TDS Today I am Thankful 4 Vs. Just when you think it can't get no better, then it does!

Thanks, guys. It's been and incredible ride after four solid years of the cycle of being high, sick, just enough to get by.... Ugh.
Thankful for yet another new chapter.. readiness to settle is sinking into my bones though.
^ Good to see things are working out nsa!

Thankful for this blissful afternoon staff meeting. I'm leading the way and it feels good. ;)
Seriously -- good perspective, nice team work. Good atmosphere and birthday cake.
Took some stuff to read at home to I can take a couple of hours off from my favorite day tomorrow!
Thanks Erik =D If they aren't working out im working them out..

So thankful for my son and his amazing mother!
There's a very optimistic way to see it. :D

Thankful for amazing mothers. It seems they have super powers ;)
Congrats Sweetyjane! Have about today. Hope you're okay. :)

Thankful for making through this day back at work.. Tough Monday!
Im thankful the day is over , that I'm prescribed pot to help with sleep and anexity . I'm thankful I'm alive and I'm thankful that this wd depression will pass. Also it's been great being able to speak truthful about my addiction to people who's been there. So I'm thankful for this site
I'm thankful for having coped with my daily challenges at work which is not so agreeable atm.
We'be handling great amount of workload and despite of their deadlines I'm okay. Meeting them all.
As Jane said, BL has also been quite inspiring and I'm grateful for each and every one of you who helped me out when I most needed help.
Have a great day!! :)
^^great to hear ?
I'm thankful I woke up happy and slept 6-7 hours. I'm starting to feel like me again and I love it
I'm thankful I'm on med leave so I can have time to do things. I'm going to take the boat on the lake and relax and try to catch dinner:)
Having to drive back to the city to see my doc on a congested 14 lane highway I'm thankful I don't live there anymore lol
^ Good luck!! :)

Thankful for the wonderful weekend and for the quiet and shiny Monday.
a big two decade dream of mine is possible.. I can see the outlines on the horizon.. if I play my cards right it will happen :)
Good Luck NSA :)

Thankful for living through today. For a gifted and loving wife, who has always been loyal and supportive in tough times. For my colleagues and for being healthy.
Thankful that my travels went beautifully and that I proved once again to my living-in-constant-fear family members and friends that the world is safer and more welcoming than the media would have us believe. Right now more than ever the world needs our calm and our courage and our compassion. Spreading it beyond the usual borders is crucial. Also thankful that my cats survived my absence and are happily snuggled up with me now for our Bluelight time.:)