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Your most shameful moment on drugs?


Oct 29, 2018
I suppose the period I most regret is my speed/meth days - I had about a 3 year run and ruined precious friendships (one of them still wont talk to me) went barmy seeing shadow people on house roofs, became utterly perverted and generally fucked up.

But I came out of it stronger and better than ever. With a few regrets.

I leave you with the words of Sam Kinison - "Shame on that fucking bastard, shame on him"
went barmy seeing shadow people on house roofs, became utterly perverted and generally fucked up.

:ROFLMAO: :love:
We've all been there my friend, no shame in it imho.

The worst for me was being off my nut on a-PVP Hcl I was smoking & I was ssssooo horny, I looked at a tree & decided it was a "sexy" tree & did actually think for a few mins if I should have sex with it.
Any number of gbl x mdpv x psychedelic misadventures.

Nothing ever took me as strange as that
In the big picture, too many to relate. Probably going off on my father, mentioning all the childhood abuse ( never mentioned by us. Ever. As if didn’t happen). And finishing with “ I don’t see how you’ve walked the earth all these years, knowing the pain, years and terror you’ve caused, and haven’t blown your fucking brains out”
Last words I said to him. Found him in the backyard next morning. Check and mate.
In the big picture, too many to relate. Probably going off on my father, mentioning all the childhood abuse ( never mentioned by us. Ever. As if didn’t happen). And finishing with “ I don’t see how you’ve walked the earth all these years, knowing the pain, years and terror you’ve caused, and haven’t blown your fucking brains out”
Last words I said to him. Found him in the backyard next morning. Check and mate.

Props to you mate. Not shameful at all.

First decent thread in years.

Several GHB stories. Waking up with your dick in your gf after an hour after she's been unable to move and you (me) saying "but it's only been a minute at most".

Which is probably what she said after a lot of shagging to be fair.
Losing my head after being up for days, barfed on my mums new carpet and ruined it, then turned up at the doctor's in a paranoid psychotic state and started ranting at the nurses that I hadn't taken any drugs, whilst demanding to be seen by the doctor. I always had the foresight to use a different name, though I do have drug use on my medical records now, so it could be from that.
This was after a few days on meth, ghb and a coke tartrate solution I had made and put into a nasal spray now sure how many days in to this I was and I had had some sleep but I was window watching at my parents house, they were away.

Anyway i started seeing what looked like loads of shadow people in a house that backs onto our garden, and of course the shadow people were doing what shadow people do best... Having an orgy.

I'm thinking the neighbours are a right bunch of swingers, so if they are swinging and having a party why don't I join them, I had a shower cleaned myself up, got a bottle of wine out of the fridge put it in a carrier bag and went and knocked on the door

A girl answered (don't worry she was definitely legal) anyway I said "is this a private party or can anyone come in?" She seemed a bit confused but anyway I'm pretty sure she went to speak to someone else and ask if they were expecting anyone. Came back and said "there isn't any party here!"

At which point I realised what had happened and went home and got so paranoid I hid a few grand in my mums stock room, then spent the next few days trying to find it again without trashing the room.

I couldn't find it and I knew as my parents were away working when they got back they would then be adding all the stock they brought back back with them into the stock room making it even harder to find.

When they got back I made something up about having some cash as I was going to rent somewhere and it fell through and of course as soon as I looked for it with my dad I found it...

The only thing I can say is never take stimulants without benzos and swinging shadow people parties are best left alone!

I'm sure I've got a few more stories somewhere hahaha


Hi SHM Ive been wondering how you are will try and call you over the weekend hope you are both good!
Had kept my addictions a secret from my family for years until one christmas with my entire family where I got suuper fucked up on Oxy, Valium, and alcohol and blacked out acting like a fool in front of everyone and then eventually passed out face down on the couch for an entire day while everyone watched me sleep and realized I had a problem... lots of shame from that one
i was hanging out with this girl back in my meth days. me and her would slam meth and spin out smoking and slamming for days on end and her 4 year old boy grabbed my meth pipe from somewhere and was rolling it like he was smoking a bowl. that was an eye opening moment. i felt like the biggest piece of turd ever.
Telling my ex I wanted to marry her and have her children just because I thought the government was listening in and the second I stepped out the door they'd kill me.

Accusing ex housemate of hacking into my router because I didn't take MDMA with him and his gay clairvoyant friend.

Telling ex friend about whoring out my asshole online whilst high on meth.

Notice the recurring ex pattern. I must be such an asshole.
I suppose the period I most regret is my speed/meth days - I had about a 3 year run and ruined precious friendships (one of them still wont talk to me) went barmy seeing shadow people on house roofs, became utterly perverted and generally fucked up.

But I came out of it stronger and better than ever. With a few regrets.

I leave you with the words of Sam Kinison - "Shame on that fucking bastard, shame on him"
You really hit the spots, hmm?
First pharmacy now most shameful.
Rohypnol is were its at. Booze and Rohypnol!
Barbs knock you out or at least keep you from wandering around, sure as hell your totally sober for strangers till the next Day you hear crude storys what you did! I beat a very nice guy right off his bike- dont remember till today. And too much to write. What i never did, no idea why only that i knew it was treacherous ground, was shoplifting on Rohypnol. A recipe
to get caught.....
In the big picture, too many to relate. Probably going off on my father, mentioning all the childhood abuse ( never mentioned by us. Ever. As if didn’t happen). And finishing with “ I don’t see how you’ve walked the earth all these years, knowing the pain, years and terror you’ve caused, and haven’t blown your fucking brains out”
Last words I said to him. Found him in the backyard next morning. Check and mate.
THAT was quite a hit in the stomach bro!!!
Coming from a same background, may i ask you one thing,did you regret it really bad or did you eventually move on in life???
I hope the latter because NOTHING, NOTHING excuses letting your inner anger/drunk out on your child.