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Alcoholism Discussion Thread Version 6.0

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...I'm just going by what you said about posting day by day your days of sobriety.
As for it having a pompous/bragging conotation, I stand by my conviction...and I'm sure I'm not the only one slightly annoyed by it.
Its like OK, we get it, you're proud of yourself. As you should be but maybe just to me and my extremely low comprehentional skill level your comments are brimming with arrogance Phactor. I'm not new to recovery and have seen that attitude way too many times not to be able to recognize it.
That's all I'm saying.
PS I'm glad you are not a brainwashed AA/NA drone...
...PS I'm glad you are not a brainwashed AA/NA drone...

Please leave out these types of inflammatory; though this may be your opinion, it serves only to diminish the merit of a way to get and live sober that does work for many people. We're not here to make any one in sobriety uncomfortable, regardless of the specific way in which they've gotten sober.

I appreciate it in advance.

~ Vaya
Dear BL people on this thread. I am appreciative.
I don't know what to say really; thank you for the feedback. I will request his enzyme levels get checked in his next round of bloodwork. I assumed that because his Dr. knows of the alcoholism, he would have checked this; but then again I am assuming my sweetheart was honest with the amount consumed and well, he may not have been. I do buy Milk Thistle and he takes it for a few weeks at a time and then has a break. He is taking his hypertension meds daily.
As for his core problems, the reason he drinks in the first place as well as having to drink to ward off the withdrawal' , well, he definitely will not go any meetings. He just wouldn't. And 'why' he drinks or started to way back then only he'll know the answer to this. All I can do is what I am doing, at least, until he has an epiphany of his own and then together, we can find a way back to him, back to us.

If its alright, I would like to come back here from time to time if I may;
I cannot speak of this with my Family. His Family knows about his alcohol issues but from what I've gathered, no not what to do about it and when they do come, he hides it. I can see his pain when this happens. I feel protective.
Maybe I am an enabler.
Turns out, we both have much to learn.

Again, thanking each of you kindly.
I will come back because, well, each time I have has helped and I am thankful for that.
I think your all superstars to get through what you must have gotten through. SuperStars
Take care junegreenjeans, I am by no means a SuperStar... I just do my best with the knowledge I have aquired through ups and downs. I wish you all the best.
Inflammatory? Don't worry about it, I am not going to return to a thread where opinion is considered "inflammatory". I'm noticing how many hits this thread gets for people being rediculed for their experiences. Unless you are kissing someone elses ass that's briefly sober.
Congratulations on being pretentious and holyer than thou. and your feeble 50 whatever days.
The ideas you have have presented in the room(phactor) are only appropriate for presentation at your 12 step meetings that involve kids and their over-corrective parents.
All the stuff you "think" you are informing people with, is useless to a person that already has an idea they have a problem...You are just insulting people's intelligence.
But nontheless good luck to you,
PS Next time, when someone is discussing their issue, don't be so egocentric to make it all about yourself.
Just a hint.
Has nothing to do with egocentricity, and everything to do with the community.
@vaya......"Dont disagree with us or you will be labaled an an outcast and not part of our community of pretentious, intellectual elite."
I humbly bow my head in recognition of such. It's such an honor to be in the presence of such superior, avangarde thinkers...I'll leave you folks to it.
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PS Next time, when someone is discussing their issue, don't be so egocentric to make it all about yourself.
Just a hint.

I think you might misunderstand my intentions. I can only speak for myself, I speak for no program or any other person. All I can share is my personal experience because I know what works for me (now and in the past when I was serious about recovery). What works for me might or might not work for others. I certainly cannot judge another individual or his/her intentions that is for sure. I offer no advice, just mere suggestion. Sorry to see you go. I do hope you change your mind and continue to post here.


Anyways, I had a great 4th. Went to a cookout, a marathon meeting and later saw some non-NA friends. My two friends just moved into a place and when I walked in I noticed empty bottles and cans everywhere. I was offered a beer and reminded them I was in NA and then was told "well, I don't really know how that works so I am not sure what is allowed". I said, "that is a great point, thanks but no thanks". It was good to see them and they wished me well. I decided not to stay for very long because they were planning on drinking and there were drugs in the house. I do care for them and they are "true friends" (ones that support my decisions). Times do change though and its obvious that I will not be seeing them as often. A few months ago I would have holed up there and used for 2 days and ended up feeling guilty and terrible the day after. I also likely would have driven at some point because I was home to take care of the family dog and would have been racked with guilt over the thought of her not getting fed or let out. I also got to see my sister, Godson and Niece and that was awesome. Plus I ate lots of Bratwurst.

Anyways, that is what would have happened. I have been in that position many times. Grateful I am not today. I woke up feeling pretty damn good. Drove back to my apartment and am now getting ready for work. My neighbors are pretty hungover. I flashed back to when I would drink and be unable to sleep and then be up at 8:00 AM in the morning feeling like anxious garbage and wondering how I was going to get something to get rid of the hangovers (which stopped working after awhile).

58 days today.
...I'm just going by what you said about posting day by day your days of sobriety.
As for it having a pompous/bragging conotation, I stand by my conviction...and I'm sure I'm not the only one slightly annoyed by it.
Its like OK, we get it, you're proud of yourself. As you should be but maybe just to me and my extremely low comprehentional skill level your comments are brimming with arrogance Phactor. I'm not new to recovery and have seen that attitude way too many times not to be able to recognize it.
That's all I'm saying.
PS I'm glad you are not a brainwashed AA/NA drone...

I've never thought phactor came off as arrogant. Personally i like reading his posts and i like hearing how many clean days he has. It makes me happy for him and it gives me hope-if he can do it i can do it. Phactor takes time out of his own recovery to encourage people in this forum, and he doesn't have to... as far as I'm concerned he can post about every hour he has clean if he wants :)
well i made it around 24 days without drinking.... does it still count if I spent all that time in jail. tweakers that find religion in jail are realy annoying, so your gonna do a couple lines and quote the bible all day long. The worst part about is you cant get away.
well i made it around 24 days without drinking.... does it still count if I spent all that time in jail. tweakers that find religion in jail are realy annoying, so your gonna do a couple lines and quote the bible all day long. The worst part about is you cant get away.

Well, I personally say any day not using is a success. I am sure it sucked but you didn't drink so at least that is good.

Anyways, I have 60 days today. Not having the greatest day but that is okay. I need to clean up my place a little bit and am just being lazy. I have some medications that I need to have refilled and am kinda anxious that my Doctor is not going to call the pharmacy. I guess all I can do is call in a few minutes and see if she has gotten around to it. I don't care if it pisses off the front desk people really.

Proud of making it 60 days though, that is for sure.
im thinking about doing a program, i just cant get myself to commit though. why am i so scared of sobriety?
...because it's a fucking big and daunting thing to be commiting yourself to.

No matter how much 'one day at a time' you tell yourself there's always going to be a voice saying 'this is going to be hard to keep up for the rest of your life' at the beginning. I don't think there are many people that just suddenly switch and are suddenly absolutely comfortable with total sobriety as a commitment.

It's natural to be scared of the unknown as well, when your whole life has been based around using drugs there are so many questions that naturally rattle your head as to living life sober.

That's why I think it's difficult anyway.
im just glad everything turned out relatively ok, if who have stay away order how far does that extend, like the whole block or just at the address on the paperwork
im just glad everything turned out relatively ok, if who have stay away order how far does that extend, like the whole block or just at the address on the paperwork

Like a restraining order? If so, the distance depends on the state. It should say on the protection order itself (or at least it does in the ones I have seen, I used to have to take people down to get them all the time.)

Anyways, for me getting and staying clean can be fucking scary no doubt. But I am just more scared of continuing to use that is for sure. I know how me using ends though (and its not pleasant). Might as well really try getting clean. I personally don't really have any other option, for me its either get clean or throw my life away (and throwing my life away is the very best possible case with that path).

Also, a few years ago I just could not get comfortable no matter how fucked up I got and no matter what drugs and combinations I used. Worst of all for me was the fact that I could no longer sleep. I am an insomniac so I self medicated and when that stopped working.... shit. That was really fucking scary as well. Didn't stop me at first, but it really felt like to jig was up for lack of better words.
It's def not my cup of tea but when ur desperate for something there's ALWAYS Alcohol. Easy to get, stares you in the face everywhere. Shit
4 months today, yea fucking lushes.

it's no fun. i really, really wanna drink. it looks so good. i constantly tell myself i can. my quality of life hasn't improved at all since stopping. i miss it. that's them drugs talking, so fuck.
Kind hard to stay sober when there's a liquor store on every corner
So true!!
I never really looked for a alcohol thread but I was just jonesing for something to do, anything for a buzz to pass time and I said in my head eh, why not just grab a pint of whiskey one time. Damn [edit: gentleman of Pakistani descent] is 500 feet from my door. I've been taking subs cause I ran outta my meds til Fridays dr appt. and it feels like I need anything.. I've got chronic pancreatitis from severe drinking for years but the shit still calls me once in awhile. It's just so fucking easy! If I didn't get tested once a month I'd be at the packy right now, no doubt. Then tomorrow I'd be fuckin dying from the pain. Somehow that pain just isn't enough though, it's so easy to rationalize it in my head. Mad years sober(from booze at least) and it's still there, deep in the background calling out, it shouldn't be so fucking easy ughhhhh!!!! Sry guys/gals. Really shit day...
Edit: packy is short for package store here in the northeast. Didn't mean ethnicity, either way, sorry about that..
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Greetings All,
So I was here last week again asking for advice regarding my S.O and his issues with the bottle. (can)... So, , I'm starting to drink more. I imagine this is common in couples right? Meaning, when one has a drinking problem does the other tend to drink more?
Thing is, I put allot into my love and his well being, well, I try to. Yet I am finding myself becoming sometimes resentful towards him (though this is done in silence). I find my anger levels are increasing because I'm drinking more and blaming him. I know, I know, no one to blame but myself....
Since he came into my life, my life has been better but my health has been compromised and I find myself angry with him for bringing so much 'beer' into our home.
My Bio Dad was a heavy drinker. Genetically It was something I was always aware of and did my best to keep it out of my home for many years but then I met my sweetheart and though often I'd drink just to be social (with him) especially at first before i recognized that he had a problem, eventually I found myself drinking more out of frustration.and his inability to stop.
I cannot punish his propensity so I am punishing myself and find myself mumbling stupid things like, "well, If I can't help him, join him". Not very productive at all is it.
Crikey, I don't know what i'm asking here if anything. I'm sure many people are dealing with much bigger issues than I am so apologies if this sounds a little boo hooey. I'm sorry.
Now I'm craving beer in the mornings. I tell myself I need to be strong; strong for both of us. Yet I wish he could be strong for us too.

anyway, all good. helps to write it out.
hope folks are having a good day. thanks much BL.
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