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Nice Codeine Megathread

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Yeah wow sanx shambles.

Definitely a good point: forgetting the past is better than the alternatives.

Thanks mate :3
Pretty much what shambles said, you will be doing 400+ mg doses in no time if you have addictive tendencies. Looking back in this thread i wonder how many times i said i'm gonna quit but haven't. A fuckin gazillion times
Slightly off topic. If run out of Codeine but have some DHC. They are the 90 continuous one.

IS there any point in crushing them as they are waxy as fuck and for some reason I just don't thin it make a big difference.
Well I used to crush them and soak them in a citric liquid. That seemed to get passed the waxy stuff and make the solution IR.
Pretty much what shambles said, you will be doing 400+ mg doses in no time if you have addictive tendencies. Looking back in this thread i wonder how many times i said i'm gonna quit but haven't. A fuckin gazillion times

I started out at 200mg and below (of codeine) to get so high I was vomitting and re-reading a sentence 30 times because I couldn't focus my eyes. Nowadays, I can take 800mg and not even feel a bit itchy. Poppy tea has absolutely raped my tolerance, I have to up my dose by 15% a week to continue my addiction, and the WD's from PT are like being kicked in the face by Satan himself.
Don't end up like me.
This post will be of little use but I've just noticed the new thread title and tickled me enough to be worth congratulating Snoll-de-Roll on her mad modstick skillz. Nice (see what I did there? :sus:) work, Snollz =D
Is there a nasty codeine megathread lurking in the shadows somewhere? Maybe that's Evey's one, come to think of it.
This post will be of little use but I've just noticed the new thread title and tickled me enough to be worth congratulating Snoll-de-Roll on her mad modstick skillz. Nice (see what I did there? :sus:) work, Snollz =D

Haha, appreciated <3
I use Codeine on a daily basis it started out for pain and still do use it for pain and 120 DHC's but it wasn't long before I started fucking around with CWE's and crushing the DHC's taking 240mg of DHC Instant Release, with 120mg Codeine on top of it, I then tried Oxycodone and Hydrocodone, thing is , Codeine or DHC makes me feel stoned like the way a person without anxiety would feel from weed, and I can't sleep without it now, a nice stoned nod and some music is the only way I can get shuteye, I've always had insomnia but opiates can't be the answer surely.
Is there a nasty codeine megathread lurking in the shadows somewhere? Maybe that's Evey's one, come to think of it.

I was just tempted to rename it to the nasty thread, postie brought me my bottle of linctus earlier than I expected but I had to practically choke it down. Last time I had a bottle it went down right easy but yeah had trouble keeping this one down. However it's all gone now and I am feeling opi-great! AHahaahahahaa sorry.

And yeah, dude above me, it's pretty good for sleep though I sometimes get CEVs from it if I'm really gone. Will probably be in a duvet with some tunes on and the DS going soon right enough. Also feel you on the stoned thing, to be honest I think I prefer it to weed now. I've got some pot sat in a tin in me bedroom but no desire to really smoke it. Got to say I've not really had any other opiates/oids. Had morphine IV after I smashed my hand to bits when I was like 17 but don't really remember much, never touched owt else. Ex's brother was getting morphine tabs at one point, fuck knows how, but I missed the boat on that one and was more into speed at the time.
I use Codeine on a daily basis it started out for pain and still do use it for pain and 120 DHC's but it wasn't long before I started fucking around with CWE's and crushing the DHC's taking 240mg of DHC Instant Release, with 120mg Codeine on top of it, I then tried Oxycodone and Hydrocodone, thing is , Codeine or DHC makes me feel stoned like the way a person without anxiety would feel from weed, and I can't sleep without it now, a nice stoned nod and some music is the only way I can get shuteye, I've always had insomnia but opiates can't be the answer surely.

No, opiates are definitely not the answer. You don't even get quality sleep when you nod out, so it's completely unsustainable for that reason alone, never mind the risk of dependency.

When you say it makes you feel 'stoned the way a person without anxiety would feel from weed', I take it by 'person with anxiety' you mean those weird people who complain of freaking out from weed, rather than people like myself (and countless others) who use weed to relieve their anxiety?

Must say it's unusual for someone in the UK to have used hydrocodone, what with it not being prescribed over here.
No, opiates are definitely not the answer. You don't even get quality sleep when you nod out, so it's completely unsustainable for that reason alone, never mind the risk of dependency.

When you say it makes you feel 'stoned the way a person without anxiety would feel from weed', I take it by 'person with anxiety' you mean those weird people who complain of freaking out from weed, rather than people like myself (and countless others) who use weed to relieve their anxiety?

Must say it's unusual for someone in the UK to have used hydrocodone, what with it not being prescribed over here.

How is it weird, weed makes you over think and over analyze situations. Its not an anxiety reliever at all in my books the drug is way too inwards, Nothing more that i hate then getting stoned around people i don't know.

Benzoman is correct, the opiates flatline the Abstract thoughts you get from weed.
Benzoman is correct, the opiates flatline the Abstract thoughts you get from weed.

Actually you are all correct. And you are all wrong. YMMV is king for a reason ;)

Other than that I'll second Sam on the opies being an incredibly bad idea to relieve insomnia. I'm struggling to think of any positives that could come from trying to use any opioid as a sleep aid. Can think of a gazillion and three reasons not to though. The sleep quality is shite (as pointed out) for a start off. And I can assure you any sleep you may initially gain from using opies is paid back in full (and then some) when you have to stop using opies to sleep for whatever reason. And that time will always come no matter what you may think at the time. The piper really does always have to be paid. In full. With interest.

And just to reinforce the YMMV thing, most (if not all of) the opies Benzoman mentions are widely considered to be amognst the more stimulating ones. Using oxy to sleep?!? Stuff's like speed in my book :D
Benzoman is correct, the opiates flatline the Abstract thoughts you get from weed.

Was Benzoman talking about taking opies to counter any abstract thoughts from weed? Not in the post I read... :?

And when I call people who get anxious from weed 'weird', I'm not being entirely serious. I'm just saying that I find the notion of getting anxious from weed pretty baffling, as I use it to relieve anxiety. Weed is very, very much a YMMV drug.

Ya dig? :)

Though obviously you people who wig out after a smoke are still all laughable pussies.
Well i think i know what Benzoman is on about, i get no anxiety off weed on codiene and he is the same. And yeah its wank for sleep i honestly just view as a more relaxing version of caffiene tbh. better energy then caffeine anyway
Well i think i know what Benzoman is on about, i get no anxiety off weed on codiene and he is the same.

He isn't talking about using codeine to counteract any anxiety from weed though; he just compares the feeling he gets from codeine to the feeling a normal, non-pussy person would get from weed:

Codeine or DHC makes me feel stoned likethe way a person without anxiety would feel from weed,

You see? No weed. :)
Was Benzoman talking about taking opies to counter any abstract thoughts from weed? Not in the post I read... :?

And when I call people who get anxious from weed 'weird', I'm not being entirely serious. I'm just saying that I find the notion of getting anxious from weed pretty baffling, as I use it to relieve anxiety. Weed is very, very much a YMMV drug.

Ya dig? :)

Though obviously you people who wig out after a smoke are still all laughable pussies.

Haha, weed is a dick to me, anxiety-wise. It used to be brilliant for it, and then I had a funny turn (that makes me sound like I'm about eighty, doesn't it?) with some stupidly strong stuff when I was visiting a mate and since then it's hit and miss as to whether it'll chill me out or send me on one. That said, if I eat it it seems to be a lot easier on me. I'm thinking I might make some form of food with it later tonight with the last I have left.

And Shambles' post about bouncing from one drug/addiction to the next endlessly is why I get kinda depressed sometimes. I can't ever imagine being completely teetotal, it's booze that's the worst for me. It's always the one I come back to, and I can go for ages without it then just completely waste a week getting pissed. Codeine has been ok for me but to be honest if it was easier to obtain in its pure form I'd probably be singin a different song. As it is, CWEs take ages and I hate faffing about and buying the linctus online is a killer as far as postage goes. But yeah I just get kinda sad thinking I'll probably always have a desire to get wasted, and I'll probably always be on medication for anxiety and OCD. Bleh. I dunno. I'm in a funny mood today. I've never been physically addicted to anything but Etizolam (and Citalopram, though the doctor was insistent on me saying it was 'symptoms of discontinuation' to him instead), but psychologically I've had trouble with speed and booze, pretty much can't touch stims now.

edit for vague relevance: drank my bottle of linctus at whatever time I posted, effort looking, and thought I'd be mostly sober and dosing off by now but 25mg of Phenergan has made it last distinctly longer. I thought the idea with that is that it potentiates (spellcheck tells me that isn't a word, but google says it is wtf) codeine but lessens the duration of the effects. So yeah that was odd, but nice.
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Haha, weed is a dick to me...

For incredibly childish reasons, this phrase amused me far more than it should. The mind boggles :eek:;)=D

Tomfoolery aside, I'm currently relating to the stuff I posted that you just posted about relating to. Been away from proper drugs for a wee while now so what have I been doing instead? Boozing. Admittedly not as excessively as is usually the case but it's still daily. I just don't think my poor ol' bod is up to using alcohol like this anymore. Not that it ever was anyway. Need to get myself sorted in the drug department one way or another. Teetotal abstinence just isn't a viable option in my book. Maybe one day, maybe not. It's not even something I really aspire to. I just want to know that I am in control of the drugs rather than the other way around. I do think I'm getting there but it's fits and starts, one step forward, lil stumble back, kinda stuff.

Having said that, I was thinking earlier about what my druglife was like just a few years back. Wasn't so long ago I didn't go a day (barely went an hour) without using several drugs - and was frequently indulging in risky combos, risky practices, and generally playing very fast and loose with the whole HR thing at best. I've definitely come a long way since then. Ways to go yet but, by my standards, I reckon I'm doing okay in the grand scheme. Just need to keep chipping away. Get a bit better at self-restraint each time I have a big ol' wobble. Learn from mistakes instead of endlessly repeating them. That's the plan anyway ;)

Apologies for ramble. I can't even blame the codeine cos not had any in month. As such, I should probably go pester some other poor, unsuspecting thread ;)
I always refer to alcohol as the lowest common denominator, never had a good relationship with it. Weed is good because it has anti depressing properties just not a social thing for me though its just a drug i do because it makes my boring life a little more fun. Alcohol is good for social situations for me because of my social anxiety. but alone drinking tends to bring out the worst in me
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