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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Which drugs have you been doing lately?

I feel this for sure. I also like subtle plants although I haven't used most of them in a long time. Blue lotus is a longtime personal favorite.

The best one according to all the science I'm seeing come out.
How do you use blue lotus?
I bought a bit but I think the vendor wasn't the best (most of their products are ok, little batches) I tried it smoking, and a tea with around 4-5 grams. Maybe it's because I'm normally under the influence of kratom so that could cover up the effects?

My plan for the next years is to create a ethnopharmacy/entheogens online shop, now I'm trying to save money for that, I need some land in a subtropical place for growing at least 30% of what I want to sell. Will study Unani, Chinese, Tibetan and Ayurveda medicine (to some extent).
I know (some) of your wisdom so you're invited into the project, if you don't have anything better to do :alien:;):Sherlock:
Seems great idea.Wish you succes man.There is a lot of good herbs legal in most of the countries,that can benefit a lot of people....and also may be also would become a good busyness for you.As to tropic land-personally not of use,but in parts of U.S.,Australia and South Africa some sort of them thrive well.Have purchased from online botanic shops in the past only kratom(now illegal)&iboga rootbark,TAextract or pure form.As to blue lotus never tried,but wish i had.Remember that there was black resin(more expensive),but comments were good about it.Think you must take it orally or soaked in wine for a while.Not sure about smokin'
How do you use blue lotus?
I bought a bit but I think the vendor wasn't the best (most of their products are ok, little batches) I tried it smoking, and a tea with around 4-5 grams. Maybe it's because I'm normally under the influence of kratom so that could cover up the effects?

I've only ever smoked it personally, and I've definitely had some really weak and janky-looking stuff and some that was really nice and potent. Smoking it treating it as something like low potency cannabis in terms of how much to use is usually enough for me when the quality is good, an old friend and I actually once had something we called "The Summer of Blue Lotus" because I wasn't smoking cannabis at the time so we just smoked blue lotus all summer and consistently got pretty high on it, if I smoke enough it actually does feel somewhat similar to good cannabis to me with the kind of body glow and social laughter except that instead of making my thoughts more active and loud, it makes them feel very distant and almost like I can think in just feelings or pictures, and it's been something I've really enjoyed.

I actually think there's a pretty high chance that being on kratom could cover up the effects of blue lotus especially if you weren't already used to feeling the effects of blue lotus on its own. Not just because kratom is easier to get a stronger buzz on, but because kratom and blue lotus actually share a mechanism of action, and not in the way the way that most people might guess. Everyone pretty much knows by now that mitragynine from kratom is a unique partial mu-opioid receptor agonist that metabolizes into a more potent and typical mu-opioid receptor agonist, 7-hydroxymitragynine, but it actually produces much higher and longer-lasting levels of mitragynine itself in the body nonetheless, and mitragynine also has multiple non-opioid actions, like binding to serotonin, dopamine, and adrenergic receptors in ways that appear to be similar to atypical antipsychotics like clozapine, and it has been investigated scientifically for antipsychotic effects. In the same vein, one of the primary active components of blue lotus that is regularly investigated is nuciferine, which also binds to serotonin, dopamine, and adrenergic receptors in ways seemingly comparable to atypical antipsychotics like clozapine, and has antipsychotic effects when tested, yet also binds to the dopamine transporter and increases amphetamine-induced hyperactivity. I personally consider them both to be in a category of what I would call uniquely euphoric antipsychotics and have explicitly used both to mellow myself out in that way at least a bit, and being familiar with the effects of both I do actually find them to be nice in combination too, so it might be worth familiarizing yourself with blue lotus and then you might get more out of combining it with kratom in the future.

My plan for the next years is to create a ethnopharmacy/entheogens online shop, now I'm trying to save money for that, I need some land in a subtropical place for growing at least 30% of what I want to sell. Will study Unani, Chinese, Tibetan and Ayurveda medicine (to some extent).
I know (some) of your wisdom so you're invited into the project, if you don't have anything better to do :alien:;):Sherlock:

Sounds awesome and I wish you the best of luck! I don't know how much I could do for that but I'd be glad to give some advice where it might help, I certainly have a lot of opinions about what I'd like to be more available and how things can be used. You're welcome to reach out and talk to me any time through PM or whatever. :)
Seems great idea.Wish you succes man.There is a lot of good herbs legal in most of the countries,that can benefit a lot of people....and also may be also would become a good busyness for you.As to tropic land-personally not of use,but in parts of U.S.,Australia and South Africa some sort of them thrive well.Have purchased from online botanic shops in the past only kratom(now illegal)&iboga rootbark,TAextract or pure form.As to blue lotus never tried,but wish i had.Remember that there was black resin(more expensive),but comments were good about it.Think you must take it orally or soaked in wine for a while.Not sure about smokin'
Thanks! it will take time but I'm very determined to make it.
It's amazing how many plants have effects that we don't really know about in western world and I'm sure there's still a lot to discover, imagine a plant that has 50 alkaloids/actives, only 20 are already present in other plants and the other 30 are not known or not well studied, they are in so minute quantities that they have not being properly extracted and studied exhaustively in proper amounts... so you know, there's thousands of molecules to be discovered, not to speak about analogues.
But first is good to use the knowledge that we have and to make people appreciate the importance and wisdom of popular tradition.

I have some nymphae resin, nelumbo stamens and some flowers that I think are bad quality of nymphaea, will try the wine method asap.
Didn't try Iboga yet, it's expensive and I think it would be better in a ritualized manner, in the proper set and setting. Seems super interesting, specially the introspective, semi-realistic/subconscious visions.
Just did some 4-cmc, not that great and mainly serotonergic but it’s ok.
I've only ever smoked it personally, and I've definitely had some really weak and janky-looking stuff and some that was really nice and potent. Smoking it treating it as something like low potency cannabis in terms of how much to use is usually enough for me when the quality is good, an old friend and I actually once had something we called "The Summer of Blue Lotus" because I wasn't smoking cannabis at the time so we just smoked blue lotus all summer and consistently got pretty high on it, if I smoke enough it actually does feel somewhat similar to good cannabis to me with the kind of body glow and social laughter except that instead of making my thoughts more active and loud, it makes them feel very distant and almost like I can think in just feelings or pictures, and it's been something I've really enjoyed.

I actually think there's a pretty high chance that being on kratom could cover up the effects of blue lotus especially if you weren't already used to feeling the effects of blue lotus on its own. Not just because kratom is easier to get a stronger buzz on, but because kratom and blue lotus actually share a mechanism of action, and not in the way the way that most people might guess. Everyone pretty much knows by now that mitragynine from kratom is a unique partial mu-opioid receptor agonist that metabolizes into a more potent and typical mu-opioid receptor agonist, 7-hydroxymitragynine, but it actually produces much higher and longer-lasting levels of mitragynine itself in the body nonetheless, and mitragynine also has multiple non-opioid actions, like binding to serotonin, dopamine, and adrenergic receptors in ways that appear to be similar to atypical antipsychotics like clozapine, and it has been investigated scientifically for antipsychotic effects. In the same vein, one of the primary active components of blue lotus that is regularly investigated is nuciferine, which also binds to serotonin, dopamine, and adrenergic receptors in ways seemingly comparable to atypical antipsychotics like clozapine, and has antipsychotic effects when tested, yet also binds to the dopamine transporter and increases amphetamine-induced hyperactivity. I personally consider them both to be in a category of what I would call uniquely euphoric antipsychotics and have explicitly used both to mellow myself out in that way at least a bit, and being familiar with the effects of both I do actually find them to be nice in combination too, so it might be worth familiarizing yourself with blue lotus and then you might get more out of combining it with kratom in the future.

Sounds awesome and I wish you the best of luck! I don't know how much I could do for that but I'd be glad to give some advice where it might help, I certainly have a lot of opinions about what I'd like to be more available and how things can be used. You're welcome to reach out and talk to me any time through PM or whatever. :)
Wanted to reply to you before because was super interesting but I thought it would take very long and I'm super stressed with a move (boxes everywhere, millions details to solve before tomorrow...) so well, I'll send you a PM later on, when free.

When reading your message I thought about reserpine, which is kind of a yohimbane indole alkaloid similar to mitragynine with and extra group of trimethoxy whatever (not sure how to call it) xD
It has powerful antipsychotic effects and was used to lower high blood pressure. It seems that was used by Gandhi (and a lot of ayurvedic patients) to calm himself, also was used against "crazyness" there, and it has other benefits.. but.. it has a lot of sketchy side effects.

I've used it 3 times, once I used 0.1 grams of rauwolfia serpentina powder (it's main active is reserpine but it has much more actives that supposedly balance out the reserpine), almost nothing happent, then I tried 0.2 and felt much more calm but it wasn't exactly sedating, that's what I was searching...
Then once into a super stupid 2-fma binging I tried to knock out myself with 0.6g of rauwolfia SUCH A MISTAKE... Couldn't sleep that day but surely was zombie-ish and calm, the blood pressure surely went down to a point where, for almost a week, I needed to be extra careful when stood up because, otherwise, I would suffer brutal orthostatic hypotension. Several times I thought I was going to faint, during the first days (its half-life is incredibly long...).

As you can expect, is not an alkaloid to play with, and has other sketchy problems that can appear long-term. I wanted to try, because you know, I love bio-chemistry, but probably that was just too unwary...
In anycase is very interesting in those abstract bio-molecular terms and it has a history linked to the appearance of the first antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs, as lsd is.
Much likely you already knew, but maybe it's interesting for anybody else?

Surely nuciferine is not as hardcore or risky even in high dosages, being a dopamine antagonist (isn't it?).
I know there's nuciferine and aporphine, it would be great to be able to extract both and separate to test them separetely?
Thanks for you explanation, never thought in that relationship and it was clever and very well put, probably it has something to do with some kind of cross-tolerance I didn't think properly before;)

What do you know about mitragynine pseudo-indoxil? is really what creates the opioid effects along with 7-ohm?

Well, I know this post is a bit off-topic, (could mods move it/erase it?) Let's continue the conversation elsehwhere maybe??
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I read contradictive reports about mytraginine pseudoindoxyl.As i remember it's a metabolite product.Some say it more powerful than parent compound,but with limited ability to cross bloodbrain barrier
Trying javanica mixed with kratom to taper as fast as possible,
not sure if it's placebo or not but I feel the kratom being more "round", more complete and longer lasting, perhaps smoother and more lucid
(lower than usual dose kratom and I took 250ug huperzine-a last night, so I have extra choline)
In less than a week I'll be taking only javanica so I could do a thread with my opinions of it.
Maybe this is not the best thread to post it, but...
I took 2 grams of a powerful red (maluku premium) and 2 grams of javanica, it hit SO strong, to the point of thinking during some times: I'm too high (for doing something functional like preparing dinner) it was, actually very potent, I couldn't believe how strongly javanica has enhanced the red... for me 3-4 grams is the typical dose, and even that maluku being powerful, 2 grams is nothing if the other stuff did nothing, so.. or javanica works and it works well (was a bit trippy/dissociating, I would say) or they sold speciosa instead of javanica.
Then I took some kava because the high of those 2 was a bit too racy for late night, and... it has hit ultra strong to the point of almost nodding, I was very sleepy, now I'm eating dinner and the high seems to be adjusting to a non-surprising one.

I wrote this to inform everyone that javanica could have some potential when mixed with other stuff. It's specific active is mitrajavine, a weak form of mitragynine(-like) molecule. If someone could create some mitrajavine stronger analogue, like let's say 7-ohmitrajavine, it probably could work.
Wanted to reply to you before because was super interesting but I thought it would take very long and I'm super stressed with a move (boxes everywhere, millions details to solve before tomorrow...) so well, I'll send you a PM later on, when free.

No worries, I don't demand a quick response as I obviously shouldn't based on my own response speed. Hope the move has gone smoothly. :)

When reading your message I thought about reserpine, which is kind of a yohimbane indole alkaloid similar to mitragynine with and extra group of trimethoxy whatever (not sure how to call it) xD
It has powerful antipsychotic effects and was used to lower high blood pressure. It seems that was used by Gandhi (and a lot of ayurvedic patients) to calm himself, also was used against "crazyness" there, and it has other benefits.. but.. it has a lot of sketchy side effects.

I've used it 3 times, once I used 0.1 grams of rauwolfia serpentina powder (it's main active is reserpine but it has much more actives that supposedly balance out the reserpine), almost nothing happent, then I tried 0.2 and felt much more calm but it wasn't exactly sedating, that's what I was searching...
Then once into a super stupid 2-fma binging I tried to knock out myself with 0.6g of rauwolfia SUCH A MISTAKE... Couldn't sleep that day but surely was zombie-ish and calm, the blood pressure surely went down to a point where, for almost a week, I needed to be extra careful when stood up because, otherwise, I would suffer brutal orthostatic hypotension. Several times I thought I was going to faint, during the first days (its half-life is incredibly long...).

As you can expect, is not an alkaloid to play with, and has other sketchy problems that can appear long-term. I wanted to try, because you know, I love bio-chemistry, but probably that was just too unwary...
In anycase is very interesting in those abstract bio-molecular terms and it has a history linked to the appearance of the first antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs, as lsd is.
Much likely you already knew, but maybe it's interesting for anybody else?

Thanks for sharing your experience, that's very interesting. I've read a lot of scientific studies where reserpine was used but never tried to get a hold of it myself. I hadn't realized it's similarity to mitragynine, that does make me more curious about it. It has an interesting mechanism of action, although one I wouldn't really know what to expect the feeling of. I may have to look into it especially if it can be a little euphoric like you said in the other thread, I know that's not the main reason to use it but I am interested in general in the idea of natural antipsychotics to play with as it's certainly something that can help me at the moment.... But, orthostatic hypotension sucks! I'll try to keep that in mind lol.

I do have a tangential story related to this, but not a very interesting one. I once bought a workout supplement containing the molecule rauwolscine which I personally tracked down thinking it might be an unusual dream enhancer, of all things. I was interested in the fact that it's an alpha2-adrenergic receptor antagonist, because blocking that receptor has autoreceptor effects that increase norepinephrine and dopamine release, and I thought that combined with sedation might make for a unique modifier of the dream state which seems to be driven especially by dopamine and potentially made more vivid and lucid when norepinephrine is present. I never got around to trying it, though. I think the association to yohimbine made me too apprehensive of taking it and trying to sleep.

Surely nuciferine is not as hardcore or risky even in high dosages, being a dopamine antagonist (isn't it?).
I know there's nuciferine and aporphine, it would be great to be able to extract both and separate to test them separetely?
Thanks for you explanation, never thought in that relationship and it was clever and very well put, probably it has something to do with some kind of cross-tolerance I didn't think properly before;)

The most impressive nuciferine receptor profiling study I know can be found here. It explicitly states that among dopaminergic sites, it is a partial agonist at D2 and D5 receptors, an agonist at D4 receptors, and inhibits the dopamine transporter. That in fact actually makes it sound rather pro-dopaminergic! Although, as a D2 receptor agonist it may nonetheless lower dopamine levels through autoreceptor sites, and the fact that it is only a partial agonist there is likely part of why it relates to atypical antipsychotics, like clozapine, by blocking dopamine from being able to fully activate the receptor. On the other hand, the physical problems from typical antipsychotics come from being full D2 receptor antagonists, which means nuciferine likely avoids these problems as well.

I can't speak that much to aporphine specifically, although I agree it would be fascinating to be able to test both molecules separately. But yeah, I wouldn't say I find anything about blue lotus to be 'hardcore' personally, it's a very forgiving plant at least when I smoke it. Although I've also tried and failed to use it for sleep sometimes, lol. Sometimes I'll smoke it at night and suddenly be surprisingly awake even though it's more sedating during the day, I wonder if it's that quirky dopamine receptor agonism doing something unintuitive?

And no problem about the explanation, I'm happy to help. :)

What do you know about mitragynine pseudo-indoxil? is really what creates the opioid effects along with 7-ohm?

Well, I know this post is a bit off-topic, (could mods move it/erase it?) Let's continue the conversation elsehwhere maybe??

I don't know much about mitragynine pseudoindoxyl, I've also read that it might be an important molecule in the effects of kratom in humans, but I think that's a recent opinion. I'll have to look into it again as it's been a while. I focus mainly on mitragynine for now since there's so much of it it clearly has an important role, but there are many fascinating molecules in kratom and I'm willing to bet a lot of them could be doing something. I'd be happy to discuss it more elsewhere as well.

I'll be getting to that PM soon. :)
Thanks for sharing your experience, that's very interesting. I've read a lot of scientific studies where reserpine was used but never tried to get a hold of it myself. I hadn't realized it's similarity to mitragynine, that does make me more curious about it. It has an interesting mechanism of action, although one I wouldn't really know what to expect the feeling of.
Yep, maybe "euphoric" is not the best term to explain what you feel but it's not dysphoric, at least done once in a while. It really seems a bit like turning off the volume of the brain, maybe that could lead to some kind of depersonalization if you don't mix it with something else but I like the ecstatic point it has, is a low-vibrational bliss so to speak. Maybe you can try once, it's better to take it with food, and in very low doses (talking about rauwolfia), otherwise it can cause heartburn..
If you do that you won't get the low-pressure stuff either (less than 0.3 grams).

I once bought a workout supplement containing the molecule rauwolscine which I personally tracked down thinking it might be an unusual dream enhancer, of all things. I was interested in the fact that it's an alpha2-adrenergic receptor antagonist, because blocking that receptor has autoreceptor effects that increase norepinephrine and dopamine release, and I thought that combined with sedation might make for a unique modifier of the dream state which seems to be driven especially by dopamine and potentially made more vivid and lucid when norepinephrine is present. I never got around to trying it, though. I think the association to yohimbine made me too apprehensive of taking it and trying to sleep.
When I've tried yohimbine has been in the form of yohimbe bark tea (which for me it even tastes good..) which also has low amounts of rauwolscine, afaik.
It can disturb sleep but for me it doesn't disturb sleep as much as coffee, for whatever reason. I mean, if I take it in the morning I have energy till 20-21 and then the comedown has almost ended, with a light norepinephrine flow but it doesn't work so much as a waking agent, I would say. Never had different dreams with yohimbine, but probably my constant low-dose kratom intake changes a lot of receptor activity in my brain.. so I cannot speak for sure.
So you thought that rauwolscine could make the dreams more vivid? Uhmm, now I'm into a kratom tapering and in less than a week I'll be totally sober, I would use oneirogen during that month t-break so maybe I could use that too.
I've found that 5-htp and kava or 5-htp and huperzine-a are great dreams enhancers, as a combo.
The most impressive nuciferine receptor profiling study I know can be found here. It explicitly states that among dopaminergic sites, it is a partial agonist at D2 and D5 receptors, an agonist at D4 receptors, and inhibits the dopamine transporter. That in fact actually makes it sound rather pro-dopaminergic! Although, as a D2 receptor agonist it may nonetheless lower dopamine levels through autoreceptor sites, and the fact that it is only a partial agonist there is likely part of why it relates to atypical antipsychotics, like clozapine, by blocking dopamine from being able to fully activate the receptor. On the other hand, the physical problems from typical antipsychotics come from being full D2 receptor antagonists, which means nuciferine likely avoids these problems as well.

I can't speak that much to aporphine specifically, although I agree it would be fascinating to be able to test both molecules separately. But yeah, I wouldn't say I find anything about blue lotus to be 'hardcore' personally, it's a very forgiving plant at least when I smoke it. Although I've also tried and failed to use it for sleep sometimes, lol. Sometimes I'll smoke it at night and suddenly be surprisingly awake even though it's more sedating during the day, I wonder if it's that quirky dopamine receptor agonism doing something unintuitive?
Wow, you really know a lot..! I didn't think that nuciferine could be so complex but apparently both aporphine and nuciferine have been extensively studied for years, I would read the paper in my free time. Thanks!
The same happened to me when trying blue lotus, I took it for sleeping, trying it as a sleeping aid but found some kind of relaxed but wakeful state, it seems bit paradoxical or "dual". I always thought it was becuase of those aporphine and nuciferine having paradoxical effects but now seeing that study I'm not sure. That's the only thing it caused me (blue lotus), I even thought it could be placebo, cause the kratom also causes some similar paradoxical effects but it has some hint of "dissociation" or "psychological distance" effect that probably was the lotus and not placebo nor kratom.
don't know much about mitragynine pseudoindoxyl, I've also read that it might be an important molecule in the effects of kratom in humans, but I think that's a recent opinion. I'll have to look into it again as it's been a while. I focus mainly on mitragynine for now since there's so much of it it clearly has an important role, but there are many fascinating molecules in kratom and I'm willing to bet a lot of them could be doing something. I'd be happy to discuss it more elsewhere as well.

I'm specially interested in the fact that the kratom market is more and more like the tea market, but with the complexity of cannabis pharmacology or even more.
I mean, different places supposedly could create different chemical profiles, that also happen, more markedly, depending on the way the leaves are picked and dried, fermented.. so on. I think is very very interesting and in few decades some kind of protocol and standarization could bring kratom with definite chemotypes and effects, realer than today. For example, is easy to know when you have some old tree because it's not the mitragynine content what makes the difference, but the other non well known alkaloids that have been accumulated, it makes a wholesome and "rounder" burn (as they said years ago).
orphenadrine, tizanidine, baclofen
memantine, benzydamine, hyoscine
{tar heroin, fentanyl, crystal meth}
some a-pihp with norflurazepam. it was ok. the benzo vaped in the pyrrolidine ketone within is much better.
also had some noid, really weak stuff that you neednt bother with.
bromazolam and coffee
everything else is done (for now waiting on results of giving up poly-use).
problem is this shit is STRONG and thought maybe .25mg twice a day would be the bees knees but NO! lol
had to drop to 1/8mg twice a day and so far so good. just waiting for the problems of imbalance to subside (torerance) but not looking to up dose just even my mind a bit and keep back issues at bay (which works great). :)
Love you mfs.
Reserpine is pretty sketchy. Like the anti methamphetamine because it depletes monoamine vesicles through blocking their transport by VMAT proteins.

I always see it like para-chloro amphetamine or tetraethylammonium salts, drugs that are super useful for narrowing down the specific mechanism of action of other drugs but not necessarily things I'd enjoy.
Methocarbamol, hyoscyamine/atropine, f-phenibut
Validol (menthyl isovalerate), cyclobenzaprine, DXM
Methocarbamol, hyoscyamine/atropine, f-phenibut
Validol (menthyl isovalerate), cyclobenzaprine, DXM
Hey man that is sucess! I have see no opi,no speed?Congrats man,if you can suceed to do this or at least to lower your dose.....Heart