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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Thread: N-Dimensional Funhouse of Possibilities

Sometimes I wish everything wasn't pain....:(

Fuck!! I just don't think I can keep this up anymore!

Scratch that won't....
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Hey Help, I was just thinking about you earlier today, wondering how you were doing. Anything you want to talk about?

I just got back from choir rehearsal, I'm in a church choir because I heard them once and they were really good. I'm the lead tenor. Next weekend we're performing the entire Rutter Requiem, it's such a sublimely beautiful piece, I can't wait. :)

I made a tomato/cream/pepper pasta sauce yesterday... I put 2 habaneros in, a jalapeno, 2 serranos, a hot red chile pepper, and some milder peppers in. It's so hot it's almost too painful to eat, but so tasty. Next time I'll stick to 1 habanero.
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Is taking drugs a skill by the way? :D (not that you said it is, but it stands out in a pretty funny way)
You know I've wondered that. Because if it is that's my fuckin' talent. I think it is, just not in the way we usually think of "skills," because it's an inner performance that can't be verified objectively, though the way we are able to speak of or write about it is telling. Skill for physical and psychophysical tool use undoubtedly overlaps in some areas while remaining domain specific in others. I've certainly gotten better at using dissociatives in a non-tolerant state. It took me years of approximately once to three times per month use to discover the sort of profound dissociative visuals I've made threads about, for instance, and those only began after experiencing a fortunate "guiding vision." Inner skills have to be developed largely on faith, I think. We cultivate them via meta-cognitive reflection on the minutia of conscious experience. That is how we form a dialogue with our subconscious and advance the collective agenda of ourselves.
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Taking drugs is definitely a skill, especially psychedelics. I wouldn't say it's your only talent though psood. :)
speaking of dosing psychedelics on weekdays... i'm going to take DOC before heading to school tomorrow, then between classes i'm going to snort some DPT and walk through the nature area next to campus.
speaking of dosing psychedelics on weekdays... i'm going to take DOC before heading to school tomorrow, then between classes i'm going to snort some DPT and walk through the nature area next to campus.

Nice. :) I didn't get into the RC world in college, only after... I tripped probably 8 to 10 times in all 4 years of college, I did take 5-MeO-DiPT twice, but only knew it as "foxy" and some neighbor sold it to us. However had I been acquainted with DOC at the time I'm sure I would have gone to class on it. :)
only a small amount of DOC btw... 1mg or less.... haven't decided yet, will figure it out in the morning. will probably snort like 30mg ish of DPT tho. maybe a bit less.

your college experience was pretty different than my current college experience btw -- this is my second time around at college, and i'm 28 years old. my first attempt at college was more similar to yours (tripped maybe 5 times total).
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only a small amount of DOC btw... 1mg or less.... haven't decided yet, will figure it out in the morning.

your college experience was pretty different than my current college experience btw -- this is my second time around at college, and i'm 28 years old. my first attempt at college was more similar to yours (tripped maybe 5 times total).
I absolutely love doing psyches and doing daily things!
help, how are you doing on those synthetic cannabinoids?

i haven't used any since like february or march. but i'm about to order some aFB-48 because my usual cannabis source is not currently operating and i don't want to hassle with tracking down someone else to buy weed from.
Ehh I buy it when I feel like it. I just killed a couple grams of AB-Fubinaca actually. I like them better than anything but top of the line earwax hash!
Does anyone here listen to Primus? I've been into them since I was a teenager. They just released a new album and my two best friends and I got tickets for their tour. I'm super excited about it, plus we'll probably be taking AL-LAD during the show.
I love you guys. Seriously. I'm not even on drugs right now, well just a couple mgs of suboxone which is less than I am usually on. I feel ready to taper down to 2mgs. It'll be good for me, the less I take the more I can feel real love. Anyway yeah this forum is so great. I'm still in bed this morning after having some amazing dreams! Really clear and full of feeling and different things from normal. Anyway I keep getting off the point that this is the first thing I am doing on the internet this morning. I love reading everyone's posts, so much knowledge to learn from and sincerity to feel. A lot of you guys i feel like I'm really getting to know after reading so many posts over the past couple years, lots of respect to you all. We have a lot in common here where normally we find ourselves out of place or misunderstood.
I have to get out of bed, eat some oatmeal and get to work. Good morning/afternoon/evening!
I love you guys. Seriously. I'm not even on drugs right now, well just a couple mgs of suboxone which is less than I am usually on. I feel ready to taper down to 2mgs. It'll be good for me, the less I take the more I can feel real love. Anyway yeah this forum is so great. I'm still in bed this morning after having some amazing dreams! Really clear and full of feeling and different things from normal. Anyway I keep getting off the point that this is the first thing I am doing on the internet this morning. I love reading everyone's posts, so much knowledge to learn from and sincerity to feel. A lot of you guys i feel like I'm really getting to know after reading so many posts over the past couple years, lots of respect to you all. We have a lot in common here where normally we find ourselves out of place or misunderstood.
I have to get out of bed, eat some oatmeal and get to work. Good morning/afternoon/evening!
That's how it is around here were all good..."friends"...
^Come back to the light my brother :) <3

Are you well?

Feels like I've been through thick and thin already with you guys, not really sure which is thick and which is thin... but yeah want to share this love. Until that point where people want you to go elsewhere with your radiant enthousiasm and never ending words about romance. Intoxicating for sure, if not the best affliction in the world.

It is intriguing and gratifying to think that we've actually all known each other for so long now <3 The majority of us seem to have gone through a shitload of thin, and seem to be edging towards a bit of thick. I don't know, perhaps this is all just perspective but I certainly feel that a lot of us have gone through some epic struggles with addiction, mental illness, general lifefuckery and, currently at least, seem to be emerging at last as beautiful butterflies. So, FWIW, I'm all for you and everyone sharing these moments <3

Soli said:
Is taking drugs a skill by the way? :D (not that you said it is, but it stands out in a pretty funny way)

Hmm, dunno, but it sure is something :\

It's maybe just some kind of neutral attribute that can totally destroy and totally elevate a person, depending on their own orientation towards either. Its almost like the most 'pure' hobby one can have, the manipulation of the actual perceiver rather then that being perceived. Instead of creating or making, you are just existing in the moment, the focus of your attention is the present and you are largely unaware of the flow of time, absorbed in the way that humans developed hobbies and passions for in the first place (maybe). In other words, all hail drugs.

Soli said:
any of these things you like particularly by any chance?

Hmm. I think love the idea of you creating furniture :D

My main project atm is the growth and maintenance of my small garden, where I've just begun growing valerian and sweet potato along with some other staple vegetables. I let some ipomaea indica run wild along the back fence and encouraged the growth of solanum mauritianum now that I don't have a dog. Two cuttings of san pedro are doing well also :)

I feel guilty sometimes because I tried to get my ex to trip with me for many years... she eventually grew to respect my experiences and liked to hear about them, and finally I got her to try low dose DMT as well as mushrooms (she was a major pothead nearly the whole time, worse than me most of the time). She was fine with those but then last summer we were camping and she was given a 50mg dose while expecting another low (10-15mg) dose... she had a traumatic experience and shortly thereafter she started to get weird which culminated in a nervous breakdown/psychosis. I see now she shouldn't have been tripping... and in fact she already has a pretty psychedelic type of mindset about things. I always wonder if my urge to share tripping with her led to exacerbating her mental issues.

You couldn't know. In fact, trying to give a beautiful experience to someone you love(d) is just an expression of that love <3 As we know with psychedelics, the effects can never be anticipated and its an imprecise art, but you shouldn't ever doubt the purity of the motivations for your actions here.

only a small amount of DOC btw... 1mg or less.... haven't decided yet, will figure it out in the morning. will probably snort like 30mg ish of DPT tho. maybe a bit less.

your college experience was pretty different than my current college experience btw -- this is my second time around at college, and i'm 28 years old. my first attempt at college was more similar to yours (tripped maybe 5 times total).

You've probably said (and I may have asked) but what are you studying?

I'm 31 and still studying too. I have no plans to stop either :)

Enjoy your tripp <3


Got my gram of 5-MeO-DMT and some real LSD today; tomorrow night shall see the two meet, tonight has seen several forays via IV with the 5meo and its been a nauseating treat :) Getting less terrifying each time though, the last shot (2.5mg) was really powerful and really positive, the intense vibration seemed to take on a more audible humming 'om/aum' that I associate with DPT. I felt like I was strapped to my bed and kept getting the sensation that my limbs/flesh was sort of infinitely unfolding, a strong crawling sensation and extremely weak muscular feeling, though relaxing by the end. I find this drug ridiculously potent by this ROA, as 2.5mg felt like too much as I calibrated up for short-term tolerance, which didn't really manifest...I almost felt dissociated in the end, I was trying to talk to my friend and his girl but I could just tell by their little smirks I wasn't really using words or sentences. My lips were just kind of clapping noiselessly together (or so it seemed). Its odd to me that often when I am either heavily tripping on something like DMT or 5-MeO-DMT (shortacting) or a dissociative, I really want to approach people and try and verbally express something of the weirdness and invariably confuse/annoy/disturb/terrify them. My friend tonight, just returned from Italy (I missed him!) is always so loving to me when I do this, he just says in his heavy Italian accent "I know, man, I know" and its so comforting and reassuring. He DOES know :)

The first dose was ~0.7mg and was quite jarring and caused really bad nausea, which was disturbing me a bit, so I smoked some weed before the next go and that seemed to help (but made the whitespace so much more surreal). I could visualise the cannabinoids actively grabbing the 5-MeO-DMT molecules and slowing their oscillation, lowering their frequency but raising the resonance. Like adding heavy reverb to the sound of a waterfall.

Feeling that sleep is only a possibility, I'm gonna burn this green cunt to death and suck down his fucking soul and then injest (portmanteau) this little sweet MXE darling and ride my bed to the moon and beyond; I'll be sure tttto write <3
दीवाळीच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा also. <3
only a small amount of DOC btw... 1mg or less.... haven't decided yet, will figure it out in the morning.

the funniest part about my doc trip was that I had a very similar plan, but when i weighed it while I was in a hurry that morning I accidentally ended up doing like upwards of 4mg due to a crappy scale. luckily I took it only two hours before my classes ended or i would have been in my painting class getting audible hallucinations out the ass freaking out about how everyone knows i'm on drugs hahaha

best of luck to you on your voyage =D

also my college experience is turning out to be certainly the wildest three years of my life thus far, I think that mainly has to do with the location being in the middle of such a huge city. I've probably tripped like almost fourty times by now during my college career, rolled probably at least a dozen times and had more dissociative holes than I can count. I've probably smoked an accumulative total of a few grams of DMT by this point as well.

I'm not bragging, i'm just driving home the point that despite rampant drug use I've still managed to make decent grades with little to no effort. For instance, the morning after that crazy DOC trip I had to do an in class essay test with four possible prompts. I had done none of the assigned reading on any of them nor did I even know what the prompts were until I got there and I managed to get a C by making an essay manifest via bowel movement alone....... ah, college.
It is intriguing and gratifying to think that we've actually all known each other for so long now <3 The majority of us seem to have gone through a shitload of thin, and seem to be edging towards a bit of thick. I don't know, perhaps this is all just perspective but I certainly feel that a lot of us have gone through some epic struggles with addiction, mental illness, general lifefuckery and, currently at least, seem to be emerging at last as beautiful butterflies. So, FWIW, I'm all for you and everyone sharing these moments <3

You said it! The help of the forum to guide each other through the metamorphosis is a big component of being able to traverse the thin as elegantly as possible and emerge as butterflies. I know I wouldn't be where I am now, and I really do feel like I have transformed into a more beautiful entity, without the information and support of the BL community. And the feeling of being able to give back with my own lessons and experiences is just icing on the cake.
Yesterday morning I got an email from my cute little lady friend, which I posted about, and I responded and told her about stuff, and about how I was having a down day the day before. She replied back late last night with a long email that was really sweet. She told me that if it helps, she's been thinking "way too much" about ways to make me feel really good. She's good at that. :) I wish I could see her but I like this writing back and forth thing, it's kinda sweet. It's like, it's easy to feel close to someone when you're seeing them a lot and having sex, but if you still feel close when you're a whole large country apart and only able to write, that's something else. I still can't wait for her to get back though. We have this thing I think is really beautiful, no definition to it, it's just a pure thing that feels really comfortable and good, like what's the point of defining it? It is what it is and I'm happy with that.

I had a dream last night where I was outside in the beautiful sunlight, just soaking it up, getting more tan, feeling great. Then in her email this morning right when I woke up, she tells me I should try to get more sunlight so I can get more vitamin D. So many times she has contacted me at insanely key moments, or told me things I was just thinking, etc.

Fuck man...what are "friends" anyways?!? Just another means to an end!

Friends are people who care about you and who you care about, one of the most beautiful things in the world. <3 Sorry I couldn't talk longer last night, I just had to sleep, I was passing out.

Keep your head up, you know people on here care about you, it's the sadness talking. <3 Much love brother.

I love you guys. Seriously. I'm not even on drugs right now, well just a couple mgs of suboxone which is less than I am usually on. I feel ready to taper down to 2mgs. It'll be good for me, the less I take the more I can feel real love. Anyway yeah this forum is so great. I'm still in bed this morning after having some amazing dreams! Really clear and full of feeling and different things from normal. Anyway I keep getting off the point that this is the first thing I am doing on the internet this morning. I love reading everyone's posts, so much knowledge to learn from and sincerity to feel. A lot of you guys i feel like I'm really getting to know after reading so many posts over the past couple years, lots of respect to you all. We have a lot in common here where normally we find ourselves out of place or misunderstood.
I have to get out of bed, eat some oatmeal and get to work. Good morning/afternoon/evening!

Hey brother. :) Nice to see you posting in the social, which is, of course, the best corner of the Internet. PD is a special forum indeed, I know of no other place like it. We worked hard to make it a loving and supportive community years back and since then it's just the way it is.

My 3 best friends in the town I live in are PD people. We knew each other for a few years on here before they moved here, and we've been hanging out all the time for anywhere from 4 and a half to 6 years since then. They're some of my best friends I have anywhere at this point. Amazing that we would have met on an Internet forum, I don't often even think of it anymore but it's true. I have no doubt that if other PD people lived here it would be like that too. I've met a couple of other PD people as well and they're my friends in real life too, it's just they don't live in town. One PDer who doesn't post here a lot anymore lives near where I'm from so when I go back to visit my family this holiday season we're going to meet up. Actually a few live around there (Chicago area) so hopefully we can meet sometime. And another lives where the company I work for is based, so next time I go there for training or whatever I'm sure we'll get together. I'm down to meet anyone from here, I've never had a bad experience doing that. :) It's cool to have actual friends all around the country and the world who I know I could get together with if I ever go to those places.

It is intriguing and gratifying to think that we've actually all known each other for so long now <3 The majority of us seem to have gone through a shitload of thin, and seem to be edging towards a bit of thick. I don't know, perhaps this is all just perspective but I certainly feel that a lot of us have gone through some epic struggles with addiction, mental illness, general lifefuckery and, currently at least, seem to be emerging at last as beautiful butterflies. So, FWIW, I'm all for you and everyone sharing these moments <3

Yeah it's been a long time at this point. And we've been here for each other through troubles and good times. I love that, you guys are some of the people I talk to the most because every day I come on here and discuss and share feelings. It's very therapeutic and valuable to me so thanks to all. <3 I'm not sure where I'd be without it, there have been times where the thing I needed the most was a supportive community who I could talk to about the kinds of things I sometimes need to talk about, and I didn't have anyone in my life to talk about it with except on here.

I've really come a long way in 2014, I look back and it seems like 2 years since the winter ended. It amazes me how different my life is, and how much better. I literally wanted to die in late 2013, it was the worst year of my life. And now, such a short time later, I've had one of the best years of my life. And I don't know if that would have been true without this place. Hopefully that can be an inspiration to those currently struggling... life can always turn around, and it can happen much more quickly than you'd think. Sometimes it just takes identifying an area or areas in your life that you are unfilled, or that are not working for you, and changing those things. For me it was being addicted to opiates, and being in a relationship that was causing me a tremendous amount of pain. I fixed those things and within weeks my life felt completely different. A lot of the time we stay in bad situations because it's easier to maintain the status quo than it is to change. But really it's not easier, it's much harder, it's just that it FEELS easier to stay the same because even if it's painful, it's comfortable in a way.

willowy one[/quote said:
You couldn't know. In fact, trying to give a beautiful experience to someone you love(d) is just an expression of that love <3 As we know with psychedelics, the effects can never be anticipated and its an imprecise art, but you shouldn't ever doubt the purity of the motivations for your actions here.

Thanks. <3 Yeah you're right, my intentions were good, I wanted to share something that was beautiful for me. I kinda feel like I should have known, I wasn't really admitting to myself that she was sinking into some form of mental illness but I did know, deep down. It's just hard to face that your wife is going nuts. But my intentions were the exact opposite of bad. I was hoping it would help her. Oh well, what'cha gonna do? It doesn't bother me often but it does make me wonder.

Lots of love in PD this morning/last night. :)