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☮ Social ☮ [PD Social Tripping Thread] NEW! Gather here for swirly talk

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That is something I have still yet to do that I need to. :) DMT by itself is honestly still not that visual for me in a geometric sort of way, but the visionary hallucinations it gives me are extremely detailed and well-rendered. The only time I actually remember getting something significant in the former way off of it was after smoking 100 mg, in the first few seconds behind the rapidly transforming entities I saw a very basic kaleidoscopic pattern which was quickly followed by a complete disintegration into white light, and then my memory blanks out until it was over.

Honestly, smoked DMT on its own is really not my preference, but I like the idea of having the MAOI slow down the onset and smooth out and lengthen the trip as I've heard people describe. I'm interested in taking it orally for that reason as well, especially after the other day. I'm still obsessing a bit about my experience with the oral MiPT, which gave me some of the best visuals of my life despite its reputation. I suppose that alone should be evidence enough that making predictions about what a psychedelic will do to me is pointless, but given how it did feel similar to DMT in many ways for me, and the fact that it was an overwhelmingly positive experience of a kind I don't normally get from smoked DMT alone, it definitely revives my motivation to find other ways to get the most out of DMT as well.
Honestly, smoked DMT on its own is really not my preference, but I like the idea of having the MAOI slow down the onset and smooth out and lengthen the trip as I've heard people describe.

To me, adding an MAOI to the DMT is like shining a light on it. The visuals are more bright, detailed, and crisp. Even the mental content of the trip seems more clear, solid, and memorable with an MAOI. At least, with B. Caapi extract. I highly recommend it. I had the single coolest trip of my life on that combo.

Tripping on a bit of LSD right now. Happiness isn't about being problem-free; happiness comes from solutions. You can't have solutions without problems.

The significance of life isn't about being on top of the summit; the significance of life is the journey from the bottom to the top. You can't get to the top without starting at the bottom.
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Good observations on life. :) The second one resonates with me especially.

To me, adding an MAOI to the DMT is like shining a light on it. The visuals are more bright, detailed, and crisp. Even the mental content of the trip seems more clear, solid, and memorable with an MAOI. At least, with B. Caapi extract. I highly recommend it. I had the single coolest trip of my life on that combo.

I just read through that trip report, it sounds wonderful. <3 I really would love to experience DMT like that, it actually sounds like the one time I smoked a medium dose while tipsy, though significantly stronger.... Normally when I smoke it I have an adrenaline-like rushing feeling of overwhelming emotions sweep over me, but that time it came on slow and was calm but also highly euphoric, nearly blissful, and in that way specifically including the visual expression it was very similar to my experiences so far with MiPT and DiPT. If I had that feeling but pushed up to the intensity that you described there, I imagine that it would indeed reach that impossibly great magnitude....
Psychedelics: when you're standing above the toilet with dick in hand trying to remember why or how to urinate. Fuck that's the hardest LSD has hit in a long time.
Psychedelics: when you're standing above the toilet with dick in hand trying to remember why or how to urinate. Fuck that's the hardest LSD has hit in a long time.

Always sit bro. Always. But don't get stuck haha, it's easier when you sit.
Good observations on life. :)

Thanks. :)

I can understand why people are so compelled to believe in a higher power. I feel like it's eerily common for me to find things in the first place that I look. I feel like when I tune in to TV shows or radio stations, it's often right before something relevant to my personal life is being said. I feel like the strangers that I meet aren't really random strangers, but people that have something to teach me, or people that can relate to me. I feel like if I dig underneath the surface of reality, I find that I'm living in a supernatural bubble that is specially tailored for me.

All can be explained by other things. Confirmation bias, etc. But still man.
Maybe I'm abusing Swirly Talk by posting pics and vids along with my psyched-out rambling, but regardless, this is cool!

Am reminded of this:


I like Syls music (although often abrasive), and the visuals here is like leeches in a murky pond 'venoming' into a transmutated protein pentamer.
Full track is actually Opale Verniss

This is much more warm and smooth: https://soundcloud.com/lukas-2
Makes me miss my girlfriend, she is having a pretty rough time right now on vacation in France without me..

Damn when smoking amnesia joint last night, my kinda low dose 3-MeO-PCP supplementation of late took a turn for the psycho and I realized that the effect is basically a loss of frame of reference such that the mind's experience becomes ephemeral. The mania is also easily explained in that reference-less paradigm, very intrinsic and pure but also volatile and it obviously needs guidance, an external framing. I remember this very well from chronic K use in the past: my state of mind becomes very dependent on input, and listening to or watching things that are very depressing can feel so tragic since all is captivating. Fortunately I am dosing so that it is not strong but it is easy to see how it could become a problem.
But other than that it is actually not that apparent even into ++ territory (again, I am just not pushing it into actual wobbly freakiness) and working out well as antidepressant. Phasing out of my system slowly now.
Walking in the woods yesterday gathering a lot of Imleria Badia mushrooms was absolutely glorious, subtle but strong like the mescaline of dissos. WOW <3 I could really use this so well right now.
Mind you, most of the time I am pretty much unaffected beyond plain enthousiasm while feeling deeply placid.

: ))
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Do you guys ever trip out on how much drugs you posses? Often when I'm tripping I think about my stash and it kind of freaks me out how much psychedelic power is in there. When I'm sober it all seems super locked down and safe, but then when I'm tripping often it kind of frightens me, or I get into paranoid imaginary scenarios where someone finds it and starts helping them self recklessly. When I get on thought trains like this I always solve it by telling myself: "When you're sober, review the security and safety of your stash, and improve it". And when I'm sober I do take a look at it, and it always seems totally safe and locked down, so I don't really change anything... and then the next time I trip I get into the same thoughts again..

Having a hard time resolving this one. Anyone else relate?
i used to get thought trains like that, but always while under the influence of cannabis. being on a psych/dissociative and then smoking made it more likely to happen, but it only ever happened to me if there was cannabis in my system.

hasn't happened to me in years, though.
Devil's advocate: Maybe the worry isn't entirely paranoid? How about getting a lock box or a safe? That's what I did. :)
Yeah, locking safes are a really good idea. I do have one, and I keep most everything in there, in a freezer. But then I do have some minor quantities of a few things "on deck", tucked away in a well hidden spot, in childproof containers.

I think you're right that the worry isn't necessarily just paranoia. I have kids, and there are other kids around too. It's mainly kids that I worry about finding something. I'm a bit worried about the day when my kids are old enough to figure it out, but too young to be trusted with knowing about it. I think that's on my mind too. It should be years away, but as a father it's hard not to worry about these things.
Do you guys ever trip out on how much drugs you posses? Often when I'm tripping I think about my stash and it kind of freaks me out how much psychedelic power is in there. When I'm sober it all seems super locked down and safe, but then when I'm tripping often it kind of frightens me, or I get into paranoid imaginary scenarios where someone finds it and starts helping them self recklessly. When I get on thought trains like this I always solve it by telling myself: "When you're sober, review the security and safety of your stash, and improve it". And when I'm sober I do take a look at it, and it always seems totally safe and locked down, so I don't really change anything... and then the next time I trip I get into the same thoughts again..

Having a hard time resolving this one. Anyone else relate?

Yeah, my ex-roommate once helped himself to some 2C-D whilst very deep in on his own 3-MeO-PCP, he was not doing well at the start of this and was not making well-considered decisions. He went sort of catatonic and forgot who/what he was and I had to talk him down when I found him.

After that we both put together a little money for one of the most affordable digital safes. Not meant to keep anyone out trying to Mission : Impossible him or her self in, but secure enough for children and unstable individuals.
Actually kind of neat, to hold some keepsakes and cash or whatever.. although my gf thinks it adds to the shadiness of my stash / elaborate collection. I explained myself best I could of course. Collecting RCs and psychedelics is pretty odd and excentric, but yeah it is not strange to me anymore and the countermeasures are very logical.. So I don't really dwell on I suppose, often there is 1 substance in there that makes me insecure about my own self control over abstinence or moderate use even when there are tens upon tens of other substances that are a non-issue. A category type of thing.

I myself am way too much in awe of psychedelics to take them just like that - I recently aborted my plans just for the sake of my less than ideal mindset, you couldn't pay me a fortune to take them during some desperate or super-high state (blackout fugue type shit exempted of course that goes without saying for everyone by definition) and I guess if I really could not trust myself at all with anything anymore I would have to take serious measures for my own protection, hopefully with someone else's help... just like I kind of helped protect my ex-roommate against himself I guess.
Not sure what helped this safe-guard against psy abuse built-in to myself, probably horrible soul-rape type trips hardwired me that way :S .

If you really have doubts or worries and a sweet little safe can be like 25 $ / € and kid's health/lives can be at stake what do you have to think about? It's sort of analogous to the 'buy a scale' argument but with other risk factors.


Also, see: http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads...-Meo-3nity?p=13258887&viewfull=1#post13258887
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Good thing your friend just got into 2C-D, it seems like one of the safer psychedelics you could take recklessly. Holy crap that's a crazy story you linked to there, that's a massive dose of 3-meo-pcp, I'm surprised it wasn't lethal tbh. I remember some story on a reddit thread about some guys dad who got into his stash of something (maybe a disso too?) and started doing lines of it... these are the kinds of stories that haunt me at times when I trip. But probably if these people had their stash in a safe, those stories wouldn't have happened.

Like I said, I do have a safe, and I think everyone should have one. But it is key locked, so it would be possible some day for someone to find the key and use it to get in. Your digital safe seems like a pretty good idea because there's no key. But what happens when the battery runs out?

I'm not at all worried about myself getting into my own stash in some kind of inebriated state and making bad decisions, it's mostly other people and especially kids. I never take dissociatives or benzos, and usually only drink mildly, and I can't imagine myself ever recklessly using these drugs. But it does haunt me a bit to think about someone else finding it. Most of the drugs I have in stock are pretty physically benign, but could definitely cause heavy psychological trauma.

Sometimes I think it would be a good idea to put a big loud note in there with a message to the would-be infiltrator congratulating them on finding their way in, then pleading them to talk to me before touching anything in there.
Like I said, I do have a safe, and I think everyone should have one. But it is key locked, so it would be possible some day for someone to find the key and use it to get in. Your digital safe seems like a pretty good idea because there's no key. But what happens when the battery runs out?

First there is some kind of signal for a while, eventually the digital mechanism stops working obviously.. but there is secretly a keyhole as well : P

Wear the extra key on you or better yet keep it at a remote location in that case. In your case .. ?? be creative

Sometimes I think it would be a good idea to put a big loud note in there with a message to the would-be infiltrator congratulating them on finding their way in, then pleading them to talk to me before touching anything in there.

Yeah I still have to print out some kind of scary, but not too alarming for the random pedestrian onlooker, warning label and symbol on the compartment of my fridge that has all the vials and stuff. Some of it is in rubberstop sealed injection vials, other solutions have scary colors, the way organisms usually warn in nature, which makes ignoring it Darwinian selection? ; P
tried 6mg 3 meo pcp tonight.

Dissolved 20mg in 2ml PG. Had no distilled water and ... yeah.

Well, I am not sure if it's the PG or 3 meo pcp but good lord that was not pleasant to plug.

Do not remember a more intense urge to shit after plugging in my life.

Pretty sure it's the PG. ???

feel kinda dissociated. stimulated. weird. vaping some oil too. and nicotine. mmm. honey tobacco

got some escaline and 2c e :). I'm kind of tripped out tho. Been taking too much too often. I might try the escaline this weekend if I get a good outdoor opportunity.
Just use 3-MeO-PCP sublingually or orally, what is the point in plugging it? Seems uncalled for.. I guess solvents other than luke-warm water can feel irritating and 'present' where its sitting there making it difficult for your body to become desensitized to it which will relieve / avoid the shitting urgency.

Hopefully it feels alright for you? You don't sound too excited, not sure if any of your material was lost in the ROA... hope it was enough to become aware of that 'sparkle' of low-medium dose 3-MeO.

I am tapering just to be sure, took only 2-3 mg orally today with pretty much no effect besides an alert / slightly activated feeling for a short while. Feeling a little bland, will miss it. Still got stuff done today, and feel fine / neutral otherwise. Hopefully there is not too much weirdness coming out of it. I was never at +++, I feel like that matters a lot for re-entry / rebound / hangover.
Getting clean(en up) and focusing on healthy things, excited to be in good shape for coming weekend when I will visit and see my SO.

Hmm I really wish I could do some escaline or 2C-E!
what is the point in plugging any substance? Increased potency, and shorter come up! Dunno if that applies to 3 meo pcp?

It was okay. Maybe it would have been better if I didn't wish I had a large bag of MXE instead. haha.

Felt pretty stimulated. Especially after a few hours. Makes me think it would be good for using low doses and going out doing things. I wasn't really that dissacociated, even smoking a pretty good amount of oil.

Will try the other 14mg oral tonight I suppose.

Have you been bingeing on it, and you are tapering your dose comming off? Would there really be some type of withdrawal/rebound with this after multi days of use? no bueno!

Well, you will be able to trip soon enough. I know you have a stash full of enviables, so don't worry ;-)
Just use 3-MeO-PCP sublingually or orally, what is the point in plugging it? Seems uncalled for.. I guess solvents other than luke-warm water can feel irritating and 'present' where its sitting there making it difficult for your body to become desensitized to it which will relieve / avoid the shitting urgency.

Hopefully it feels alright for you? You don't sound too excited, not sure if any of your material was lost in the ROA... hope it was enough to become aware of that 'sparkle' of low-medium dose 3-MeO.

I am tapering just to be sure, took only 2-3 mg orally today with pretty much no effect besides an alert / slightly activated feeling for a short while. Feeling a little bland, will miss it. Still got stuff done today, and feel fine / neutral otherwise. Hopefully there is not too much weirdness coming out of it. I was never at +++, I feel like that matters a lot for re-entry / rebound / hangover.
Getting clean(en up) and focusing on healthy things, excited to be in good shape for coming weekend when I will visit and see my SO.

Hmm I really wish I could do some escaline or 2C-E!
Me too. 2c-E was something else!
Hi folks! Hope all is well with you.

This is my DOPR weekend, and I actually dosed 5mg in a solution just about 3 hours ago. It's a slow starter, for sure, but I'm just now starting to get the kind of alerts I would get at about 40 minutes to an hour on ETH-LAD. (My most recent psychedelic experience to compare to.) Color enhancement is already happening, and body euphoria bursts, too.

Anyway, expect more from me tonight!

It came with a bit of stomach discomfort, but I think it could have been the energy drink I took it with and that I haven't eaten since breakfast. I'm going to make turkey burgers in a few. I've heard good things, and I couldn't pass it up for the price.


So it's now 30 minutes later; the turkey burgers were good. (Yeah, I'm a quick cook.) Haven't touched the peas or the cellantani salad side yet. A bit of headache can be felt, and much more stimulation. Gonna take a multivitamin here in a sec, and try to find my weed. Where the hell is it? lol


20 minutes later... found my weed. It was right next to where I was cooking earlier. lol

Smoking a bowl through a water bong (thanks Greg my man!) and listening to Causa Sui's Euporie Tide is feeling really good right now. I am doing laundry, listening to music, happy vibes everywhere, I'm so full and I haven't even tasted the peas and pasta salad. Alas.

The last time I listened to Causa Sui was actually on 25i-NBOH. These substances, besides duration, have a lot in common -- namely physical sensory stimulation. My body is filming at a higher exposure right now, and I would love to have a partner to make love to right now. Alas.

I'm blissed out, but not amazingly blissed out like MDA or 6-APB (oh man I miss that one) -- this DOPR unfortunately, for me, will have to be a purely rare indulgence or else I can see it becoming habit-forming, and with a lot of addiction potential for moi. My joints hurt a little bit -- inflamed actually. Alas. --- but these were some crazy days here guys: http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads...ace-Cocktail-Bar-Fractals-Apply-Within/page26 I have my posts per page set to whatever the max is.


40 minutes later... I craved sweets and ate a handful of werther's originals. I never remembered them being easily crushed between my teeth, and with a soft juicy chewy center... these are great! The candy set off a happiness field that surrounds the perimeter of my base.

Oh crap. I just read my earlier post above and suddenly remembered I am in the middle of laundry! Aiii


40 minutes later... (love these 40 minute increments) anyway -- I finally got to the peas and pasta. Yum. (even if cold) -- Still haven't returned to the laundry. Will do it in a sec, I expect. But am observing how very spacey I feel right now, mildly disassociated. Almost that state of mind of having been awake for a long long time, and kind of not being part of the universe you interact with.


50 minutes later -- this is exactly like a sustained, slo-mo acid trip, except everything is stretched out, even the thought loops. lol I think it's pretty entactogenic, I mean, very strongly, actually.

I am fixating on the same song over and over... "The Best Way to Travel" Moody Blues (1968) -- incredible.
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