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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Heroin Smoking heroin doesn't work?

How does you even smoke 5 grams of that stuff in a night 🤯

And say it did contain only 5%, that is still 250mg of heroin, which is a lethal dose for someone without a tolerance.
How does you even smoke 5 grams of that stuff in a night 🤯

And say it did contain only 5%, that is still 250mg of heroin, which is a lethal dose for someone without a tolerance.
Beyond my comprehension as well, either it is completely fake or I am doing sth terribly wrong

Even if it was 1% I should have felt sth, but I don't even get itchy or constipated
One would think that it would be easy to find good heroin (and opium) in greece due to its proximity to turkey but who knows.
I am not entirely convinced it is the quality that is the problem

This is how it looks after I heat it, am maybe burning it???
Thanks so much for all the advice.

Thing is I actually inhale a lot of smoke because I exhale quite big amounts.

I have one question if you don't mind, since you mention that with #3 when you smoke you don't get high, do you imply that if you inject instead it gives you high?

In that case I ll try to plug it and see what happens

EDIT: NVM the last part was meant for another poster
No I never meant that all I smoke is h3 and it defo can get you high all depends on the strength I've had stuff where I can't have more that a line at a time cus of how strong it is I have a little bit left for the morning after I smoke that I'm gonna quit, or at the very least take a T-break
Shouldn’t be sweet and shouldn’t be unbearable, for some reason I’m having a hard time remembering what it taste like but I think I remember it almost tasting like cough medicine smells
I mean the way it looks unheated, not even tar like, more like hashish. The total lack of effects is just wierd. Even if it was crap and you were not inhaling efficiently you should have got high. I don't think it's your technique. I saw your other thread, please don't snort it! You are going to end up hurting yourself! ..

I don't know what things are like in Greece, but here as far as I can tell, it's all fentanyl. I'm glad you didn't get that stuff, with that kind of dose we wouldnt be talking to you. The only things that keeps me clean is knowing there's no heroin left out there.
heroin is out there, you have to be close to a source, in my case mexican cartels/dealers. But yea fent is everywhere
I am not entirely convinced it is the quality that is the problem

This is how it looks after I heat it, am maybe burning it???

That doesn't look too bad tbh, but it should be on the dull side of the foil, not the shiny side. However, this won't explain the lack of effects. Do you have a photo of what it looks like after you've run a few lines? Does it leave a lot of residue in its path?
I quit because if fentanyl. I was going to end up dead. I haven't seen heroin without fent in a long time. It makes me very grouchy.
Honestly I just got lucky with my connect, some chick introduced me she was bilingual so was translating between us, they don’t speak a lick of English
Shouldn’t be sweet and shouldn’t be unbearable, for some reason I’m having a hard time remembering what it taste like but I think I remember it almost tasting like cough medicine smells
I quit because if fentanyl. I was going to end up dead. I haven't seen heroin without fent in a long time. It makes me very grouchy.

I think tar heroin is sometimes fentanyl free.

Yet who knows. The Mexican cartels have no pride only greed.