Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Day 90

Reached the three months mark. Unfortunately, I had feelings of sadness. The depression isn't making me feel good today. Will see tomorrow if it gets better..
Does anybody think that a concern about tardive dyskinesia is enough of a reason to quit Invega? I told it to my nurse and she kind of discounted it saying there are usually other symptoms that would lead up to the tardive dyskinesia if it were a real risk for the person. I have my doctors appointment coming up and I'm considering getting off Invega but I don't want to have a big argument with him about it. I think he'll just try to discount my concerns too.
Tarditive dyskinesia is a big deal, so dont let that nurse discount u. It can be permanent as we all know as well. I got TD on invega and high prolactin- two mutually exclusive reasons to switch but my doc didnt say its time to switch, i had to be the one to get off of the invega. Also the TD hasnt fully gone away yet and im on month 10 since last shot. I only play with my tongue/stuck it out weird when im actively running on the treadmil. Its weird but i assume its bc my body is activelt burning off the invega. And at night sometimes i suck a lot, like i clench my jaw and suck on my tongue. I fucking hate it although it does give me a more defined jawline (half joking). It goes away for a week about every half life, thats the only thing that gives me hope that its not permanent.

Speaking of permanence if my muscles are permanently warped by this drug i will be so fucking mad.

Also sry im slow on responding to personal messages im just in a blah mood and am responding to the TD comment on a whim. Ive just been smoking micro amounts of weed after working out daily to try and get that mood i miss when im binge watching shows and im totally immersed. Oh and my ears ring a lot.

Also what helps me is i now take ice cold showers. It sounds impossible but u do it for 5 min long. I do it right after workouts. It has sooo many benefits physically but im saying to do it bc mentally i never feel more alive than right after a workout and out of the shower. Promise me you do it and tell me how it goes!

After how many months off have you been able to work out? I'm three months off but still impossible to do more than 2 or 3 pull ups.
Hi everyone. As a fellow invega user it's so comforting to tune into forums like this and read people's heartfelt responses on the lasting legacy of invega. When I was first injected six months ago I thought I was the only person in the world going through this change of character and felt so lonely and scared. When I found this forum and other forums like this it made me realise how widespread the issue is and invega seems to be the number one tool in tackling psychosis. Sure it lowers your dopamine levels and essentially stops you from having another psychotic episode but the side effects of not producing dopamine like you used to is the grey elephant in the room. No matter how hard I explain to family, friends and psychiatrists the daily struggles of not producing sufficient dopamine they take it for a grain of salt and dismiss it as a serious problem. In the last six months I've suffered from lack of pleasure, depression, anxiety, cognitive impairment and all the other side effects people have listed here. Sure you recover alot of your senses after a while but I'm a little more pessimistic about a 100 percent recovery and I've accepted a lowered potential in future. On a positive note I've recently gone back to work and despite how stressful and overwhelming it can be I do believe it's helping with recovery and getting back into a healthy routine. I take a vitamin stack in the morning of magnesium, b6, fish oil, multivitamin and banana which gets me up and going and relieves any anxieties I'm having about work. This might be a stretch of a question but doesn't anyone have tips on getting rid of zombie eyes or tired eyes? Some colleagues have commented that I look tired at work and I'm convinced it's because of my eyes. I recognise its probably due to insomnia and not getting enough sleep so maybe someone has good advice on recovering healthy sleep patterns. It's so frustrating because pre invega I used to be a deep sleeper and now it just feels like a daydream. Thanks for listening and my heart goes out to every single person past, present and future who has been affected by this. Stay motivated and chase your dreams.
@zack365 ive been working out since the 7th month. Maybe the 6th month its possible but practically impossible to get off ur ass. What actually helps is taking L-Tyrosine and also L-Arginine. Especially the L-tyrosine. Also start taking cold showers it will force ur body to tighten up, and ur muscles to push out the invega and into ur blood and urine to be metabolized and expelled (respectively),
@Speciifed: don't touch that niacin for a couple days, your gonna fry your brain after last night. drink water and chill, possibly spark one even though you can't feel it. you need to let yourself rest. down a multivitamin. you just pushed yourself through 4 months of healing and your going to sling shot back and forth for a couple days before getting back on the path again. go easy on yourself shades.

@robe11: welcome to the thread. i gotta pass out now but those here can welcome you proper like. to answer your question you tell your co workers you've been up all night burying the bodies, haha. i'm joking. you tell them your going through something and your sleeping but not as well as you use to; IF you have to tell them anything at all. i don't know specifically what your saying when you talk of zombie or tired eyes, wanna elaborate a lil bit? thanks for posting and it does get better. we appreciate you being here as much as you have enjoyed reading the posts. heal quickly. peace.
Day 91

Sadness went away but irritability, anger and a few cognitive dysfunction remain. Around 80% healed. I had a back and biceps workout today but I had only about 80% of my strength which isn't so bad. The overall mood isn't satisfying but it's getting better.
i don't know specifically what your saying when you talk of zombie or tired eyes, wanna elaborate a lil bit? thanks for posting and it does get better. we appreciate you being here as much as you have enjoyed reading the posts. heal quickly. peace.
I assume the people who mentioned it are referring to 'bags under the eyes'. Like the look of someone with anemia. That confused me too.
@Speciifed: don't touch that niacin for a couple days, your gonna fry your brain after last night. drink water and chill, possibly spark one even though you can't feel it. you need to let yourself rest. down a multivitamin. you just pushed yourself through 4 months of healing and your going to sling shot back and forth for a couple days before getting back on the path again. go easy on yourself shades.

@robe11: welcome to the thread. i gotta pass out now but those here can welcome you proper like. to answer your question you tell your co workers you've been up all night burying the bodies, haha. i'm joking. you tell them your going through something and your sleeping but not as well as you use to; IF you have to tell them anything at all. i don't know specifically what your saying when you talk of zombie or tired eyes, wanna elaborate a lil bit? thanks for posting and it does get better. we appreciate you being here as much as you have enjoyed reading the posts. heal quickly. peace.

True but it's too late. Third day on I think. I can't chill with the niacin because it helps me feel drugs (well at least meth I know, others haven't tried) tried lucy last night but that didn't work but I suspect they were duds from an rc vendor. Ill take a break after today.
@Specified: seriously?! hate it when that happens. i know it does happen and rarely but it's a waste of money and kind of a bummer. don't let it ruin what you got going on, maybe post in the trip report? just a thought. have fun and be safe. i'll be up all night, PM if you need anything.

@Empty1128: that's why they're called half lives. it adds to it when you get another dose but the time between doses cuts the amount in you down. hence why they give it in month intervals instead of every two weeks (or every 4 -6 weeks for trinza/trevicta).

you got them in the arm? lucky. i got them in the hip, alternating. i felt that sore spot for a year or two after i stopped taking them.

it's good you recognize the paranoia. you always got a positive attitude about this, very nice.
Thanks for welcoming me @invegauser. Basically, tired eyes looks like bags under my eyes mentioned by irridescent. They appear to become more prominent when I get stressed and I know stress and eyesight are regulated by dopamine. Lack of proper sleep could be part of the problem too. Maybe I should tell them I work in a graveyard burying bodies because that sounds more believable than telling them it's a side effect from an antipsychotic drug I was injected with six months ago. Apart from the tired eyes my cognitive abilities seem to be returning to normal and I'm able to function at work almost as well as pre invega. The main side effects I'm dealing with now are insomnia and everything that comes along with that like tiredness, concentration, etc. It's wierd after the first month off invega I couldn't stay awake past 8pm and now I can't go to sleep before midnight which sucks because I have to wake up early for work. Another frustrating part of insomnia is I can't nap or micro sleep when I get home from work despite being absolutely exhausted. Anyways, all we can do is keep soldiering on.
@robe11: those are pretty typical side effects/withdrawal symptoms. meaning we all go through it and they go away in time.

haha, i was joking and you don't want to tell them that unless they are ok with jokes like that but i understand. it's hard because no one else knows what it's like if they haven't taken the poison. plus there are some private concerns about letting people know that your taking AP's for whatever reason. you can always not say anything, tell them your stressed because of home life but not letting it affect your work and there are other ways to say "hey, i'm doing ok, just got something going on right now i rather not talk about".

iridescentblack is a pretty observant guy and your right in your own observations, i tend to error on the side of caution. i always had dark circles under my eyes, part of genetics but they did get worse for a lil while and slowly getting back to where they were. some who have healed say they go away and some say they don't but pills and creams have worked for them. getting some sun helps and there are other things you can look up on the net or talk to a general practitioner about. maybe even someone at the beauty counter, if anyone uses a feminine product to help get rid of it then there's no shame in that. you gotta do what you can to get yourself back to pre-invega. i wonder if those cucumber slices they use at spas really do the trick? worth giving it a shot.

for sleep you can try some OTC remedies like melatonin or benadryl with diphenhydramine in it. that's the stuff that makes you sleepy when it blocks some receptors. there are others to try out. that tiredness is not only a effect/symptom but also part of the comedown off drugs and especially psych meds, quiet a few people get tired and until the sleep patterns in the mind get put back in order it's frustrating.

good to hear your cognitive abilities are working better for you. it's a struggle when your in the zombie mode but like those who came before us, we will all heal and be pre-invega again. soldier on robe11.
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I still wake up with bags under my eyes. Gets better as the day goes on. Last summer I didn't have that problem, but I was sleeping 4-5 hour nights.

Today feels like a soup day. Maybe ramen?
I am always so nervous, I dont know, if this is the emotional trauma or the destroying in my brain, or both together.
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