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What is the optimal frequency for Cannabis Consumption?


Oct 21, 2023
My tolerance is quite high now, I am at the point where I have to take 2-3 hits from a pen or smoke an entire joint to feel anything. I would like to reach equilibrium between consumption frequency and tolerance. I have heard that it is ok to smoke once every 24 hours, from other folks I've heard once a week is the limit. I have 2 questions:

1: What is the optimum frequency/amount of consumption in order to lower my tolerance?

2: What is the optimum frequency/amount of consumption in order to maintain my tolerance once I have lowered it sufficiently?
The highest you feel is usually the first smoke of the day (or vape)

Ive started and stopped weed and other substances various times and what worked for me with tolerance was assigning a time in which to begin vaping or smoking, making it later and later until eventually its late evening i havent had any yet because im engrossed in some game and im like i can take it or leave it
Not a real answer, but I spent about a year of my life not smoking until the sun went down. So in the summer there was more to do outside, etc. and it was essentially a smoke before bed, and in the winter there'd be less to do and I'd be smoking when I got home from work.

A good plan is to work out, run, or something in the morning so you're up a couple hours before work and not smoke till after work.
Then be sure to not smoke till after supper on the weekends as well.
That will keep your tolerance manageable.
The first question I have, before you can determine an appropriate schedule imo, is to define exactly WHY you're smoking, and what are you trying to get out of it? Is it merely recreational, or do you have medical reasons you seek relief for? If medical, is there an alternative treatment you can skate by on during a tolerance break?

What I'm getting at, is if you can manage a break of total abstinence, that will be the quickest, most effective way to drop tolerance. A week can make a difference, but if you're looking more for something like a total reset, more like a month. If you have to rely on cannabis to some degree and can't cut it out totally, try analyzing what times or events in your day you need it most, pre-meal, pre-sleep, etc. and try to use the bare minimum you can during those times and cut out any recreational sessions during the day. At first it'll be pretty lackluster, but after a few days, and especially the longer between and less you smoke... you should begin to notice more effects from less product consumed, hopefully.

As far as keeping a low tolerance, well, that's easy. Not the answer you wanna hear, but easy. Keep your consumption light. 🙂

Hope this was some help.
Not a real answer, but I spent about a year of my life not smoking until the sun went down. So in the summer there was more to do outside, etc. and it was essentially a smoke before bed, and in the winter there'd be less to do and I'd be smoking when I got home from work.
I usually wait till after dinner. I like to have something to do like play music or watch a show. Sometimes I have a smoke midday. I only take like 2 hits out of a glass pipe at each use. After dinner, before bed and sometimes in the middle of the night. But even just taking that small amount I go through an 1/8th in 8-9 days. So I still consider that a lot. I know some people can smoke straight through the day.

When I did smoke all day I noticed I was not getting high. Or better yet, was already high so could not detect the subtle shift. Going from A to B, from completely straight to high feels good. But if a person is at B all day they have no shift. Smoking all day a person just stays at the same place.

One astounding thing is how quick THC tolerance goes down. Like one of the posters said the first high of the day is the strongest. Andrew Weil wrote in Chocolate to Morphine that even a 24 hour break greatly reduces THC tolerance. If I stop for 48 hours I will be almost tripping the next time I smoke. Not sure what other drugs have such a quick tolerance drop. Certainly not ketamine or benzos (according to what I read).
I once read this study that I can not find anymore and there were implications that tolerance loss starts to happen faster 2-3 days after cessation. Do any of you feel like that would align with your experiences? I can't remember anymore what exactly was the statement in the research.

Also tolerance should be zero in 3-4 weeks according to same study.
I’ll be completely honest. I think there is some sort of perma tolerance type stuff going on here with cannabis.

I quit for years. And within two weeks I was not able to get high off an entire blunt. Honestly it is probably the edibles that screwed me.

But I just feel like even when I take a t break after a day or three I’m right back where my tolerance was. Might just start smoking twice a week.
This might be off topic but that has me thinking, it's nice to have down periods from smoking to try and understand the experience and see if it can be used sober and things like that.
It’s very true. Being high on weed all day every day gets boring. Especially if one were to just sit around and play video games all day every day smoking. And I think it causes anhedonia in me but I think that’s mostly due to feeling lazy and unproductive.
Honestly it is probably the edibles that screwed me.

I think this actually has a big part to play in it, but it's the same way with me. I used to macrodose the fuck out of some edibles and I think I developed a permatolerance because of it. Same deal, I can take a long t-break and reset, but within a couple days it's back where it was. Interesting that I'm not alone here, I wonder how common and just how strong this correlation is. 🤔
I think this actually has a big part to play in it, but it's the same way with me. I used to macrodose the fuck out of some edibles and I think I developed a permatolerance because of it. Same deal, I can take a long t-break and reset, but within a couple days it's back where it was. Interesting that I'm not alone here, I wonder how common and just how strong this correlation is. 🤔
Yeah. I’m honestly wondering if it’s just from the body getting better at achieving homeostasis quicker because we have been training it thru years a cannabis use.
I would like to reach equilibrium between consumption frequency and tolerance.

Hummm... I guess it would qualify as a positive hint just to stop thinking of it, while control freaks seem quite ready to dictate your next move. Freedom, the opposite of slavery, euh... And of course systemic dosing abuse is the only model available... I see.

Happy Halloween!!
Cannabis tolerance lowering, well that's been a while. However during Alcohol detox I was 17 day's Canna-clean. But to my dissapointment there seem's to be some perma tolerance going on.

The 3 times a day rule still work's though, meaning I can get high three times a day (unless I don't sleep). All Weed beyond that is wasted imo.

Whole different story, synthetic Cannabinoid's. The relatively weak ones I had quite some experience with, the whole danger behind them didn't really concern me then. Being full agonist's at both receptor's. I liked the shortness of effects compared to Cannabis and them being super cheap.

But back to that story my UK RC vendor had free give away's. Bag's with herb's sprayed with an syntoid. Look-a-like Weed, only the Brit's had allready developed monster tolerances. One 1/2 one hitter had me flat. My baddest move ever probably. And i even had Weed?
Hummm... I guess it would qualify as a positive hint just to stop thinking of it, while control freaks seem quite ready to dictate your next move. Freedom, the opposite of slavery, euh... And of course systemic dosing abuse is the only model available... I see.

Happy Halloween!!
maybe try to add something constructive to the conversation for once? the OP wants to moderate their use of a drug. perfectly fine thing to do, no?
maybe try to add something constructive to the conversation for once?

M'well, just replying alone is above "constructive" already, considering i put YOU on my [ IGNORE ] list long ago - hence i feel no need to look further and yet i'm here, observing one more newbie failure simply resulting from his own decision to ignore all previous threads, as generally recommended to forum newbies, or at least in the good old days.

OP wants...

OP's desire was accounted for in my initial quote. There's an old saying: you can bring a stuborn horse to the water bucket but he'll still decide when to drink.

Or « boys will be boys », etc.
I quit for years. And within two weeks I was not able to get high off an entire blunt. Honestly it is probably the edibles that screwed me.
Yeah edibles and concentrates have screwed my tolerance, but what is quite peculiar is that weed gets me higher than concentrates. As opposed to 5 or 7 hits from a pen I can have 3 or 4 hits from a bowl and be feeling ok
Yeah edibles and concentrates have screwed my tolerance, but what is quite peculiar is that weed gets me higher than concentrates. As opposed to 5 or 7 hits from a pen I can have 3 or 4 hits from a bowl and be feeling ok

Man ALL the pens I have ever had suck. They might take the edge off but they don’t get me high. I have 4 right now that I don’t want. If you were here I’d give them to you lol, seriously.

I mean it’s D8 and D9 and THC-P

Sucks though. Great brand too. Idk why but vape pens just don’t do it for me. Probably because the cannabinoids just can’t get in my system fast enough for how much I would need it to.

Vape pens seem like I need to hit them like strait for 60 minutes to get a high or something idk.

Flower is much better. Especially living soil flower. I’m really trying to steer clear of edibles except fast acting because not trying to fuck my tolerance anymore than it is.

Probably shouldn’t have ordered that live rosin either. Ahh well. It’s for new years.
Probably shouldn’t have ordered that live rosin either. Ahh well. It’s for new years.
LOL concentrates hurt my throat more than flower as well, unless I use my dab rig. Only reason I do use pens is because they are stealthy. I don't see any other advantages for me beyond that. Sure, on paper concentrates have more THC than most flower, but in practice the effects can be wildly different.

That reminds me, I need to pick up a torch lighter.