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Your most shameful moment on drugs?

Good god are you still going SHM? Thought you'd been banned and cast into the wilderness years ago!

Hiya Ismene. Always good to see an old face. Respect.

Still going? On here, don't get me started. Still have a permanent infraction meaning if I call Admin cunts I'm banned immediately. Whoops. Never mind.

In life? Just about. Convinced illicit drugs have kept me alive way beyond my use by date. Drugs are good for you. As you know.

Keep taking the powders. Stay cool.
Probably the first time family saw me on drugs. Christmas 1995 to be exact.
I was at a relative's i haven't seen in a while and the night before went to a party with old friends from high school. Someone offered me coke. I was in love, i was supposed to go back early to help with Christmas dinner.
I was snorting lines until 9am . Splashed water in my face and headed to my relatives tweaking lol
Apparently I was no help in the kitchen and during dinner my nose exploded with blood everywhere 🤣
I grabbed a bottle of whiskey from under the tree(wasn't my present) and drank until I passed out on the living room floor until my cousin woke me to drive me home
Surprise i was never invited back

Not the worst by far but I'm just starting at age 18
Messed up on acid at the park in front of city hall in Toronto. Decided i wanted to ride my now late husband so I pulled my underwear to the side and I was wearing a skirt so i got on him
I was tripping on the bouncing action and went a little to crazy. Basically broke his dick so he started screaming and i looked up and there were 4 Asian but(lol supposed to be "bus" but leaving that typo lol )tours behind me snapping pictures of city Hall i hope or my ass was famous in Japan

18 1/2
After 30+ years of pushing my limits with party drugs and psychedelics I finally went too far - last summer as a middle aged dad. After a long day at a beach club in Ibiza with no key to hand I stuck a straw in a bag of ket and sniffed what we're estimating is the thick end of half a gram. The moment it hit the back of nose I knew I'd fucked up, I could feel the shards lodged in my flesh. Apparently they stretchered me across a heaving dance floor.
After 30+ years of pushing my limits with party drugs and psychedelics I finally went too far - last summer as a middle aged dad. After a long day at a beach club in Ibiza with no key to hand I stuck a straw in a bag of ket and sniffed what we're estimating is the thick end of half a gram. The moment it hit the back of nose I knew I'd fucked up, I could feel the shards lodged in my flesh. Apparently they stretchered me across a heaving dance floor.

I can only hope you were giving it the big fish little fish as you were being carried in a stretcher across the dance floor. :D
When I got back to the car, I couldn't resist just having one more toot off the foil.

Half an hour later....

it really is amazing how one more toot, or one more pipe, just a little one mind, always takes at least half an hour. sometimes takes however long it takes to finish the drugs. its also amazing how for years when you should have learned by now, you can still convince yourself it'll take less than a minute cos you wanna do drugs not whatever you're putting off.
Isn’t that the truth? I used to go into the bathroom to take a ”shower” and come out 18 hours later when I used to IV.
Cant count the amount of times i fallen asleep after smoking gear in bathroom lucky it had one of those locks you could stick a coin in on outside and twist open
Hiya Ismene. Always good to see an old face. Respect.

Glad to know you're still punching SHM. I'm making a comeback thanks to...wait for it...testosterone and eating a daily dose of sativa sour diesel. Made a vast different to my life - the test is something else, regardless of the physical effects, the mental effects are profound - seems to cure that aching, life-long despair in the pit of your soul, and it works 24/7 rather than just the 6 hours you are tripping.
Cant count the amount of times i fallen asleep after smoking gear in bathroom lucky it had one of those locks you could stick a coin in on outside and twist open

reminds me of when i was getting bad on the light, it was dangerous to sleep in the week cos once i did go to sleep i wouldn't be able to wake up and after i woke up at 5pm just being like 'oh well i guess i missed work today,' i decided if it was risky to sleep i'd go into work wihtout any sleep instead. would smoke light in the toilets to stay awake, but once immediately fell asleep for 2 hours, had my pipe and came out to see the director of the institute walking down the corridor.