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I've had midazolam once, and it was great. I was in the mountains at sunset, when I took it.

I can't say with a straight face that switching to alprazolam from etizolam hasn't been at least a little recreational, especially in combination with so much cannabis. I've been lazing around giggling smoking pot most of the day, got out for a snowy walk though.

I can take like 30mg of etizolam and function normal, just have amnesia. It makes me cheerful and euphoric, not really physically sedated like classic benzos. 6mg of this xanax has me very nicely sedated and even euphoric with a lot of weed. It has been a long time since I had any alprazolam, I was even using heroin back then it has been so long.

I like high doses of valium too. Low doses suck, but if you take like 40 or 60mg or something it lasts a lot longer. Klonopin I don't really notice but treats my anxiety really well and I can take it once a day. Bromazepam is where its at, and I actually really like lorazepam, but those are harder for me to source. Special little benzo addict treats I run across. I'd take bromazepam over any of em at the moment.

It is nice to get this etizolam out of my system after a year and switch to something much more effective for me. That I seem to have a much lower tolerance to. The prolactin thing was starting to trip me out.
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temazepam and midazolam are fairly recreational. :)
^ Seconded. Temazepam gives me reasons to want to stay up as opposed to sleeping. I get midazolam when having the cervical procedures done but I've noticed that I don't feel it much anymore.

Shroomy, did you ever get the munchies from etizolam or alprazolam? For some reason those two make me want to seriously eat.
Temazepam... making me jealous. I don't know if we have that up here, never tried it. Isn't that a metabolite of valium, same with oxazepam? (another I haven't tried)

I've had rohypnol it was sick. Preferred it to kpins. Didn't care for nitrazepam.

T. absolutely. I do get the munchies from etizolam and alprazolam. Especially when I'm stoned, my first girl's bro was a football player and I could out-eat him and his massive buddies. I'm like a junkie skinrat, cause opiates increase sugar cravings too right. I'm not sure about other benzos, maybe I'll run an experiment as I alternate between them. Thank fuck that etizolam phase is over. Funny how you mention that, I'm cool with that side effect as I do a lot of hot yoga. No weight gain here.
I've thought about asking my doc about trying temazepam in place of Ambien, but I'm not a fan of the idea of next-day grogginess. I think the half-life for temazepam is much longer. Have you guys experienced that at all with temazepam?

Ambien is great, but I enjoy it recreationally a little too much for my own good. I don't care for benzos.
Hey T, good to see you in here :) We had Keif the other day too!
I used temazepam once trying to withdraw. I think that would be the only benzo I like. Very mild in mind fuck, but really helped balance
I used to like valium, until I almost died because of it. So I steer clear anymore.
Yeah Dockfalling can be hazardous to your health tubbs. Alpraz still seems to be the go to. Just got back from the dentist who gave me a Whole mg for upcoming wisdom tooth business. Although Al seasoned with Temz is nice.