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How middle class are you?

I must have missed the precise time this happened after a long time as an irregular member, but your whole intellect and personality seems to have very suddently blossomed, as if it's finally found some sun light in the sky to aim for. Either that or you've started manufacturing NZT-48 as per the film Limitless? (Pssst, I'll send you a PM about that, ok?)

Sprout found 3-FPM and decided he liked it a whole damn lot, is what happened : P
Sprout found 3-FPM and decided he liked it a whole damn lot, is what happened : P

Ah i see. Thanks. I find myself having dropped many of the more pretentious middle class habits and outlooks that i picked up whilst i was at Uni. They were not conducive to blending in to where i currently live, a fairlly rough part of a sprawling Northern working class city.

My Dad is such a strange one that he'd be horrified to know that ive currently become so "common" that I eat Pizzas straight out of the boxes that they came in to prevent unneccesarry washing up. My Dad used to go for milk jugs and all that complete bollocks, i never saw the point, everyone knows milk comes from a supermarket in 1 - 6 pint containers and no dressing it up in fancy china will ever change that. :\
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Does he put sugar in a sugar bowl and butter in a little China butter dish too? My man used to do that......
Does he put sugar in a sugar bowl and butter in a little China butter dish too? My man used to do that......

Yes he does lol. I find such pretentiousness ridiciculous if not down right laughable, especially as he lived on a council estate and often had whole 2nd hand car engines placed in the kitchen, awaiting his next madcap brain wave as to wtf he was going to do with it next. :D My mother would have probably had an instant nervous breakdown if any one ever left a car engine in her kitchen. Yet in some ways my Dad does possess some genuine middle class hallmarks, such as always reading books or 'proper newspapers' and listening to Radio 4. My mother and step Dad had a far grander house, much posher friends, yet their relatively poor education and general knowledge and vast consumption of those mindless TV game shows has always irritated me beyond what was rational. :eek: Unlike all the soap operas would have you believe no real life person I've ever encountered has been such a 2 dimensional stereotypical clone of any class.

I'm sure I have been guilty of many forms of pretensiousness, probably still am, some far more ludicrous than decanting dairy products, but the city I live in, has, if nothing else, mostly got my feet back on the ground and rid myself of such put-on airs and graces. As much as it would be Utopian to dream of a classless society this is still very far from being the case in the UK as even a blind person could tell you.
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Does he put sugar in a sugar bowl and butter in a little China butter dish too? My man used to do that......

My butter lives in a dish kept outside of the fridge otherwise my butler has a terrible time trying to make me a sandwich. Torn up bread just won't do I'm afraid.
My butter lives in a dish kept outside of the fridge otherwise my butler has a terrible time trying to make me a sandwich. Torn up bread just won't do I'm afraid.

A few seconds in the microwave does the trick, you can then use the bread to soak up all the melted butter. %)
There's always the magical invention of spreadable butter......
There's always the magical invention of spreadable butter......
Ah, yes. They developed a process to blend butter with axle grease, with no noticeable difference in flavour -- it tastes just like pure axle grease .....

Part of the joy of real butter used to be in the getting it ready for spreading. Leaving it out of the fridge for awhile beforehand to soften, or deliberately warming it up by rubbing it through the paper with your hands. All this was part of the build-up to The Sandwich ..... But we're so desperate nowadays for instant gratification, that we would rather sacrifice the unreplaceable taste of real butter (and by the way, away from the glyceride backbone, saturated fats are basically paraffins; chemically stable, with no awkward, easily-dislodged atoms sticking out, they don't react with much) for the ability to spread straight from the fridge. We can't wait for the butter to soften, we have to have it right now or it's no good.
Oh I hated that. I want the butter / margento spread when I wantbto speead it - not ages after when I've finally got it soft.

Or you could buy the spreadable butter such as Mainland which rather than adding "axle grease" is actually created by extraction around 3% of the saturated fat with the higher melting point, thus creating a spreadable butter almost identical in composition as old school WW2 butter, but with the benefit of being able to consume when you want, not when nature decides you should have it.

Then again it is a bit povo spreading butter on your toast when you can spread a nice ripe avocado instead
Or you could buy the spreadable butter such as Mainland which rather than adding "axle grease" is actually created by extraction around 3% of the saturated fat with the higher melting point, thus creating a spreadable butter almost identical in composition as old school WW2 butter, but with the benefit of being able to consume when you want, not when nature decides you should have it.

Then again it is a bit povo spreading butter on your toast when you can spread a nice ripe avocado instead
I use that stuff. I tastes exactly like butter but you can spread it.
Alternative technological solutions might include an air-whipping process, producing a butter full of tiny air bubbles, and a butter knife made of some special, highly heat-retentive material with a special profile which work-softens the butter as you load the knife. Or a special "butter fridge", made especially to run slightly warmer than a normal fridge and so maintain butter in an optimal, spreadably-soft state. Or a butter dish made of pottery glazed only on the inside; it can then be soaked in water which evaporates slowly, keeping the butter below room temperature as it absorbs its own latent heat of vaporisation from its immediate surroundings .....
I've seen butter containers with the latter technology-pottery that can be soaked.

What's wrong with taking out your butter half an hour before consumption?
The middle class are just working class tossers that have suddenly got a bit of money and think they are better than everyone. IME, the upper classes are far more down to earth than the middle class. They are the ones more likely to greet you wearing wellies, covered in shit and smoking a fag. They might not have a clue about poverty et al, but they don't shove it in your face like the pretentious twats who live in a mock Georgian housing estate.
All that makes far more sense from a genealogy perspective - 1968, Czechoslovakia revolution. Shift the Bins to the Commies Asap.
The middle class are just working class tossers that have suddenly got a bit of money and think they are better than everyone. IME, the upper classes are far more down to earth than the middle class. They are the ones more likely to greet you wearing wellies, covered in shit and smoking a fag. They might not have a clue about poverty et al, but they don't shove it in your face like the pretentious twats who live in a mock Georgian housing estate.


I'm born and bred working class, but well educated and earn enough to be considered middle class. As far as I'm concerned I work so I'm working class. that is all :)

Simple really! Oh and I have great wellies.

I'm born and bred working class, but well educated and earn enough to be considered middle class. As far as I'm concerned I work so I'm working class. that is all :)

Simple really! Oh and I have great wellies.

Yay, let's see yer wellies ;)

BTW, education has fuck all to do with perceived as middle class. Most 'middle class' morons I've had the displeasure to meet are ignorant tossers and the only thing that separates them from the non working underclass is a few quid.
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Yay, let's see yer wellies ;)

BTW, education has fuck all to do with perceived class. Most 'middle class' morons I've had the displeasure to meet are ignorant tossers and the only thing that separates them from the non working underclass is a few quid.

I have plain ole black farmer type wellies:p

Maybe I'm lucky but the folk I tend to work with come from a range of backgrounds, even upper class 8o and those with professional qualifications are usually very good at what they do. Their personalities may have a lot to be desired for but generally they're fine to work with. They are also ok working with working class scum like me, I've actually found a few really interested in my tinky background! Lol

Class really isn't worth worrying about.