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Gibberings CCIXV2 - And Now For Something Completely Different

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Aye. Couldn't agree more. Having only witnessed a scant handful of truly nasty accidents I know how they linger in the mind let alone having to deal with such things - and worse - on a daily basis and be able to take charge of the situation and keep people alive - way beyond being just a job.
Mate, i have friends who - like you - have jobs that affect them mentally on a profoundly deep level. And it fucking hurts me to see.
But buggers like you are heroes. Society needs ambos - and unfortunatelt you bare the emotional (and the physical - how's the leg by the way?) scars of fulfilling these intense job roles.
But you're heroes, and don't you forget it.
This! Ambos are bloody legends working under extremely stressful conditions dealing with things most humans never have to get to see. My utmost respect goes out to you G.
Mate, i have friends who - like you - have jobs that affect them mentally on a profoundly deep level. And it fucking hurts me to see.
But buggers like you are heroes. Society needs ambos - and unfortunatelt you bare the emotional (and the physical - how's the leg by the way?) scars of fulfilling these intense job roles.
But you're heroes, and don't you forget it.

Too fucking right. I hope the rewards when it go well go some way towards making up for the horrific stuff you have to deal with G. Although I suspect you rarely get to see the success stories. I never got to thank the people who scraped me off my floor after my journey down the stairs, but I have been back and thanked a few people in the hospital who saved my ass (and the guy who removed it) a few times, they said it was rare to hear how the story ends.

I'm in awe of all medical professionals tbh, wish I was capable of such things! <3
Aww fellas you're all too kind but honestly I'm no hero by a long, long way.

I try my best and enjoy helping folk but your kind words are too much.

I'm deeply grateful for them non the less and youse have brought a tear to my eye this evening.......thank you <3
[MENTION=193665]spacejunk[/MENTION] the legs not doing to good actually bro.. I'm off tomorrow and am going to see if I can get a same day appointment at the docs. Its not healing right and is a mushy mess. I think I need more antibiotics. Burns that get infected are really nasty as I'm sure consumer will tell you. I'm in pain every step I take which when you're on your feet for 12 hours at a time is a bit unpleasant....

I'll see if I can get a pic up ....

Thank you again fellas.....I'm lucky to have such brilliant BL friends <3 <3 <3
Aww fellas you're all too kind but honestly I'm no hero by a long, long way.

I try my best and enjoy helping folk but your kind words are too much.

I'm deeply grateful for them non the less and youse have brought a tear to my eye this evening.......thank you <3

[MENTION=193665]spacejunk[/MENTION] the legs not doing to good actually bro.. I'm off tomorrow and am going to see if I can get a same day appointment at the docs. Its not healing right and is a mushy mess. I think I need more antibiotics. Burns that get infected are really nasty as I'm sure consumer will tell you. I'm in pain every step I take which when you're on your feet for 12 hours at a time is a bit unpleasant....

I'll see if I can get a pic up ....

Thank you again fellas.....I'm lucky to have such brilliant BL friends <3 <3 <3
Sounds like you might have some IV antibiotics in your near future bro. Maybe a few days of hospital food coming up.
What do you think [MENTION=198822]consumer[/MENTION]?


(yes I'm aware that the scab looks like the Nike Jordan logo :))
What do you think [MENTION=198822]consumer[/MENTION]?


(yes I'm aware that the scab looks like the Nike Jordan logo :))
Its quite hard to tell from my phone but it does not seem to be weeping or have any purulent discharge. The redness is a concern but i cant tell if thats from the burn or a sign of infection. Is the area warm to touch? Warmer than normal? No sign of pink new tissue around the wound either which is usually a sign of healing. Is the scab hard? Its really hard to tell without actually seeing the wound in person. It kind of looks ok but if that redness is from infection, there is heat around the wound and there is puralent discharge then yep more antibiotics are in order. IV is the go if its not healing. I am not an expert on burns as serious burns cases were only ever stabalised at our hospital in ED then transferred to Sydney where they had specialist burns units. Degloving injuries however i know well and you dont want one of those.
Yeah but look at it this morning....


I've looks a lot worse. The scab is gone and it's all mushy. Maybe because I had a bandage on overnight but it needs looking at. I know what you mean about signs of infection. It is hot and i feel rough so it's a possibility. The main thing is that it really hurts when I stand up and the pain is unusual for a burn. Its a severe ache that seems to go right to the bone.

I've got an appointment at 3pm with the nurse practitioner (according to the lying bitch receptionist all the doctors have phoned in sick......don't get me started on doctors receptionists). I doubt the nurse will have much of a better idea than you or i which is why I wanted a doctor but we'll see....
Yeah but look at it this morning....


I've looks a lot worse. The scab is gone and it's all mushy. Maybe because I had a bandage on overnight but it needs looking at. I know what you mean about signs of infection. It is hot and i feel rough so it's a possibility. The main thing is that it really hurts when I stand up and the pain is unusual for a burn. Its a severe ache that seems to go right to the bone.

I've got an appointment at 3pm with the nurse practitioner (according to the lying bitch receptionist all the doctors have phoned in sick......don't get me started on doctors receptionists). I doubt the nurse will have much of a better idea than you or i which is why I wanted a doctor but we'll see....
Yeah that does not look like its healing to me. No sign of grannulation ( new pink tissue ) and it looks very red and sore. Like i said its hard to say from here but heat, redness and pain are signs of infection, especially if the pain extends from the immediate area of the wound ( not including burn pain which is different as you know ). A nurse practitioner might actually be better to see than a doctor anyway. Nurses see and deal with more wounds in the course of their work and i am not sure what prescribing limits they have on them in the UK but she should be able to sort out antibiotics. Orals might be ok but if you were on the ward with that i would imagine they would hit it with iv antibiotics. They might get you to go in for an infusion to hit it hard as a day patient for a few hours then give you orals. But it does look infected to me.
Yeah we'll we what they say....

On a different note who is the new mod then?

They're taking their time with the big announcement.

Don't keep us in suspenders (except FUBAR......he likes wearing women's underwear......so I've heard anyway :))
Yeah we'll we what they say....

On a different note who is the new mod then?

They're taking their time with the big announcement.

Don't keep us in suspenders (except FUBAR......he likes wearing women's underwear......so I've heard anyway :))
I actually want the new mod to be FUBAR. Or maybe they can create some new kind of position ( not a sexual position as he has tried them all and invented a few too ) for him. Like Senior Smut Mod or something. Surely he deserves a position of influence in Bluelight.
Good night all. Dreamworld beckons.

And FUBAR where is my fucking rainbow coloured unicorn socks?

Good luck with the wound inspection G. Let us know how it goez.
Thanks bro....

Take care of yourself and don't let that FUBAR into your dreams.....

Remember though he's just like Freddy Kruger and turning your back on him robs him of his powers over you.....

Until Nightmare On Elm Street 2 that is but that's a whole other debate.....:)
Just because it's irking you guys we've decided to push back the announcement date.... ;)
What would likely happen if somebody without tolerance took the 400mg dhc and 140mg Valium?

We are talking theoretically.
They'd fall asleep.

They'd also be running the risk of overdosing or choking on vomit cos that's a lot of respiratory depression for somebody with no tolerance.

The unavoidable outcome would be a rapid descent into a lengthy period of unconsciousness and complete blackout though.

Overall, a Very Bad Idea I'd say.
They'd fall asleep.

They'd also be running the risk of overdosing or choking on vomit cos that's a lot of respiratory depression for somebody with no tolerance.

The unavoidable outcome would be a rapid descent into a lengthy period of unconsciousness and complete blackout though.

Overall, a Very Bad Idea I'd say.


As drug experimentation goes, opiates and valium is as dangerous as it gets really.
Would you say if the person has used heroin before then it's unlikely it will be enough to OD Shambles?

Only I can barely feel a thing. Very sorry for the very morbid questions and pissing on people's evening. Hard to explain on a public forum. I am not a weak person, I've just had enough. Things in life were going a little too well then I realised how much easier it all sounded on paper than it actually is, something I didn't see coming.

Think I will buy some more heroin. Falling right into predictability of a few here. For the record I don't even find it anything that special. Just seems easier to enjoy life when your only living with one foot in reality.
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