (civilized) argument!


The one intelligent reply to expect at this stage would be to express curiosity about who did what, for real... Who knows, perhaps the do¢tor himself got instrumentalized, possibly the same as Christiane Laberge reminescent about her « good old times » 1 % THC leafs:

FACT, not opinion. Witnessed by a large audience who got access to replays, just in case...

Back to Richard Bélanger, his precious statement linking cannabis to sexual transformation of teens by cannabis left a few more traces:

[ http:// larichesse.over-blog.com/2014/11/quels-sont-les-effets-du-cannabis-sur-le-cerveau-des-adolescents.html ]
Quels sont les effets du cannabis sur le cerveau des adolescents?

The hater$ were listening it seems, and it turns out the term gynecomasty was equally popular with the SPVM (no later than 2017!) i think; we can safely bet it must have been about "deviant risks", whatever. Euh...

In any case the do¢tor should be submitted to examination by his peers of the collège des méde¢in$ at war with us since around 1885~1890, while TVA/LCN preferred just to plain cover him up by totally erasing comments then locking up their most peculiar YouTube piece of reefer madness, serving only propagandi$t$ and other hater$ just like YOU, by procuration and/or zombie endoctrination à la FuckCombustion i'd say. You! You! You! Me! Me! Me!

YouYouMi in short.
Anyone remembers Canada's trio of objectives blatantly announced to the world at UN's official N.Y. headquarters during UNGA$$ 2016?

Or else, who can recall liberal-federal Justin "Cap'tain Itno¢" Trudeau ready to swear (before his 2015 election) « it's NOT for the MONEY »?... Then at the Toronto Star 7 years ago: « NOT to "please" »?!

All sorts of communication strategies were used, it took ~2 years simply to translate « in¢idental » correctly, for example. Political phrases often sounded vague if not ambivalent, here's what i retained of those 3 objectives anyway:

A) Vote $tronger puni$hment law$ to stop a¢¢e$$ by youth
B) Fight old ¢a$h-¢ow market$ thru in¢idental po$$e$$ion
C) Help Publi¢ Health via $tri¢t $ale/di$tribution taxe$

UNGA$$ item A. 14 years imprisonment sentences didn't cut it, La Presse reports a 62 % raise of emergency room visits over a 7 years period, presumably associated with Wax Pen filled with nearly pure THC, reaching kids in the schoolyard...

Which brings UNGA$$ item B: 5+ years into « légaleezation » a study covering 42 Eastern teenager schools happens to claim that consumption by youth gone up from 9 % to 27 % (3X)! La Presse's related article though is actually showing a Burn Lemon Haze jetable unit stamped with Trudeau's red THC logo, legally sold ~40 $Cdn by Mohawk$ (K0K 1X0, K0K 3A0), in Ontario while it's always been BANNED by our former (provincial) liberal government directed by 3 do¢tor$...

People living in cities ignore/reject the rural lifestyle but the automatic implication is this nonetheless: municipalities as 'Rivière-du-Loup' can be located 2h/200 Km away from the Québekers "Capitale". Relative to some Mohawk business established in Ontario that's a 7h30/780 Km trip! Hence certainly involving tran$portation ¢harge$ and also possibly even suggesting intermediarie$, etc. Way to go champion$!!

Last but not least, UNGA$$ item C: about the "banalisation-driven consumption" theory... M'well, Québec's SQdC has got a thicht grip on thi$ indeed, « Les 2 mains sur le volant! » as would have bravely declared Lucie "Nez Rouge" Charlebois, re$pon$ible for implanting our state MONOPOLY which is actually a "filiale" of the SAQ, e.g. serving its main competitor the al¢ohol indu$try!

In short a perpetual insult every day even for elders who'd prefer to shop only 6 times a year, or so... Electronic purchases are a NO-NO as we've witnessed at least 2 data leaks that destroyed trust vs credit cards for many of use - except the traditional captive "medi¢al" market, a minority now treated like a majority.

In any case, our SQdC having a THC ceiling of 30 % this implies the illegal market now offers a 300 % THC boost, euh... Ah, and by some pure coïnciden¢e (?) the "ri$k" to get trapped in a spiral of dosing disorder also multiplied by a factor of 3 - or 3.0 ±0.0 % maybe!

Oh c'mon! Number "3" everywhere... True ¢oïn¢iden¢e? Reporter ¢onfu$ion?? Negligen¢e by ¢harlatan$?... That smells fishy (propaganda) at best if you ask me, 3X!!!

In case the reader may not be aware of such detail, Ontario has private cannabis stores and we don't. Imagine Wax Pen! Which is cynically ironic if one considers an immense rural territory as near Trois-Rivières only got 1 single SQdC outlet located in Cap-de-la-Madeleine, quite an epic excursion really.


I guess it's about time for me to repeat this home-made "reality filter":

#1) Neuro-plasticity;​
#2) Contaminants;​
#3) Consumption Method & Ritual;​
#4) Socio-toxic 3rd-party interference

It's no wonder we heard vague/ambiguous promi$$e$ from cap'tain Itnoc (In The Name Of Children...) a few weeks from his 2015 election. He must have understood in advance it would be impossible to « SAY NO » to Easy Money even if that's the real "harm" of cannabis exactly.

Ain't it looked strangely peculiar to see mini-P.E.T. enjoying a selfie in red boxer pants & gloves after UNGA$$ 2016 was over?

Simultaneously to Louise Arbour & more high-profile UN insider-peers gathering to criticize UNGA$$ in very diplomatic terms:


The raw model "images" i perceived all along were those of ¢heater$ who chose de¢adent greed over honesty & respect, don't you think today's youth with the internet in their pocket could sniff the mer¢antile $ten¢h as well?!!

Back to Québec, right inside our parliament, the former liberal government managed to "Copy 'n Paste" a pair of FCTC/COP6 items actually imported from Moscow/Russia, via a law targetting tobacco AND cannabis (pre-emptively) only a few months past publication:
« 3 Convention-cadre de l’OMS pour la lutte antitabac, Inhalateurs électroniques de nicotine, rapport, juillet 2014, p. 7.​
« 11 Convention-cadre de l’OMS pour la lutte antitabac, Inhalateurs électroniques de nicotine, juillet 2014, page 2, points 3 et 5.​

Years passed and one could argue we're done with the ba$i¢$ of « légaleezation » already - but i differ of opinion vigorously.

In today's Québec a do¢tor need$ to a¢quire some $uffi¢ient amount of "¢ontinuou$ formation" hour$ to avoid $u$pen$ion of his right to pra¢ti¢e mede¢ine (...):

Règlement sur la formation continue obligatoire des médecins

The thing is, politi¢ian$ got successful muting/ignoring the joint UN/WHO declaration of mid-December 2017 (on CBD vs the "schedule"). Police got their playground significantly expanded, confiscation of parental authority by François Legault (+ infantilization of 18-21 adults) cleared the path for mer¢antile predatory therapi$t$... ... ...indu$trial$ received a¢¢omodation$ from Health-Canada under the form of a NON-DETECTION concept featured with ZERO combinatorial C(n, r) re$tri¢tion$ on savvy "¢o¢ktail-effe¢t" ($ynergy-boo$ted) Pe$t ¢ontrol Produ¢t "$anitary" additives, e.g. rendering long-term studies practically impossible consequently to the astronomical numbers involved (the younger you are the worse cumulative exposure you get but you won't know for sure until your own kids are in college, $moking perfectly-vailainized mari-¢a¢a), etc., etc.

Of course we can assume the enemie$ of cannabis (& its consumers) know it all and won't tell in front of a camera. Which finally makes me refer to the CONTRIBUTION of Richard "do¢tor boob$" Bélanger, the one YOU still seem determined to defend blindlessly, e.g. aHummm... without "moderation"? If i may say so!


My intro focussed on how Québec (mi$)performed vs all 3 UNGA$$ obje¢tive$ and i bet i found a hint or two. Lets rephrase my previous statement for the benefit of those experiencing a lapse of hesitation: a high-visibility (mediatic) member (and long-time bigot warrior-who-cried-boobs!) of the ¢ollège des méde¢in$ (the later classifying "Indian Hemp"/"Cannabis sativa L." besides arsenic & cyanure on their 1885~1890 revised "cédule" of Québec's 'Pharmacy Act' titled "Liste des Poisons"...) dared co-author some "edu¢ative" do¢ument($) to be used a week ago for the TEACHING of ¢annabi$ $¢ien¢e $pe¢ially addressed to the rest of his kind (...) - for example Didier Jutras-Aswad, a senior insider of the CSAM-SMCA based in Calgary/Alberta, who also gave a medical interview on that very same 'Découverte'/Radio-Canada $¢ien¢e show of 2014.

A few weeks past Halloween i'd tend to conclude more old ¢hum$ like them physically gathered to collect their mandatory formation acreditation. The dates were November 27th and 28th (10:00 to 17:00), the place our 'Centre des congrès de Québec' and hence most conveniently located in Sainte-Foy (near 'Université Laval' and the 'CHU de Québec"):

Monday, room 309A​
"Cannabis et substances psychoactives chez les jeunes, les moments clés de prévention dans une perspective de parcours de vie"​
Tuesday, room 307AB​
"Le vapotage chez les jeunes: les solutions pour renverser la tendance"​

N.B.: on-line activity concluded « JASP 23 » on November 29th.

Kids specifically targetted all along...

In The Name Of Children.

M'well, it will be a long while before the "legal=safe" slogan finally gets criticized for what it is, but i seem to have found a fix for government-endorsed "remediation" which was initially justified by a "need" to remove ALL seeds...

Looking at dry flowers under a microscope provides clues on severity of processes leaving a denatured nugget behind that made me classify those as « $i¢k 'n $ad », most definitely.

My customized VaporGenie "Spheres"/"Tops" for Classic/Bronze Sherlock pipes support conductive/radiative/convection heating of concentrates as "Rosin 30" sold by the Québeker state MONOPOLY SQdC. It's CBD-dominant though i only put a tiny bit the size of a fly's head, or so... My bowl below gets flooded with intense heat when the energized airflow carrying noble molecules hit finely-ground dry flowers, about 125 mg of it if assuming 8 bowls per gram.

Puffs that felt $i¢k 'n $ad before now gain a nice boost of aroma/taste appreciation, hence fully justifying an expense of ~30 $ Cdn each month, one 28 g bag lasting ~2 months since i've cut consumption/bills by 3 via vaporism.

30 canuck bucks could be equivalent to savings on cable/dish TV and that's how i came to think of suggesting iP-TV as a real-world « HR » (hater$ remediation) alternative working in favour of consumers for a change!

As a bonus the boycott of greedy traditional distributors also happens to evacuate local government propaganda, as in Québec for Christmass and New Year's Eve. Best enjoyed puffing the way i've just described!!

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