Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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@Empty1128: there have been a few different theories on why anyone who takes even one injection suffers for so long. it is the popular theory or belief that we all suffer because it is still in our system and i do not want to discredit this notion from anyone because i don't know for certain. remember not everyone who takes invega actually suffers either, i've been talking with people who don't over the years and a good amount of them say it helps with their mental illness but does still block the effects of drugs and alcohol.

iridescentblack and myself are similar in that we took about the same of the pill and the injection but mirrored or switched. i took two years of the pill and ten months (11 shots) of the injections. i've been healing for 5 years. i took zyprexa in pill form when i was younger for two years. the dose i was on was ramped up to over 150 mgs a day. i suffered no side effects from it but did have one or two slight problems during the comedown at the end but nothing severe. the return from zyprexa to normal reality for me was fast as well, a matter of a couple months. it was relatively new at the time i took it, invega on the other hand was brand new and to this day i still believe it is too experimental of a drug to put people on.

i can't speak for anyone else but i know there is no more invega in my system. even though i'm a negative and extreme exception i still think given most healers cases that knowing why one suffers and for such a long time is hard to say for certain. we know it doesn't discriminate upon sex, age, race, location and mental illness or not. some of these factors can help or hinder the healing process absolutely. it is talked about from time to time in this thread among other sites why if it is out of our system it still has an effect let a lone in average healers why it takes so long. if you would like to discuss it or share your idea or opinion on it, it might not be such a bad idea.

if not that is ok too. btw niacin will give you a flushing sensation like Specified is talking about, it happens to everyone who takes it so it's normal. it might help to start at a smaller dose and work your way up to 500mg and maybe even more than that. as always do some research and know your limits.

to the room: now who was i talking with about sweating? Empty1128 or Hellohihey2? Steph78 had hot and cold sweating recently due to withdrawals cause she's almost healed. zack365, among others, likes to sweat it out in hopes of purging the poison. but that one person i was talking with about it, like after i eat food among other things, that's the topic i want to address with this post. i had it happen for a couple days a couple years ago and it went away but in the last month i posted about it and someone else said they noticed it too.

i have an idea on why this happens. what i go through in years everyone else goes through in months so this might not be accurate to the "T" but having this sweating happen so close to the end of the healing process i wonder if it is not a sign that we are prepared internally enough (healing wise) to start doing more of the healing on a conscious or active level. like more physical exercise, inducing positive thoughts and feelings inside us as well as enjoying our favorite things again. maybe it is a part of us starting to realize the poison has less of a hold over us then it did in the past and we can exercise more aspects of our life to help the recovery process further along. does that make sense? what are your thoughts on it
@Empty1128: i'm not speaking for iridescentblack or anyone else, i can only speak for myself. we are all having difficulties healing, i know i go about saying something the wrong way too sometimes. it's the poison plus i'm not perfect. if you want to share a opinion that is ok here and irl, just be aware if someone doesn't agree with it that it might not be well received. it doesn't mean you are right or wrong. you can only be wrong in causing someone harm or going against what is truth in this reality, the rest are just details.

i am a more of a huge pain in the ass than you are no matter what language i speak XD. if i speak at all, when i'm quiet people get very nervous around me. your english is still pretty good. sorry i can't speak other languages but i think you, me and everyone here are doing just fine with conversation.

i agree that many people have very bad reactions to psych meds. it's not only not helping with their illness but the side effects and withdrawal symptoms are horrible. those who took the zyprexa pill are not as fortunate as i was. some have had it pretty bad but not as bad as those who took the injection of zyprexa. there are those who have taken the pill or injection or both and doing very well. we are all different.

i do not support taking psych meds but i do support finding what works to help people with what ails them. if it is a psych med then that is a good thing. i know some people with mental illness who do not take psych meds but something else and it helps them. everyone here likes to try niacin to help heal but they forgot or don't know how that got started. it was poisoned_veins who originally suggested it. she found a psychiatrist who took it for a health condition he had. he also believed in his patients taking vitamins and supplements to help them with their mental illness instead of using a lot of psych meds. he has met with success in treating his patients. she is no longer posting here and i hope she is healed but what she found out has helped many people along the way. she is also the poster who came up with the "take it one day at a time" phrase here.

that is a good idea you have to let others be aware of some of the dangers of psychiatry. i do not advocate for or against psych meds, just the 4 injection psych meds that are the worse. i want people to be informed and it sounds like you want the same thing too. i hope it works out for you.
I promise I won't bother Iridescent again, I am just convinced that you can't have a full, satisfying life while you are under antipsychotics, maybe they are not all as powerful as Invega is, but they all interfere with the functioning of the human brain.

I might sound silly while I speak in english, but in my mother tongue I can be a huge pain in the ass, I am already collecting ideas to open an anti-psychiatry blog in italian, they created a monster.
My reasons for continuing antipsychotics I won't express. I don't think anybody here would understand. I don'twant to take them and plan to go off safely under my psychiatrists supervision (which she said she'll allow me to do). Zyprexa has virtually nothing to do with the way I feel now. I am almost entirely back to myself and it's not necessarily aiding or hindering me.
Schizoaffective Bipolar dealing with drug isses

Hey all. I have a rather unique situation which compels me to write it down, since I've never seen another person with this exact situation.

I am a diagnosed schizoaffective bipolar, (that just means I have both schizophrenia and bipolar) and had been on antipsychotic medication for 14 years. I recently stopped taking that medication (invega sustenna, though I've been on several antipsychotics). I also had a bit of a history with cocaine, specifically crack. When I was on the antipsychotic, smoking crack had a limited effect, and the damage to my mind and my mental state was minimal. However, I made the mistake of smoking it after about a month without the antipsychotic. This precipitated a horrendous schizophrenic break, where I had a strong, aggressive voice attempting to tell me to kill myself, all my waking hours.

This was likely due to the dopamine dampening effect from the antipsychotic, without it, my receptors were much more vulnerable to such a strong dopaminergic stimulant as smoked cocaine. That was two months ago, that I smoked that, and I've not smoked it since. But I do find I am extremely sensitive to anything even remotely dopaminergic, including coffee. Pretty much any kind of stimulation, including focusing on a task for a while, will invoke psychotic symptoms now.

I'm very fragile these days, but my symptoms have reduced as time goes by. Getting good sleep has helped me a lot. The aggressive voice I spoke of is fading, and no longer so aggressive. The only real takeaway as advice I can give anyone is: if you stop taking an antipsychotic, don't use dopamine related drugs for awhile!!
hey mods, can we merge this one with the invega thread? that or he can re post it there. (idk which is easier and asking for future reference)

hi Barbalos. that's a dual diagnosis. it's becoming something not unheard of today.

HAHAHA, good advice. those of us who have suffered from taking invega sustenna (xeplion as it's called in some countries) have noticed the same thing when we are close to being fully healed. coffee over stimulates some of us and drugs make the healing process much more difficult let a lone it's still not quiet the same yet. but those who have fully healed do feel the effects like before invega.

we think it is specifically the 5-HT2A receptor as we all experience the same thing and others who take 3 different types of psych med injections suffer similar effects/withdrawals and cannot feel the effects of substances either. (though crack is a new one to me and thank you, i keep a running tab of what works and what doesn't) matter of fact all four of these psych med injections target the same 4 receptors. we're still learning but like i said, those who heal not only full heal but things like using substances return the way they use to pre-invega again.

i've personally talked with some people who do not suffer negative interactions with invega. while taking it they say it helps their mental illness and they still have problems feeling the effects of drugs and alcohol like those of us who suffer do.

looks like you've been around here for a year so you know the BLUA's, i'm sure you know that taking drugs while on psych meds or when you have a mental illness is not the greatest of ideas.

take a look around the coming off invega sustenna thread. the old one is archived with lots of useful info and personal experiences. the new one we have support and sharing of ideas. say hi, ask questions, share your story there.
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Hey invegauser,

That's interesting about the 5-HT2A receptor, I'll have to look into that.

I found the antipsychotics did help me, in the sense that they sedated me greatly, you can't cause much trouble when you are extremely sedated all the time. I guess that works out for everybody but the recipient. But a life like that isnt worth living, to me. To be honest, I'd rather be dead than back on antipsychotics.

I'll have to check out that invega sustenna thread, thanks for the notice.
Hey, heres my update:

9am wake up
-Take eesiac tea, coffee with sarcosine
-Take tumeric, l-tyrosine, l-arginine, probiotic, NAC, Boron, Niacin and Cq10 and st johns wart
11am run for 90 min
1pm protein shake and shower
-take ice cold shower to push everything out of my muscles etc
4pm eat and watch news and binge tv shows and cook and clean and run errands
9pm push ups, hand stands, yoga for 30min - 1 hr
-take melatonin, valerian root and L-theanine to sleep

I literally have been basically doingg this exactly for the past 50 days. Today is like day 311 for me.

Also i just finished something that makes me feel like all my worries ive had are solved, just took a bath and feel so relaxed now that its done. I wont go into detail bc its annoying but it gave me horrible dread and i finally sat down and finished it. Just feelinf kinda thankful and good, but the withdrawal is still making my emotions tough to handle when i do have them.

I still struggle with pimples, skin elasticity, my hands n feet go numb, inability to enjoy tv watching anymore, man boobs, ugly/zombie/wonky/bulgy eyes, puffy face, asymetrical features, bruises wont heal (huge complaint there, i have bruises that dont heal and other injuries take a longgg ass time and dont heal properly.. and im in my 20s), frequent waking up in middle of the night, and my muscles and fitness is sluggish even though i power thru..
Day 95

90% healed. This only things I'm still struggling with are fatigue and depression. Almost no irritability or anxiety. I enjoy being around other people, I have a good imagination and the spark came back. My memory is still no as good as before the shots but it's getting better. The workouts really get rid of the crap from your muscles. I think you were right invegauser about depression coming from withdrawal.
I just realized that the flu-like symptoms are from a flu shot that i got 4 days ago. Day 126 today and im sick, unrelated to invega.
I suspect the fact the drug might be stored in the fatty tissue is more than a myth, especially if the injection was poorly performed and the drug was injected in the adipose tissue.

It's more than two weeks I eat very low calories, 80g of pasta at lunch, 50g of bread at dinner, all the rest is fruit and vegetables all day, sometimes eggs. I think I don't go above 1800 calories per day.

Yesterday afternoon I think I had a big wave of drug coming from the fat, I felt heavily sedated and very foggy in my mind, like freshly injected, it lasted a couple of hours, very scary stuff... I think it wasn't just physical weakness, such a never ending nightmare...
Did you end up getting the Niacin?
Day 96

Feeling 95% recovered. I am a lot and I mean a lot less anxious. I noticed that because a month ago, I'd get anxious while talking to people on the phone, now this anxiety has left me. I still fill tired from time to time. I fell asleep at 4:30 am last night which isn't convenient on the days when I have work. I can work out, but I don't have my full strentgh, I can run but not at the same pace I could during my best days. I am back into the dating circuit, I have my first "date" if I can call it this way in a week. I am praying so that I am fully back to myself in seven days. Invega Sustenna is worse than a depression alone for sure. It was the worst three months and a half in my entire life. I ain't going back in any mental hospital.
^ amen brother to that last line.

haha, i was going to ask about the dating part but then you mentioned it, it's been something that has bothered some enough in the past to the point they don't go to bars much until healed.

treat her right and be engaging, other than that be yourself and have fun.
invegauser, thanks for the advice!

For sure, I was a bit scared to look awkward in front of girls. I could barely look into someone's eyes because of the anxiety.

Invega is a form of torture, that's a shame some people are being injected the highest dose every 28 days.

The worst is behind me now, I hope we all make it to our pre-invega state.
@Empty1128: agreed, no myth there. it's where the injection gets placed intentionally. it gets slowly absorbed by the fat as it's broken down and distributed via the blood stream to the brain. good call.

healthy eating helps ease the suffering and slightly speeds up recovery time. natural caffeine from drinking cappuccino is great, hopefully your also getting some water in there so your body flushes the poison out on days where it releases it. that's why i switch from tea to water, tea to water all day long. i'm gonna be busy for a couple days but might try coffee later this week. is the injection site painful or itchy at all?

@zack365: your welcome. well said. you thinking this is the last of the yo-yo effect or is it like the last push before the finish line in a close race?
I had very tone arms preinvega. It was natural. Been that way since I was a teen. Now, they look completely different. Like the shot deteriorated my muscle. Crazy.
Hey, heres my update:

9am wake up
-Take eesiac tea, coffee with sarcosine
-Take tumeric, l-tyrosine, l-arginine, probiotic, NAC, Boron, Niacin and Cq10 and st johns wart
11am run for 90 min
1pm protein shake and shower
-take ice cold shower to push everything out of my muscles etc
4pm eat and watch news and binge tv shows and cook and clean and run errands
9pm push ups, hand stands, yoga for 30min - 1 hr
-take melatonin, valerian root and L-theanine to sleep

I literally have been basically doingg this exactly for the past 50 days. Today is like day 311 for me.

Also i just finished something that makes me feel like all my worries ive had are solved, just took a bath and feel so relaxed now that its done. I wont go into detail bc its annoying but it gave me horrible dread and i finally sat down and finished it. Just feelinf kinda thankful and good, but the withdrawal is still making my emotions tough to handle when i do have them.

I still struggle with pimples, skin elasticity, my hands n feet go numb, inability to enjoy tv watching anymore, man boobs, ugly/zombie/wonky/bulgy eyes, puffy face, asymetrical features, bruises wont heal (huge complaint there, i have bruises that dont heal and other injuries take a longgg ass time and dont heal properly.. and im in my 20s), frequent waking up in middle of the night, and my muscles and fitness is sluggish even though i power thru..

tumeric that's supposed to be good for dementia.
@zack365: your welcome. well said. you thinking this is the last of the yo-yo effect or is it like the last push before the finish line in a close race?

Mentally I'd give it an other two weeks before being 100% healed.
Physically, 1 month before having my full speed and strength and having a good night of sleep.
@Steph it disintegrates bones and teeth as well i noticed i lost shoulder width and a filling in my teeth started to protrude like the tooth lost volume, ive seen a photo of a teen who had rotten teeth after 2 years on it
@Steph it disintegrates bones and teeth as well i noticed i lost shoulder width and a filling in my teeth started to protrude like the tooth lost volume, ive seen a photo of a teen who had rotten teeth after 2 years on it
It worsens muscular injuries and it much easier to get some. I've never had any injury simply by running, just to tell people how it weakens our body and muscles.
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