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Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

I'm working on it too. Just because I'm bi doesn't mean I don't have the same issues a straight person has. I'm also working on the N word.

Re-teaching yourself can sometimes take a lifetime. Being aware of your issue puts you MILES ahead of most people though. You're doing good.
aight so first of thanks that means a lot to me and gives me some needed perspective, also good on you working on your language to improve your life and help the greater good!

fuckin big ol virtual fist bump dawg
enjoyed your post, even things that are hard for me to hear and digest(yours not being one) i try to understand views and learn , because im always going to be stuck with ignorant people or insecure cruel people, and they need understanding and education more than more evolved folks IMO, i even get the shits and giggles when friends call me a dyke or fag, but i did have to inform my kids not to say in public that if something to them was bad or dumb not to say its gay, around my home its all tone and attitude, i hear alot of people calling friends the N word and bitch, cunt endearingly, all that and it can take the sting out,but words can hurt for sure , but in public forums, church or politics...oh never mind folks get the jist
I'm working on it too. Just because I'm bi doesn't mean I don't have the same issues a straight person has. I'm also working on the N word.
Episode 1 Premiere GIF by RuPaul's Drag Race

Re-teaching yourself can sometimes take a lifetime. Being aware of your issue puts you MILES ahead of most people though. You're doing good.
Any of you other gays get tired of these 'conservatives' and Christians who go around saying homosexuality is "unnatural"?
First off, in order to think that way, you'd have to believe sex is merely for procreating. Which means you don't view sex as either fun, intimacy, bonding, etc..
Most of these people who say this have most likely had sex for other reasons than merely "making a baby".

It also wouldn't be present in the animal kingdom. And not just random animals that have no idea what they're humping, but even animals like penguins form monogamous same sex relationships.
Also, it's existed since antiquity, even in pagan times. So it's not something 'new' or 'man-made'.
Also, why would nature put the male G spot in the anus?

At the end of the day, I'd say nature either put us here as natural population curb-ers. Or whatever intelligence created us gave us (and other animals) this pre-destined fate of gayness.
I guess I was being too optomistic when I thought I wouldn't have to explain this to people in 2022.
Anyway, rant over.
Any of you other gays get tired of these 'conservatives' and Christians who go around saying homosexuality is "unnatural"?
First off, in order to think that way, you'd have to believe sex is merely for procreating. Which means you don't view sex as either fun, intimacy, bonding, etc..
Most of these people who say this have most likely had sex for other reasons than merely "making a baby".

It also wouldn't be present in the animal kingdom. And not just random animals that have no idea what they're humping, but even animals like penguins form monogamous same sex relationships.
Also, it's existed since antiquity, even in pagan times. So it's not something 'new' or 'man-made'.
Also, why would nature put the male G spot in the anus?

At the end of the day, I'd say nature either put us here as natural population curb-ers. Or whatever intelligence created us gave us (and other animals) this pre-destined fate of gayness.
I guess I was being too optomistic when I thought I wouldn't have to explain this to people in 2022.
Anyway, rant over.
i think being gay is a totally normal healthy thing that occurs to keep populations in check and to have a bunch of free, childless adults around (unless they adopt or are in a polyamourous family of some kind idk.) i mean there are HUGE advantages to having male/male pairs and female/female pairs that have become evident to me just observing things over my 28 years of life so far.
uh what bout like... alternatively oriented community?

i feel like once a trans person has transitioned they're either straight, gay or bi again lol. and being trans is a layer totally seperate from your orientation. but i don't know i'm not gay. or trans. lmfao.

[shut up bruh you're like doing the thing, just go be a straight white guy and enjoy that cause it's delightful]

[i'm talking to myself in the brackets here^. and having a great time with it.]

[god bless all yall folks who been made to feel weird cause of what you wanna do in the privacy of your own homes and like also in public i guess. i mean i don't wanna see folks banging in the street even if it's straight people, gross. but on the other hand some gay dudes can kiss in public why would i give a shit, that's adorable and healthy and totally normal to me i guess. it's about context? it's definitely about context]

also real quick : the word gay is fun as shit to say and i'm tryna not ever say fag in reference to gay folks but i mean the word fag definitely comes outta my mouth for better or worse when i'm alone in my car in shitty traffic and some asshole cuts me off, it's just too good of a word to use in anger, and i appologize and know i'm gonna go to hell i guess for that or something. idk. bad karma? whatever hippie or christian nonsense people be throwin out these days.

aight wtf this is totally unnecessary info and uh... i'm gonna stop now. sorry everyone for this abortion of a friggin post. much love, everyone is free to be themselves within reason i guess, was like the point i MEANT to make before it uh turned into this mess.

EDIT: aight so the fag thing i just wanna clarify, the intention and meaning of the word to me: (which i only ever use alone on impulse and yeah i know i'm friggin workin on it) is just "an inconsiderate dick"

because i grew up having tons of people just throwing that word around as a general insult like "douchebag"

so there is no hate towards gays or anyone in that community attached to the word for me, but i know that word carries A LOT of horrible connotations and am trying very hard to not use it if i can help it.

but damn does it just roll off the tongue well impulsively when i'm at my limit and know no one is gonna hear me and be hurt by it.

Ok i'm done done done now

sorry again, god i know this is the worst post i've ever made, may jesus christ and vishnu and all the super friends have mercy on my soul or some bullshit.

fuckin faggot-ass fuck rolls right off - so i totally get it

BUT - same here - it's really got nothing to do with being gay

because gays are way cooler than faggot-ass fucks
fuckin faggot-ass fuck rolls right off - so i totally get it

BUT - same here - it's really got nothing to do with being gay

because gays are way cooler than faggot-ass fucks
lmfao yehhhh

being a faggot=/=being gay

being a faggot (to me) = being an inconsiderate whiney douchebag idiot fuckhead, half of them are straight men and women, faggot knows no gender or orientation in my eyes, but learning it's tied to a lot of bad memories of being bullied and hated on for a lot of gay folks has got me watching my tongue in public at least out of respect and a desire to do the right thing.
lmfao yehhhh

being a faggot=/=being gay

being a faggot (to me) = being an inconsiderate whiney douchebag idiot fuckhead, half of them are straight men and women, faggot knows no gender or orientation in my eyes, but learning it's tied to a lot of bad memories of being bullied and hated on for a lot of gay folks has got me watching my tongue in public at least out of respect and a desire to do the right thing.


if you and i were talking, and you said that to me, i wouldn't think you were specifically talking about a gay dude at all

snitches and tattle tales are all faggot asses

gay dudes arent ones to snitch...they do gossip - like women - but if you've ever sat around and listened to a few gay dudes gossip, it's extremely entertaining (true story)

if you and i were talking, and you said that to me, i wouldn't think you were specifically talking about a gay dude at all

snitches and tattle tales are all faggot asses

gay dudes arent ones to snitch...they do gossip - like women - but if you've ever sat around and listened to a few gay dudes gossip, it's extremely entertaining (true story)
how the hell are we on the same damn page man lmfao yess

keep it real my dude, you are clearly a person in tune with the real-reality

gay homies gossiping is awesome cause it has a certain edge of shit talking only men can do while being super eloquent and emotionally attuned more like women

i love all yall gay motherfuckers you guys are like the extra spice in our society tbh, plz keep ya heads held high and enjoy doing your thing
In the Intersectional Olympiad medals are handed out not for merit but according to how many historically oppressed groups one can prove membership in & people are judged not by the content of their character but who or what or whether they like to boof and how they (and / or their partner) look while they're doing it.

By those standards Christians qualify for top honours as the early ones for the first 500 years suffered martyrdom and many died hideous deaths to glorify their Lord and Savior. Many— a countless number that we cannot reckon – were crucified by the local tyrants. Such treatment continues up to the present moment mainly in the Middle Eastern and North African Islamic world. Given that it's richly ironic that Pete Buttigieg has said he's willing to approve purchasing petroleum products from the Iranian regime. Does he plan to negotiate with them before they throw him off the roof of a building? Because I think that's a stronger position
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back when i was still smoking cigs, and i was working at this one hospital, i'd go to the smoke shack outside, and their were these 3 black gay dudes that were surgical techs, that would have me in stitches - i could barely smoke becuase i'd be laughing too much everyday with them

I planned to delete all my post in this thread since it annoys me and that would stop it from being included in the threads with my posts updates. And look I've stepped right back in here
back when i was still smoking cigs, and i was working at this one hospital, i'd go to the smoke shack outside, and their were these 3 black gay dudes that were surgical techs, that would have me in stitches - i could barely smoke becuase i'd be laughing too much everyday with them

You lie. I saw you smoking outside behind the Lounge last night at 2 in the morning Time to come clean Krinkle stop the charade
I've been craving having a yard to sit in and just stare off into nature and do my thing. Not have to see or listen to anybody else (unless I want their company there).
Hard to do in a city right now though. :\
Energy tends to want to move, otherwise it grows stagnant. I can count the number of men on - one hand - who I've known to have fluid sexual energy. I could go on about the subject at length but that would have to be reserved for another place. I'll just say that the stagnation either causes or is caused by underlying psychological issues, which men tend to have more of than women.
What do you mean by fluid sexual energy (term in bold)?
I personally think both/all sexes should be more fluid, but in most cultures this would lead to a lot more scrutiny than what we're used to seeing. I generally tend to notice most men tend to want or seek other men to be fluid around them. This is quite bizarre to me, considering how they react.

Again, what do you mean by fluid in both these cases?

When I was younger, it was a lot easier and I noticed my male friends had more flow to whatever energies they were putting off. I figured out that around the cusp of 28 or so is the easiest time to break a person's spirit. But if they're around 35, breaking that spirit has a more lasting effect on the psyche. Granted, I did not test these things on people for the sake of being malevolent. A 35 year old tried to break my spirit in order to corrupt my sexual identity.

Again, please describe what you mean by flow? I believe that you know what you are saying I just don't understand what you are trying to say.

Age 27-29 are the Saturn return years. Most people go through something intense around that time if they're not on the right path, and life sets them straight. Life becomes more "adult" around that time.
What do you mean by fluid sexual energy (term in bold)?

Again, what do you mean by fluid in both these cases?

Again, please describe what you mean by flow? I believe that you know what you are saying I just don't understand what you are trying to say.

Age 27-29 are the Saturn return years. Most people go through something intense around that time if they're not on the right path, and life sets them straight. Life becomes more "adult" around that time.
I guess I can't really answer that question.

I misunderstood sexual fluidity I think.
The best I can describe what I mean is; it's like a meditative state like dissolving into nothingness, where I simply allow energies to be free around me.

I began to notice it when I was around my brother at times. He has really bad anxiety so I think he just gets generally uncomfortable and the only way for him to get comfortable when he gets anxiety is to just let his sexual energy go. I know it's kind of a taboo topic. What I've noticed is that many people's egos are made up of stagnant lower chakra frequencies (sexual). And when I feel that from people, in the form of impatience (usually) it feels like being violated. Could be psychosomatic.

I knew a woman once, who lived next door to me. Had this way about her that she was just comfortable letting go of her sexual energy and I would feel it sometimes when I was around her. But it wasn't like I'm used to feeling from people... It had "flow" or "fluid" and I can't think of a better word. Like, we could just bask in each other's energies when we were around each other. Not sure if this makes sense...
The best I can describe what I mean is; it's like a meditative state like dissolving into nothingness, where I simply allow energies to be free around me.

I began to notice it when I was around my brother at times. He has really bad anxiety so I think he just gets generally uncomfortable and the only way for him to get comfortable when he gets anxiety is to just let his sexual energy go. I know it's kind of a taboo topic. What I've noticed is that many people's egos are made up of stagnant lower chakra frequencies (sexual). And when I feel that from people, in the form of impatience (usually) it feels like being violated. Could be psychosomatic.

I knew a woman once, who lived next door to me. Had this way about her that she was just comfortable letting go of her sexual energy and I would feel it sometimes when I was around her. But it wasn't like I'm used to feeling from people... It had "flow" or "fluid" and I can't think of a better word. Like, we could just bask in each other's energies when we were around each other. Not sure if this makes sense...

I see what you're saying. In tantric practice, the main thing that blocks sexual energy from being transformed to the rest of the body is the emotional center... what one might call the solar plexus / 3rd chakra (they don't use chakras in tantra though). It's worse for men because they tend to be more emotionally blocked. So when they are told not to ejaculate for an extended feeling or time and they try to do tantric practice, it's more difficult to get the energy to rise and disperse through the whole body. Instead, he gets stuck somewhere in the middle of the body, which manifests as anger, frustration, etc.

Women have this problem too but it's not as severe because of the way their essence translates to vitality. Women don't lose essence through orgasm, they lose it through menstruation. Whereas men usually ejaculate when they orgasm (the two things are separate but in the untrained occur simultaneously), so they lose essence every time.