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Today was my first time coming in here, and I feel like I'm witnessing the Hindenburg

lol Nice.

Weird Laika fact: I'm from New Jersey originally, it was a member of my family on my father's side who muttered the infamous "Oh the humanity!" quote.

Combination 2c-b and MXE -

~10-15mg 2c-b and ~50-60mg MXE split into several doses last night, can't recommend this combo enough.

The universe became a clay-like plastic sludge that i was melting into for hours, absolutely amazing. Visuals and body high were incredible, introspection was there but felt mainly of a recreational nature. Very melty, smudgy, smeary type of visuals like an oil painting and extremely vivid. The MXE and 2cb when taken at the same time seemed to be very synergistic, rather than fighting for each other, which i found to be impossibly amazing. I was even able to sleep about 5 hours after initial dosing.

Super happy with the results and i'll definitely be trying this again when my tolerance wears off, probably with higher dosages of each.

I wonder what would happen if you threw some Meth into the mix, bruh.
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Ya, all the crystal meth posts are a bit gnarly. Kind of the reason I never peak my head into the "Other Drugs" forum...
What a fucking life. I was hanging out with a good friend and Bluelighter tonight, him and his girl. I realized how lucky I am. I have a great job that pays me well and I get to work from home so a lot of the time it barely feels like work. I have the freedom to go on a hike in the middle of the day. And I get to spend the rest of my time deriving enjoyment from life. This is how I feel these days:


It's hard to believe that at the beginning of this year I wanted to die. Amazing what shedding two things that are draining your life can do for you. :)

Combination 2c-b and MXE -

~10-15mg 2c-b and ~50-60mg MXE split into several doses last night, can't recommend this combo enough.

The universe became a clay-like plastic sludge that i was melting into for hours, absolutely amazing. Visuals and body high were incredible, introspection was there but felt mainly of a recreational nature. Very melty, smudgy, smeary type of visuals like an oil painting and extremely vivid. The MXE and 2cb when taken at the same time seemed to be very synergistic, rather than fighting for each other, which i found to be impossibly amazing. I was even able to sleep about 5 hours after initial dosing.

Super happy with the results and i'll definitely be trying this again when my tolerance wears off, probably with higher dosages of each.

Nice, I've combined 2C-I and MXE and tne result was amazingly synergistic. So much so that 14mg of 2C-I with 25mg of MXE (I took the 2C-I after the MXE came up fully which seems to be the best way for MXE combos) was by far the strongest 2C-I trip I have ever had... by far. I'd love to try it with 2C-B. Interestingly, 2C-T-7 seemed to have no synergy whatsoever with MXE.

On another note, I'm really worried about a good friend of mine. He's in a relationship with this fucking succubus of a girl. They've been together for less than a year. It seemed fine at first but this bitch is crazy... for real. All they do is fight. He's broken up with her 6 or 7 times now and asked my advice about it probably literally 3 dozen times. He's a musician, a really talented one, and music is his love. This girl has no respect for that, she gets mad at him every time he even spends a half hour jamming with his friends because she is pissed that he is not paying attention to her. She has no interests at all besides him, all she wants in life it seems is to make him into her husband. She's even said that she isn't interested in anything but that. He's miserable all the time, he's super depressed and out of his own mouth it's just because of her.

He broke up with her about a week ago and they had a conversation where they apparently both agreed that they were no good for each other, and we all really thought it would stick this time. She moved her stuff out, etc. Then a few days ago, she called him and said, hey, why don't we just hang out and have sex, we don't need to be together. We were like, dude, bad idea, this is playing with fire. But he did it anyway. So now they're hanging out every day and fighting exactly like before. She told him that he needs to grow up and stop "playing around with music and hanging out with friends all the time", and since then he's been acting really weird. He told his roommate (the main musician he plays with and a really good friend of mine) that he "needs to start focusing on other things and get serious". I went over today, the plan was to jam with them, but he didn't even say hi to me, he just locked himself in his room. Never before has she actually gotten to him to the point where he doubted his musical path, and it's SO sad. She says she loves him but if she loved him she would accept that he is a musician and not try to get him to stop just so she can be paid more attention.

This is an example of how crazy she is... 5 years ago he wrote a poem (they've only been together like 8 months maybe), a really beautiful poem about a guy who sees a woman's silhouette on a dark street as he's driving by, and wonders who she is and what her life is like. This girl found it and read it, and thought it was beautiful... she complimented him on it and was telling us all about it. So another friend came over and he started describing the poem to him. He said "so there's this silhouette of an attractive woman..." and as soon as he said attractive, she flipped out. She was like, wait, she's an ATTRACTIVE woman?? You bastard!! She ripped up all the copies of the poem, threw away a necklace he had given her as a gift, and screamed at him til 5 in the morning about how much of a pig he is... she got insanely jealous over a FICTIONAL woman he wrote about 5 YEARS AGO. Another time, they were looking at Facebook photos and there was a picture of him with his ex-bandmate's girlfriend from many years before, you know, just smiling, friends in a photo, and they were friends for a long time, since high school. She freaked out and made him take it down and chastized him for hours and hours. Straight up mental.

Another time, quite recently, she was coming over, and she hates his roommate (because he tried to have a talk with her once about the situation and she is threatened by him). She told my friend that his roommate had to leave if she was going to come over because she didn't want to be in the same house as him (even though it's his house). So he went ahead and left since his good friend asked him to. She came over at 6. He texted her and said, okay, I left for you, but could you leave by 11 so I can come home, I have an early day tomorrow. She flipped out and told him he was absolutely crazy for asking such a thing, how DARE he ask that of her. Then my friend (the one is the relationship) got really pissed at his roommate and said, you better never text her again, that was totally uncalled for, and was mad at him for days.

He's one of the nicest people I know and he deserves SO much better. I honestly cannot fathom how he can stay in this situation, or what he sees in her. When I met him he was vibrant and happy, and now he's unhappy almost all the time. She's not even hot, she's cute but I mean, damn. I'm getting really worried she's going to convince him to marry her, she tries to hint at it all the time. I've never seen him like this before, in the past he always reverted to his normal self when she left but now he's in this dark cloud all the time and talking about how she's right about him needing to get serious and stop the music. Why the fuck can't you just stay away from her dude?? And there's nothing I or anyone can do. We've tried and tried, at his own urging, to get him to see the light but he just keeps going back. :\ It's the sickest relationship I have ever witnessed... it makes me sick to my stomach to see it happening.
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I look forward to the next instalment of "Weird Laika Fact".
I look forward to the next instalment of "Weird Laika Fact".

Hah. Glad you appreciate it.

I got a good one for you if you're ever bored and want to read up on it. My great great great (lol, I know, we're going back now) grandfather on my father's side invented and patented the first submarine and many other aquatic vehicle devices.

It's funny because back in the early stages of our relationship, my girlfriend and I would argue and she would say that she would leave me because I was a sinking ship. I said I must have come from a long line of men who were sinking ships, so much so that we eventually learned how to just navigate our ships under water.
^Not as impressive, but my great-grandfather was the first to bring an umbrella to Australia. He claimed to have introduced the device here. So it was said...

Laika said:
Glad you appreciate it

I really did, the topic of the Hindenburg touched off a good Wikitrip for me :)

Laika said:
It's funny because back in the early stages of our relationship, my girlfriend and I would argue and she would say that she would leave me because I was a sinking ship. I said I must have come from a long line of men who were sinking ships, so much so that we eventually learned how to just navigate our ships under water.

Nice metaphor :) Me and Miss Willow must have invented sonar, given the depths we've plunged too and still returned to surface.

Now up high though <3

Got home from a family birthday thing for us to be assaulted by a nasty white tail spider, descending slowly into the shower. I tried to manually move it into a glass, but got concerned as it was getting frightened, aggressive and angry so I allowed it to walk (scuttle) onto a piece of paper and raced outside as it defied gravity with its legs and stuff.

Last I saw of it, it was rapidly darting into shadow.

Hmm, I took some d-amp to make my familial function tolerable and am now very stimulated. I felt utterly enthralling at the family function, like I was the embodiment of wit and insight, in truth probably taking way too long to say nothing at all. But I enjoyed it :) I think I may try making some tunes; its only 11.37pm and I do no think I shall be sleeping before morning, if at all.

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Nice metaphor :) Me and Miss Willow must have invented sonar, given the depths we've plunged too and still returned to surface.

Now up high though <3

That's awesome man, I'm happy to see that you guys are still going strong after all this time. <3
yo my fault on that shit the last two nights
well mainly jsut the first one, that was way too crazy for me, and I believe that my standard of actign crazy is above teh average person's.
But this has me stumped
I feel like I shoudl be concerned for my health at this point
I finished smoking the last of the stuff at maybe 1am, then spent another 30-60 minutes trying to smoke shit that didn't exist, typical, then chilled and watched TV until about 4am, then I went and laid in my bed doing things on my phone
I dont manage to get to sleep until about 10:30ish due to a combination of relatively mild paranoia and being too wired, so I had been trying to sleep for a while before I finally fell asleep.
Wake up, feel completely normal, and plan to take a shower, eat, drink, and go on with my life as if the last 3 days never happened.
About a half hour after I wkoe up, mind you I was woken up by my phoen vibrating, the sleep was restful and good, the 3 hours i did manage.
Get on the computer, and at about a hlaf hour after waking up, I start sweating and feel my heartbeat racing exactly as the drug causes, alogn with an annoying sense of heightened focus but with no other changes in feeling/mood/thought process other than the hyperfocus.

How is it possible for me to sleep off the effects of a drug, after waiting it out for a few hours past the duration of the "high", only to wake up normal but end up randomly feeling as if i'm still under the influence 30 minutes after waking?
You should be concerned for your health dude, binging on meth is really, really bad for you. Plus to be honest you seem extremely preoccupied with it. It makes me concerned for you for sure. <3
Not just physical health, but mental, social, emotional, spiritual. Plus maturity and how far into denial you might be. I remember being in an outpatient treatment for alcohol when I was 21, and thinking I was fooling the counselors when I wasn't caught drinking. Turned out the joke was on me! That's why I stay away from the drugs that only want your soul, and stick to the good ones.
Well guys, I just downed 7mg 4-AcO-MET in water, plugged 25mg MXE, and also took 0.8g Phenibut. Also have DMT on hand for the peak if I'm feeling it along with my trusty e-cig. Should be a lovely night. Have an insane sound setup too, a 12" sub and two tower speakers, each with a small sub, woofer, and tweeter =D

If anyone sees this and has a suggestion as to visual or musical media to enjoy, let me know.

Wow. 10 minutes and the MXE is already making reality hard to navigate.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

4-AcO-MET + MXE = extremely close to MDMA. This is the second time I've done this combination now, first time being at a dance music festival. This is quite possibly better than MDMA guys. The amount of love and euphoria right now is unreal.
all i have to say is that i learned my lesson about injecting drugs now
not that anything happened with me of course.
you guys didn't notice any craziness about PD did you?
i didn't see any
neither did you guys, right?
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Wrap your ears around this groovy little fuck:

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

4-AcO-MET + MXE = extremely close to MDMA. This is the second time I've done this combination now, first time being at a dance music festival. This is quite possibly better than MDMA guys. The amount of love and euphoria right now is unreal.

Awesome! I have some 4-aco-dmt (i think it's pretty close to the met) so I'll probably try a combo with that sometime, i know it mixed extremely well with 2cb.

And I would definitely rather take that 2cb MXE combo than MDMA in most situations any day! Far more interesting and much much deeper with more constant flowing euphoria! So i definitely see where you're coming from, i get excited just reading that someone did a combo like this knowing how amazing it must have felt.

I'm stealing three of your hearts...
<3 <3 <3
all i have to say is that i learned my lesson about injecting drugs now
not that anything happened with me of course.
you guys didn't notice any craziness about PD did you?
i didn't see any
neither did you guys, right?

I read your longer post you deleted too... I'm happy you're thinking about this, good for you. :) I hope it sticks. Life is way better without getting all strung out regardless of what drug it is. PD is just fine. :) And I think you will be too, just gotta focus on things besides drugs. It's not that you can't use drugs, just that to focus on them exclusively is a bad thing.
Impulse trip on 12 mg 4-Ho-MET last night turned into a magical and euphoric music-making session :) Bit of MXE and we cruised <3
I jammed last night with my voice... wordless singing that I was trying to make sound like a guitar solo. It got recorded and I'm REALLY happy with it. I'll try to get it on Youtube so I can share it here. :) There were 2 guitars, a bass, drums, and me.

And tonight I'm going to a potluck with my friends... I'm currently making a badass chicken pot pie. :)
I was socializing and having healthy enjoyment yesterday (herb, and music, and serious talking), it was surreal. I didn't realize just how out of it I have become in my hermitage. Hope y'all are having a lovely day. :)<3

And what are the chances of meeting another bipolar, drug-abusing Billie Holiday fan of my age?
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