• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Sober Living Social Thread

I can't stand how I feel when I get frustrated. It's hard dealing with it. ARGH. Hope everyone's doing well <3
Take a step back. I know when I'm frustrated if I try to keep pushing I just get more frustrated. It turns into a vicious cycle of frustration and anxiety which then leads to depression. Sometimes I hve to force myself to walk away and focus on other stuff to not get stuck in that cycle. It sucks. I wish I could handle life like a normal person, but small things still trip me up. Good luck!
You said it right, frustration breeds itself. I guess the best anyone can do is survive. Small shits trips me up to. Frustrating. Just keep movin on yall.?Ityll be ok, i prommise!!
Sweeeet :) I am meeting up with a friend from the Mindful Awareness Research Center's Intensive Practice Program at UCLA tonight at an Against the Stream meeting and then we are gonna go out to dinner to chill. Should be fun. I wonder whether you or I will have more fun than the other. . . I bet it will be a toss up ;)
Yeah, I had fun with my buddy tonight. He didn't end up staying for George Haus's dharma talk thingy at Against the Stream, but we had some cheap Mexican food and great conversation. Sorry to hear you were bored. Not even any pretty people to keep your mind occupied? ;)
Had an odd day yesterday. A friend of mine fell off the wagon and I kept questioning whether I should say something because I know I can help him, but I felt he needed to approach me for help.
Manboychef, sometimes it is hard to ask for help even if one is willing to receive help. It is quite weird feeling as you know that someone could help but you get too anxious to ask for help as it would mean that you must admit yourself that you have a problem for which you need help.

If you know him well you might guess if he is willing to get help. I wouldn't mind if my friends would ask if something is wrong or if I would need help in something. That is what friends are for :)

Although if I knew it might harm my sobrierity in someways I might be selfish enough to not intervene.


Friend of mine who has been staying with me for sometime after she was taken in custody after driving under influence during amphetamine, alcohol and benzo binge is going back to work this thursday as she got just a warning and will have to take drug tests every week and attend to therapy. Luckily her commanding officer is a friend of mine too and we all attended in a meeting and he decided that those consequences are enough for her as terminating her service contract would definately mean much more problems.

She knows that there won't be second time and seems like she will stay sober after returning to her place as she had done a lot thinking although in a short time.

I guess I'll miss the time we were ablo to spent during these weeks as I had a friend all the time in my house and could speak about everything anytime and weren't ever lonely.
Manboychef, sometimes it is hard to ask for help even if one is willing to receive help. It is quite weird feeling as you know that someone could help but you get too anxious to ask for help as it would mean that you must admit yourself that you have a problem for which you need help.

If you know him well you might guess if he is willing to get help. I wouldn't mind if my friends would ask if something is wrong or if I would need help in something. That is what friends are for :)

Although if I knew it might harm my sobrierity in someways I might be selfish enough to not intervene.


Friend of mine who has been staying with me for sometime after she was taken in custody after driving under influence during amphetamine, alcohol and benzo binge is going back to work this thursday as she got just a warning and will have to take drug tests every week and attend to therapy. Luckily her commanding officer is a friend of mine too and we all attended in a meeting and he decided that those consequences are enough for her as terminating her service contract would definately mean much more problems.

She knows that there won't be second time and seems like she will stay sober after returning to her place as she had done a lot thinking although in a short time.

I guess I'll miss the time we were ablo to spent during these weeks as I had a friend all the time in my house and could speak about everything anytime and weren't ever lonely.

Sometimes it is not enough enough to have consequences looming...addiction is insidious in that when it consumes you it is hard to think of anything else.

Be strong for your friend man.


I am doing okay. Slept all day yesterday. Slept till this morning. My body is just beat from the treatment. I find it amazing that the doctors say there will be no side effects, but everyone I have talked to about it has said there are dramatic side effects. I guess it goes to show that the doctors would rather listen to the pharmaceutical reps and drug manufacturers than their own patients.

Other than that my brother and his girlfriend are here. It is awesome. I have someone else that is as tidy as me. Maybe work on some new tunes soon.
Checking in, saying hello!
Sober today, taking it one day at a time.
Hitting up meetings and calling my sponsor is working for me.
DOC is heroin but I go to AA. 8) much love
Nice work w0w0mg! I'm very happy for you :) Congrats on all your hard work! I hope you're giving yourself some much deserved self-<3! %)
Oh yeah, whereabouts. You can message me if yu don't wanna post. It's a beautiful state ruinef by jacasses.enjuy