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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine Mega Thread and FAQ v17.0 + v18.0

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where can i ask this question? what am i supposed to do?

What question..? If it's bupe/suboxone related.. ask it here.. if it's not, than find the appropriate thread for that topic and ask it there, or if it's specific enough and hasn't been covered, create your own thread. But use the search engine first as 9 times out of 10, your question has already been answered somewhere.
I've just something incredibly brave or incredibly stupid n I know it's not a big thing to
Most here but it is to me.

I've just phoned my key worker n asked if I can reduce from 12 mg to 10 mg.

I know I wont notice nthing in terms of withdrawal I understand that. And I've been taking 10 mg sometimes even 8 mg but know that I can go to 12 mg if I want to

So ti actually phone them n ask to reduce is a big n scary thing for me to do.

My key worker said she will contact the doctor n have it changed as of next week.

I've asked if I can do this slowly as I'm frightened of going backwards but hopefully I won't. I'll get some volunteering n what-not to distract me, lots of volunteering n groups if I can find them.


PS: i am doing the right thing, am I???? I should start reducing now as I started subs May 23rd. So it is right, isn't it????

You are smart to taper down at your own pace, and to stabilize as you do it. I think it's a great idea for you to taper down from the high dose you were on.

I would keep in mind that the difference between 12mg and 10mg is very small. Folks typically do not feel any difference when doing that drop. In the nearly 3 years that I've been on subs and been reading the Suboxone thread, people tend to begin feeling the drop at around 2mg. I myself dropped from 16mg to 8mg and felt exactly the same: literally no withdrawal symptoms, no discomfort.

However, each person has a unique and singular experience when it comes to Suboxone's effect on the body. I just don't want you to psych yourself out or have any fear and anxiety about tapering down to 10. I think everyone who knows your situation well knows that it is a good idea for you to taper as low as you can. Good luck, and congrats on starting a process that will have a positive effect on your health.
You are smart to taper down at your own pace, and to stabilize as you do it. I think it's a great idea for you to taper down from the high dose you were on.

I would keep in mind that the difference between 12mg and 10mg is very small. Folks typically do not feel any difference when doing that drop. In the nearly 3 years that I've been on subs and been reading the Suboxone thread, people tend to begin feeling the drop at around 2mg. I myself dropped from 16mg to 8mg and felt exactly the same: literally no withdrawal symptoms, no discomfort.

However, each person has a unique and singular experience when it comes to Suboxone's effect on the body. I just don't want you to psych yourself out or have any fear and anxiety about tapering down to 10. I think everyone who knows your situation well knows that it is a good idea for you to taper as low as you can. Good luck, and congrats on starting a process that will have a positive effect on your health.

Thank you for the advice, Zwanya, and I'm sorry - you tried giving me advice awhile back n I bit your head off. I know I'd heard it before n was frustrated but I shouldn't have snapped at you.

Took 10 mg today. Yesterday I took 8 mg. the only difference I 've noticed, and it
May be psychological, is that I've stopped feeling so hungry n feel full quicker. That is good though as I've a lot of fat to get rid of (tho that's for another thread). I feel that since I've been on suboxone my weight has piled on n 'tis a lot harder to get off again. With saying that, I'm also on citalopram (celexa) which suppress appetite so that may also be having an affect.

With drink, I get drunk but if I stop drinking I sober up quick - so I feel I have to keep drinking to keep the "drunk" affect.

Thanks for all your help 'tis appreciated it.

Evey xxxx
Well I don't think its a coincidence other people are saying the same thing I've heard theorys that its the naloxone but people on subutex say the same thing they can't get a buzz from booze anymore and it just seems shitty and not worth it at all. The naloxone only has a one hour half life isn't it? So that couldn't be it.
How do you know its not medically possible?

Well, I don't know for a fact. But I've talked to my Sub Doctor about it. A lot. And just for some background my Doc was one of the first Sub docs in NYC. He has a large practice with maybe only 10 people taking Sub (he's mostly a standard shrink). He hasn't charged me a dime for over 2 years of work, and I easily could pay him either out of pocket or through insurance. He helped me detox and has helped me maintain on Subs, using Sub for what its intended use is: stabilizing me and giving me the ability to figure out my other issues are and building a strong platform for recovery. Which is what I want. I'm over 40 and married with kids. My fun times should be in the rear view mirror, I've got real responsibilities now. I was, as I've said before, probably a month or two away from losing everything. And I have a lot. I say this because most of what I see on BL talks about greedy, undisciplined doctors. My guy isn't that.

Anyway, I've talked about alcohol and Sub with my Doc at great length. He says there is no medical explanation for how bupe or naloxone could block alcohol. With that said, he also said its impossible to tell how drugs will interact and that everyone is different. He advised me not to drink "substantially" on Subs. I have on a few occasions and noticed nothing out of the ordinary. Just like a regular bender. I'm not trying to minimize the anecdotes on here, maybe you just never know.
people i last used three bags you could call it of heroin this morning then started craving this afternoon. So i got three 8mg suboxone tabs from a friend and i took one this afternoon. Didn't feel anything to what i felt last time i took suboxone so i took all three tabs within an hour and just got worse into w\d now im comtemplating going in the morning and finding heroin as im in a town i dont know. Any advice please?

You went into precipitated withdrawals. You took way way way too much and you took it too early. Do you not know how suboxone works? You really should do at least basic research on something before you put it into your body..
^yea lol and that dope won't be workin for a couple days to say the least ya really fucked yourself man 2mg would have felt the same if not better and if be able toget hi the early the next day jus so ya know In thefuture
For some reason, any time that I've gone into precipitated withdrawal and done opiates(heroin) on top of it, I always got well from the precipitated withdrawals...but only once did I get high...and that was dope that I strongly believe to have been almost entirely fentanyl, as far as active ingredients in the powder goes...
Anyone know if my tolerance to oxy will have gone down at all after using 4mg suboxone a day? Last time I used was 2 months ago or so, but it was h and the h around here is shit. I used 7 bags I believe and was only kinda buzzed. I've only used about 6 times in the last 3 months though, most of them at the beginning of that period. My old oxy tolerance before bupe was about 400 mg. Not exactly per day... I usually only used the 400 mg a day because it was all I could afford, but I used it all at once to have any chance of a decent high.
Anyone know if my tolerance to oxy will have gone down at all after using 4mg suboxone a day? Last time I used was 2 months ago or so, but it was h and the h around here is shit. I used 7 bags I believe and was only kinda buzzed. I've only used about 6 times in the last 3 months though, most of them at the beginning of that period. My old oxy tolerance before bupe was about 400 mg. Not exactly per day... I usually only used the 400 mg a day because it was all I could afford, but I used it all at once to have any chance of a decent high.

Sorry I'm unsure, but someone will be around soon to help you. These questions are kind of complicated to answer in that there are many different factors to considerate; your regular dose taken per day before, the period since you have taken them, the different in strength from the dose of oxys and the dose of suboxone, weight etc. Some people imply that suboxone is often a lot more potent so your tolerance will be higher. But also some people will not give themselves enough time from taking suboxone and dosing on whatever opiate they are dosing - get frustrated that they are not experiencing a "high," and continually re-dose to achieve this - which can be very dangerous in that it heightens the risk of overdose. So without trying to sound preachy, please be careful.

I hope I am not being intrusive, and you can tell me to back off if you wish, but can I ask why you are asking this? Are you thinking of going back to your DoC or just curious?
If ever you'd like someone to talk to in private you are more than welcome to PM me.

I'm sorry that I could be of any further help. The regulars on this thread, and the moderators, know their stuff and will be able to give you a more accurate answer.

Eveu :)
Interesting observation I just thought I'd add. 0.25mg pure Buprenorphine IVed (no naloxone) is a stronger higher than even 6mg+ sublingual/nasal. People keep saying Suboxone vs pure Buprenorphine maxes no difference, but I think what people are forgetting is Norbuprenorphine is a full agonist unlike Buprenorphine, but blocked by Buprenorphine. At lower doses of Buprenorphine, full agonist opiates can be taken on top, that includes Norbuprenorphine. Naloxone doesn't block Buprenorphine, and Buprenorphine blocks Norbuprenorphine, but Naloxone *does* block Norbuprenorphine as far as I'm aware, if my experience was related to Norbuprenorphine then the way I can compare the two is Norbupe is to Bupe as a 30mg IV of Morphine is to 60mg oral Codeine.. and this is why people get better effects from Subutex and other purely Buprenorphine medications.

At higher doses the difference is unnoticeable because you're already taking so much Bupe that it'll block the Norbuprenorphine anyway. I found 0.25mg Buprenorphine IV to be superior to IV morphine though, and the rush lasted around an hour, and was one of the best opiate experiences I've ever had. 4-6mg sublingual or nasal Buprenorphine feels like an opiate that's not quite there, it doesn't feel like you're getting the best out of it - but that 0.25mg IV felt better than most full agonist opiates I've tried, there's only two opiates that beat it, which are my favourite two most euphoric opiates that I rate higher than oxy, morphine etc.

I don't recommend IVing to anyone, but once again as I've probably said several times in this thread low dose Buprenorphine is where it's at. Low doses of Buprenorphine can be combined with other opiates without any issues, and provide a mixed partial agonist and full agonist buzz, while higher doses just provide a strong partial agonist buzz. Norbuprenorphine is just a lovely lovely thing. I'd pick that low dose over high doses of Buprenorphine every day, it felt like I was floating on a cloud and in heaven, when high doses of Buprenorphine don't really get me that high just chilled and relaxed - this was a real strong rush and awesome effects.

This post is targetted at those using recreationally, I think high doses are such a waste. In fact that same day that I tried that IV I then took 3mg sublingually and it completely killed my buzz. I was also speaking to someone about my experience and they said they have the same but with Suboxone even low doses don't provide any sort of rush IV further suggesting that Naloxone does block Norbuprenorphine.

Kinda babbling since I'm high but yeah, this was after a few grams of Butyr-Fentanyl over a few weeks, so I had a high tolerance, and 0.25mg of Bupe IVed was still enough to give me a better rush than IV morphine. I'm not surprised it's so popular in Finland and such where it's Subutex people get rather than Suboxone being more popular. Give me a choice between a nice syringe full of Morphine, 8mg of Bupe snorted/IVed/plugged/whatever and 0.25mg Bupe IVed and I'd pick the latter every time. I'm surprised I've not seen anyone else posting about such experiences in this thread, I know many of the people here are here for maintenance, but there's a lot of people using their Bupe recreationally too and when I see people talking about just taking 8mg sublingually or whatever it sort of makes me cringe when I've compared the two, and the 0.25mg IV was not only a better high, but that 8mg makes for 32 highs that way that are better than that one 8mg high..

On that note though I don't recommend IVing, use an enema, clear out your bowels, and then plug 0.25-0.5mg and see just how much better it is than high doses if you're a recreational user <3 :D
I'm not going to glorify this Sub, but it saved my life. Three years ago, after doing 160mg of roxi some days and 80mg of oxymorphone others, I was given it in rehab and tapered down in one week. After I got home, it was about four months that I really started craving again, so the Dr. gave me a 1 month supply after some test. I learned how to break down the strip, so now I just keep it on hand to use if I feel cravings coming on.

If you don't know how to break this down properly, you will puke like a drunken sailor .. ugh, the nausea. I also had hella migraines if I took too much.
And don't even try to use while on it, which I'm sure most of you know, waste of drug and hella withdrawals after the sub wears down.
Oh and the crying jags lol. I'd cry over commercials. I guess that was because my emotions were numb for so long.

I've been on a steady clean path for three years now with only one relapse last may for a few days after the death of a loved one.

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[QUOTE473]Interesting observation I just thought I'd add. 0.25mg pure Buprenorphine IVed (no naloxone) is a stronger higher than even 6mg+ sublingual/nasal. People keep saying Suboxone vs pure Buprenorphine maxes no difference, but I think what people are forgetting is Norbuprenorphine is a full agonist unlike Buprenorphine, but blocked by Buprenorphine. At lower doses of Buprenorphine, full agonist opiates can be taken on top, that includes Norbuprenorphine. Naloxone doesn't block Buprenorphine, and Buprenorphine blocks Norbuprenorphine, but Naloxone *does* block Norbuprenorphine as far as I'm aware, if my experience was related to Norbuprenorphine then the way I can compare the two is Norbupe is to Bupe as a 30mg IV of Morphine is to 60mg oral Codeine.. and this is why people get better effects from Subutex and other purely Buprenorphine medications.

At higher doses the difference is unnoticeable because you're already taking so much Bupe that it'll block the Norbuprenorphine anyway. I found 0.25mg Buprenorphine IV to be superior to IV morphine though, and the rush lasted around an hour, and was one of the best opiate experiences I've ever had. 4-6mg sublingual or nasal Buprenorphine feels like an opiate that's not quite there, it doesn't feel like you're getting the best out of it - but that 0.25mg IV felt better than most full agonist opiates I've tried, there's only two opiates that beat it, which are my favourite two most euphoric opiates that I rate higher than oxy, morphine etc.

I don't recommend IVing to anyone, but once again as I've probably said several times in this thread low dose Buprenorphine is where it's at. Low doses of Buprenorphine can be combined with other opiates without any issues, and provide a mixed partial agonist and full agonist buzz, while higher doses just provide a strong partial agonist buzz. Norbuprenorphine is just a lovely lovely thing. I'd pick that low dose over high doses of Buprenorphine every day, it felt like I was floating on a cloud and in heaven, when high doses of Buprenorphine don't really get me that high just chilled and relaxed - this was a real strong rush and awesome effects.

This post is targetted at those using recreationally, I think high doses are such a waste. In fact that same day that I tried that IV I then took 3mg sublingually and it completely killed my buzz. I was also speaking to someone about my experience and they said they have the same but with Suboxone even low doses don't provide any sort of rush IV further suggesting that Naloxone does block Norbuprenorphine.

Kinda babbling since I'm high but yeah, this was after a few grams of Butyr-Fentanyl over a few weeks, so I had a high tolerance, and 0.25mg of Bupe IVed was still enough to give me a better rush than IV morphine. I'm not surprised it's so popular in Finland and such where it's Subutex people get rather than Suboxone being more popular. Give me a choice between a nice syringe full of Morphine, 8mg of Bupe snorted/IVed/plugged/whatever and 0.25mg Bupe IVed and I'd pick the latter every time. I'm surprised I've not seen anyone else posting about such experiences in this thread, I know many of the people here are here for maintenance, but there's a lot of people using their Bupe recreationally too and when I see people talking about just taking 8mg sublingually or whatever it sort of makes me cringe when I've compared the two, and the 0.25mg IV was not only a better high, but that 8mg makes for 32 highs that way that are better than that one 8mg high..

On that note though I don't recommend IVing, use an enema, clear out your bowels, and then plug 0.25-0.5mg and see just how much better it is than high doses if you're a recreational user <3 :D[/QUOTE]

That's how I've used my bupe for. along with time I no longer IV but I still dose micrograms just sublingually or insufflation. I know about nor-bupe but I think the small dose of naloxone in .25 of suboxone isn't enough to cause a diminished high in MY experience anyways with subutex and suboxone I felt no difference dosing micrograms. I really only felt a difference when I was on the high starting dose of 8 mgs in the way of less side effects such as headaches.

Now that I know how strong this stuff is I only have used micrograms and I too enjoy it and feel it way more than I ever could have imagined on the high dose of 8 Mgs. I always wish I could just tell everybody how stupid it is to stay on huge doses of bupe thinking their getting the best high possible being on 32 mgs a day but all they feel is headaches and constipation. If they were on .5 mg they could feel like they took a few percocets but nooo they don't wana listen cause they can't believe less is better no matter how hard you try to drill it into their brain they keep taking 32 mgs everyday or even going up to 40mgs thinking that bupe is just a really weak shitty opiate when they could be getting high everyday taking micrograms. I once met a guy whose doctor had him on 40mgs of subutex a day for 7 years and his opiate receptors were fucked just hooped.

I wish everybody knew less is more I mean I don't get why people take so much I only needed 8mgs and I had a huge heroin habit I had kilos of it all the time I was doing an 8ball a day like a fucking idiot but still only needed 8mgs in detox I tried to get more but they said nope we don't do More than 8 just wait and see it will work and sure enough it did. All I needed was a split dose as the sub doesn't seem to last a long time which i think a lot of people need instead of someone taking 24mgs once a day they could of been taking 2mg twice a day I mean it should be common sense to not keep people on once daily doses.

I just wanted to add that IVing bupe is not nessesary I switched back to nasal once in a blue moon and sublingualy the rest of the time and I still get the same effects as IV without the risks the BA is lower but if you just up the dose a bit then all you you need to do is crush the pills up and wet your finger dip it into the sub and hold your finger with the sub powder on it under your tounge with the tounge stuck out put pressure on the finger and rub it into the veins under the tounge to make sure none is wasted in saliva like when you just stick a pill under you tounge. Snorting has a pretty high BA so its nice too. Also the sublingual route is a lot better after gargling with mouthwash that has alcohol.

I just don't find IVing that crap worth it anymore I wana try and stick to sublingual only eventually then quit it altogether.
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Okay I am new here although I do lurk around threads when I need some info and my question may have been answered but I only found answers for long term or high use, my question is I got given a lot of suboxone 2mg tabs and was told they would get me high so like the fool I am give me a drug I will probably try it I took between 3/4mg for the past week along with my lyrica meds. Then I started reading horror storys that withdrawals where real crappy so figured I would stop cold turkey with the suboxone and just stay with my lyrica and tramadol legitamit script now my question is how will the withdrawals be after 1 week at 3/4mg a night. Thank you for any answers
Can't really tell until you jump off everybody's different but from the sounds of it you shouldn't have very horrible withdrawal. You never told me if you were addicted to any other opiates before doing the suboxone for a week that makes a huge difference. But still if you want to get off then you should try jumping right off taking nothing see how you feel youbshoupdn be too bad but if you can't take it then take some more and taper down to 0.2 then 0.1and jumping off will be easier. You will probably only need to taper if you had an existing opiate dependency.

Right. If you're not dependent on opiates, then you'll be fine, as one week is not enough time to pick up a habit. But, even if were already dependent, you take tramadol.. so that will cover most/if not all of the withdrawal symptoms created from raising your tolerance by taking the bupe. You only took it for a week, so maybe you'll feel slightly shitty for 2 or 3 days while your tolerance drops, then you'll stabilize on the tramadol, and be fine.
Thanks for the replys guys no I have never been dependant on opiates, I take Diazapam from time to time but the only other stuff is the Tramadol and Lyrica both of which are scripted I only intended to take the suboxone for a couple of days over the weekend but I suppose there is no intends when it comes to Drugs.
Okay I am new here although I do lurk around threads when I need some info and my question may have been answered but I only found answers for long term or high use, my question is I got given a lot of suboxone 2mg tabs and was told they would get me high so like the fool I am give me a drug I will probably try it I took between 3/4mg for the past week along with my lyrica meds. Then I started reading horror storys that withdrawals where real crappy so figured I would stop cold turkey with the suboxone and just stay with my lyrica and tramadol legitamit script now my question is how will the withdrawals be after 1 week at 3/4mg a night. Thank you for any answers

Am I correct in you only took the subs for a week (if not, I apologise) if I am, then you should not really experience WD. Mods if I'm wrong here I apologise but I wouldn't have thought so, because you only get withdrawal symptoms if your body becomes dependent - either physically or psychologically.

Take care,
Evey :)
Yea any withdrawals you might get will be minimal so j wouldn't worry just stop when you can don't keep going cause it only makes it harder to stop.
So this is my second time trying suboxone taper, my first time I used 25 hours later and went into PW, I convinced myself I didn't but now I know I did after waiting 36 hours after heroin use this time and using 8mg and it is working. My question is how I should do the taper? Here are my planned options, also open to other options. (Note: I have to start at 8 because I already have taken that dose, and needed it, I kept taking 2 mg every hour till it worked. I still feel pretty shitty but noticly better than before, I was thinking option 1 because I wanna make sure I'm stablized before tapering down, and any opinions would be highly appreciated.

( 6 Day Dose Options)

1.) 8mg, 8mg, 4mg, 2mg, 1mg, .5mg
2.) 8mg, 4mg, 2mg, 1mg, .5mg, .25mg

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