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Injecting street heroin - a step too far?

I didnt know that alcaliber moved to cannabis, but hospitals and lots of people continue needing morphine, codeine, tebaine and others alcaloids of opium. I dont know if the natural opiates Will be fucked by the opioid hysteria like you call it. Here fent has no arrived, as I can know.
Ánd yes we have White heroin but also Brown, it depends of the batch. I'm taking only dope occasionaly so im little bit out.
But you are allright I bougth tons of White H in Barcelona.
Hermano espero estés bien.
Te mando un abrazo fuerte
Man, fent is sooo prevalent is hospitals now and even you see much more cáncer patients wearing one of these fent patches than popping MST like it used to happen. Sure they give them some IR morphine for irruptive pain, bug their main med is fent. Lots of data.
Also, tramadol is everywhere and paracetamol- codeine is less and less used for pain.
Sure, you are right that they will need some natural opiates anyway, specially codeine for cough syrups, but even there they are using DXM as a first choice.
Believe me they didn't sell Alcaliber after almost a century for no reason.
A decade ago, we had over 17 000 hectáreas (don't know the English word for that) of poppies in the country but today it went down to 11.000 or so. That is trying to tell us something, I think.

So you have white and brown? Great!
In the 90s we weren't able to find brown, not a problem for me as a IV user, but my somker friend was uppset as fuck. Granted we were not locals nor have we good connections, just cold copping at the open air markets, Can Tunis and places like that.
Cuídate mucho, amigo, pareces muy guay.
Salut i força al canut!! 😂👍
So I think You are older than me, I guess. Wow can tunis! I Was young when One collegue told me to go With him to Can Tunis.
I waited him him in the car while he bought the H and I Was so frightened. I didnt Take H yet and It Was at night, junkies everywhere, some of them lieing on the floor, others with bonfires...when my collegue came I thought Im safe, and I said lets go!hahaha now I laugh but It was terrifying for me...
I Know about fent patches, when I wrote You about fent I was talking about fent in the streets. I think in Spain still morphine is common in hospitals, specially with terminal deseases like cancer and many others.
I Googled a litle bit and in the most sealed 10 meds there are no opioids but there are benzos, so let's grow benzos!😭
Que fuerte que conozcas Can Tunis!
Abrazos hermano!
Hahaha, it was a hell of a place for sure, man!
I was very young and was scared too, in fact you were safe only in the poblado (favela), the worst was getting in and specially out of it, it was kind of a videogane: first, you had to pass the police check point, then dangerous junkies looking for a prey and then the gypsie children insulting, spitting and throwing things to you. Then you scored and the game started again, only now the children were first, then the junkies and lastly the police,haha. It's like you say, we find it funny now, but what a life, man.
All the (massive) open air markets were more or less like that back them. In Portugal was the same or even worse. And let alone cold copping in Tanger, or, God forbid, the old bus station of Tetuán.

No matter how seasoned or hardened you thought you were, some places were legit dangerous.

Un gran abrazo, hermano, que disfrutes el domingo y que vaya todo bien ❤👍
It was not only me, mate, it were (was?) everybody back then. When a regime falls things go wild, we have seen it in post soviet countries and Portugal and Spain were no different after Franco and Salazar.
Society was suddenly shaken, a lot of terrorist activity and economic crisis... methadone or subs were not avaliable, AIDS patients were given nothing if they were lucky, if not they were poisoned with AZT...
Also, a gram of heroin was 100 or 120 euros when the minimum monthly salary was like 300.
Oh, yes, funny times...

Anyway, I would take those circunstances any day of the week rather than facing the life of a US addict nowadays, with all the fent and other weird and lethal things replacing H. Methadone clinics charging them $400 a month and maybe cutting them cold over some stupid reason.
My heart hurts for those poor american people, may God help and bless them.
As someone who has been struggling with IV heroin abuse for 15 years I would say that the second you move IV the game changes ENTIRELY.

Tolerance increase 5x the speed, physical consequences skyrocket, chance of od skyrockets, the saving you willl make will be a week or two, withdrawal will be vastly harder, the intensity of the hit makes it far more compulsive, but that does soon and you’re just left trying to chase your now massive habbit.

Steer clear of the spikes! It will change the nature of your habit for the much worse overnight.
As someone who has been struggling with IV heroin abuse for 15 years I would say that the second you move IV the game changes ENTIRELY.

Tolerance increase 5x the speed, physical consequences skyrocket, chance of od skyrockets, the saving you willl make will be a week or two, withdrawal will be vastly harder, the intensity of the hit makes it far more compulsive, but that does soon and you’re just left trying to chase your now massive habbit.

Steer clear of the spikes! It will change the nature of your habit for the much worse overnight.
No, speak for yourself.

I've injected Heroin many times but never moved to cranking it full time, I much prefer to smoke good heroin.

Speak for yourself & DON'T paint everyone with the same brush.
I slammed it the very first time I took it. The reason I went straight to the needle is that I knew this was the highest - impact method and that's what I was after. I'm also sort of an all - or - nothing guy.
I reckoned IF I'm gonna do this I might as well go all the way.
I did the same, right out of the gate. My boyfriend fixed me up. And because he always went first and was loopy as fuck while trying to hit me, I had to learn quick
how to fix myself. Fast forward 18 years and I just strung 5 months of clean time together. I quit shooting about 4 years ago. It took about a month before I stopped fiending for the needle and the further I got away from it, the more I was disgusted by it. Snorting was ok. But once you shoot, it pales by comparison.
I am a human fucking pin cushion. Shot in places I never thought existed. Tapped all my veins out, that was really the motivation to stop shooting.

BUT!!! The siren called and I went back to shooting about 2 years ago. I had to be really fucking careful. This summer I had a bacterial infection, along with leukopenia (what the fuck??!!) and sepsis. Doctor wanted me to stay overnight. Fuck no, I had to get home to my drug.

There is little to no room for anything else in life when the drug has you by the throat.
Re: Opium

Some of my fondest drug memories are from my college years (77--82). Had a friend from Syria who always had both opium and hash.

We made what we called "club sandwiches"-- tiny slabs of hash smeared with opium and stacked 3 or 4 levels. We smoked them on a pin under a glass. First, the flavor/aroma is exquisite. And the high is divine.

Didn't do it often enough to develop a habit, so the memories are all quite nice. Years later I got hooked on oxycodone and hydrocodone. Not nearly as much fun, but that's another story.
I know people who have been smoking for 28+ years and they have always smoked it and never injected it's rare but their are people who do stick to smoking it like me although I'm trying to just stick to methadone these days as I just can't afford the stuff and I'm sick of being skint all the time I'm also a minority in that I don't use crack even after so many years some people look at me like I'm weird or illogical and are always to keen to tell me I should do crack and I always thank them for their wonderful advice but don't see the point in starting another addiction if I wanna feel it more i can just take some promethazine(highly recommended) or have a couple cans, of Strongbow darkfruit honestly though anyone can quit its never to late I know someone who works at turning point who use to inject stupid amounts and was speedballing but they manage to turn their life around and have a decent car, house job I'll admit when I got into heroin I thought because I was already addicted to codeine it would be similar and in some ways it was but after trying it once I just couldn't stop using it the first time I used heroin turned into like a 6 month binge or something stupid 6 months of nodding out in my grans attic the thing is because my family have history with it I was curious to but I know better now and thank God I never injected or got into crack because from my observations that's the point where it starts to all go downhill fast for most people.

no offense but why the hell would you inject heroin the first time you use it if you read up smoking it is supposed to reach the brain faster but you can't get as big of a 1 hit dose but that's what I like about smoking it I don't half pity anyone who has been a hard iv user for a long time smoking it is addictive enough the worst is when you get a whiff of that potent fishy smell but if you are someone who learns from your mistakes you will realise that it doesn't do you any good it just knocks you further and further down so you have to climb further and further up thank God for methadone or at LEAST thank you Herman goering atleast something good came from the nazis
I know people who have been smoking for 28+ years and they have always smoked it and never injected it's rare but their are people who do stick to smoking it like me although I'm trying to just stick to methadone these days as I just can't afford the stuff and I'm sick of being skint all the time I'm also a minority in that I don't use crack even after so many years some people look at me like I'm weird or illogical and are always to keen to tell me I should do crack and I always thank them for their wonderful advice but don't see the point in starting another addiction if I wanna feel it more i can just take some promethazine(highly recommended) or have a couple cans, of Strongbow darkfruit honestly though anyone can quit its never to late I know someone who works at turning point who use to inject stupid amounts and was speedballing but they manage to turn their life around and have a decent car, house job I'll admit when I got into heroin I thought because I was already addicted to codeine it would be similar and in some ways it was but after trying it once I just couldn't stop using it the first time I used heroin turned into like a 6 month binge or something stupid 6 months of nodding out in my grans attic the thing is because my family have history with it I was curious to but I know better now and thank God I never injected or got into crack because from my observations that's the point where it starts to all go downhill fast for most people.

no offense but why the hell would you inject heroin the first time you use it if you read up smoking it is supposed to reach the brain faster but you can't get as big of a 1 hit dose but that's what I like about smoking it I don't half pity anyone who has been a hard iv user for a long time smoking it is addictive enough the worst is when you get a whiff of that potent fishy smell but if you are someone who learns from your mistakes you will realise that it doesn't do you any good it just knocks you further and further down so you have to climb further and further up thank God for methadone or at LEAST thank you Herman goering atleast something good came from the nazis
His back FFS.

@Nurse Ratched you gonna play fair this time?
I always play fair

;) ;)
There is little to no room for anything else in life
That realization is what made me quit my 'junkie phase'. You spend like 50% of your time either chasing cash or chasing the dope, 25% feeling sick when you've a) failed to secure cash or b) failed to score, and only about 25% actually feeling good. And even that turns to just getting back to baseline OK once your tolerance goes high enough. I wasn't actually feeling my shots anymore by the end.
And one morning I literally sat up on my bed (already a bit queasy) and blinked to myself and went, 'this really, REALLY defeats the point now...' XD
We made what we called "club sandwiches"-- tiny slabs of hash smeared with opium and stacked 3 or 4 levels. We smoked them
That sounds lush man Xd
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I always play fair. And yes I noticed his return. Just keep a cool head and see if he can do the same.

Just do YOUR thing and everything will play out the way it's gonna play out.
Lol it's funny you talking like I'm the one aggravating when I've not spoke to him since I got banned for posting about him in the lounge yes THE LOUNGE

Anyway I thought some mods were cool with me but obviously not or they would have said something
Lol it's funny you talking like I'm the one aggravating when I've not spoke to him since I got banned for posting about him in the lounge yes THE LOUNGE

Anyway I thought some mods were cool with me but obviously not or they would have said something
You are fine. Not sure which mods are cool with you and which ones aren't. I have no idea how anyone feels about you.

What I do know is that you and ZB have a history and I wouldn't be doing my job unless i tried to intervene and warn both of you that the bullshit that went on in the past ain't gonna fly anymore.

Simple as that.