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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Thread: N-Dimensional Funhouse of Possibilities

That had absolutely nothing to do with you Xork, your a real friend, always<3's to infinity
I've just never had a.....friend.....that didn't need something from me. Well once but that's a distant dream now....:(
i'm your friend, help =p and i need nothing from you! :)

ended up not dosing that DOC. was feeling sort of meh when i woke up. didn't bring the DPT with me either. its really cold out here today anyway, don't think my nature walk would have been as enjoyable as i was hoping.

You've probably said (and I may have asked) but what are you studying?

I'm 31 and still studying too. I have no plans to stop either :)

i'm currently pursuing a Chemical Technology associates. just this associates won't offer me many career choices, but it will be an excellent foundation when i transfer into a bachelors program. my current dream job is to work as a pharmaceutical chemist, but i'm definitely planning on leaving my options open.

unfortunately i won't be able to attend school next semester, though -- i've been working part time and commuting 60 miles to campus twice a week. i thought my savings would stretch further than they did, but i've had some unexpected expenditures and now i'm suuuuuuper broke. going to go back to work full time starting in december, save up money, and hopefully move closer to campus next fall.
You know I heart you to TNW! Also nature walks on any psyche are a must!
Edit: my good the world is so gorgeous! I can't get enough of the feeling of long grass between my toes! Thank you DOC, 4-HO-MiPT, a handful of Xanax, and of course a handle of Cruzon 151 rum!

My dream of dreams is to someday become a pharmacologist! Chemistry sure I get it, but since sixteen I could name all the major receptors, with absolutely no training!
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Go for it man! It's so important to do something with your life that you care about and feel good about. :)
I slept not a wink,
Myself and the MXE danced the night away, the greatest show on earth
all in my head.
Yeah MXE does that to me too if I dose it too shortly before bed.

You didn't sleep a wink, but you did sleep a wonk. :D

Tomorrow I am getting together with friends and we're going to take MXE and carve pumpkins. :)
^Oh yes, I wonked all right.

I kept getting bizarrely horny, wanting to shake Miss Willow awake, but I let the poor dear sleep :).

Halloween. Totally not celebrated in Australia until the last 5 years or so. If kids come knocking here (which they better not!!) they will get some unsalted peanuts, nothing more. I am against Halloween in Australia simply because it represents another way that Australia are trying to be part of the global monoculture. Not dissing US at all, criticisicing Aus for being spineless and ashamed.

I feel like I need to sleep as I am playing tonight and need to have some cognitive function to press buttons and tap my feet awkwardly but I feel nt--tired. hMM/
Oh man, I WISH kids would come by my house, no kids trick-or-treat in my neighborhood. The first year I was here, I bought a bunch of candy, thinking they would, and then ate it all myself (with my ex). =D I don't really eat candy anymore though, I try to stay away from refined sugar.

I get what you're saying though willow... here, Halloween has been around for a long time. I love it, it's such a fun holiday, equally as fun as an adult as it was as a kid because as an adult it's one of the biggest adult party days of the year, and a great excuse to act like a kid again. :)
^ It seems like the Kid Halloween is slowly dying though... in my neighborhood back home, barely anyone decorates any more; when I was a kid, people went all out, almost every house in the neighborhood was decorated. I miss the days before fears of "pot candies" and "meth candies" ruined this wonderful day of youthful revelry... I heard a piece on NPR about how fearful police are of all the terrible hospital visits they'll be seeing on Halloween due to pot candies in Colorado. Jeeees...

But hey, at least this year I'm hosting a party at my house. I've got a new dancing bears tapestry I'm gonna hang up to really "tie the living room together" hahah. I'm excited to not worry about driving home after either! I'm thinking I'll take ~150mg methylone, and might add on 5-10mg of 2C-D.
Yeah I have noticed that. I remember when I was young trick or treating happened when it was dark, we'd stay out til 9 or so, and once we weren't little anymore our parents weren't with us, and if a house didn't participate the whole neighborhood was like, what's their problem? Now even in my old neighborhood I grew up in (full of young families), there is literally a curfew of when it gets dark and many people don't even participate. Some parents went on a mission recently to stop Halloween because they said it was too scary and would traumatize their poor children (bunch of garbage, kids love that stuff and if they don't they don't have to do it). At my middle school recently I found out they made it against the rules to dress up for Halloween and decided they needed to make a new holiday the same day called "ethnic diversity day" 8). It's sad, I had SO MUCH FUN on Halloween as a kid. I remember at some point when I was still young there was a report of some sick motherfucker putting razor blades in candy somewhere, but it didn't stop everyone from still doing it.
It's sad how much fear seems to dictate the world around us these days :/

I've thoroughly enjoyed reading this pg101 more so than almost any other time I've been in the social thread, I think I'm going to start regularly posting :)
Good, you should, we like more participants. :) I've made a lot of real friends as a result of this social thread.

Perhaps in time she will agree to let me use something like 2C-C in her company. For now I am the one not even getting stoned when I see her. Might sound weird to some of you, but with her I don't want to be too far removed from my normal sober self... but maybe later when all time we spend together is not so devoted.

This is from a couple of pages back, but I find myself doing the same thing. She doesn't do drugs much, so when I'm hanging out with her I don't really want to either, just because I want to be on the same level as her. And it's not like I am depriving myself, it's that I don't want to, versus with my other friends or by myself I do want to because it's fun and I have no compelling reason not to. I do smoke around her, if other people are... this does not seem to bother her at all though and I don't really experience much of a mental plane shift from marijuana unless I get super stoned, I don't feel inhibited in interacting with her when I'm weed high. I'm sure this is a good thing for me, probably healthier than someone who wants to do drugs as much as I do.
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Is there a protocol to making oneself an active participant? Should I post in the introduction forum even though I've been here awhile? Or just the ole post what you feel and people learn who you are as you go? I feel like this mxe is making me overthink this decision to start participating more as some momentous occasion =D
Just keep posting in here. :) That's all it takes.

I really wanted to smoke some weed but I don't have any, and then I remembered that a new friend gave me a small bit of a synthetic cannabinoid infused onto some fuzzy smoking herb. He told me that if you're already tripping, and you smoke just one big hit, it will send you into hyperspace. We had just blasted him off on DMT for the first time earlier that night, and he declared that it was almost DMT-like but different. I just smoked it, 2 huge hits were the amount I had. That was a couple of minutes ago, so far I feel warm and fuzzy and a bit high, similar to weed but different. I'm not tripping this time, I actually tried one big hit one time I was tripping (but on the tail end and also MXE's tail end), but it didn't do a lot. So far it's stronger than that time. This friend doesn't smoke weed and only very rarely uses this one single cannabinoid, so I think that's playing a huge role. When I first started smoking weed I smoked only the brickiest Mexican schwag, but I still got tripping-level high, like REALLY altered, some of the strongest drug experiences I have ever had. And that was shitty weed, not some powerful synthetic cannabinoid.
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Is there a protocol to making oneself an active participant? Should I post in the introduction forum even though I've been here awhile? Or just the ole post what you feel and people learn who you are as you go? I feel like this mxe is making me overthink this decision to start participating more as some momentous occasion =D
Haha MXE does have a way of bringing it all together, doesn't it? Hey Psy997 why don't you mint this momentous occasion by giving yourself an avatar image? Small and square as it may be, it helps people 'put a face to the name' and remember more easily.
Holy shit...! I'm pretty sure I found a random sensi plant in my......front yard.....lets be real here? Nearly the frost killed this sucka when I did!
turned out there was a cross country meet on the nature trails i was going to take that walk on today. usually there is never anyone out there. probably a good thing i decided to not snort that DPT and walk the trails, then. i probably wouldn't have even realized it was happening until i made it out into the middle woods and a pack of runners turned a corner and stampeded past me. would have been excessively startling. =p