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Too intelligent to exist?

I think when I was 17 - 19 years old I was at my peak of being a know-it-all. Seems like the older I've gotten, the more I realize I don't actually know. Imagine going through six years of higher education to come out the other side and say to yourself, I don't know shit.

Of course it must be taken into consideration that I am certifiably crazy, like with a mental health diagnosis and everything. So wtf do I know?
I think when I was 17 - 19 years old I was at my peak of being a know-it-all. Seems like the older I've gotten, the more I realize I don't actually know. Imagine going through six years of higher education to come out the other side and say to yourself, I don't know shit.

Of course it must be taken into consideration that I am certifiably crazy, like with a mental health diagnosis and everything. So wtf do I know?
isnt that the truth.........the less we know as we age, to me thats humility and wisdom, but knowing that you dont know it all attitude is respected nd im not certified, but yeah crazy, hell who isnt living in this world, as they say
I think when I was 17 - 19 years old I was at my peak of being a know-it-all. Seems like the older I've gotten, the more I realize I don't actually know. Imagine going through six years of higher education to come out the other side and say to yourself, I don't know shit.

Of course it must be taken into consideration that I am certifiably crazy, like with a mental health diagnosis and everything. So wtf do I know?

“Awakening” is to me, partially about accepting that the more we know the less we know. Once you think you’ve got something figured out completely, usually means you’re the farthest from the truth.

Does heightened sensitivity mean you're more able to see the truth or more unable to cope in the world?
I'm relatively intelligent but that's not my problem. I think I may be far too sensitive for my own good.
I believe this applies to a lot of alcoholics and addicts.
I think sensitivity can be a good trait. The same as being an empath. I grew up as a sensitive kid, sometimes barely being able to hold back tears when I was being yelled at by my dad. When I got older I was able to harness empathy as a social worker able to meet my clients where they were rather than from a position of power.

Of course at one time in my life, my sensitivity got out of control to the point of extreme paranoia and then psychosis. I eventually ended up on psych meds, which kind of put a damper on many of my previously experienced emotions. Like my grandfather passed right before Christmas and although I am heartbroken, I haven't been able to shed a tear. I believe anti-psychotic medication is to blame. Probably the reason I've had writer's block the past couple of years as well. As a songwriter I used to be able to use my sensitivity to write, well, songs. Not as much anymore, unfortunately. I just wish I could find a happy medium between staying on the medications that keep me from psychosis yet still being able to feel, whether the feelings are good or bad. For now, I'm choosing to the meds.
Do you ever feel like you are too smart for this world?
Like.. everyone else's just too stupid to understand.
Me too. Fuck.
Well, you're definitely not too smart for the world. You can't even write a sentence using proper grammar. Else's is "else is", an ellipsis is "..." Not "..". Also, when writing headings on forums etc... you capitalise the first letter of every word that is over 4 letters long. I also doubt anyone with some serious level of intellect is using the word "like", the way you did.
Not too intelligent but too aware of the hypocrisy and bullshit that transpires each day which most people rarely question.

For the majority of my life I have looked around and noticed everyone having a far better time than I but when I have asked them to explain why, they do not have an answer. I am often considered a dickhead for even asking.

Most people are almost entirely controlled by emotions and I only see this getting worse once the VR Metaverse conjoins with everyday life.

While people are having multidimensional orgies in the VR Metaverse a Worldwide Totalitarian Oligarchy is slowly going to take over the world.

Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace might prove to be just as prescient as 1984 and Brave New World. The future is a combination of the three books.

(I might be wrong, sorry for the ramble)

* I had to edit my grammar.
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Sharpened sensitivity is a better term.

Heightened implies a bit a weakness, flaw.

Being aware is there anything much more worthy?

Senseless is what to avoid.

So in theory, full other way.

But there lies the trick.

Calming, stilling, counselling that awareness, in this present point in time.

I say it's a challenge.
There is perhaps no greater indicator of moderate intelligence than beliefs such as, "everyone else's [sic 👀] just too stupid to understand", etc.

The truth is the average human is not stupid at all (simply by virtue of being a human, the smartest animal there is by a significant margin). This reminds me of the inane saying that i always disliked: "common sense is not that common", which is a similar sort of self-aggrandizing comment people (rarely intellectually gifted) make. Common sense is of course by virtue common and human beings have a great deal of it as a species.

So no I never feel too smart for this world in comparison to others despite myself being slightly to the right of three standard deviations above the mean in terms IQ. People far "dumber" (in your words) than myself often make far better decisions than me, and in some cases are able to see things I can't.

I do however sometimes feel too aware for existence in general, or that i am in more general discomfort than those closer to the mean (in terms of intelligence) due to the associated excess activity of the mind (which often produces nothing useful other than existential dread).

In any event i wouldn't recommend thinking that way because a) it isn't true, and b) that sort of mentality makes people act like assholes.
Well, you're definitely not too smart for the world. You can't even write a sentence using proper grammar. Else's is "else is", an ellipsis is "..." Not "..". Also, when writing headings on forums etc... you capitalise the first letter of every word that is over 4 letters long. I also doubt anyone with some serious level of intellect is using the word "like", the way you did
as `fo grammer, i like love to slaughter the english language, but im like too intelligent to even like bother, but like unlike you , i dont correct people online about punctuation and like spelling (you misspelled a word by the way, im a typo queen) but like i hope you can take like a joke and be teased like a little, and like ty for the information about how you capitalize the first like letter of every word in a header past four letters long, like omgah i so didn't know that, oh and ellipsis, great like word, now that is not sumpmin` yah don't hear often. i pert` near reckon, i need to use that word now that i like like,oh dang,i just like it now that i know like what it means.
as `fo grammer, i like love to slaughter the english language, but im like too intelligent to even like bother, but like unlike you , i dont correct people online about punctuation and like spelling (you misspelled a word by the way, im a typo queen) but like i hope you can take like a joke and be teased like a little, and like ty for the information about how you capitalize the first like letter of every word in a header past four letters long, like omgah i so didn't know that, oh and ellipsis, great like word, now that is not sumpmin` yah don't hear often. i pert` near reckon, i need to use that word now that i like like,oh dang,i just like it now that i know like what it means.
Hi Robi. I do love you mate. Thanks the world for your presence, awareness, openess, maturity, wisdom, light! Love. And care.

Do you appreciate how many (ahem I mean few lol) actually truly understand caring like you do.

It doesn't go unnoticed my friend.

I bet your light touches many many souls.

I'm okay atm. Need to be.

On big acid trip though. So I am I think maybe heading off to an elsewhere dimension again after a 300 mic redose atm.

But seriously thanks man. For every word thought and feeling, and the care.

I wanted to say way sooner but too sick and more, some interesting stuff man on positive.
Hi Robi. I do love you mate. Thanks the world for your presence, awareness, openess, maturity, wisdom, light! Love. And care.

Do you appreciate how many (ahem I mean few lol) actually truly understand caring like you do.

It doesn't go unnoticed my friend.

I bet your light touches many many souls.

I'm okay atm. Need to be.

On big acid trip though. So I am I think maybe heading off to an elsewhere dimension again after a 300 mic redose atm.

But seriously thanks man. For every word thought and feeling, and the care.

I wanted to say way sooner but too sick and more, some interesting stuff man on positive.
you made my eyes well up and it takes one to know one auto,ive learned from you and the laughs! youre a trip and a good one at that, im feeling deeply touch by your kind words and jealous you get to fry, is fry an ok word, you never know anymore, its probably dated, ill have to look up my slang words, but i like the word fry, i hear tripping balls alot, still, my light has touched many a soul and left sun spots in their eyes, and feel better, i want that so much for you, you been thru the wringer and i want good health for you
Not too intelligent but too aware of the hypocrisy and bullshit that transpires each day which most people rarely question.

For the majority of my life I have looked around and noticed everyone having a far better time than I but when I have asked them to explain why, they do not have an answer. I am often considered a dickhead for even asking.

Most people are almost entirely controlled by emotions and I only see this getting worse once the VR Metaverse conjoins with everyday life.

While people are having multidimensional orgies in the VR Metaverse a Worldwide Totalitarian Oligarchy is slowly going to take over the world.

Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace might prove to be just as prescient as 1984 and Brave New World. The future is a combination of the three books.

(I might be wrong, sorry for the ramble)

* I had to edit my grammar.
if you ever notice every post ive sent always has the :last edited part and its always there in my posts, i dont proofread and should. DOWN WITH GRAMMER!!raises my lil fist in solidarity*and down with panties!! but please never feel like you are(leave that to me) rambling, i enjoy the way you write, very informative and well written
Intelligence can be just as much a disability as it can be an asset. I do think emotional intelligence is the most important intellect tho. But people with high intellectual capacity possess overexcitabilities that can make them more prone to all sorts of psychological disorders and physiological conditions....like elevated sensory issues and altered immune and inflammatory diseases. Plus stress, addictions and psychosis lol. Imo when it comes to what's most essential for a productive happy life it's not so much about how smart you are as it is about finding that balance and being able to maintain a level of self control...while remaining actively motivated. All of which I totally suck at. Plus all the bad habits I developed trying to ease the constant chaos in my brain literally devastated my mitochondrial system and limited my ability to feel pleasure. Having a high IQ has been a complete mind fuck for me lol it's just overrated imo

Sorry that was kinda a rant and probably off topic a little. I am full of bitch right now lol

Life is so full of irony it seems and then there's all the hypocrites.

Especially where I live