TDS The TDS grief/bereavement thread

Wow what a thread. Just found it. I'm still dealing with loss of partner only 35 yrs old. He died at my house. I tried tevivng him for 20mins til the ambos got there and they tried for 45 min before they pronounced him dead and put him in body bag and took him out like rubbish. I haven't been able to stay in my place for 11months. I can't stand the thought of seeing the spot ge took his last breath. Can't handle living either
Can't sleep. Can't go out for long as if I here sirens I have flashbacks. Nightmares turn into daymares and can constantly c him being zipped up in bodybag. Feel like leaving this place but I have a son and he the only reason im still here. I can't bear to put him thru the agonizing pain that I feel. That's just selfish. Just wish I could function. I'm dead on the inside
Highhopes, I am terribly sorry. The PTSD from the body bag strikes a chord with me. For me it the feeling of my son's body, already in rigor mortis. Daymares is a good word for it. Counseling couldn't touch the pain at first but after a while it helped--gave me tools to use anyway. Hospice usually has free to low cost grief counseling. I hope something like that is available to you. What other kind of support do you have? It is very important to let yourself feel during this time though I understand very well the desire to just shut off feeling to get through the day. You need privacy and you need unstructured time to let the tears flow. You need support for both you and your son. I am so sorry for your loss. Use this thread daily if you need to--even just one or two words about how you are feeling can help. Tell us a story about your partner, about who he was. He was much, much more than a body that got put into a bag. Much love and strength to you and to your partner's family.<3
Oh hun condolences, we are here for you if you need more help. Pm me hun ok?
Thank you for ya kind words. Have been really struggling. Nice to know people still care.
I'm sad to say we've had a tragic loss from my brother-in-laws family. His Dad had some sort of bad fall a few days ago, ended up with multiple organ failure on life support & they pulled the plug yesterday. I'd only met him a couple of times but that doesn't make any less of a tragic loss...

I haven't talked to my brother-in-law yet, but I hope he is doing ok. Also, I think my Nephew is old enough, 3 and a half, that he will ask after him at some point although it's unlikely to register too much in the grand scheme of things since he is still young.

Sad times. :(
Just popped to this thread with the intention of getting the link for a friend in rl..a non bluer so far. Hoping he may find an outlet here and shared words of experience of how to cope in the following flow of time with his recent loss. Of course I once here had to read most of the posts and I just wanted to express my sincere heartfelt condolences to you all for what it's worth.

I hope you all get to a place one day soon when you feel free to celebrate the lives of those that have gone, not just with tears but also with smiles, laughter, the happiest memories of the time you shared and the love that you will always always have and keep for them.

Big Love to all <3
^thank you inflorescence for the amazing and heart-warming post.
Mom I miss you so much, I wish we could have hugged and said bye one last time before you got into your car. 10-5-14 RIP mother.

I stay strong for myself to keep it together for dad and the rest of the gang. Fuck mom I cant believe I will never see you, sometimes I pick up the phone and start to dial your number as a habit. I will always keep you close to my heart and talk to you. I will make sure your grandson will have wonderful stories to hear about you when he Is a bit older.

I love you.
Mom I miss you so much, I wish we could have hugged and said bye one last time before you got into your car. 10-5-14 RIP mother.

I stay strong for myself to keep it together for dad and the rest of the gang. Fuck mom I cant believe I will never see you, sometimes I pick up the phone and start to dial your number as a habit. I will always keep you close to my heart and talk to you. I will make sure your grandson will have wonderful stories to hear about you when he Is a bit older.

I love you.
Oh sweetheart big hugs for you <3
I just want to say ANY time, from one minute to a few years is some time to say your goodbyes and get that closure. Some aren't as fortunate.
My girlfriend was killed 2 sat ago. In a car wreck. More of my friends where also killed. It was a partly hidden relationship. We shot dope togather. So her family and most of her pepole had no idea who I was. Wich is better. I am older and a ex con I don't look it and i have my son by myself. But idk I have delt with a lot of death. Of close family. And I never had it drop me. I was in Prison. When I found out my 1st bro died the day he got out. Not a tear. My kids mom my wife. Felt it, but was ok. I had one other girl idk friend fuck buddy. I dropped her off by her house. She was found dead later that night in a parking garage. I never did ask her mom how. I delt ok. I cqnt tell u how many friends. Grandma just kinda did as little as I could. But when my girl was killed. I dropped to the floor. Then ran outside. Back in did not know how to even deal. Been using and that day we knew we needed to stay away for a bit to get sober. This sucks I know all about the 5 stages. But they just over took me.they are kicking my methadone up. HAve to keep on going got people that depend on me..
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I am so sorry tecari. <3 One thing I know about grief is that the five stages is mostly trying to fit something wild and messy into a nice box--never helped me too much. The way you experience it is different than how I experience it and B rarely follows A and A comes back to punch you 4 years down the road. The best thing you can do for yourself is simply to allow yourself to feel, as painful as it is, trusting that feelings are what give meaning to life. Rest in the knowledge that you shared something real and beautiful regardless of whatever else you shared with your girlfriend. I'm glad you found this thread and took the time to write.
it's hard to lose someone.especially, when it is too close to you. but life is a series of step, it's up to you on how to move on when it comes on this situation. It's either you will step up, or back down. But whatever it is, put a smile on your face and be thankfull for for once in your life, there someone out there ready do die for you.
Understanding it all

Ok Hi all. And Hihopes..
You are describing accurately what I am currently experiencing. Only my soul saviour & partner's demise was, i believe a result of my clouded judgement ending with the death of not just Mick Hales but the suicide of my Michaela (my girl). I miss her desperately. I feel life is so tough without having her around that I am killing myself with sleep deprivation on three or four week MDPV benders. The following week is usually spent in bed until the next 10 g is dispatched to me. ..

It is strangely ironic that the one thing that I thought i could depend on to help shut out my pain, also began to invoke the darkest of nightmares which were so intense they became part of my waking life making my whole lonely space unbearable.. My "solace" has been in the continued 'pursuit of oblivion' with the smak. Never before in over 15 years of using have i experienced such violent nightmares.. Michaela came back into my life through a mutual junk bud of ours- Dan from the isle of wight & was the reason my life took a sudden change for the better in 2008 when I came off opiates finally and it was a breeze.

.Thanks to Mix she made it easy as she was one of the few who never fell for the Heroin that became epidemic round her some 20 years back. She really was an inspiration to me enough that i didn't look back once we got together and grew strong and proud to be alive with her.

After the years went by the cracks that appeared that probably were always on the cards i am thinking & i had to distance myself from Mix because i wanted to keep her as a soul mate and friend above a lover and tensions were mounting in her house so i stayed in my bus in the valley not two mile down the road...

After she dropped the boys off at school she would come see me every day nearly and so i continued to love her after living apart for almost two years..Mix i know was really strong in character and yet oddly i now think she was morbidly fascinated by the dark side of smak making out that she had no time for junkies and yet both Dan and I were full on users who she embraced as brothers and then Mix & I fell in love sending Dan packing back down the isle of wight to continue his self destruction...

So i became strong and worked hard to build on our relationship by extending the house etc.
I ponder on the train of thought that says life is pre-ordained and that we are all pawns in a game played by God or the Gods. Perhaps. Do you ever really know someone..? I did all i could and more to become what i am now...?. a victim of my own making.

I introduced Mix to an old acquaintance when by coincidence I was told he was holding speed which was Michaela's poison. She never knew Tant who was a new found source for speed but also a life long intravenous smak head. I knew this as anyone who knew Tant did - hell i used to be, but Mix helped me change all that. We had some savage rows recently but i continued adoring her and wanted to be of use to her in any way since we couldn't live together

So..Mix meets Tant.. That was fkn that. Next; my auntie passes away suddenly Christmas last year and so Mum and i go to Scotland for two weeks..Auntie Sue was Number 1. They say death runs in threes? . I was dealt my second and coldest blow then.. when I was up there, miles away she mocked me and proudly told me how good Tant was in bed and i was devistated. I threatened to kill Tant. He ignored me.

I was powerless to do anything. I felt sick so hurt and confused and angry. I knew they were lying when i was told Tant was getting clean and my worst fears came true..
The second to die was Mick Hales shortly after I returned home and he was an olds mate who i knew was always keen on Mix but then the three started hangin and Mick OD'd then a week later my darling Mix topped herself with Tant nowhere to found..

I can in no way describe my grief. I had to quit the use of smak to deal with the pain as the nightmares were too much. So i go with the deprivation of sleep which is intense yet insightful and i believe is helping in one sense to work out how these events all break down and so after the manic lack of sleep emerges a sense of clarity. A revalation one might say i am now a victim of the savage truth. Do we create our own reality and so become the architects of our own demise.?

This is not my conclusion its merely my thoughts on how pointless being a victim really is. After all i am still here and my worries have died have they not..? The past is a wilderness of horrors so not a good dwell point move forward by thinking ahead.. Hope for the best and plan so as to allow for the worst and forgive yourself.

I am, like you just so sad. Life is hard. Feeling utterly alone. But here we are! Not so alone.. Stay clean. Be strong. Our salvation depends on it.

Like the mushroom, nature finds a way to recycle, proving and beautifully personifying that "Life after Death" cycle is very much a part of the process in an immense picture. Out of the decay that prevails the damp weeks of autumn twilight comes life in fruitful abundance for our benefit as for the order of things that remain mysterious to us; yet available in the darkening days approaching the winter... We will- i believe join with loved ones we lost when our time comes, but for now we remain here in our current state of being with a purpose we have yet to understand or fulfill and so; we matter.:) Tis True.
Many Thanks for reading.
Peace & Harmony.. Gav
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Gav, I am so sorry for all your losses--not just losses, hard losses full of suffering beforehand. You are a beautiful writer. I hope that helps you through your life. Stay away from mdpv--there is an insidious addiction. Take care of yourself--no matter who you are or what you believe this season of expectations hits people hardest when they are grief stricken by loss or loneliness.<3
Aw thank you Herb for your kind words. i am going to cruise meets in the new year so hopefully that will also help
Peace and Love, Gav:)
^I don't know what cruise meets is but anything that helps is good.<3

I miss my son. I miss him so much that I cannot function when I allow the magnitude of my loss to surface. Contrary to popular pablum (Time heals all wounds), it does not get easier. Life goes on, responsibilities must be attended to, life can be sweet or exciting or dull or joyous and yet underneath everything there is an ache. At my son's memorial my mother said it is like waking up without a limb. In the three years that he has been gone, I have adapted to being able to function--and from the outside people tell me I function well--but it is adaptation, not a full recovery. There is no recovery.

I never wanted to be a person made of scar tissue. I tried to change anything that hurt me and to let go of anything that could not be changed. Sometimes I even feel guilty knowing how much my son would not want me to hurt this much--to be the cause of so much destruction. I don't even think I understood how deeply we were connected until his death showed it to me. I lost so much of my own life when he died. I lost the will to create art which has been central to not only my very being but was an income as well. Grief wields a very hard punch.