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Dissociatives The Big & Dandy DXM Thread - Part 2 - Robojesus, forgive us our sins

best bet for DXM-only stuff IMO are the Robitussin gel caps. not quite as much of a bang for your dollar, but its way more pleasant than chugging cool cherry death syrup.
Actually I have those, I meant to mention it. I was asking if the gel caps cause any nausea or prolonged release.

+the price is worth it because dxm is like heaven.
ah, i see

they do take like an hour longer to kick in. if you don't drink enough fluids with them they can cause nausea, but i find the nausea isn't as bad if i drink a good amount of water with them. (like three bottles) also, the nausea isn't as bad (and the trip is better) if you space the dose out a small bit.... i like to take 5 gels every 5 minutes. its easier on your belly that way, plus it seems to create a better DXM/DXO ratio (if you know what that is... William White's DXM FAQ goes into a good amount of detail on DXO)

taking a single Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) tablet will help with the nausea too. the recommended dose is usually 2 tablets, but two makes me sleepy and clouds the trip.... 1 works fine.

how much DXM are you going to take?
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ah, i see

they do take like an hour longer to kick in. if you don't drink enough fluids with them they can cause nausea, but i find the nausea isn't as bad if i drink a good amount of water with them. (like three bottles) also, the nausea isn't as bad (and the trip is better) if you space the dose out a small bit.... i like to take 5 gels every 5 minutes. its easier on your belly that way, plus it seems to create a better DXM/DXO ratio (if you know what that is... William White's DXM FAQ goes into a good amount of detail on DXO)

taking a single Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) tablet will help with the nausea too. the recommended dose is usually 2 tablets, but two makes me sleepy and clouds the trip.... 1 works fine.

how much DXM are you going to take?

Not a lot just to make sure they don't react to terrible to me. Probably going to do 7mg/kg (im 60kg exact, can dose easy.. so 420mg)
Hey guys,

I've had a recent interest in disociatives, but being that I have no access to Ket or MXE, I'm opting for DXM; however, in the past I had one experience where I was sick, but I still wanted to party. So I was on pseudo-ephedrine, a bit of pot, and a single beer (my body was rejecting the beer) and had taken two daytime gels, and four hours later two nighttime gels (not pure dxm, I was taking it solely because I was sick).

I remember four hours after I went to bed, I abruptly awoke, feeling very disconnected from my body. I went to go pee and my shadows looked very distant and foreign to me. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were unusually dilated for me. I was unable to recognize myself in the mirror, I looked freaky and alien to myself. When I laid down my limbs seemed to be far away from me, and when I moved them it seemed like it wasn't me moving them. I was very sick still though, and very tired too, so despite a great deal of fear I passed right back out.

That experience, which I am unsure if it actually happened (I can still remember it, unlike most dreams, so maybe it was real) left me disconnected and almost... I don't know, I felt strange for a week after. It was frightening, but not in an AHHHHH I'm scared kinda way, but rather "WTF just happened!?" kinda way. Yet I took very little DXM, and I had only one beer. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced this, and also if it means I'm a person who digests DXM weird.

I still want to try DXM in a real dose soon. But I have some questions:
-Should I go sober from coffee a week prior?
-Should I go sober from booze for a week or two prior?
-Should I watch anything I eat? Normally i get a lotta fiber and poop alot, so I'm not too worried.
-Should I cease smoking pot or tobacco prior? Would pot be fun or bad with DXM? (I know that pot made me queasy last time I mixed it with hydrocodone, but it usually mixes great with mushies and LSD)
-Should I try and ensure I had adequate sleep the day of the experience? I'm kinda an insomniac most of the time.

I plan to dose very lightly to test how it effects me. I have a bottle of 20 robogels just sitting in my closet waiting for the right time, but I wana be prepared.

By the way, I'm ~130lbs give or take, at 6'1".
So I was on pseudo-ephedrine, a bit of pot, and a single beer (my body was rejecting the beer) and had taken two daytime gels, and four hours later two nighttime gels

This is a terrible, unsafe combination, no wonder you hated it. Use a DXM only product, herb goes well with it, I think alcohol does but most people disagree with me, if you want something stimulative stick with a lil' caffeine. 25mg diphenhydramine (or related antiemetics) can help prevent vertigo.

Take no more than 100mg this time around, if that's all you took this time, you might be a poor metabolizer (if so, DXM will be crazy strong and could last for days if you take a medium-large dose). If this dosage causes significant effects, then you are, though it may well be the combination of substances you consumed last time led to your experience.

I remember four hours after I went to bed, I abruptly awoke, feeling very disconnected from my body. I went to go pee and my shadows looked very distant and foreign to me. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were unusually dilated for me. I was unable to recognize myself in the mirror, I looked freaky and alien to myself. When I laid down my limbs seemed to be far away from me, and when I moved them it seemed like it wasn't me moving them.

That's what it's supposed to be like, if you don't like it you might not care for the drug. Or maybe knowing this will prevent the fear.

still want to try DXM in a real dose soon. But I have some questions:
-Should I go sober from coffee a week prior?
-Should I go sober from booze for a week or two prior?
-Should I watch anything I eat? Normally i get a lotta fiber and poop alot, so I'm not too worried.
-Should I cease smoking pot or tobacco prior? Would pot be fun or bad with DXM? (I know that pot made me queasy last time I mixed it with hydrocodone, but it usually mixes great with mushies and LSD)
No; no; grapefruit will potentiate DXM; heck no, herb ameliorates the nausea and makes things more awesome, tobacco may feel stronger than normal; the DXM will cause insomnia so it's best if you go into it well rested.
Well, I realize now it was a terrible combo, but at the time everything but the beer/pot was ingested with the intention of alleviating my ills. It's not like I get off on pseudo lol. It was a small amount of DXM in the gells, likely 60mg total if that over a period of a few hours. I was thinking maybe the alcohol had something to do with potentiating it, maybe it was the other actives in the gells or the pseudo. Although, I do recall now that when doctors would ask my mom what drugs I was allergic too, she'd tell them Robitussin DM -_- or at least I think she did.

Edit: My mom just confirmed to me, I am apparently allergic. Is that medical terms for a poor metabolizer? Also, she only assumes this because of something that happened before I was old enough to recall things, so it was likely the syrup if that makes a difference. And she's paranoid, thought I was allergic to ants my whole life, had an epipen and all. Turns out ants are no problem for me.

I think what made it so scary that last time though was because I literally had no expectations of it happening, and I was sick as a dog. I just woke up right into it, like waking up into a dream. There were no scary things just a feeling of "Woah, I feel like I'm in another reality, how did this happen??! Ahhh!"
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how fast does a tolerance build up, i usualy take about 700 or 800 mg i havent dosed in a few weeks would i feel like 400, or would it just be a waste
tolerance takes a while to build up, but it takes even longer to go away
how fast does a tolerance build up, i usualy take about 700 or 800 mg i havent dosed in a few weeks would i feel like 400, or would it just be a waste

You'll definitely feel it but like thenightwatch said once you build up a heavy tolerance it can take months or years to go away so I'd give it a few weeks longer so that you're not increasing your tolerance, especially if you already have one and are indulging in 700-800mg usually.

Dissociatives have really long lasting tolerances, I remember it took around 6 months for my Ketamine tolerance to drop and it wasn't even that high in the first place. DXM and other dissociatives are similar.
^ i've done that much DXM before, but non-time released

was not a good time lol.

2x 5oz delsyms does work out well though :)
Ughh, I can't stand D'slyme. I have a hunch that it causes more DXM to convert to DXO, which I find far from recreational. In fact, despite what the bottle may claim, least for a buzz, IME, the polisterex is at best 1/2 the potency of HBr.

Something I noticed recently is that Snus seems to alter the fx of dex. More euphoric, more stony/less stim, more lucid, less visual, yet somehow more inebriating (increase in slurring and fucked gait). I know, set/setting, but it been consistent, and I am quite experienced with da D (several hundred trips, my drug o choice). Anybody else get this, or am I just odd? The change short-lived, can't accurately give a timeframe given DXM's temporal fx, but maybe 15min after spitting out pouch.

Also, erysince I been studying Eastern Spirituality, when I dose, I'm forced to do some sort of freeform yoga (not complaining, rather Enlightening, and my body aches stay gone for weeks). Ain't always been this way, maybe past year, though I dexxed for over a decade now.
It like I can literally "feel" the Kundalini, as "strings", in my Subtle Body as well. Only time I can effectively raise it, though I do combine the DXM with meditation, binaural beats, and Pranayama. Normally, I'm a skeptic, but when I dissociate, I'm instantly coverted into some type of Buddhist or something. I can't resist, not that I'd want to. Again, only since I've been reading up on such, so I'm sure it set-related. Y'all feel me, or am I just another lunatic?
In fact, despite what the bottle may claim, least for a buzz, IME, the polisterex is at best 1/2 the potency of HBr.

"Half as strong, twice as long".
Never been twice the duration for me, maybe 1.5x, but I don't enjoy the buzz anyway, so moot.
Something I noticed recently is that Snus seems to alter the fx of dex. More euphoric, more stony/less stim, more lucid, less visual, yet somehow more inebriating (increase in slurring and fucked gait). I know, set/setting, but it been consistent, and I am quite experienced with da D (several hundred trips, my drug o choice). Anybody else get this, or am I just odd? The change short-lived, can't accurately give a timeframe given DXM's temporal fx, but maybe 15min after spitting out pouch.

yeah nicotine definitely alters the experience. DXM does have some effects on nicotinic receptors. here is one example: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10869398 though i don't think the effect described in this paper is the exact reason why nicotine can intensify the experience.
What's weird is that I'm a smoker, pack or so a day. Never noticed any interactions, whether with ciggs, huge Phillies, or even pipe tobacco...only with Snus. I knew bout Dex hitting nicotinic receptors, but why is there no interactions with smoked tobacco? With the pouches, I even tried using multples at a time, but 1 or 5, same fx.
hm tht is odd. i definitely notice an interaction with smoked tobacco. i am not a regular smoker, though.
been taking 40mg-100mg per day lately as a slight mood booster / stimulant / anti-depressant. its working well. 10 hour days at work have been going by much quicker.
gunna bump this lol . very experienced with K. love nitrous. mxe is good but not as good as K. would do pcp if i could get it. K is far and away my favorite drug i enjoy it much more than lsd or mushrooms at this point. i find it very odd so many people say to "eat better drugs than DXM" no tryptamine or phen i have eaten gets me half as close to K wonderland so i just cannot take those comments seriously. saying that; i have never done DXM. is it likely i would get something beautiful out of it even at this point? gotta say i am really intrigued and have read through most of these pages but still would like some insight if anybody is a similar case to me ;)