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Dickhead of the year award


Bluelight Crew
Nov 9, 2013
I know its only April but id like to see someone challenge me for this prestigious title

Following my bout of naughtyness over the weekend, I bagged up all my filters which were saturated in 'heroin' solution. Its something Ive done before, and with no 'college' yesterday, no weed, no gear and no money, cleverclogs, out of boredom, decided to boil all his filters from the weekend to get what was to be fair quite a decent hit.

20 mins later the trouble started. I have had cotton fever before but never this bad. I thought I was going to die, my head was pounding so hard, I suddenly became soaked in sweat as the fever kicked in, leaving me curled up on the sofa wrapped in a duvet for 6 hours.

My meth must have took a bit of the sting out of it as I fell asleep for about 2 hours, upon waking I felt somewhat better but still like shit, it was like the energy had been sucked from my body, I felt so heavy and out of it as if Id just licked off a strip of temazepam.

I still feel ropey this morning, but as in 99% of these cases, its passing and I feel 100% better than I did last night. Lesson learned I think.

I know its standard that whenever I describe my drug use, other users should take the opposite approach but just in case there's one more wally out there, please use sterile filters every time you draw up.

I know I'm mainly preaching to the converted as most of you arn't drug crazed scrubbers like I am, but I thought Id better just get that out there as Im sure its something many IV users have experienced at some point and its something I havn't seen addressed in a while on EADD
Fucking hell Stee that was a bit naughty mate !!

I'm sure you allready know but 1g of paracetamol would have eased the symptoms and helped reduce your fever somewhat.

Still a close run thing but a lesson learned the hard way is still a lesson learned..

I'm not really in a position to talk about doing stupid things though. I'm off work today as I can hardly walk due to severe burns on my shin. Got to close to a car that had been on fire yesterday. Slipped and got my leg stuck between two bits of red hot metal and melted my trousers onto my leg. Its in a proper state and I spent most of yesterday afternoon in A&E having it treated. I put a pic up yesterday ........it's a bit of a mess!! :)

Take care of yerself bro <3
I saw the pic mate, didn't you have to spend half the day having melted bits of your uniform removed from your leg? Everybody burns themselves in a stupid way like that though, generally in the kitchen, so while you need to be aware of environmental hazards, that sounds like one occasion where you can be forgiven as dealing with a collision must be stressful and sometimes the adrenaline can get the better of your perception

Sounds like a day off dude. Hope its not too sore <3 <3
Yeah there were scraps of uniform stuck in the wound. Its swelled up into a massive blister and I've been given a course of antibiotics in case it becomes infected (which it probably will).

I'd love to say it was down to andrenaline or reduced perception or something but truth is I was just fucking clumsy :)

Could have been worse though....I could have been the bloke in the car....

Real award for dickhead of the year though must go to my mate who after his shift last night pulled out from his parking space (on the wrong side of the road) and failed to see the massive double decker bus bearing down on him with it's horn blaring. Anyway it swiped the whole of the nearside wing off his brand new motor and although he wasnt hurt it was 110% his own fault.....what a knob :)
Ha!! Yeah he does unfortunately :)
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I'd like to nominate myself as a contender. After 25+ years of heroin addiction (smoked ) I though I'd start iv'ing to give the old chest a break.
Anyway it turns out Iv probably got the worst injection techneque in the world. Got veins like pencils and cannot fucking register for the life of me.
My arms are full of lumps and bumps and my hands are swollen like a bair knuckle fighter.
Got rid of all the works now and back smoking , been a week and slowly getting better.
I am however a proper cunt.
I'd like to nominate myself as a contender. After 25+ years of heroin addiction (smoked ) I though I'd start iv'ing to give the old chest a break.
Anyway it turns out Iv probably got the worst injection techneque in the world. Got veins like pencils and cannot fucking register for the life of me.
My arms are full of lumps and bumps and my hands are swollen like a bair knuckle fighter.
Got rid of all the works now and back smoking , been a week and slowly getting better.
I am however a proper cunt.

Sometimes huge surface veins can be surprisingly difficult to cannulate / inject.

Often people to straight through the vein wall and out the other side again...holding the needle almost horizontal is the key.

Anyways probs best staying off them though as they won't stay pencil like for long. At least this way any damage you've done should be down to just inflamation and should be reversible...
I wouldn't even know where to begin qualifying my application for the crown... Believe me when I tell you that I'm up there with EADD's biggest dickheads.

Although, you all knew this already

As Englandz said, the angle of attack makes all the difference. Depending on your injection site, going deep amd through the intended vein can lead to hitting arteries, nerves etc... You usually get a flash of blood at the barrel end of the pin before you even register.
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I find it scary that many people are injecting without any medical training atall. I mean i can understand the motivation behind it, but the risks vs rewards ratio isnt very healthy. I guess if uve been fortunate enough to have been shown how by someone with experience then thats 'lucky' but the thought of people doing it, just going off advice on here or youtube is quite worrying. Maybe it isnt all that deadly i dunno, of all the deaths of people ive known on here over the past 5 years, none that i know of have been due to fucking up an injection. That is not to condone or encorage anyone to try though to be clear on that.

Dickhead of the year im also a strong condtendor, for fucking up a cushy job with good colleagues and manager, due to letting binges get out of hand one time to often, when i had been given about 100 chances for being late, and finally one last chance for attendance, after several AWOLS and yet i still let myself be controlled by fucking shit drugs, and threw it all away.
I challenge your title Stee, cos I've held the crown for the past 35 years. ;)
I'd say that the vast majority of IV users end up doing it due to having experienced users around.

I'm fairly sure some drug services offer practical skills and HR advice to new or old IV users.
Yeah that sounds about right. 'Unfortunately' it wont be a route I'll ever be able to contemplate. I have enough trouble trying to keep a lid on things as it is, let alone stepping things up to a whole new level. Much as I'd like to experience the rush of IV heroin i know that i can never allow myself to go there. I doubt that I'd be able to look back from then on. and im fairly sure that i would very quickly become a write off and a lost cause.
If someone is really intersted in learning there are some excellent online courses on venopuncture and phlebotomy ....

Dead right re. the "flash" in the luer when a vein is hit. That how when you insert a cannula you know your in the vein (as there is no plunger to pull back on). You get a small red flash in the back of the cannula and then withdraw the needle while sliding the plastic tube part over it and along the vein.

There are some very cool manakins that you practice on with rubber skin and real "veins" filled with red dye. Quite realistic...
I did my phlebotomy training while I was still registered, but with most of my surface veins being extra tiny, It hasn't stopped me making quite a reasonable mess of my arms, which as well as being covered in t/marx, are black and blue half the time from the bruising caused by all the holes I've poked in my puny wires, as most of my hits involve me poking right through even when I get a good register, with the blood leaking out following the shot.
Old people's veins are a real challenge. The dorsum veins are often those tiny bright purple thread like ones which are a nightmare to cannulate....unfortunately those are the people most likely to need IV drugs in the first place.

People in hypovolemic shock are almost impossible too.

Those manakins are great but definItely represent a best case scenario.
As I worked with adult mental health patients (16 -65) i never had to deal with anything that difficult, as a good proportion of the patients were in reasonable physical health, even those as mad as a fish. The problems came when - ta da - you guessed it - we had an admission involving IV drug users who's veins were so so thrombosed that I would have had more chance with a ... stone.

The solution was always to enlist the help of the treatment centre nurse, who as well as being dual trained never failed to get a blood sample from anyone regardless - on one occasion I saw her manage to draw blood from a surface vein in a fellas chest! (the patient was so physically fucked hed given up IV'ing and was just skin popping all over the place)
All doctors and nurses love my veins. They're quite large and easy to spot. Hell, right now I can see the vein on my left arm from my wrist nearly to my shoulder. Did't stop me from bruising like a bitch though. I've lost a lot of muscle mass in my upper body these past few weeks so they're standing out a lot more than usual thankfully. Hopefully I'll be back to looking dainty and girly again soon. Build up some muscle and a bit more fat in my upper body.
To be 100% honest I'm kind of glad things didn't work out, the few hits that went right were the bollocks, but for ever 1 that registered 3 mist.
I don't think Iv done any lasting damage but if Id have carried on..................... We all know the rest.
bent all the pins and put them in a sharps box and handed it in at a chemist. Good riddance !

Now where's that Jimmy ? =D
Yeah best you stopped when you did.....that road only leads to one place and it's not good...

I'm taking my huge bandage off to bed now to catch some Zzzzzz's and feel generally sorry for my self :)

Later folks. Much love to all... etc. etc <3