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Is Ketamine really a "club" drug??


May 11, 2016
A club drug to me,, is something that, when you go to the "club", as in - the nightclub, discotheque, dance music venue etc - that enhances mood, induces euphoria etc.

Ketamine - an anesthetic - doesn't it make you sleepy and lethargic?

I just fail to see how the two go hand in hand.
low dose k enhances mood, reduces inhibitions, and creates cool visuals that are not confusing nor accompanied with the anxious headspace that lsd and shrooms often create. perfect for clubs and music festivals (especially at night with all the glowing lights). doesn’t make me lethargic at any dose. i hear i’m actually quite wild on too much of it.
Low dose so you can keep everything in and between. When I take K at a rave, I usually like to check my settings and my preferance it's a dark venue. Half a gram I would say and goes best with molly. For administrate I would suggest nasal snorting because injections make it more intense. Under 100mg should give you enough dreamy-euphoria state for dancing.
Low dose so you can keep everything in and between. When I take K at a rave, I usually like to check my settings and my preferance it's a dark venue. Half a gram I would say and goes best with molly. For administrate I would suggest nasal snorting because injections make it more intense. Under 100mg should give you enough dreamy-euphoria state for dancing.
I saw a guy at a rave once, take out a vial of ketamine and shoot IM in his arm. hahaha it was so bizarre and kinda gross.
Btw, snorting is the only way to go at a rave unless you wanna pass out. IVing or IMing Ket is too strong.
Ketamin, and N20 to have an very profound effect on music appreciation. Sometimes I wonder to what extent K influenced music.

Listen to UK DnB and grime. Or the Chemical Brothers while under the influence of K and report back.

Low dosages without getting any where near a hole improve my dancing skills. and make me wanna dance. That's not me I am normally at the side or making some arythmic movements. That is how I experience it, who knows how it looks but I feel like I make some good moves. DXM's robowalk comes to mind as I recall dancing on Ket.

My body and mind are really tuned in on music. But it has to be music that goes with that dissociative feel. Beastie Boys have a a record I think has a very disso feel, Intergalactic is on it. The song with Lee 'Scratch' Perry on it 'Lee Phd.' also good song under the influence. Dub in general goes real nice on it. Yes Ket is a danceable drug, Methoxetamine wasn't as was DXM.
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Anyway yeah, low doses of K and other dissos do not make you lethargic or tired. In fact some of them are stimulating at low doses.
K makes me wanna dance , although I forget to put on music while experimenting wit 2f-DeschloroKetamine. Does it share the same drive to move to certain music?
Low dose so you can keep everything in and between. When I take K at a rave, I usually like to check my settings and my preferance it's a dark venue. Half a gram I would say and goes best with molly. For administrate I would suggest nasal snorting because injections make it more intense. Under 100mg should give you enough dreamy-euphoria state for dancing.
MDMA, probably MDA and Methylone and the rest, greatly potentiates Ketamine ime.

Be humble with your dosages. I have no accurate's but I would hole under the influence of MDMA on what would be a subhole dose withouth.
For me it depends on the K..

Racemic ketamine is awesome for end of the night, when my body is wrecked from dancing for hours on end and I want to get a few more hours in. It’s not really sedating for me.

S-Ketamine is sedating though and will make me get tired.

I personally don’t like K in the dance/music scene cuz it eventually makes everyone sit down, I don’t care who you are. Plus people are kind of cocky on it, you don’t get the love off people like from MDMA or LSD.

Dosage is everything. Think of alcohol--a shot of whiskey in an hour can be social, a bottle in an hour not so much. Ketamine is similar.
I can see how the perception of sound changes while on K, but for me it's not just as profound as say MDMA. It is nice but not mind blowing.

I think it all depends on the person. Although I really enjoy K ATM I don't see myself doing it while clubbing. I prefer stimulants for that kind of ambiance but again, that's just me.
yeah if your nose doesnt clog up during the night and you have access to at least maybe 0.3g of it in a vial with a spoon attached to the cap then absolutely! :D

you'd definitely blend in even if you get close to a hole. as long as you're with the right people that make sure you're safe in a situation like that :).
I can see how the perception of sound changes while on K, but for me it's not just as profound as say MDMA. It is nice but not mind blowing.

I think it all depends on the person. Although I really enjoy K ATM I don't see myself doing it while clubbing. I prefer stimulants for that kind of ambiance but again, that's just me.
Very dose depended I noticed this when I decided to try a little bump instead of a line. During which I was listening to something that really brought it out.

Can't say for sure but 90% chance it was Chemical Brothers. And most of their stuff goes magicly with K. For the record never took this at a rave. Nitrous was sold at raves and that goes nice to but you have to be on something else or you ll just fade out and come right back. The K was at home without any other substances involved except cannabis.
K was THE drug of choice in certain rave subcultures here in the mid-2000s. Kinda died down, thankfully, because tripping over people who did too much on the dance floor and having people shooting it up at the back of the venue was a bit fucking much. Never did really do it myself at a rave, I was more a MDxx kinda guy (and meth later on, but nvm that).
It does something special on the layers in music. Making them more seperately noticeable as opposed to forming one melange of sound.

It greatly enhances and visa versa reverb's and echo 's in music. Hence I suggested dub.

And somehow goes very well with those deep stretched bass that is in Grime and DnB.
A club, where you go to dance and enjoy way too loud music and look for a girl if you don't have one already.
Ketamine, a drug that causes your soul/spirit/intelligence hang out of your body partially or completely so you can not move how you want or at all. Makes your speech sound like you have a serious mental handicap because of the same as I said before.
at light doses, I could still say yes. If you know what you are doing. In higher doses i would avoid not only clubs but everyone.
Though Ketamine can definitely get you into dance mode and make everything euphoric, I don't think its the best... Per se. Ive used IV ketamine and IM ketamine (pharma grade) and they don't last that long. The only way I can see it being "sustainable" throughout the night is constantly redosing.

IV ketamine lasts about 30-45 minutes and IM ketamine lasts about 45-60 minutes (at least in my case). I have no experience with street ketamine (powder), so I can't speak for that. But if you're at a club, you might be there longer than that.

This is just my experience/opinion.
In the late 90's, when I was heavily involved in the club and rave scene of Orlando, nobody really ever did K by itself in a club. It was always there but really just as an adjunct to MDMA. Rolls were always the gold standard of the rave scene and then you had all these other drugs that people would combine with the X. The same was true for GHB and LSD except that it was a little more common for people to dose those alone at a club, probably more so for GHB.