Why Suicide Could Be the Answer

Boy does what you just said make no sense. Life sucks according to you in just about every fucking way but suicide isn't a solution? WTF! Sounds like a solution to me. It's a solution for me. When I finally, in spite of my fear of death have had enough of the bullshit I call my life I plan on checkin out. You all do whatever the hell you want. I figure it's up to you. It's a free country. Or it once might have been. I have my doubts. Have my doubts about common sense too. Thank god we at least had George Carlin.
When you have nothing left and no friends. When you have no goals, dreams or hopes. When you don't believe in love anymore. What's the point? Music has kept me going, but sometimes that's not even enough. I think you get to a point when you know it's over for you. When everything inside is dead. I have fought for my life and my mental health. I am in hell right now. I can't sleep at night and then another day starts and I'm in misery all over again. I know the only way to get through this is to make myself work out and try harder, but I'm TIRED!!! The effort isn't worth it. I don't want anything from this world. I am just a ghost going through the motions. I might as well be dead anyway.

So sad to think how I used to be full of life and a hopeless romantic. Life chewed me up and spit me out. I will never be the cheerful, outgoing, beautiful girl I felt like before. I've become jaded and cold. I am isolated. People can come up with suggestions for me, but right now, I'm throwing my hands in the air. I am giving up. Maybe I'll feel better later, but I doubt it. My birthday is coming next month and that's always the worst time. I spend the day and week leading up to it feeling like a complete loser. Another year older and nothing to show for it. One day I will end this. I've been here long enough and it's not worth it anymore.

I think suicide is the answer when you know your quality of life doesn't meet up to your expectations. There is only suffering and when I try, I fail again. Enough is enough. Sorry, just venting.


Sorry I didn't read the other posts just commenting to you. I am reminded of the nirvana lyrics "I miss the comfort in being sad." Meaning, that most people who have decided to kill themselves actually feel very calm and happy cuz they've decided fuck it.

You just sound upset. I'm sorry. What I am absolutely sure of, not even knowing you, is that you have things to live for. I'm positive.

When you get down, think of your life like a movie. Would people line up to watch it? Probably. Right? You see what I'm saying?

Sorry I didn't read the other posts just commenting to you. I am reminded of the nirvana lyrics "I miss the comfort in being sad." Meaning, that most people who have decided to kill themselves actually feel very calm and happy cuz they've decided fuck it.

You just sound upset. I'm sorry. What I am absolutely sure of, not even knowing you, is that you have things to live for. I'm positive.

When you get down, think of your life like a movie. Would people line up to watch it? Probably. Right? You see what I'm saying?

Honestly I have thought about my life like a movie and that makes it even more pathetic. You would see a young, vibrant and beautiful girl working and dating. Eventually being destroyed by asshole guys and not working anymore because of a mental breakdown. Learning she has bipolar, borderline and all kinds of mental shit. More years of struggling and fighting for her life only to break down again. And finally sitting in her room mostly because she's become traumatized and afraid of the world. Her family hardly sees her because she's become such a recluse. Occasionally she goes to see a concert and watches TV.

Just reading that makes me sick. It's time to start a new chapter in my life, but I am tired. Something has to give soon though. This is the longest I've been down. That's how it feels anyway.
Boy does what you just said make no sense. Life sucks according to you in just about every fucking way but suicide isn't a solution? WTF! Sounds like a solution to me. It's a solution for me. When I finally, in spite of my fear of death have had enough of the bullshit I call my life I plan on checkin out. You all do whatever the hell you want. I figure it's up to you. It's a free country. Or it once might have been. I have my doubts. Have my doubts about common sense too. Thank god we at least had George Carlin.

Even my ex boyfriend who was depressed occasionally would spew that "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" bullshit. He had lost friends to heroin overdoses and one shot himself in the head. I know it hurt him a great deal, but I still believed suicide is a good option. What's the huge benefit of anyone sticking around now? Unless you're rich and/or really living it up. The state of the world is awful. It still baffles me people keep reproducing. Why would you bring children into this?

bluntwizard420, I appreciate your input and I hope you find your way. Your situation sounds rough as well.
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Many people come to the conclusion that life is pointless and nothing matters.it can be debilitating or freeing,depending on how u look at it.u can choose suicide or start a new life knowing u are totally free
Honestly I have thought about my life like a movie and that makes it even more pathetic. You would see a young, vibrant and beautiful girl working and dating. Eventually being destroyed by asshole guys and not working anymore because of a mental breakdown. Learning she has bipolar, borderline and all kinds of mental shit. More years of struggling and fighting for her life only to break down again. And finally sitting in her room mostly because she's become traumatized and afraid of the world. Her family hardly sees her because she's become such a recluse. Occasionally she goes to see a concert and watches TV.

Just reading that makes me sick. It's time to start a new chapter in my life, but I am tired. Something has to give soon though. This is the longest I've been down. That's how it feels anyway.

For us westerners it is supposed to be easier to migrate to a far away country (cannot comment but that is also my impression) and reset our lives and energy reservoirs. You really do not need much. You do not a man on your side. You need an established and promising path of spiritual practice that suits you. In my view, you will not find it in the polluted western culture, even though there are niches (authentic buddhist groups, but I've felt they are teases).

Even my ex boyfriend who was depressed occasionally would spew that "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" bullshit. He had lost friends to heroin overdoses and one shot himself in the head. I know it hurt him a great deal, but I still believed suicide is a good option. What's the huge benefit of anyone sticking around now? Unless you're rich and/or really living it up. The state of the world is awful. It still baffles me people keep reproducing. Why would you bring children into this?


I have to agree with you on the last sentences. But you can still adopt a child, that is suffering and make the world a better place (tiny steps are better than none).
Even my ex boyfriend who was depressed occasionally would spew that "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" bullshit. He had lost friends to heroin overdoses and one shot himself in the head. I know it hurt him a great deal, but I still believed suicide is a good option. What's the huge benefit of anyone sticking around now? Unless you're rich and/or really living it up. The state of the world is awful. It still baffles me people keep reproducing. Why would you bring children into this?

bluntwizard420, I appreciate your input and I hope you find your way. Your situation sounds rough as well.

Humans are known for shouting out slogans that really make no sense at all if you bother to look into it. Basically I see the world the same that you do. I didn't ask for it. I got stuck in it. I don't like most of it and I want out of it. Makes sense to me. If you love this life and enjoy it then stick around. Leaving it is one of the few freedoms we still have some control over IMO. Not for everybody but then what is?
WOW..its like your projecting into words the feelings that I have..life is not what it says on the poster!it sucks!day in day out sunrise sunset,same damn thing..one step forward two back!alone,isolated..living in your own thoughts,feeling like an outcast not fitting in anywhere..using substance for escape,not helping(making it worse)quitting back where u started..no true friends no purpose..when something good happens it scares the shit outta me,coz it means something real bad is on the horizon..I'm not negative,its just fact happens to like a trademark always on time..I mean what's the use what's the point if its not going to get better?if the Great plan that's out there for you never comes and its all just hokum..life gives breaks to undeserved people,luck happens to those that r lucky and blessed are the ones that's not born with this curse..can it be broken?how?hard work lol..I don't think so worked,prayed,believed,tried and still it only gets worse..what's the end game..Struggle is so hard u forget ur goals u even began with ur dreams,desires..living is dying the slow way,and lucky ones get to do it joyfully
If you're discard this "being cursed" - bullshit and exchange it with "I suffer because of bad decisions in a previous incarnation" you feel MUCH better. This whole Hiob-parabola-thing does not work well psychologically. The karma approach works much better. It is just pragmatic to apply it to your life, even if you have no proof of it to being the cause (,yet).
Somehow, I still have hope. Maybe it's false hope. Anti-depressants haven't worked well for me. The only thing that worked was an MAOI called Nardil. Took it years ago until it pooped out and I spiraled down again. I felt like a million bucks on it, just had to watch what I ate because of possible food interactions. They make it sound scary, but you learn what you can get away with eating and what you can't. I watched my diet and couldn't abuse other drugs/alcohol which was good.

Maybe I'll ask my psychiatrist if I can start Nardil again. I prefer to stay away from being medicated. I do well when focusing more on positive things and working out is like medicine, seriously. It's just a matter of doing it. Being unmedicated makes it much easier to spiral into bad thoughts though. Something scary about bipolar disorder is not knowing when you're going off the deep end. I mean sometimes you can tell, but other times you REALLY can't. And it's even scarier when you don't have friends to tell you "Hey, you're acting strange." Or some kind of indication so you don't make a complete fool of yourself to the world. It just sucks having mental illness, but I see so many stiff and boring ass people. At least we bring more color to the world. I think I'll stick around just so the boring, "normal" people don't win. Haha

I'm rambling, but you all are beautiful people and I don't want you to keep feeling like this. Please ask about antidepressants or start a work out routine, anything that can maybe help you. I love you guys.
Just wanted to say its been a hell of a ride guys. hopefully all of you find peace and happiness but tonight my fight is over. If I don't make it through the night my final thoughts and wishes.. Mental illness needs to be more supported. nobody should have to suffer like this for so long. If I make it through the night I suppose I will report back tomorrow. good luck comrades keep fighting. people are truly sadistic.. people probably have done more damage to body and mind over the years than any drug. I may not be remember or significant but I'm content right now. goodnight bluelight,
Empty your mailbox and fucking stop abusing the shit out of substances, that are THAT bad for you.
suicide is really tempting right now. I've started seeing things and hearing voices in my head. I can't sleep because I get nightmares, and I don't eat because I hate my image. I also have headaches all the time. I want to get myself a therapist or check in to a mental hospital but I can't do anything because my mother says that I embarrass her whenever I have problems. I don't know what to do with myself.
I am also in heavy doubt right now.
I have to leave in one way or the other.
I have failed and am in 40s.

I do have the option to leave the US and crawl back home.
the American nightmare is with me 24/7.
I have caused so much pain to so many people.
in my heart imm not a bad person.
but I must be. yes, I have bipolar and addiction but I feel people just see it as an excuse now.
i don't know.

I'm alone al;ways.
it's a disease.
sending out much love to all who feel this way tonight. everything but........
I tried to commit suicide three times in my life, each time with absolute certainty that I would succeed, only to fail three times in committing suicide. We are all different and I'm pretty sure nobody could convince me not to do it if I made the decision and put my mind to it. I felt like nobody could understand me completely, after all how could they when I couldn't understand someone else 100% completely? So how can someone else but me make a massive decision like this, I thought? It's a very dark place to be in, and I can't find words to describe the sensation of overcoming the most basic of survival instinct and "knowing" you're about to die. I believe it is essentially the same as dying, if you are completely honest with your assessment of not being able to survive what you are about to do. Zero doubts. Next thing was, I woke up, doubting the very reality around me. Only for a brief moment of shock though, because soon the very same pain that compelled me to my actions reminded me of my failure.

After the third time I gave up, personally I felt convinced that something is preventing me to take the early exit, whatever it was I couldn't tell, I just refused believe it was coincidence anymore, it was too hard to integrate all those traumatic experiences in any other meaningful way.

Many years passed, painful years, but I wasn't obsessed about dying anymore, the amount of pain combined with those three experiences had somehow fucked me up mentally. Couldn't really put a finger on what exactly happened, but it's like I failed so bad that it forced me to rethink how I think and feel about my emotions, I found distance to them. Distance provided safety, but I am permanently scarred emotionally. I acknowledge this in a bizarre, neutral yet melancholic way. I don't know if I feel genuine love anymore for example, I imitate what I believe to be love, but it feels like something I've mostly picked up and it's like trying to have a glass of water from mere shards of glass if that makes any sense. I very rarely think of this, because it's hard to think about something you don't feel but you are absolutely positive that you once felt. You kind of forget about it and just live your life, not questioning your belief of having those emotions. But every once in a while something reminds you of it, and you remember losing something fundamental, but it doesn't really evoke a feeling like you think it should, which makes it even more convincing, but only in a rational way, not emotional.

I am very much glad that I'm still here, though. I really can't say that if I could go back in time I would prevent myself from doing what I did because I was so convinced at the time it was the only way, I could have probably rationalized that not even a future version of me could know that suicide wasn't a better option because he obviously didn't do it, and who else could come closer to understanding how I felt except me myself? On one hand it resulted in the person who I am today, a person that is glad to be alive, but on the other hand I could as easily be dead.

I crossed some really fundamental lines and I can never undo what I did to my psyche. I wish I didn't, it's rarely a positive thing to have feelings of loss. Whenever I say the words 'I love you', deep down I feel a little guilty, because despite trying my best, I have doubts that it means the same when others say those words (I mean this in a more general way, not implying that everyone doesn't feel love uniquely). Nobody will ever really know either, because I do try to love to the best of my ability, so it appears genuine because at least I'm not intentionally holding out or anything. It is really much easier to try not to think about it and especially much easier to not speak in person about it with people who I care about, so as to not confuse them and cause them to have negative feelings.

Does it make me a hypocrite to personally not recommend attempting suicide, because I tried it three times, even if I feel glad to be alive now? I don't know, but in the end the chaos of life that can bring one on the brink of suicide can also pull one out of there, sometimes in ways that are simply inconceivable, I believe it has to work that way, there are no absolute dead ends in the universe because that would break causality. That thought gives me hope at least. Still, it doesn't mean one can't get stuck in a seemingly impossible to get out of black hole, sometimes for such an unbearably long time that no current coping mechanism is sufficient anymore.

I have a great deal of respect for personal autonomy and believe everyone has the right to make these decisions for themselves, it feels wrong to me to force either death or life upon another person. I think I might be too terrified to live if it was somehow permanent, the fact that life (in this body at least) is only temporary and I have the control over my own existence as the person who I am gives me the courage to actually live my life.
It sounds very grim not to feel love but maybe real love is something few actually experience. That may be why the love you have felt in the past seems hollow now. What most call love is actually desire IMO. We love what turns us on whether we say I love that girl or I love ice cream or I love this country.

I don't know why I post this shit? It just triggers people and in the end feels meaningless for anyone but myself.
That's a good post FnX. I've attempted suicide 3 times too the last one almost worked. 10 more min on my couch and I would be dead. Suicide is a permanent solution to common problem. You don't have to die. Too much beautiful stuff in the world to see. My daughter keeps me going. You have to find something that gives you that life spark. To ward off the demons and rest. It can be done. Look at me!! So close to death and getting shocked on the table to now. Amazing. Try it and I sincerely wish both of you contemplating suicide out here to just give it a chance. Thank you
suicide is really tempting right now. I've started seeing things and hearing voices in my head. I can't sleep because I get nightmares, and I don't eat because I hate my image. I also have headaches all the time. I want to get myself a therapist or check in to a mental hospital but I can't do anything because my mother says that I embarrass her whenever I have problems. I don't know what to do with myself.

Your mother should be concerned about your well-being, not her "embarrassment". It's not like you asked to be here so she needs to get her head out of her ass and support you. Stay strong and get the help you need please. This is your life, not hers.