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Morals on the killing of animals

I have no problem killing animals for their meat. I have done it plenty times. I've also killed dogs and cattle when it was the humane course of action.

I don't like unnecessary killing. My colleagues will kill any snake they see, poisonous or not, ditto scorpions and centipedes. This disturbs me; I prefer to relocate them.
Sprout :

You honestly didn't need to explain, I got what you saying and was just lightly poking you as had nothing better to do at the time.

I have a question now though

When you say 'obliterate' funding do you mean the luddites actually have some influence over how funding is spent ?

I wasn't aware that people were up in arms about it tbh. But seeing as splicing genes to make crops more hardy upsets some people I guess it's no surprise.
Zoophilia would've been a more interesting discussion.
I kill shit me!

(Just going for the full house of last posts on the first page of EADD threads - that's 8 now, and counting...)
As humans it's perfectly normal for us to kill animals to eat, though as omnivores we have a choice - the morality comes in how much effort we make to minimise the suffering when we do (not to mention preserve the wider ecosystem). I'm more worried by the detached morality of not caring enough to think too deeply about exactly how that chicken you're eating most likely spent its time on this earth (sitting in piss basically).

Then there's the morals of eating meat every day being impossible for all people on the planet (we'd probably need a couple spare to grow soya) - so we get to eat meat every day as long as a good number of people somewhere far away continue to have some days with just rice (and we cut down the rainforests); or we all try and only eat meat once a week or less (our bodies are evolved for that sort of frequency anyway), and still have a planet.

So there's the worthy intellectual position out of the way - but yes i am a hypocrite because i eat meat (though not every day - i don't mind quorn ("myco-protein bleeds too man!")).
i find the extra suffering gives them that certain je ne sais quoi

cant make foie gras without splitting a few stomachs
a billion Hindus are vegetarians and it works for them. You can feed twice as many people on a given piece of land than using it to graze animals.

Now - the FDA & NICE require a number of tests to prove a new medicine is safe. Reduce, Refine, Replace is the sound-bite but if people feel uncomfortable with that - don't take any medication. Don't forget, we live in such a litigious time that a class-action against a drug maker can bankrupt them, so they are more or less stuck with carrying out a lot of tests. 6 months working with a microtome, day in, day out forced me out of that kind of work but mice & rats are 'sacrificed' but it didn't sit well with me.
Bummer here.

Lost keys to real account.

If you are against cruelty to animals then why do you eat dead bodies ?

Mass produced meat, even expensive 'free range' options, is the result of cruelty on industrial scale.

If anything I have more respect for people who hunt for fun than people that like yourself ( no offence ).

If someone can look me in my eye and tell me that they enjoy killing for fun, then fair play, each to their own. At least they are not kidding themselves.

We may have evolved to eat dead bodies. But we have advanced technologically to the point of not having to.

There is not one nutrient that is *only*
found in meat.

We are not slaves to evolution anymore, we are the major source of change that drives it.

If we were to only do what is 'natural' then we wouldn't have houses, cars, Internet etc.

We are not the masters of this planet, we are it's custodians.
Industrial scale meat consumption uses too much water and space to be an intelligent choice.

As far as we know animals are mankind's only company in the observable universe.
And we treat them like shit.
As a species we should be ashamed.

Tldr :

Eat your cat and enjoy watching it die, or give up meat.

Those are the only two options.

Anything else is hypocrisy.

You are a hypocrite.

But I'm not judging.

I eat dairy so I am also a hypocrite.

Not forgetting that cattle farming is the largest contributor to greenhouse gasses in the world. There should be a blanket ban on fast food. George Forman grills can cook a burger in 5 minutes, surely people can wait 5 minutes. The pre cooked burgers you see behind the tills in McDonalds have a shelve life of 20 minutes so millions of animals are killed for nothing because their meat is thrown out.
Well, they were bred to be killed, so it's not as though their lives would be saved if fast food was banned, if that were even possible.

Bags of meat, that's all most cows are.

I do agree that most people could eat much less meat. Nobody needs meat every day or with every meal.
I wonder how people's attitude to meat would change if it was only sold by the whole animal, and you had to do all the messy bits yourself. It'd certainly encourage use of everything more so than it is now (that said, I wonder if anyone has ever noticed the essential contradiction between complaining about wasted food and complaining about "pink slime" and related mechanically separated meat products). Not quite the same to use a meaty bone for stew as feed it to a machine and get the meat back as goo, of course, but it's still a nice upcycling of what would otherwise be a waste stream.
Man seems quick to forget that if ol' Bessie was released into the wide blue yonder of Mother Nature she'd be torn to pieces by any predator that could take her down before she died from the infinite number of pathogenic diseases floating in the ether...
I'm not sure thats a valid argument against saving billions of animal lives and reducing suffering every year, whilst saving a heap of fresh water and crops, improving our health, reducing environmental damage and getting rid of sandbox for resistant disease/illnesses to grow/evolve...
if we can take down woolly mammoths, i dont think bambis extended family are gonna present too much of a problem
I'm not sure thats a valid argument against saving billions of animal lives and reducing suffering every year, whilst saving a heap of fresh water and crops, improving our health, reducing environmental damage and getting rid of sandbox for resistant disease/illnesses to grow/evolve...

The last three are legitimate points, but to riff on Sprout's point, our relationship to animals is not changing in nature, we're just making it more efficiently benefit us compared to running after the bloody things with a sharpened stick. And to continue my advocacy of Old Scratch, we can't just base our decisions on soulless efficiency, we need to have things we enjoy in life too, and by all accounts eating meat is pretty well regarded by much of the population, and their opinion deserves a say too.

Really though, the solution is just to set all the animals free, relax the gun laws and let the whole problem equilibriate : P
I'm surprised no fucking lefty hippy lentil head has shouted abuse at gun owning right wing nutter murdering animals yet here...

I was waiting for that tbh because I've got this clip ready for them..
It's the same guy from demolition ranch who's a vet and also hosts the vet ranch channel and he's done much good to animals who other charities would have abandoned.
Plus fuck the rspca who are a bunch of fucking hypocrites.
