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?? ? THE SOCIAL CLUB v. Come Say Hi! ? ??

I am trying to recall the last time I had a beer from Anderson Valley. Years, surely. Keep your otin in your hoppin, Scrof, and I mean that in a sweet, be my Valentine kinda way. *tries to wink and blinks*
Scoot still trying lol. Scrof be my Valentine, we can smoke all the meth.
I am trying to recall the last time I had a beer from Anderson Valley. Years, surely. Keep your otin in your hoppin, Scrof, and I mean that in a sweet, be my Valentine kinda way. *tries to wink and blinks*

Throw a sort of side-step stumble and a chicken wing in there and you'd be just my kind of Valentine--the only kind I get.

You made me nostalgic for my post about Hop Otin' Beer from hours ago where I was nostalgic for it, in the original "algesia" sense. I don't know if you remember or ever actually saw an Anderson Valley Brewery bottle ad copy, but they pretend they speak this dialect there called "Boontling."

My original cynical take was that there were say, three inbred immigrant families with weird Balki-esque words in that whole valley in 1891, and the Chamber of Commerce retooled them to compete with nearby Napa.

I suddenly realized that a better explanation is meth. Having been to rehabs in the area twice now, I don't know why the bear with antlers didn't clue me in sooner.

ETA: and tubbs, meth's made me a pale sliver of the man I once was, but there's enough room under my leftover skin for all three of us.
I have indeed had a few different brews from Anderson Valley in the past, I always did like the bear with antlers, reminds me of [ibsert someone we don't like]'s mother. Ooooooo BUUUURRRRRN!!! Anyways, Fall Hornin', Pure Morning, a friend in need's a friend indeed, a friend with speed is better...
Good evening, or corresponding rotational reference frame, Mrs. Bts.

And yes, we're all here on Valentine's. Alone. Together, alone.

(Or maybe just us? Heard of your latest medical woes, I'm sorry, I tried to back out of the Words thread as fast as I could, but not fast enough I guess)

Ahh indeed am awaiting biopsy results from a 6cm cyst removed off my bladder
Am a bit groggy from the anisthetic and a bit sore too.
It's morning here so 8h43 and I am feeling not so very perky today unfortunately....
How is Scrof today?
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I was gonna give tubbs some shit, but 6cm is almost as big a cyst as the ones I remember from junior high, so let's all just ignore tubbs instead. He can go squeeze mammaries with Keif.
Keif's of course lol.

Was wondering the same thing, they sent me a friend request as soon as they joined, now they're bumping tons of threads.
I for one had a lovely, romantic date with my bong. I cleaned her all up so she'd taste real good, then roamed around the snowy burbs holding hands. Packing bowls that would take a few rips to finish in three nice spots. A park, with my back to the bricks on the side of a building, and a trail. Then I brought her home and got her wet and smoked her (in fact I did spill a little bong water on myself)..

Come to think of my stoned, etizolam fried brain (I can't fucking wait to at least switch to alprazolam... alprazolam is the first benzo I took, in the ER when I showed up one too many times claiming I was dying when my vitals were normal. I felt like I was having a heart attack almost constantly.

And yeah there was one romantic little thing. There is a girl at the mall at a store I like. I met her last year. Randomly saw her working last night and I hadn't seen her in a month it was nice. Anyways, leatned her name. Have a good feeling about her. Time to smoke another bong rip. 3am woke up can't sleep.
It's been thousands of years since I had a date, let alone a Valentine's day type thing. I'm not bitter at all.
No date for me either, but I was perfectly alright with it. Have been getting some oddly mixed signals from this really hott chick lately, don't have any expectations, currently just enjoying being a flirt, which I always have been.
Asking the girl at the mall I've been crushing on since last autumn for her name was enough for me. Gotta ask this fox out. We always have funny moments and gravitate to each other. Seems super chill, she's tall and a lil gothic/punk, pale skin, long dark hair, she is highly attractive. She hadn't seen me at her work in a month as I've been detoxing but we recognized each other in a split second which is weird I have blond not black hair now too and were walking pretty fast but turned around straightaway like some sorta cosmic dance and I chatted her up a bit. So that was enough for me yesterday she's hot as hell!!! And so mysterious, I feel like we are super curious about each other. Really I gotta keep going to that place cause it's punk rock stuff and music and piercings n stuff like that I like it there and it's too cold to walk outside at night here so I often go there stoned or tripping. There is just somethin about her. Just curious, I want to know more her energy is intoxicating, engaging and mellowed out. I could go for some relaxation as opposed to hysterics, as I'd consider myself one of those.

I switched from etizolam to xanax today. I am very happy about this. I strongly prefer alprazolam to etizolam. My tolerance to the latter became ridiculous, and not a couple bars have me too sedated to do anything but make a cup of black tea, and likely ending up drinking tea for the remainder of the day.

I know etizolam seems to affect different gaba A receptor subunits something like that a little differently. It has to, with that sulfur group there. The effects are so different too. Etizolam is uplifting, to the point it's hard to notice I'm high and I get very forgetful. There are issues with prolactin too, I haven't noticed anything but I want off it before I do. I only had it because I stocked up on like a half ounce a few years ago when it was actually affordable. Etiz rant concluded. I'll be hitting the bars with some low dose diazepam for stability the next while until I'm ready to quit.

I can't believe how wrecked I am though, I have heard that etizolam lowers benzo tolerance. I've been taking almost exclusively etizolam for the past year. These zans are fuckin me uppppp it's nice, I normally don't feel shit from benzos. I'm really baked too and have plenty more bong tokes before I need to think of a reup! I don't think I'm so opiate sick anymore, I've been happy lately just like before the relapse!
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Any benzo I've ever taken, and I've only tried the usual suspects (Xanax, Klonopin, Valium, Ativan, maybe something else), knock me the fuck out. I'm talking emergency landing, prepare for impact here. No recreational value for me whatsoever. Of course they're great of I need to sleep, or just want to feel like an awesome glop of floaty, white bread jello for ten minutes before everything fades to black.

Edit: And meant to say, I find it hilarious that Stone Brewing is suing Miller-Coors, especially because it seems they have a decent case from what I've read. Win or lose, I think it's a wonderful jab at one of the big boys.

Oooh, and I tried a fantastic beer last night, Ghost Train Brewing's Boysenberry Smoothie Sour. Lawd, so nice, makes their Kaleidoscope Kettle Sour (raspberry) seem not nearly as good as I'd previously thought, although a direct comparison isn't fair imo.
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I agree they have no recreational value. If anything, they limited the euphoria I could attain from opiates if I didn't dose lower than usual with the benzos. If you are having a panic attack the right dose would make one feel normal, a bit calm but nothing like knocked out. Since, I started abusing both a couple months apart, benzos first, going on 6 years now. I couldn't get into a pain clinic for 2 years, public health care. By then, I had already snorted enough heroin to be well on my way to long term dependency. I started having panic attacks too because the back pain was so bad I couldn't work anymore and I had a really good job, I lost a beauty country home vaping homegrow out of a volcano all day with my first girl life was great but that injury fucked me up bad. I could only show up in emergency so many times claiming I was about to have a heart attack before the intelligent resident psych instructed me to stop taking the seroquel (I was pharmacy hopping and taking like a gram a day, on top of booze to try and quell the panic and it wouldn't even) and to start on xanax 0.5mg twice a day.

Well that was about half what I needed and they cut me off after a month, eventually I ended up getting into valium ativan bromazepam and kpins, but for the longest time it was raw alprazolam and etizolam powder. Initially the alprazolam made me foggy, and the etizolam uplifting with the same anxiolytic effect. I eventually began to resent etizolam. It's short action, proclivity for rapid tolerance increase even more than regular benzos... like exponential opioid tolerance almost that ends up fuckin ya sideways. It's not anywhere near as sedating, and I take benzos to be sedated from feelings of extreme anxiety and if I'm having a daily panic attack which are hell on earth.

The long acting ones work best for me as I have chronic anxiety that never ever goes away without anything at all but benzos combined with many other chill activities like yin yoga and cycling and, if I ever get any again fuck. Getting irritated. But I switched to alprazolam from etizolam today and I couldn't be happier. I could take so much etizolam and hardly feel it. 6mg alprazolam had me overly sedated to function so there is definitely not a full cross tolerance. I'm getting way more past double strength from alpraz. I've used etizolam for a year straight since I ran out of money for better benzos and had that stocked from years ago, and pretty much nothin else. My buddy well versed in these drugs told me to be careful because if I used etiz exclusively for a while it would lower my benzo tolerance. I don't think thienos are interchangeable with benzos in full, I feel like I've been in mild benzo withdrawal for a while and also taking heavier and heavier doses of ritz. Now I'm taking normal doses of alpraz and didn't even feel like taking my valium today.

Also, I am noticing blepharospasms a bit. I am done with etizolam. Alprazolam lasts longer for me too, and it doesn't have that prolactin risk which always turned me off of etiz. And I heard you can get skin lesions from heavy use and I have had weird cuts in places.