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Yeah I don't fuck with 'molly' or E. Seems like a random grab bag to me. Always wanted to try MDMA but it's well below a number of other drugs I wana source first, like Ketamine and morphine and mescaline, and a whole slew of others.

MDMA is great.

i just wouldn't roll on it by itself anymore.

3hrs of the high and about 5 of gurning and stimulation. there's no harsh comedown with good MDMA.

nowadays i prefer MDA. i'd add a bit of MDMA (no more than 50mg) to the trip. the MDA is like 5-6hrs of the high with a few more of stimulation but i would take benzos to ease it by then.

otherwise i'd take LSD beforehand but even that leaves the over-stimulation eventually.

i don't take it often for this reason.

ketamine levels out the MDMA for me. a k-hole after a night of rolling really helps.

i would love to try some mescaline. IV morphine has always been a high priority of mine.

i would want that administered to me in a medical setting or buy a medical professional however. along with IM ketamine and IV DMT.
tatertot, I just gotta say, it seems like no matter what country you seem to be in at any given time you always seem to have a pretty diverse selection of drugs available.

Sometimes I envy you guys that have these super plugs with all the trippy hippy shit. My connects are mostly hood dudes that moved to the suburbs a while back (or suburban-grown like me that linked up with the dudes that came down here when DC and now PG County started getting gentrified again) and mainly fuck with weed, pills, dope and coke, with coke becoming more and more rare but that doesn't matter to me because, while I love it, I don't buy that shit ever. Meth seems to becoming a bit more mainstream in So.MD these days, too.

When I hear about shit around here being available like LSD, legit E-pills tested by the dealer, mushrooms, shit like that??? It's like I hit a $50K scratch off, man, shit's so rare (in my circle) and it feels so good I get kind of giddy about it.
the quality of MDMA and LSD around me is very good.

90% of the pills and tabs that i've tested have all been +ve.

only had a couple RCs.

the MDA is very rare. i don't have much of it. i'm likely to never find it again but who knows.

K is also very scarce for me. i haven't had it in a while and when i'm on vacation i do not use it at all and that's 5 months a year total.
been smoking on this dank OG the last couple days. got a half ounce and i been picking at it slowly.

think i'm gonna try take a couple days break in the name of conservation and well... i got some work to do this week..:\.
Strains I've enjoyed recently: The White, banana peel, blue dream, Bob Barker, presidential og, blue Magoo, agent orange. Gotta love legal weed!

I'm loving making dry sift.

I'm loving making dry sift.


Your dry-sift looks a bit greener than the kief that comes from my own little miniature de-kiefing process.

I know you know your shit so do you think that's just the color of your trichomes or are you getting a bunch of plant matter pushed through?

Gonna do anything special with it or just top some bowls with it as is? I've always had trouble coming up with new ways to use this shit when I have an excessive amount of it.

Your dry-sift looks a bit greener than the kief that comes from my own little miniature de-kiefing process.

I know you know your shit so do you think that's just the color of your trichomes or are you getting a bunch of plant matter pushed through?

This is the low grade (but highest yield). The stuff on the bottom screen will have the primo product fall through to be scraped up at the very bottom. This level of sift isn't high grade pure trichromes, and definately has some broken down plant material. I could use this grade to make a decent blond hash, or you could press it in a rosin press to get the last bit out. I am just saving it in a jar for now, but will probably make a brick of hash by mixing in some Afghani terps :)
but will probably make a brick of hash

'scuse me, I have to go change my boxer briefs real quick...

brick of hash, jesus christ.

So those were two middle layers you showed, huh? If I'm understanding correctly, when it's all finished would you mind posting a picture of the highest-grade dry-sift you end up with? I'm curious how pale amber/golden it looks compared to what I consider my own kief . The reason I'm so surprised is because I technically don't dry sift, I tumble (shake) over a screen with a US nickel and a US dime in there for good measure. I really thought that what I dealt with was as low quality as you can get when it comes to kief up until recently when I topped a bowl and blew a buddy's head off with some super pale kief, and then I see your pics and I'm thinkin' I should go into business, lol.
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YEAAAHHHH that's more like it!

The first time I ended up with kief that looked like some weird ass tan white heroin I was confused as shit. Didn't know if it was powdered stems or what.

That's that shit right there, assclass. A 1mm-2mm thick layer on top of a bowl of flowers and I'm in space for an hour or two.

Side-note: I love it when you leave it in the jar for a few weeks and come back and it's all nugged/bricked up into huge lumps. It just looks so cool, and it's fun to pinch 'em and just see all this powder pile up on my tray.

Side-note to the side-note: I found it a terrible idea to compress the stuff, though. It was just a messy, inefficient ordeal that I think ended up with net losses thanks to shit clogging up the press and getting stuck and what-not. I tried applying heat, though, so it could've just been user error. It was also with small amounts-- not bricks.
that kief looks delicioso!

i'd love some hash rn 8).

wondering if i should sticky this thread...
People tend to ignore the sticky's.

idc either way, but I think as long as the first two words of the title are always Cannabis Social it'll be just fine.... if it ain't broke, ya know?

I have some dank kief in my possession but no herb to put it on top of, so I guess I'll have to stick with my wax pen for now :\


Wax pens are cool but I feel like they're missing something... I've never dabbed but I've seen people's reactions to dabbing and I do NOT get that shit from vaping wax. They still get me high as hell, though, it's just I figured it should be some extraordinary shit and it just ends up being regular.
I've always wondered why you haven't :p

I have some dank kief in my possession but no herb to put it on top of, so I guess I'll have to stick with my wax pen for now :\


going for the hippie flip this weekend. MDA (~80mg) then mushrooms (3g). have some DMT to top it off if anything.

i have a wax pen but no wax :(.
going for the hippie flip this weekend. MDA (~80mg) then mushrooms (3g). have some DMT to top it off if anything.

So when you meet God this weekend tell him Jibult says what's up and asks for some positive vibes.

Is it really a hippy flip with MDA, though? I thought that shit was super weak? Like, the shit in hawaiian baby woodrose seeds?

I could be mistaken, though.
It's supposed to just be a trippier relative of MDMA, I've never taken either though.

I've always felt iffy about mushrooms. I grew them once, it was quite easy, and eating them fresh was exciting; I just find them to be unpleasantly introspective. Like, I get it mushrooms, I need to change some shit in my life, can I get on with having some fun now please?

A lot of people seek that in a trip, but I dunno. I feel like you can have productive introspection without self-loathing/anxiety attacks. Acid has always been kind to me and so now I just stick with that 9/10 times despite having something like a dozen or so psychs to choose from. Never really liked tryptamines, but enjoyed the phens I've tried.

Wax pens are cool but I feel like they're missing something... I've never dabbed but I've seen people's reactions to dabbing and I do NOT get that shit from vaping wax. They still get me high as hell, though, it's just I figured it should be some extraordinary shit and it just ends up being regular.
People seem to look at the social stickies though, at least in the other sub-forums.

I agree, vaping wax is inherently different from doing dabs off a dome and nail. Much more mellow. It's really low key though, I like it for its mobility.
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It's supposed to just be a trippier relative of MDMA, I've never taken either though.

I've always felt iffy about mushrooms. I grew them once, it was quite easy, and eating them fresh was exciting; I just find them to be unpleasantly introspective. Like, I get it mushrooms, I need to change some shit in my life, can I get on with having some fun now please?

A lot of people seek that in a trip, but I dunno. I feel like you can have productive introspection without self-loathing/anxiety attacks. Acid has always been kind to me and so now I just stick with that 9/10 times despite having something like a dozen or so psychs to choose from. Never really liked tryptamines, but enjoyed the phens I've tried.

the MDA i first tried back for new years. ~80mg + ~30mg MDMA.

now let me tell you. this was one of the most euphoric experiences i've ever had the privilege to feel.
i was rolling around kicking in bed for the come up
bursting with euphoria.
i took both at the same time.

the one thing i didn't like was the heavy AMP-like tweak if gave me. shaky legs, sweating profusely, eyes wide open..

i enjoyed it. i may just take some MDMA instead at a high dose so i can experience a blissful trip. 150mg minimum.

maybe i'd just do that and save the MDA for special occasions like my birthday and new years.
the MDA i first tried back for new years. ~80mg + ~30mg MDMA.

now let me tell you. this was one of the most euphoric experiences i've ever had the privilege to feel.
i was rolling around kicking in bed for the come up
bursting with euphoria.
i took both at the same time.

the one thing i didn't like was the heavy AMP-like tweak if gave me. shaky legs, sweating profusely, eyes wide open..

i enjoyed it. i may just take some MDMA instead at a high dose so i can experience a blissful trip. 150mg minimum.

maybe i'd just do that and save the MDA for special occasions like my birthday and new years.

if its pure mdma much more than 100 mg even if your 7' 300lbs, redosing isn't or shouldn't do anything as 100mg is enough to cause almost all your seretonin to flood your receptors, after than its like breaking a dam with no water behind it.. it can cause a lot of receptor damage

if you hear of people taking multiple doses and staying up for much more than 4-6hrs they are probably on some sort of research chem that has simialar effects as MDMA or they are just taking some sort of amphetamine, iusally bath salts(methylone sp??_) or methamphetamine..

I love MDA tho, much more hallucingenic.
yeah i figured as much. was thinking about you though mate^ realized you hadn't posted in a while. good to see you round :D.

i'm really debating between the MDA and the MDMA for the shrooms. i want strong euphoria but i also want the trippyness from the MDA

i've noticed that less than 125mg of MDMA for me is too little and i roll max every 2 months.

i need at least 150mg to get where i wanna be unless i mix it with a psychedelic/MDA - then i wouldn't need any more than 50mg MDMA.

i may do 50/50 with the molly and sass and 4grams of mushrooms

high doses of stimulants tweak me the fuck out though, so if i could i always try to take less.

i'm puffing on my vaporgenie, great fucking investment i must say. so tasty:).
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