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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Thread: Engage the digital super banana

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Music is such a mind-blower... I agree that the mathematical nature of it is amazing. I'm super interested in other cultures' forms of music, especially how they divide their octaves. Also the modes greatly interest me... part of the reason Jimi Hendrix is so amazing is because he's so modal.

Man I'm having such a good day, I feel pretty optimal. :) How is everyone else? I just got back from my every other week therapy session and my therapist was really interested in how I have formed close relationships on here, so I told her the outline story of my time at Bluelight/PD. We mostly talked today about what psychedelics have brought to my life that I plan to carry forward, and it was pretty thought-provoking to me. I realized, or articulated ( I already knew this), that in addition to connecting me to my spirituality, they've helped lead me to what I feel is my purpose/goal in life. Which is to bring understanding and peace to people.
Also the modes greatly interest me... part of the reason Jimi Hendrix is so amazing is because he's so modal.

i love modes, they're so versatile and can give rise to so many different moods and unique situations. the grateful dead were modal masters. they probably had a better understanding of how to use modes than any contemporary musicians besides maybe miles davis.

take the "song" dark star for instance (i put song in quotes because you don't really play dark star, you enter dark star). it's in the key of D, but it's really played modally with alternating emphasis placed on the A and E, making it sort of halfway between A mixolydian and E dorian. where it gets really trippy is that E dorian contains all the notes of the E minor scale, so looking at the song from one perspective it's in D major, but from another perspective it's in E minor. that major/minor ambiguity is a major reason that dark star sounds like dark star.

another cool thing about modes is that they accommodate such a wide harmonic range. like bobby would come in under the modal jamming and piece together random chords, or "modal fragments", from the notes in the mode, and just kind of search around for combinations that work. it's so freeing to be able to play harmonic parts dynamically like that because you're not just bound by a static chord progression and it really frees you up to be creative.

it's just amazing how much changing the point of emphasis changes the mood, too. take, for instance, the so-called "beautiful jam"

they started playing dark star, but bobby gets the idea that he's going to start heavily suggesting B instead of A or E, and jerry being the consummate musical game player that he was picked up on it instantly and started to run with it. making it essentially the B aeolian permutation of dark star, which has a totally different, more bittersweet / darkly beautiful emotion associated with it, as opposed to the spacey and ethereal mood that dark star normally has.

god i love music, lol. it's really "the thing" as far as i'm concerned.
It's probably the most wonderful thing in existence. It's certainly the most direct art form.
Yeah opiates suck the joy out of everything. I was the same way on opiates. Well I still enjoyed music, I just couldn't be bothered to listen to it. And now my enjoyment is SO MUCH greater.

That was one of my major problems with opiates.

As it is December, I have become a poinsettia once again.
LSD scheme will happen
been like
more than 2 years, mane
methamphetamine schemse are in place.
we'll see
tomorrow depending on teh situation i might do me a fat shot.
and be like
and then i'll end up smoking and i'll go crazy
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I'm so glad to have zero interest in opiates :) the digestive impact is more than enough to put me off. Even 16mg of codeine causes noticeable annoyance for me O____O
that's actually one of the reasons that jazz "sounds like jazz" because maj7 chords have the 7th a semitone under the root and m7 chords have the 7th a semitone above the 5th. that dissonance is what makes those chords sound "jazzier" than triads.

7th a half step above the 5th? what strange sort of musical scale is this?

dividing an octave into 12 semitones is really kind of arbitrary, to actually divide it equally in terms of frequency it should be divided into 15 semitones. eastern musicians actually call western music "out of tune music", and lots of them can't even listen to it because it sounds totally wrong to them (how weird to think like "oh yeah, bach. he was a great out-of-tune musician" lol).

once when i was younger i sat down and did the math and figure out the ideal number of steps between octaves to more closely approximate the ideal intervals (1:2, 2:3, 3:4, etc)... i don't remember the number, and i can't be fucked to do the math over because i'm lazier now than when i was younger =p but it was something like 38 steps between octaves was much more ideal than 12 steps.
man what is the deal with cats and computers? I'm watching a kitten for this new girl who's been stayin at my place and it wont stop climbing on my laptop lol

I'm diggin the beautiful jam, probably pretty much my second favorite thing i've heard by the dead besides attics of my life. I dig the whole musical explanation too, wish I could jam with some of you fellas. Just got my guitar back from my friend and somehow he brought me a DD-6 delay pedal in stead of my DD-7. anyone who knows what both those are would understand why i'd be pissed off haha the DD-6 doesn't have a tap tempo, a looper, OR an analog delay setting.

finally got the cat to stop climbing on the keyboard haha, the girl who's cat this is is so hot i wouldn't mind watching like 4 cats for her if it meant she was gonna stay at my place longer lol

she's making me really happy =D she's like the coolest most beautiful girl i've ever been with, she put on black sabbath when she was in the shower like how awesome is that? Also she likes claire de lune by debussy which is one of my favorite pieces of music ever. can't stop talking about her obviously.


^that jazz/trip hop song was made by a female producer from LA. anyone looking for something very chill should check it out.

It's difficult to imagine anyone thinking claire de lune is out of tune haha

congrats on the success with bands/girls xork!
God damn my Irish heritage. When I consume alcohol, I always consume too much too often. I wish I could just smoke moderate amounts of Marijuana. Unfortunately, the job I'm about to be hired for absolutely drug tests. It's the type of job where I think failing a drug test might not just get me fired; I'm pretty sure I'd be tarred and feathered and thrown in jail.

Oh well, just two years and I'll be able to quit being a government pawn and go back to school.
7th a half step above the 5th? what strange sort of musical scale is this?

lmfao yeah i'm an idiot, i don't know how that farted out of my mushy adderall brain.

the minor 7th is a semitone above the major 6th, which of course has no bearing on anything
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But as far as non-musical sounds go, thunder is surely one of the most awe inspiring. Hearing it boom and crash around the sky right now...:)
finally got the cat to stop climbing on the keyboard haha, the girl who's cat this is is so hot i wouldn't mind watching like 4 cats for her if it meant she was gonna stay at my place longer lol

she's making me really happy =D she's like the coolest most beautiful girl i've ever been with, she put on black sabbath when she was in the shower like how awesome is that? Also she likes claire de lune by debussy which is one of my favorite pieces of music ever. can't stop talking about her obviously.

Cats like to get on computers I think because they want to be the center of attention and they see us staring at this computer screen. One of my cats will get on books I'm reading sometimes in the same way.

Congrats on the girl... sounds like a good situation. :)

But as far as non-musical sounds go, thunder is surely one of the most awe inspiring. Hearing it boom and crash around the sky right now...:)

Hell yeah, thunder is an awesome thing. Haven't heard any in a while.

So I'm REALLY sore today, it's crazy. My entire back, especially my lower back, and my shoulders, and my chest. Reason being I started doing deadlifts yesterday for the first time, plus I did a bunch of other free weight stuff I have been doing for a little while. It's pretty intense though.
trap music can suck a dick
just saying
and in other news
i love lorde
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Haha, this season of South Park has been really great, they're back on point completely. =D

My girl and I were invited to my friends' house to play games and eat dinner... I texted her this morning to see when she wanted to come over and we've been texting about stuff since then... she ended it with "can't wait to see you!" even though we saw each other the other day. It made me smile. Feels good man. :) Early stages in relationships are the best.
Yeah I'm sure you're right, but I just meant that feeling of excitement and newness at the beginning is pretty irreplaceable. It's an exciting feeling. For years my last relationship did deepen and strengthen and get better, but the giddiness of something new fades, I kind of think that's inevitable.
Yeah I'm sure you're right, but I just meant that feeling of excitement and newness at the beginning is pretty irreplaceable. It's an exciting feeling. For years my last relationship did deepen and strengthen and get better, but the giddiness of something new fades, I kind of think that's inevitable.

This. It's like the honeymoon stage, where everything is still a fairytale.

Then she realises I'm a twat >.< haha

Good to hear you're still[/ I] on the up mate :) keep sharing the good news and stories ;)
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