Chicago Heroin v. The return of Chinky

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exactly I used pills for 4-5years before movin on to dope and it wasn't until I came across the score of the lifetime with oxys and just got myself hooked kinda on accident..

yea man that shit happened to me too... it was like 5-6 years ago now n me n boy knew this guy who would come up from FLA with all kinds of 30s and he ended up getting arrest in KY for not paying child support so he had his son (diff baby momma) start making the runs for him cause he already had everything set up... so one day my boy calls me at like ten in the morning saying that this dipshit left 1000 percs in his aprt and that he wanted me to go break into his house and steal em (but to not take all of em so the kid could atleast go back home lol)... anyways i go over to his aprt and start fucking with the window and his landlord was upstairs (it was an old house they turned into two aprts) and she comes out and asks wtf i was doing, so i told her i knew the guy living there and that he needed me to come get his wallet cause he forgot it... so i call him up and he gets on the phone with her and tells her its all good and to let me in and ended up taking a good 700 off of him (were not complete assholes here) anyways my boy n the dude end up comming back and hes rushing him saying he gota go to work and cant chill, and it took the boy a good hour to notice that damn near all his shit was gone, but my boy was like yo i was literally with you the entire time how could i have done anything... that kid was so fucking stupid, needless to say he never came back to WVA after that... but after that was the first time i ever got pill sick

shit i dream about getting high so much its unbearable... one time i had a dream that somehow i came up on a garbage bag full of pills and i woke just thinking fuck yes im fucking rich and im about to get high as fuck... then i stood up and realized i was dreaming and was sooooo bumed out i couldnt go back to sleep... i dream more about drugs then i do about pussy smh
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it gets easier but it takes months,like I still think about it got to look at it like this..

how long did it take for you to get to the point you are at now? years more than likely, so how can you fix it in 30days or even 60days and then go right back to your enviroment?? its going to take months and years to get back to normal..

and the only way to do that is jail cause a year stay in rehab isn't sure other people take other routes like mmt and bupe but that's just trading one drug for the other..i don't know how I ever cou;d have done it with out jail..and that's the sad truth and also not going back to the same people and things you know, moving helped me keep it up
@chink; yeah dude it will get easier...only if you don't want to do that shit anymore. If you keep fantasizing about the shit like it's something special, you are just going to fucking torture yourself till you snap and go take that ghetto excursion. Dude. You are not fucking missing shit, I keep telling you that. It just fucking derails you and disconnects you from normal life. ...Until the fucking wheels fall off and you wind up smashing. The bitch about this drug is that the tol. develops really fucking quick. I respect your notion that you needed jail for you to actually step back and think about life or lack there of, because of the shit. To me this shit is fucking boring, bro. I need at least five bags to get high(slightly[not like those virgin highs])and at least 3 bag maintanance during the day just to be able to function. I fucking woke up this morning had a few beers left over from last night(one fell out of my hand right on the keyboard while I nodded out typing some shit up[surprised im able to type this here now]),started drinking(no work)and today I'm saying fuck it. I'm gonna take a break(I never say I'm quiting forever[that's a lie]) I'm sitting on a jab+ 60 mil. of done and hopefully picking up subs Fri. And I don't want any of it, bro. Trust me you are just lonely and sentimental. And you think the grass is greener here in Chi. It's not, it's fucking astroturf. You are a fucking vet., man, you know this shit is not all that. If you only reason through it, you will come to the same conclusion, bro. This shit is garbage. I was actually contemplating snorting for maintanance and shooting to get high, simply b/c snorting doesn't do shit for me.
Fuck it, I'm rambling...just felt like getting the message to you to try to jar your memory about the real side of dope, not the sentimental shit.
Be strong man.
At billy: Just when I actually start paying attention to what you are saying, you reveal an interesting fact about yourself. You are proud of yourself for not honoring the old tradition of "honor among thieves". You actually ripped off a dude that you pretended to be your friend? In what circles is that fucking cool? I guess it's ok since in your opinion the guy was a "dipshit", right. That's fucking karma for you. You picked up a mortal illness for being a scumbag. I've done a lot of fucking dirt in my life to get high, just so you don't call me a hypocrit but never stole from people like me. Dipshit or not.
Hey chink where's the chi-town nod team?
Welder, Gwen, chef, pizza, NSB, GT? Sound off let us know you are still among the living. LOL!
Nevermind GT and NSB, I know they're good.
Pizza! WTF! LOL
Later ppl. I'm off the shit as of today, let's see if that done works.
Be strong chink, like I said you are just getting sentimental,bro.
now I gotta know... what happened???

and im not sending or receiving nothing it was that one time, until the next time of course lol...but I know people here that get norks and OCs but ive only been using once a month if that, not even honestly..i get high but my tolerance is still high somewhat high and I don't enjoy it..maybe its the norks but its not a good high to me..i don't nod off norks and that's what I wanted the last 2-3x I did them and so its just like ehhhh..maybe ill feel the ame once I get dope, I don't know. it would be the greatest thing ever if that score some dope and do it and not like it, I would prolly cry. happy tears cause I beat the sickness but tears of sadness cause its like losing an old girlfriend, one you love and at one point pictured yourself with forever only to spend sometime apart and realize you still love her but not in the marrying way..maybe a one night fling everynow and then, shit even a weekend together but after that you are good. that love isn't there anymore and youre ok with it. so you don't go search her out, you just wait for her to come around again, whenever that may be and who knows the next time you see her you don't even fuck and your able to just hang out and be friends, not lovers.

and I know Im not really missing anything but I do miss shitty as it sounds being a user is really fun for a while, I loved the whole process of waking up and copping. how ypu can wake up sick and then the sickness goes away and you get almost a little high as soon as you get a hold of your ppl and they tell you to come down,that euphoria of FUCK YES! cause you know your bout to have your dope. how when you get there and they are taking forever you start to get sick again and need to shit your pants and then when they show up it all goes away and you start to get excited and ive even kinda screamd cause i was so excited like AHHHHHH. then the ride home youre just so happy with the music blaring dippin in and out of traffic cruising only to slow down cause you know where the speed trap is. then you get home and youre so pumped you might have a hard time opening the bag and maybe dry heave a little cause your so excited and once you do that smell hits you and its bliss and you jknow the fun is about t begin..and as weird as it might sound I loved being sick and then getting high, and the worse sick the better. especially that feeling once that shit hits your nose and how that tension releases and you get that warm feeling and your stomach settles..when snorting it doesn't come one as quick (obviously) when youre sick you just feel it all wash away gradualy over a minute or 2, so your snort itand sit back and just feel it creep slowly.

now of course its not all fun and games..i know I was a little more fortunate then a lot of people who end up using for years cause I have a great family but they don't know to this day that I was using heroin, I mean maybe they do but to them it was pills and they had no idea how bad I really was, but I was fortunate more so that all my money was able to be spent on dope, aside from the phone bill and like sometimes gas( cause my uncle had duis and didn't drive so I had t take him everywhere) and little food f, that was about all my bills..i didn't have to pay rent, or like utilities cause I was stayin with my uncle and that shit was all set up and paid for by his family for him(it was his money but he was so fucked he couldnt pay bills on time) it was the 2 fuckups of the family and I feel like they liked knowing that I was there to keep an eye on him but he was a crack head/alcoholic and I was the closet heroin addict, he had money and he always treated me like his kid since I was young and he had none. so my money was no good to him for the most that im clean I look back and think what a bum/scumbag, I didn't have a job cause I didn't need one, I had enough money to get high when I wanted and the other little things so who wouldn't want to live like that, especially when your in using? really it only made I worse cause I didn't really have to hide what I was doing even though I did for the most part, the few times he caught me snorting shit I told him it was OCs and he wanted to try it.

it wasn't always peachy, we got into it a few times and I had to flex him, that's how I ended up getting locked up, he swings on me and I beat him up and he calls the cops and he did some super shady shit to me after that but whatever it was prolly what I needed at that time, I couldn't see myself getting out from under that black cloud that heroin is and when I got locked up it was alomost a relief in a way cause I didn't have to go and tell my family how fucked up I was and that I needed help and just spill the beans about everything, I was able to take care of it myself and it wansnt no bullshit 30-60day was 9months and now its been over a year, actually 14months to be exact and I know some of you would have got out and got high right away and I would have too but as soon as I got out of jail, my sister picked me up and we came straight here. so even though I didn't quit willingly, I knew once I got locked up and saw the charges that I was gonna be there a while causae I had t fight the trumped up charges(you know how they do), so I knew it was was gonna be minute that i was locked up for and I just realized it was a blessing in disguise and was ok with it..i especially in that jail where I was, I mean I was able to get on hulu and like espn and E and cnn and wgn and even vibes website and even though it was $.10/min we found a glitch that made it possible to watch hulu and go on the websites for free as long s you stayed under 10mins and then we found another glitch in the phone system that allowed up to get free money on our phone account for the price of a $3 phone call (internet and shit was hooked up to your phone account).. plus they had a tablet that had a glitch and you could get to llive365 and livemixtapes on not trying to glorify jail cause I was in jail lake county which is where people from gary and the NWI goes to, so it could have been bad but its all how you carry yourself and I dunno I had an easy time and that helped a lot cause it was a little slice of the outside that really helped the process

imgonna use again and when I do I wont be sad that I just blew a year+ of being sober, im gonna be just as excited as if the first time, if not more cause I was kinda scared the first time not knowing what to not going to be sad cause I feel like mentally im not in that dope,dope,dope mindset...I feel like I can go back to just using everynow and then and not let it control me, I feel right now that if I just use once or twice I might get it out of my system(8)..i know that's what everyone says and I know it can take over my life again if I got in that habit but I don't want that anymore, for the longest time that's what I wanted. I wanted to just use dope and be selfish and now I really don't want to be like that, cause it isn't fun. I was just depressed and maskin it with dope and then that just makes you more depressed so you use more and then your stuck in a hole. cause im not dumb, I knew what was wrong, I knew i was depressed I just didn't know how to fix it so to make me happy I used and that really the bottom line..and I didn't start dope cause I was depressed and tryin to mask something, I was just looking for something stronger to keep the party going. but seeing how far I got and how I let it control me when I said it wouldn't is what made me depressed and then when It was like fuck it, I know the only thing that makes me feel normal and that was not in that place no more
Damn that's the realist thing I have ever seen you post on here. I always thought you where a trust fund kid. Congrats on the clean time and resisting the urge to explore Atlantas ghetto. Met a kid from there in rehab it doesn't sound as good or well organized as chicagos dope trade.
At billy: Just when I actually start paying attention to what you are saying, you reveal an interesting fact about yourself. You are proud of yourself for not honoring the old tradition of "honor among thieves". You actually ripped off a dude that you pretended to be your friend? In what circles is that fucking cool? I guess it's ok since in your opinion the guy was a "dipshit", right. That's fucking karma for you. You picked up a mortal illness for being a scumbag. I've done a lot of fucking dirt in my life to get high, just so you don't call me a hypocrit but never stole from people like me. Dipshit or not.
Hey chink where's the chi-town nod team?

im not one to pretend to be friends w ppl i dont like... just cause i bought shit off him dont mean i acted friendly towards him... he was a wigger and a half and i didnt like him at all and had only meet the kid twice... shit if anyones dumb enough to leave their shit in a place they know nothing about then fuck them... that was damn near a 10k lick for me... and id do that shit again.... but on the flip side there have been times where ppl i really were friends with would drop sumin in my car or whatever and i would give it back to em... i def am not one to go around just stealing everybodys shit but come on if someone youve known you whole life calls you n says hey this stupid little wigger left damn near 30 grand worth of pills at my aprt go get em, you would say naw im kool? really? and around here its more like honor amongst of your own ppl and fuck everyone else... but in the end no i dont feel bad for him at all, he was gettin his shit for less then five a piece and selling em here for 25, so yea fuck him i lost zero sleep over that shit... if he was half way fucking smart he wouldnt have put himself in that position in the first place... and yea it got me hooked on pills but also got helped me get a car and an aprt too...

AND how can you say its kool to steal from hard working ppl and not a young ass wana be drug dealer that had no bussiness being involved in the pill game in the first place? if his dad wouldnt of built it up for him he never would have been able to get that much shit on hand so its not like he hustled for everything he had, it was given to him and he was fucking stupid... and IMO its way more fucked up to take shit from someone with a 9-5...
Damn that's the realist thing I have ever seen you post on here. I always thought you where a trust fund kid. Congrats on the clean time and resisting the urge to explore Atlantas ghetto. Met a kid from there in rehab it doesn't sound as good or well organized as chicagos dope trade.

I was left some money but once you hit a certain age you can really dig into it and you spend a lot..thats why I was saying I didn't have t have a job while living with my uncle cause I had enough money to get high and live..buying jabs every other day for a good year or 2 and then buying grams of raw every couple days adds up..prolly 100k in dope if not more blown over the last few years and that doesn't count the weed and bars..figure $300-400 average a week for 3-4years and I really didn't work for any of that time..thats a lot of money

I know I posted these before but that was just one bagive had..i don't remember how many, I know I counted them at the time but I don't know, maybe I can go back on here and see ifi can find the OG post and see if I said the number


and these where a couple others


with the caps, some always got stuck on the inside or I would just dip the cap back in the pile and save some in eac one for rainy days..i gave some to my friends to get a sick off a few times and actually they got high cause they shot it but mainy it was for myself and it wasn't really used to get high after a while like it was in the beginning, it was just to get enough to get your sick off for a few days, maybe a week if really the beginning I was able to actually get high off them a bunch of them


and that's how thick one of the bags yall understand how much money it was? I was getting 14/jab and that's just the ones I saved lol
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Hello my fellow b/l'ers! It's been a while since I have been on this beeeaaatch. Maybe almost a month or somethin. Just checking in. Man I can't wait till these tax returns!!! Bouts to get scummy!!! Too bad my "buddy" wanted to scam me outta some loot.....cause I woulda hooked him up fat for connecting me. Oh well! I have other options
now I gotta know... what happened???

and im not sending or receiving nothing it was that one time, until the next time of course lol...but I know people here that get norks and OCs but ive only been using once a month if that, not even honestly..i get high but my tolerance is still high somewhat high and I don't enjoy it..maybe its the norks but its not a good high to me..i don't nod off norks and that's what I wanted the last 2-3x I did them and so its just like ehhhh..maybe ill feel the ame once I get dope, I don't know. it would be the greatest thing ever if that score some dope and do it and not like it, I would prolly cry. happy tears cause I beat the sickness but tears of sadness cause its like losing an old girlfriend, one you love and at one point pictured yourself with forever only to spend sometime apart and realize you still love her but not in the marrying way..maybe a one night fling everynow and then, shit even a weekend together but after that you are good. that love isn't there anymore and youre ok with it. so you don't go search her out, you just wait for her to come around again, whenever that may be and who knows the next time you see her you don't even fuck and your able to just hang out and be friends, not lovers.

and I know Im not really missing anything but I do miss shitty as it sounds being a user is really fun for a while, I loved the whole process of waking up and copping. how ypu can wake up sick and then the sickness goes away and you get almost a little high as soon as you get a hold of your ppl and they tell you to come down,that euphoria of FUCK YES! cause you know your bout to have your dope. how when you get there and they are taking forever you start to get sick again and need to shit your pants and then when they show up it all goes away and you start to get excited and ive even kinda screamd cause i was so excited like AHHHHHH. then the ride home youre just so happy with the music blaring dippin in and out of traffic cruising only to slow down cause you know where the speed trap is. then you get home and youre so pumped you might have a hard time opening the bag and maybe dry heave a little cause your so excited and once you do that smell hits you and its bliss and you jknow the fun is about t begin..and as weird as it might sound I loved being sick and then getting high, and the worse sick the better. especially that feeling once that shit hits your nose and how that tension releases and you get that warm feeling and your stomach settles..when snorting it doesn't come one as quick (obviously) when youre sick you just feel it all wash away gradualy over a minute or 2, so your snort itand sit back and just feel it creep slowly.

now of course its not all fun and games..i know I was a little more fortunate then a lot of people who end up using for years cause I have a great family but they don't know to this day that I was using heroin, I mean maybe they do but to them it was pills and they had no idea how bad I really was, but I was fortunate more so that all my money was able to be spent on dope, aside from the phone bill and like sometimes gas( cause my uncle had duis and didn't drive so I had t take him everywhere) and little food f, that was about all my bills..i didn't have to pay rent, or like utilities cause I was stayin with my uncle and that shit was all set up and paid for by his family for him(it was his money but he was so fucked he couldnt pay bills on time) it was the 2 fuckups of the family and I feel like they liked knowing that I was there to keep an eye on him but he was a crack head/alcoholic and I was the closet heroin addict, he had money and he always treated me like his kid since I was young and he had none. so my money was no good to him for the most that im clean I look back and think what a bum/scumbag, I didn't have a job cause I didn't need one, I had enough money to get high when I wanted and the other little things so who wouldn't want to live like that, especially when your in using? really it only made I worse cause I didn't really have to hide what I was doing even though I did for the most part, the few times he caught me snorting shit I told him it was OCs and he wanted to try it.

it wasn't always peachy, we got into it a few times and I had to flex him, that's how I ended up getting locked up, he swings on me and I beat him up and he calls the cops and he did some super shady shit to me after that but whatever it was prolly what I needed at that time, I couldn't see myself getting out from under that black cloud that heroin is and when I got locked up it was alomost a relief in a way cause I didn't have to go and tell my family how fucked up I was and that I needed help and just spill the beans about everything, I was able to take care of it myself and it wansnt no bullshit 30-60day was 9months and now its been over a year, actually 14months to be exact and I know some of you would have got out and got high right away and I would have too but as soon as I got out of jail, my sister picked me up and we came straight here. so even though I didn't quit willingly, I knew once I got locked up and saw the charges that I was gonna be there a while causae I had t fight the trumped up charges(you know how they do), so I knew it was was gonna be minute that i was locked up for and I just realized it was a blessing in disguise and was ok with it..i especially in that jail where I was, I mean I was able to get on hulu and like espn and E and cnn and wgn and even vibes website and even though it was $.10/min we found a glitch that made it possible to watch hulu and go on the websites for free as long s you stayed under 10mins and then we found another glitch in the phone system that allowed up to get free money on our phone account for the price of a $3 phone call (internet and shit was hooked up to your phone account).. plus they had a tablet that had a glitch and you could get to llive365 and livemixtapes on not trying to glorify jail cause I was in jail lake county which is where people from gary and the NWI goes to, so it could have been bad but its all how you carry yourself and I dunno I had an easy time and that helped a lot cause it was a little slice of the outside that really helped the process

imgonna use again and when I do I wont be sad that I just blew a year+ of being sober, im gonna be just as excited as if the first time, if not more cause I was kinda scared the first time not knowing what to not going to be sad cause I feel like mentally im not in that dope,dope,dope mindset...I feel like I can go back to just using everynow and then and not let it control me, I feel right now that if I just use once or twice I might get it out of my system(8)..i know that's what everyone says and I know it can take over my life again if I got in that habit but I don't want that anymore, for the longest time that's what I wanted. I wanted to just use dope and be selfish and now I really don't want to be like that, cause it isn't fun. I was just depressed and maskin it with dope and then that just makes you more depressed so you use more and then your stuck in a hole. cause im not dumb, I knew what was wrong, I knew i was depressed I just didn't know how to fix it so to make me happy I used and that really the bottom line..and I didn't start dope cause I was depressed and tryin to mask something, I was just looking for something stronger to keep the party going. but seeing how far I got and how I let it control me when I said it wouldn't is what made me depressed and then when It was like fuck it, I know the only thing that makes me feel normal and that was not in that place no more

Keep your head up bro. I had to lose two close homies in order to quit and I wouldn't wish that to upon anyone.
man I didn't even talk about up over 12-13 at last count..but ive been away from home and I don't use my facebook so who knows how many I miht be up too..out of those 12 or so people I would say..4-5 where good friends and by that I mean we hung out more then 10occasions and the rest just people I knew from my hustling days to just just knowing from the area

and that's not counting all the people from this site, including the first person i scored heroin with and gave me my first connect that i usesd for years and would to this day still keep it if i can ever could get it man tony, i wish i had it cause his runner should be getting out of jail soon and i fuckin chilled with these guys and smoked with them and em kush..(how many timese have you been paid cash and dope by your heroin dealer lol crazy i know) they told me they don't chill with none of they custys..i had his mom once fix me some food while i was in his moms house waiting on him to finish mixin the batch..they where good people that kept me hooked up with free dope too..even gave me free bags the first time i got out of jil when i called and wanted a jab and he didn't here from me for almost 4months and he said "yeah come on" and when i got there hnt sell my the jab instead just gave me 3bags for free and told me to call him tomorrow if i need more..i guess he didn't want me to kill myself or something..but thatcool dude was
im gotta be up front guys.....i was able to score tonite,

i met this chick and she took me to her guy cause she needed a ride to him, didn't tax me or nothing..cute girl im definetly gonna try and meet up with again..only thing she slams it and has 2 not against the kids and i don't care if you slam your dope but to me its always been kind of a turnoff in girls..just gotta make sure your bagged up good i guess.. but shes gotthe cutest little southern accent and she was digging mine. but onto dope i got about .3 or some raw im guessong..i can tell its been cut at somepoint but i don't w how much cause i didn't try it yet_(really i got to see it hit water), over all im fairly impressed..when i first got it i was like this is it? i thought it was like .2 and im like damn this shits expensive, but when i got home and saw what it was im ok with it

i was kind of hoping for some mix bags like back home but the guy gjves out points, which is cool too but was lookin to snort something just gonna pop a bendryl and then maybe smoke some of it, since its so little and i have no tolerance, i can actually see if my method of smoking heroin actually works to get you high..i used to do it to get the sick off if i was conserving and rationing my might sound crazy but i was ble to stretch a half gram over 4-5days cause you could smoke a lot less then what you would need to snort to get the sick knowing how klittle i needed to get my sick off with a tolerance, i hopin i might actually be able to get high by smoking it finally, and it wont take much so if it doesn't work(im almost positive it will) cause i think its got enough cut to dry right and if not i got a benedryl i can add and that will make it burn the right way..but if it don't ill have enough to snort

i know yall are gonna be disappointed especially cause i made that post but i made that post and came on here and started looking again cause i saw a few drugs inc and an interventions recently and it just gave me the itch and itjust so happenedshe hit me up today,d i couldn't pass it just gonna wait til tomorrow to do it..cause i want to enjoy it i don't want to do it now and then go to bed in a hour or 2..

sorry guys but i told you i was gonna do it again, just didn't think it would be so soon
Sorry for what? Lol! I was happy that you were happy being sober, at the same time, I m just as happy that you scored, if that makes you happy. Nothing worse than forced sobriety, if you don't want to be sober, man. At the end of the day you have to be comfortable with whatever you're doing. Nothing worse than an ex-user that wants to use. Those people are fucking miserable. Just keep your low tol. In mind, man.
@shooter: wtf!? Where you been pirate smack? Belated holidays to you. I was by your town a couple of times the last couple of weeks, problem is, I never know I'm going to bumblefuck til that day. I'd bring you some shit. I thought you and your buddy had that shit squashed? You both are
Cool in my opinion, so I'm not taking sides,man.
Fuck it drop it dude, I understand the need to vent but ...
That jab I had earlier this morn.,
Gone, along with that 60 mil of done. I knew I was lying to myself about holding on to it for
A rainy day! Lol! The shit that pisses me of is that I should be in the fucking coma from all those opioids. All Fucking tol.
Anyway, chink, careful
Shooter good to see you're alive and breathing.
Good night or good morning folks.
Be good.
Ps. Don't you have Gwen on Fakebook?
Sorry for what? Lol! I was happy that you were happy being sober, at the same time, I m just as happy that you scored, if that makes you happy. Nothing worse than forced sobriety, if you don't want to be sober, man. At the end of the day you have to be comfortable with whatever you're doing. Nothing worse than an ex-user that wants to use. Those people are fucking miserable. Just keep your low tol. In mind, man.
@shooter: wtf!? Where you been pirate smack? Belated holidays to you. I was by your town a couple of times the last couple of weeks, problem is, I never know I'm going to bumblefuck til that day. I'd bring you some shit. I thought you and your buddy had that shit squashed? You both are
Cool in my opinion, so I'm not taking sides,man.
Fuck it drop it dude, I understand the need to vent but ...
That jab I had earlier this morn.,
Gone, along with that 60 mil of done. I knew I was lying to myself about holding on to it for
A rainy day! Lol! The shit that pisses me of is that I should be in the fucking coma from all those opioids. All Fucking tol.
Anyway, chink, careful
Shooter good to see you're alive and breathing.
Good night or good morning folks.
Be good.
Ps. Don't you have Gwen on Fakebook?
Yeah man its done and over with. Water under the bridge I guess....still out quite an bit of loot. For the $200 I sent I got a total of 6 bags. Oh well I guess right? Lol. Not stressing about it really
Yeah man its done and over with. Water under the bridge I guess....still out quite an bit of loot. For the $200 I sent I got a total of 6 bags. Oh well I guess right? Lol. Not stressing about it really
...Those bags must have been HUGE! :)
Yeah, anyway you cut it man, it was bad but if it happened the way it was alledged, you both should consider yourselves extremely lucky, cause that shit could have went really south, really fast. Been dry since last night and I'm waiting for my buddy to come through with some subs tomm. night, until then, I'm fucking bumming. Cause if I buy more shit it'll be on a merry-go-round and I don't feel like getting on that ride.
I'm fucking tired of trying to catch a proper nod, cause it seems like my tol. is so bad that it's like it's almost impossible for me to get really high. What's next? The spike?!
Unrelated: I've been looking for a car, right? Saw this Lexus RX advertised on CL as " looks and drives like a new car", they wanted $7.000, they also said the car had a whole bunch of work done to it (timing belt, new trans, new tires, etc.) I drive like 50 miles, pull up and here sits a piece of shit that I wouldn't pay 2 grand for. I had to tell the bitch that on what fucking planet is a car with dings and dents considered as "looks like new" and how I drove for an hour, wasted all that time and gas for false advertisement and some bait and switch shit, at which point she offered to knock off 500, I told her, I wouldn't pay $2.000 for her beauty and would have told her more but she brought her daughter outside with her. ...That was probably done on purpose too. Knowing that I wouldnt get irrate in front of a child. Plus I was so fucking sick and really had to keep my shit together. Fucking ignorant people. I hope she does the same shit to the wrong somebody that will come back and brick her back window in the middle of the night. It's like people take chances out there. WOW.
Later folks, be good.
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...Those bags must have been HUGE! :)
Yeah, anyway you cut it man, it was bad but if it happened the way it was alledged, you both should consider yourselves extremely lucky, cause that shit could have went really south, really fast. Been dry since last night and I'm waiting for my buddy to come through with some subs tomm. night, until then, I'm fucking bumming. Cause if I buy more shit it'll be on a merry-go-round and I don't feel like getting on that ride.
I'm fucking tired of trying to catch a proper nod, cause it seems like my tol. is so bad that it's like it's almost impossible for me to get really high. What's next? The spike?!
Unrelated: I've been looking for a car, right? Saw this Lexus RX advertised on CL as " looks and drives like a new car", they wanted $7.000, they also said the car had a whole bunch of work done to it (timing belt, new trans, new tires, etc.) I drive like 50 miles, pull up and here sits a piece of shit that I wouldn't pay 2 grand for. I had to tell the bitch that on what fucking planet is a car with dings and dents considered as "looks like new" and how I drove for an hour, wasted all that time and gas for false advertisement and some bait and switch shit, at which point she offered to knock off 500, I told her, I wouldn't pay $2.000 for her beauty and would have told her more but she brought her daughter outside with her. ...That was probably done on purpose too. Knowing that I wouldnt get irrate in front of a child. Plus I was so fucking sick and really had to keep my shit together. Fucking ignorant people. I hope she does the same shit to the wrong somebody that will come back and brick her back window in the middle of the night. It's like people take chances out there. WOW.
Later folks, be good.
Yeah itchy you are right about that lol. We could both be looking at some type of criminal drug conspiracy charges or some shit if things were sent and intercepted by them piggity po-lice. And the bags were normal pink panther dimes. But like I said, oh well. I haven't talked to dude since like october. Never responds to me or calls me back. I ain't stressin. No sweat off my sack! I ain't whack! And sho don't smoke no crack! So you bess take a step back jack! Fo I smash ya head with this baseball bat-CLACK..........Ooooooohhhhh ssssshhheeeeeiiiittttt
*team nod assemble*

man ive been waiting a long time to finally say that again
tl:dr. Christ, I'm off scratchin in the bathroom for two days and y'all are writing fucking novels. Damn
Nod squad FTW
it gets easier but it takes months,like I still think about it got to look at it like this..

how long did it take for you to get to the point you are at now? years more than likely, so how can you fix it in 30days or even 60days and then go right back to your enviroment?? its going to take months and years to get back to normal..

and the only way to do that is jail cause a year stay in rehab isn't sure other people take other routes like mmt and bupe but that's just trading one drug for the other..i don't know how I ever cou;d have done it with out jail..and that's the sad truth and also not going back to the same people and things you know, moving helped me keep it up

Yeah chink I quit almost the exact same time as you. No jail though. I hAve the opposite outlook, kicking in jail would be a fucking nightmare. I did it at home, no programs or anything just like you. Those rub me the wrong way. To religious But you are very right about the cravings and thinking about it everyday. The sickness blows but it ain't shit compared to the long drawn out after depression. I caught myself again today looking up images of Chicago drug bags and just looking at yahoo maps of the humboldt park, austin, Garfield, lawndale neighborhoods. Not for any real reason but maybe subconsciously planning my move when on do make that trip.. On the other end I broke my ankle at work recently and whenever asked for pain killers I said no (my girl was with me). But I was really secretly hoping they would slip a script in that I would run to walgreens and have myself a great couple days. I have never actually take a opiate for pain, but I have been taking 15-20 ibprophen a day and smoking a shitload of weed. Been 2 weeks and the boredom is killing me, I was actually gonna make the trip down today but forgot my girl is off work today. Fuck the world. So yeah it takes a long time to kill those cravings, maybe they never stop, idk. What's good itchy! Been reading everyday baby but couldn't bring myself to post, too depressed or someshit. At least there is some good sports on this
weekend. Be safe friends
What's up brother. (Pizza) yeah man, I've been straight slipping and sliding.
No, not"fuck the world", thank god for small favors, dude. I do that same shit man, it's funny. Sorry to hear about your ankle, it would be a bitch getting around in jail, man. You feel me?
Fuck this garbage...that's how I feel about it right now, anyway. Got some subs, a buddy goes to me " I'm jealous they work on you". Fuck that! I'm jealous of people with a normal relationship , a house, a fucking dog(I got) but you're getting my meaning. I feel like shit just got done with a jab.
I just want to feel normal.
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