Your Favorite Drug Movie!

Yeah I agree with @mokele, and yes I did not vote for 5G, I don't need it I don't want it. Is 5G dangerous? Who knows? It's probably not healthy, radiation usually isn't.

Not all radiation is harmful, visible light is radiation and nobody's getting cancer from a lightbulb... The true damaging radiation is ionizing radiation. Not saying 5G is 100% safe because nothing in this world is, but it's really nothing to be too worried about as far as I know, there are much much dangerous things out there.

And no offense but that vega machine stuff sounds like a scam. It might work due to the placebo effect, but most people probably shouldn't spend too much money on that kind of stuff.

Can we all get back on topic now? If you wish to discuss homeopathy and stuff like that you can make a new thread.
Not all radiation is harmful, visible light is radiation and nobody's getting cancer from a lightbulb... The true damaging radiation is ionizing radiation. Not saying 5G is 100% safe because nothing in this world is, but it's really nothing to be too worried about as far as I know, there are much much dangerous things out there.

And no offense but that vega machine stuff sounds like a scam. It might work due to the placebo effect, but most people probably shouldn't spend too much money on that kind of stuff.

Can we all get back on topic now? If you wish to discuss homeopathy and stuff like that you can make a new thread.
Don't want to argue I also think it's necessary we stay "on topic", ( but certain type of light like some UV light can give you cancer. Just saying). ๐Ÿ˜Ž
Don't want to argue I also think it's necessary we stay "on topic", ( but certain type of light like some UV light can give you cancer. Just saying). ๐Ÿ˜Ž

UV light is ionizing radiation, it can definitely give you cancer. So can gamma rays and x-rays. That's completely different from visible light. You can't see UV rays lol.

Quick physics class lol :

So yeah the sun is more dangerous than 5G.
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UV light is ionizing radiation, it can definitely give you cancer. So can gamma rays and x-rays. That's completely different from visible light. You can't see UV rays lol.

Quick physics class lol :

So yeah the sun is more dangerous than 5G.
Okay, @4meSM Im not going to continue this argument here, you can PM me if you wanna fight about radiation!

Classic, best techno/drug movie I have seen so far, it's also funny how it kind of paraphrases the classic " One flew from the cuckoo's nest". I remember the scene in Berlin during that time was fantastic, Berlin was like a safe haven or sanctuary for "techno-freaks" and all kinds of bohemians, artists, freedom lovers. I remember that people compared it to San Fransico in the 60ties. Good times! Well done Berlin!
Did you see the remake of point break? It was to over exaggerated for me to watch, I don't understand why they have to destroy classic movies by making cheezy remakes sometimes?
Haha- I understand! It's all very deliberately, craftily contrived. They have to take all real acting, theme, depth, plot, any sheer meaning or sense or storyline out of it.

Actors behave like empty shallow, vain vessels, with infeririorty complexes, self doubt, and lack of individuality.

With bells, whistles, crashes and bashes.

Programming the population. Tricking rather than entertaining. Just the name of the game.

Literally, if ever a film comes on TV, instantly I'm like- I bet this is a 2016 film, 2017 etc, and I'm usually spot on from how shit it is, compared to the truer films of the old.

I would not even be slightly tempted to watch the remake.

Patrick Swayzee was, in my view, the real star of point break. A much better actual actor than Keanu Reaves, who is more of a pretty faced elite Toy Boy Puppet.

Swayzee always had more individuality and class.

Although Reeves was very good in Bill and Ted as I reflect now. Probably his only film appearances I ever really appreciated.
Not all radiation is harmful, visible light is radiation and nobody's getting cancer from a lightbulb... The true damaging radiation is ionizing radiation. Not saying 5G is 100% safe because nothing in this world is, but it's really nothing to be too worried about as far as I know, there are much much dangerous things out there.

And no offense but that vega machine stuff sounds like a scam. It might work due to the placebo effect, but most people probably shouldn't spend too much money on that kind of stuff.

Can we all get back on topic now? If you wish to discuss homeopathy and stuff like that you can make a new thread.
Vega testing is used in mainstream hospitals, dentists and doctors across Germany and Holland. It is NO scam. Not one bit placebo. Just rather expensive.

Natasha, my own brilliant homeopath, has patients who fly to the UK once or twice a year, from all over the world, and keep coming back.

Without actual first hand direct experience of being chronically sick, and receiving treatment and diagnosis this way, one simply would not be able to appreciate or recognize the sheer validity and effectiveness of it all.

I genuinely nearly died last week, and would 100% be there by now, had I not begun my prescribed course of remedies by Friday. No placebo saved me from that close brush. I'm just saying, please keep an open mind about it, and don't trust the clearnet, drug company propaganda lies and suppression.

And 5G is officially a military weapon. Very much a bad thing, in a truly per se sense. Just like Smart Meters, Mobile phone masts etc, but 5G is infinitely worse.

Sorry, no more derailing here. Just wanted to make those points.
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Haha- I understand! It's all very deliberately, craftily contrived. They have to take all real acting, theme, depth, plot, any sheer meaning or sense or storyline out of it.

Actors behave like empty shallow, vain vessels, with infeririorty complexes, self doubt, and lack of individuality.

With bells, whistles, crashes and bashes.

Programming the population. Tricking rather than entertaining. Just the name of the game.

Literally, if ever a film comes on TV, instantly I'm like- I bet this is a 2016 film, 2017 etc, and I'm usually spot on from how shit it is, compared to the truer films of the old.

I would not even be slightly tempted to watch the remake.

Patrick Swayzee was, in my view, the real star of point break. A much better actual actor than Keanu Reaves, who is more of a pretty faced elite Toy Boy Puppet.

Swayzee always had more individuality and class.

Although Reeves was very good in Bill and Ted as I reflect now. Probably his only film appearances I ever really appreciated.
Uhm, "My own Private Idaho" anyone???
Reeves was freakin awesome in that one!
And it's a DRUG movie! Ha ha๐Ÿ˜‡โœŒ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ„
Uhm, "My own Private Idaho" anyone???
Reeves was freakin awesome in that one!
And it's a DRUG movie! Ha ha๐Ÿ˜‡โœŒ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ„
Will check that out thanks. I just always look at Reaves on screen, and it's so clear he is just acting. Which was fine for the more tongue in cheek Bill and Ted.

Swayzee, on the other hand, really plays the character's role much better, IMO of course.
Will check that out thanks. I just always look at Reaves on screen, and it's so clear he is just acting. Which was fine for the more tongue in cheek Bill and Ted.

Swayzee, on the other hand, really plays the character's role much better, IMO of course.
Well you have to remember that in "Point Break" Reeves was supposed to be acting like he was acting, being a stiff undercover agent, pretending to be a surfer dude to infiltrate "Bodhi's"/Swayzee "too cool for school bank-robber group". ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜Ž
Well you have to remember that in "Point Break" Reeves was supposed to be acting like he was acting, being a stiff undercover agent, pretending to be a surfer dude to infiltrate "Bodhi's"/Swayzee "too cool for school bank-robber group". ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜Ž
That' a very valid point. But I didn't form those personal impressions based on that film. He's just always been "style over substance" for me, to an extent.