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[Methoxetamine Subthread] Addiction

- What is your daily/weekly/monthy consumption?

Fell in love with it after a few very intruiging experiences (it was my introduction to dissociatives).

Then proceeded from snorting it nightly to undeniably abusing it and plugging it all day long on my off days until the bag ran out (1-2, sometimes 3 gram), then I'd order more.

- For how long have you been doing it? And how, if at all, your pattern of use has changed? (increase dosages, changed ROA, etc.

Tolerance rose enormously, also because I found a very convenient Ketamine connection and started abusing the K as well (with periods of doing a gram of K or more all day every day).

Nowadays it's hideous. If I take large doses of Methoxetamine, it just blunts me and there's no more sparkle.
Low doses are decent and enjoyable after I take a tolerance-break, but I prefer Ketamine for that because it's more relaxing and sedating for me.

Edit: Overall, moderate use (2-3 times weekly) for about 8 months with breaks inbetween, then 6 weeks of heavy daily use.

- Do you feel you are addicted? If yes, do you think you can stop?

Dissociatives definitely have had a strong pull on me. And still do, somewhat. Sometimes I still trick myself into buying some and intending to use it "in low doses", or "as antidepressant", or for some other excuse.

Also, much of the brain-soup of dissociative abuse seems to go away with time for me.
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I bought a gram right when I got out of rehab and it lasted me about a month. I got into some very depraved mxe holes initially with just the amount that would fit into a Parliament cigarette filter. I found myself doing it every day after awhile and it took more and more to get even a slight buzz. It was very easy to quit, however. I ran out and I stopped using. Usually when I run out of drugs I'm addicted to I become obsessed about getting more.
- For how long have you been doing it? And how, if at all, your pattern of use has changed? (increase dosages, changed ROA, etc.)

I used it for 8 months. First 2 grams of great quality batch lasted 3 months for me. Re-ordered 6 grams of the same quality batch, it lasted 2 and a half month. It was a magical substance, long euphoric m-holes without any negative effects. At this point my tolerance was quite big. Got 8 more grams from the same vendor and guess what - it was a different batch - it looked different, tasted different and I would get only negative effects from it. I had to throw away about 6 grams of this batch. Then I ordered 10 grams from another vendor. It was weaker, but I could still get some positive effects from it. In the end I started getting constant abdominal pains (I still have), I threw away remaining 2 grams. So in 8 months I have used approximately 18 grams.

Pattern of use. With great quality MXE I used about 1 time per 2 weeks. I binged on it a few times. When the quality changed and tolerance built up I could not get to euphoric m-hole easy, so I started using it more frequently and increased the dosage. I also binged on it more.

- What is your usual ROA?

My ROA was always sublingual, but I experimented with the last batch and it seems that most of the substance is still absorbed in the stomach. So I think that is why I started getting abdominal pains (only assumption).

- Do you feel you are addicted? If yes, do you think you can stop?

YES, I am addicted to it. If I have some, I will think about using it quite often. That is why I have flushed ~8 grams of MXE. At some point I would not get any positive effects from it, but I would still use it!

- Have you tried to quit? or do you want to stop using it?

I tried to quit, but I am a substance abuser :) I DO NOT WANT to stop using it. I simply have no choice now. I started getting constant abdominal pains and I stopped using it. I have not used it for 8 days now and the pain is ceasing. I will take as long break as I can.

- Do you have any withdrawal symptoms?

8 days without MXE and I still feel dissociated. Symptoms: no mood, brain fog, no motivation. Nothing unusual.

- How does MXE addiction compares to other drugs addiction? E.g. Tobacco, Cannabis, Heroin, Cocaine..

Tried many substances/psychedelics/research chemicals (all popular ones, except opiates). I was mildly addicted to alcohol, cocaine, nicotine, highly to weed. MXE is the biggest addiction for me yet. By the way, it changed the high of every other drug for me. I do not drink anymore, do not use any stimulants (besides caffeine) - I do not like it anymore. Weed does not get me stoned anymore. I still smoke it sometimes. MXE was a great tool to quit my other addictions, but I liked it too much and it became my main addiction :) I still love it and think about it from time to time.
Yep and now I probly uavent used any in 6 months or more... haven't even thought about it after the salted up boo boo last time..
I'm newish here, as far as posting goes on bluelight, but I have some experience with MXE. Maybe I'm just not an addictive personality, but I don't see how one could have taken it as far as some of the people on this thread seem to have done. No judgment, I'm just slightly baffled. I love MXE, but who has the time to use it that often? --and this coming from a guy who historically has plenty of fuckin' free time. I think of it as an awesome "re-associative" agent, but I simply can't imagine myself doing it with that level of regularity. I like to take a good sublingual dose of about 150mg every so often, but I mean, you really have to clear your social schedule for half a day to really get down on it. Small doses are unappealing to me. Maybe I'm just an introverted and a socially anxious guy, but I don't think I could pull off dosing up heavy on MXE just as easily as smoking a bowl and going about my day. Even if I wanted to (which I don't), that seems nearly impossible. What this is telling me is that it's about lack of self-awareness and the ability to endure looking like an asshole who doesn't care about him-or-herself on a daily basis. The visions and insights I have on MXE direct me not to allow that kind of degradation to fall upon my Self for more than a utilitarian moment. I use it like a window, not a holding cell. Being high on K-analog all the time just frankly seems like it would suck and halt all human productivity to a standstill. The people in my life within a week of such behavior would be like "what the fuck are you doing retard?" Am I riding some deceptively deluded and dangerous edge by looking inside myself and seeing MXE addiction as an impossibility? The purpose of using mind-altering drugs is to comprehensively enhance your understanding of life and thereby facilitate a higher-functioning overall self. The idea of being constantly high on MXE is contradictory to the awareness that the drug provides. How are you going to become the Jedi that it shows you that you can be if you are too high to do all the things that you need to do to support your becoming an Adept? You've got dietary, exercise, and meditation regimens to contend with, psychotherapy appointments, and books on deep philosophy to read. Clear contemplation of your life's alchemical formula is all that matters. You've got to write that poem, compose that song, paint that painting, solve that formula, and study that material. Yes, you need MXE visions to speed you on your way (maybe) and confer nootropic effects upon you, but why are you using it stupidly? Why are you using a light saber to metaphorically cut off your own dick? Have you learned nothing from our forefathers? From Terence, from Lilly, from Crowley, from all who've well-worn the pathways of shamanic drug use? Believe it or not, psychedelic drugs are supposed to help you to revolutionize your mind even in the times when you're not under their influence. You (sober) have to do the shit on a regular basis that you learn about by using them.

Sure, maybe none of that golden light ever truly comes to fruition, but it certainly won't if you skimp yourself on your own discipline by being unhealthy.
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Don't forget paragraphs obtaingnosis.

Everyone is different. Most people will struggle to understand why a minority of drug users use drugs. Among drug users there will be a minority whose behaviour seems even more peculiar which other drug users do not understand.

I do not think daily MXE use is in any way healthy, nor could I ever see myself succumbing, but I can understand some of the thought patterns which lead to addiction and they seem to be present here as you might expect. Addiction is an incredibly powerful thing and many who have never experienced it struggle to comprehend its gravitas.
I look at drugs as a way to just have a good time. To experience something new for a change, so when I'm bored all the time I might get addicted to this. Infact I've been using it daily for a few weeks, but have recently kicked it without too much trouble. The challenge is filling up your mxe time with someting else to do. If you do drugs for enlightenment and that kind of shit, be my guest. I think it's a slippery slope between feeling enlightened and actually being enlightened. If you catch my drift. This should be done sober if you really want it tbh.

about me: mid 30s. Female. experience of many drugs (excluding heroin and never used needles, its easier to say the nots then the haves) over the years, ex cocaine addict, now stick to legals, hardly ever. except MXE which became a daily habbit averaging 1g a day. usually insufated in divided doses (never 1g at once!! over a 12hr day)...usually wake up with a bump, bump through the day, and end with 100-200mg (up to 350mx) to hole before sleep. i have had 2 or 3 1-2 weeks abstinence at most , and one 3 week break in that time. i have now had a couple months clean. and am looking back..... here is my story and i hope some things to think about.

(SIDE NOTE: ive noticed in europe this is getting very rare, i dont know if there have been more bans? its sort of vanished. as for me, i am i wonder at times, or was, one of the most prolific abusers of MXE, having taken a average of a gram a day for i dont know how long, perhaps well over a year. i have since my main source stopped supplying it used it as an excuse to finally have a rest. here is my take after a month or so clean...saying that i have looked and even tried the fake branded stuff being sold in the uk as a replacement ...which BTW is horrible, variable and nothing like MXE, you get different things each time, most is bunk....avoiud)

1) i have a lot more money now. it might not have seemed it, but it was an expensive habbit

2) the effects changed. tolerance kicks in fast early on, when i first used this, i overdosed a few times, it freaked my partner out who is not experienced with drugs and she had called ambulance on a few occasions, i was usually annoyed as i was just in a hole as far as i knew, but apparently i would have "scary eyes just staring into space, unresponsive, hard to tell if i was alive, i certainly was not there"...on occasion when ambulence had been called, i did actually have dangerously high blood pressure, and was taken to ER. on every occasion it dropped fast as i came out of the hole and was able to sober up and discharge myself without treatment feeling like a twat, healthcare could be given to those that need it more then my folly (like old people falling over or something)

3) early O.D.s and close calls would involve a rise in blood pressure, like a panic attack only with lasting concern. i could feel it happen....for some reason after time, or after the uk ban and a new source, this blood pressure thing didnt happen.

4) effects changed with tolerance, the trip went and for months i have not tripped on it even after a few weeks abstinence. the glow and the "float" stayed...although i needed more and more to achive it, and it lasted less and less. i used to trip to music and this was heaven and what i did it for, but what was a couple of hours floating imersed in the music got shorter and shorter untill it was 1 cd, and then maybe only 30min. the visuals of the trip vanished and have never come back. the CEV which i describe as pretty glowy shapes and forms usually in green made out of lines or blurrs like say a puff of smoke that forms say a cube or a dragon in green laser light...hard to describe...CEV would be there. and actually are permanent as when i close my eyes i still see psychadelia now. i have heard too many trips can cause a permanent state where closing your eyes you still see things.

5) the confidence i thought it gave me and the anti depressant effect i thought it gave me, the "pefect drug" / "soma" ..at first a bump in a bar or club would be better then ecstacy in my youth, made me chat, made me dance. ...my depression lifted. etc. looking back, people could probably tell i was wasted i wasnt kidding anyone. my depression long term came back, much as a dose would in my mind wake me up and make me want to do stuff, more and more i isolated myself from people, MXE was all about ME. floating to music, playing video games, watching movies, swimming :S ...all AMAZING on MXE but all ALONE. .... over the year i completely lost interest in socialising. my relationship suffered a bit, i am in a long term relationship, we both have had addiction issues, and "know the score" with eachother, i was allowed mxe, but it was a fine line as i was neglecting that night after night i would be in bed with music on in a hole rather then making love. i was also annoying as hell when i came out of the hole and would try and explain some amazing (or so i thought) insight or experience at 4am whilst still unable to speak to someone who had to get up to work. ..plus the few times that i needed paramedics made my partner worry about me a lot. i always made "MXE free" days, but not enough on reflection. i am lucky to have that relationship still. had i lost it that may have been the last social thing i was interested in. ........

.........the confidence and the anti depressant were obviously on reflection not permanent and not real, other wise i would not have isolated myself. i still have the depression when sober. i sank into a DEEP depression in the weeks after stopping. my anxiety since stopping is FAR WORSE then it was before. i suffered an anxiety disorder before i took MXE, i get a bit agrophobic, MXE got me out at first, but in the end i was MORE agrophobic and MORE depressed at the end. i now have panic attacks that are FAR WORSE then i ever had them. even in low stress places. i can only tollerate a couple of hours with friends, in a quiet place, i could not no way go clubbing and this weekend i am missing a wedding because i cant handle new people. i am about to start therapy.

6) dangerous situations: much as i liked to think i was UBBER responsible. i was not. i put myself in danger with ODs regularly at first. it took me a while to learn to only put out in a pot what i plan to take in a day, and measure every time. even when experienced and knowing that you cant eye ball it, i still sometimes would, and badly. as a experiment i sitll cant eyeball. what i guess at several 50mg bumps, weighted varied from 20mg - 120mg. and that was sober. many times i was not.

i swam on it. i have been in baths on it. i wouldnt cross a road, or drive on it, or anythnig extreme as thats how you die. however on ONE OCCASION poorly judged use led to this situation happening:

i used to love a small dose and going to the gym, then having a float in a spa. on low doses. i thought was fine, reflection, i was a fucking idiot and suprised i was never thrown out, needed help or hurt myself.

i moved house this time last year. my gym and spa was 100 yards away, now it was a 15min drive. .....(I have never admitted this to anyone and if someone else had done it i would have told them what i thought of them)....so i would go for a while, take a bump, not enough to trip, have a swim, relax. come down. when safe. come home. sounds fine yea? NO. 1) you CANT judge that you are OVER the trip. you are in state and intoxicated. you cant judge this. i only did this maybe 3 times. safely. then it went wrong. i eyeballed a dose in a toilet. it must have been too much plus i had had a clear few days. tolerance dropped. i didnt know. i was in the steam room, suddenly i felt myself getting really really wonky. i dont remember leaving the steam room, but i got out, got to the changing room. i was unsure if i had fallen and been assisted. i didnt know if the manager had helped me there. (he hadnt, i asked later if i had "fainted or something" and no one had seen anything unusual). so im sat there in a changing room getting REALLY FUCKED UP. for some reason instead of waiting it out, i tried to dress. i got my skirt on, could hardly manage my top. i rushed out to my car holding my top against my boobs to look dressed and sat in my car. ...again. any normal person would stop here and sober up. i was panicing so decided to move the car out of sight as i was paranoid. ..the spa was up a mud track. i at first confused the accelorator and break pedals. i moved the car, nowhere to put it. i ended up driving the 10 min home, i was coming around by now, but for at least half that journey of windy fast road. i was topless in a drop top car, with no roll bar. with no control..it took all i had to keep in lane. it was a mirricle that i didint kill anyone. or get pulled over in a MXE hole topless. that would have been that.

had i hurt anyone or caused an accident i would not be able to live with myself.

7) dose/tolerance.

my tolerance went up fast with daily use. i would need 100mg to just float usually. in the end it was more. i was using 1g a day from nearly the start...the effects went, but i was afraid to push up the dose more then this (its already crazy high use). i used to insuffate it (snort). i have never used needles, and plugging and sub ling didnt feel right to me, i didnt ever know for sure if it worked or not. i have no idea what dose would have made me trip, maybe i will never be able to at all, but i was not going to push it anymore.

....i think i was delusional whilst using MXE, although at the time i was sure i was fine. i am better off without it. i crave it, i miss it, but those last experiences and the above story made me look at myself and think "fuck, you are out of control, you are lucky to be even a little bit sane, you are doing unknown harm to yourself, you are now a danger to others and neglecting friends, family etc".

MXE addiction (i was addicted, i still am. just like the cocaine, i mgiht not use, but the love is still there)...is real. Cocaine took me in my 20s, MXE took me as well, not as dramatically, but it still took me.
Thanks for sharing your story missimoo. It made me think about effects my much, much less intense (I've went through about only 4 grams in 6 months!) use of MXE seems to have on my long-term relationship.. an effect in general lack of interest in socializing and "muting" of empathy - working from home isn't the best way of earning a wage when there's a couple of grams of MXE in the fridge...

Best of luck in staying off it!
Thanks for sharing your story missimoo

Same here!

I can totally relate to some of the things you said. I'm taking a break from all those ACH's now, and this is the very first time i'm experiencing some kind of withdrawal, even though i haven't used any of those Compounds daily.

Worst thing is being totally unmotivated, and, at least to some degree, kind of depressed. I think it's because this certain push isn't there, the one that made me a lot more productive and target-oriented... not (just) manic! I know it'll subside soon but as you said, the antidepressant Effect doesn't last, which is some kind of a let down, even if it shows me that both, my mind and body are recovering.

What is left and that shouldn't be unspoken, is the rest of what this Class of Compounds, or especially Methoxetamine, has given me.

I've not just got rid of some deep manifested behaviours i didn't like, MXE also helped me making a big step forward despite my depression.
. Etizolam is expensive as hell and purportedly causes man tits. That leaves a few rather vanilla ketamine/pcp analogues and nothing else that comes to mind.

Really now? when i started working out and was on Risperdol for 6 months getting a chest.. to let it go.. i got my first set of man boobs.. its now recalled and lawsuits are pouring in.. gonna have to take a look at these structures and see if theres any comparison... do you happen to have a link for where you got this info about etizolam from????? thanks and by vanilla do you mean anything to do with the sky?
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Shot through the <3 MXE to blame... Takin any Rc's was a bad change..

Thanks for sharing your story missimoo. It made me think about effects my much, much less intense (I've went through about only 4 grams in 6 months!) use of MXE seems to have on my long-term relationship.. an effect in general lack of interest in socializing and "muting" of empathy - working from home isn't the best way of earning a wage when there's a couple of grams of MXE in the fridge...

Best of luck in staying off it!

I agree with you completely... It kicks in my Anti social anxiety makes me not want to go out day or night unless i really have to its bad to a max and I get jitters at higher doses.. And the hallucinations ive experianced not sure if there mxe but they are pretty close to the same experiances now just worse with a better euphoria They havent been pleasent at all ...
heres a story about a pill they sold at stores called Molly... i beleive it was mxe because i had the other three kinds of bs out and i didnt trip out like this...
(one night thinking the police were chasing us i shoved a gram of white lady or whatever it was and some green giant tagged mini jars up in the safe and on top of that this 1 pill i bought called "MOLLY" after the safe was emptied 140 bucks later for a top notch motel after the police chasing us thru 5 citys and the undercovers and so on... i spent so much time watching license plates n memorizing them on the road...8o

i had flushed one of the jars cuz of paranoia and the other clenched in my hand with the label ripped off made sure no finger prints were on it on some csi stuff incase i have to flush it i hurried and this way it cant be retreived and have a label on it paranoid like there was 36 cops in the next room over listening n waiting to bust in the door i remember having sex everytime we did it felt like eyes were watching i hated it it made me unable to work sometimes ... " but anyway i have no idea the contents of that pill
but it did a number on me by morning i had broken every light in the room the tv threw a chair at my lover tore up the bed because i thought someone was hiding under it fooling with her (see Trama from being cheated on throughout life and lied to)
went to wendys threw hawian punch all over her n the bed sheets and frys and shit because i thought she gave felatio to the guy at the desk.. before that i cordinated from the 2nd floor where we were to the 1st and it showed the room behind the desk was above our room he was walkin in it had a code lock i caught it before it closed n walked in behind him i looked up and there was push up tiles on the ceiling...
i rest my case about the broom when i came back to wendys he was walking from where the elevators where smiled at me cuz of the scene i made before leaving about youre going to ruin the one thing i have in this world please stop i had told him n walked out the room n continued to wendys...
this is a backwards story sorry.. before walking to wendys the whole reason i left i had to get up n go cuz i seen my girlfriend sucking off glory holes in the room there was like a dozen of them coming out the wall and cocks for real i seen her sucking them off and said what the fuck are you doing n they just closed up.. thats why i flipped out and left.... after decorating the bed and her with wendy's french fries and what not i told her to eat her sandwhich i wasted 6 dollars on she refused n started cuttin herself wit some broken glass from the bulb from the lamp i had swong on instead of her out of anger and i dont hit girls like that it happened only on these evil substances i had never tripped like this before making me beleive that the pill was definetly mxe she i stopped her she told me to take the car keys n just go run away to florida she stated she wanted to die and all this stuff crying and what not i really hurt her and she was on stuff from 6 hours ago i flushed her gram down the toilet..
anyway after alot of talking and saying im sorry over n over beggin n draggin her to go she pulled it together i dunno how i fixed it but i did and we started making love for a last time it was around the afternoon 2 hrs til checkout but i wouldnt do it on the bed because the broom incident so we went on the floor so she was on top im on my back i look up and see her arm reaching around and a guy reaching for her hand to get help getting out from under the matress i push her off me see his head n hand slip back in and she started getting real defensive which made me think she really was hiding somthing.. i was being made fun of by her too i jus remembered she would tell me ohh are the midgits in the draw n open them and making fun of me made it all the more worse even if she didnt mean it shes screamin theres no one in the stool and all kinds of sh it hurt of course but i continued to rip the bed apart she told me that no one could even fit under there so i layed in the box that supported the mattress and told her to just put the bed over me.. while being under the bed i heard two slides first slide opened a hole about the size of a baseball n then closed and another opened on the opposite side n closed i heard like a refridgerator or somthing runnin downstairs thru them and she was so suspicious i would ask questions get no awnsers when i was under there... to this day i dont know what happened really... we left passed out in the car in a mall parking lot i woke up she wasnt there i grabbed my key n stuck it back in the jar to turn it back on then i was like wtf is she doing trying to make money??? all of my ex girls turned prostitute and into druggys and still havent recovered thits was the only girl that was GOOD and not completly corrupt but had dibbled with a few things once or twice thats why she started the BS wit me which i hated myself for... an hour went by of me thinking shes fucking some dude in a truck all this built up thoughts that werent true at all it was just from TRAMATIC EXPERIANCES in my life with girlfriends when they went out who lived with me she came back i wigged out on her and she said im done with the bath salts i just spent an hour in a half squeezing blackheads on my face in the bathroom mirror and anything that can make me do that im all set with and look at what its doing to us the drugs are going to ruin are relationship....

she gave me time to quit... (giving up the run i returned home n quit the shit for a month then july 5th the door got kicked in after we had a fight) i fell back asleep comfortable on my subs n benzos woke up pouring rain shes driving on some desserted road were doing like 40-50 i woke up flippin callin her a liar and a cheat and describin the shit she didnt do while i was sleeping earlier in the mall... i almost killed us both we were screamin at each other n i grabbed the wheel n turned it to the wall bankment and then back straight we hydroplaned and luckily emergency stopped with skids real damn long even with the ground being wet... after that i chilled out i apoligized i said hold my shit i dont wanna touch it.. of course i took a bump of it to feel good again before that.. but wakeing up in a rage like that on some other stuff... scared the bleep out of both of us she said to me 2 days after i thought you really were never coming back to reallity and you lost it "

her arm had a bruise from throwing the chair at it i became her doctor with a pad so to speak.. this was the ending of stuff that went on for months about 3 or 4 straight i was on the run for pullin knives on my father allegedly... and demanding my bath salt and saying they stole it from me... later in life i thought i beeleived that because they use to take my weed from me and stuff like good parents etc.. theyve thrown out stuff that meant alot to me to the point me and pa had a fist to fist n he got the beest of my strung out ass n i took a razor n cut myself up he said he callled the cops i didnt want him to goto jail so i did that n called the cops n gave em a dif story they showed up and took me to the hospital another trip to the psych ward for 4 days and shes the one who picked me up heh the day i got out i went on the run i had missed court and had two new felony charges assault with a dangerous... but you see there all related to Tramatic incidents ive been through in my life... the people with guns and knives me being stabbed by my own ex friend me being stabbed again total of 3 stabbins first one was my gf of 4 years err my sexual trama's from when i was younger.... ive seen people having Sex 25 yards in the public park.. from me and asked my girlfriend if she seen it too and she stated no..
ive had sex with her in the same park while people younger watched i askd if there was anyone there and same awnser... no after all the incidents with this green giant or whatever crap made me hallucinate i was all set it was fun while it lasted but i thank god im alive everyday... good or bad better then being crazy and i mean straight jacket crazy sorry for the rambling hope this helps someone stay away or quit before its too late.. and

Medically Nuerogically speaking i really beleive this drug somehow inhibits somthing from whatever things in your life memory and past events that are tragic trama or scares you.. and makes them real as air right infront of you but u cant ever grasp it quick enough to prove to yourself its not real... god bless the ones trying to quit... withdrawels imo ARE ALL psychological... thanks for reading :)8o dedicated to the one i lost <3 the only true love i ever had ruined by THIS.

p.s. This is in combination with other drugs.
Every Incense/Cannabinoid blend out mixed up all the time in blunts... sometimes marijuana mixed.
adderall 60-140 mgs a day - bad habbit... would run out all the time and made mdvp and other RC's my stimulant to continue on in life. without it i would of been sick... the week long sleep syndrome etc.. not having the RC's i would only get minor withdrawels but i didnt quit cold turkey... i had wellbutrin and adderall for the month until lock down... but even to this day psychologically somthing makes me want to go get some.. its alot harder now but still satan is there pokein at me.. but i fight it.

Save your money buy some knock off sneakers for 20$<3
- What is your daily/weekly/monthy consumption?

If I have a steady supply coming in, I can go through 3 or 4 grams in a week if I use it recklessly.Usually I'll do a gram spaced out between a few days and try to space out the dosing so it'll last a little bit and I get my moneys worth. However I recently binged through 14 grams in about 28 days time.

- For how long have you been doing it? And how, if at all, your pattern of use has changed? (increase dosages, changed ROA, etc.)

I've been doing it about a year now, on and off. Mostly on, with a pair of days here and there where I'd inevitably have to take a short break, or I physically couldn't take it due to my environment or situation in that moment.

- What is your usual ROA?

I always snort it, however I have always been interested in trying to swallow it in a capsule. Never got around to it though. I've parachuted it before but it was always done after having taken a dose via snorting it, so I couldn't really tell the difference in effects parachuting provided.

- Do you feel you are addicted? If yes, do you think you can stop?

Yes, I feel I am addicted to this drug. However, I do not suffer any physical symptoms from my use. I do not suffer withdrawals or any kind of ailments when I do not dose regularly. Regardless, I'm sure I can do if I really wanted to, however what drives me to continue buying it is the idea that it's not going to be available forever but when I buy it I just end up blowing through all of it in one go.

- Have you tried to quit? or do you want to stop using it?


- Do you have any withdrawal symptoms?


- How does MXE addiction compares to other drugs addiction? E.g. Tobacco, Cannabis, Heroin, Cocaine..

An addiction is an addiction, though some can be and usually are more severe compared to others. MXE addiction isn't really an addiction in the sense that you suffer from using it. It's one of those drugs where you keep using and you can be cut off from using during a 3 day binge and feel fine the next day. Sure you'll be thinking about it but that's only because you just did a drug, of course you're gonna think about it.
- What is your daily/weekly/monthy consumption?
Typical: 1-2 20-30mg doses. Special: 50mg or 80mg doses.

- For how long have you been doing it? And how, if at all, your pattern of use has changed? (increase dosages, changed ROA, etc.
Initially maybe once a week. Lately experimenting with more daily, productive doses.

- What is your usual ROA?

- Do you feel you are addicted? If yes, do you think you can stop?
I'm addicted to marijuana. MXE is much more accessible however and shares some subjective effects. I really do not like smoking as ROA, even with vaporizer. I love how easy the dose is to control.

- Have you tried to quit? or do you want to stop using it?
No. No.

- Do you have any withdrawal symptoms?
Unsure. Concerned it messes with efficiency of serotonin system.

- How does MXE addiction compares to other drugs addiction? E.g. Tobacco, Cannabis, Heroin, Cocaine.
Less intellectual than marijuana, but reliable stoned/body high sort of effect that I use to overcome my illogical aversions to specific tastes, textures, manual dexterity, manual labour. (autism)
I have been IMing it multiple times a day for a while now. I just did a 25 mg shot and barely felt it at all.

My desire to use seems to be mostly psychological, much like with marijuana. I do not believe I have experienced any withdrawal symptoms.
I haven't used MXE for 5 months or so, but here is a little bit of my experience with MXE and addiction.

What is your daily/weekly/monthy consumption?
250mg/day but it fluctuated possibly up as much as 500/600mg Daily , as many days in the week I could.

For how long have you been doing it? And how, if at all, your pattern of use has changed?
I first took MXE in January 2011, and continued using until september 2012 . Having enjoyed Ketamine through IM I decided to only use this
method with mxe. Having a high K tolerance I started off around 30 - 50mg, but rapidly moved up to 120 - 140mg doses.

What is your usual ROA?

Do you feel you are addicted? If yes, do you think you can stop?
Although it has been many months I am still mentally addicted to some degree, if I had some in the house I would almost certainly take it. I was 100% addicted while taking it

Have you tried to quit? or do you want to stop using it?
I tried with help my girlfriend to limit usage where she would hide it and ration it, but if it was in the house I would always eventually find it and back to square one we would go, and the lies that go with it.
I didn't want to quit at all, this is MXE the wonder drug we are talking about after all ;) The answer to all of lifes problems. I was getting away with using it almost every day, but
Then blackouts started happening with slightly too high doses and scaring the sh1t out of my girlfriend on a number of occasions and then in front of some of my friends/ family
That was the final nail in the mxe coffin. The remaining stuff got burned, I resisted ordering anymore since.
It came down to an ultimatum with my lady, "Me or the MXE" , I picked her, or so I thought.

Stupidly I also had recently ordered some 3-meo-pcp and of course, a rerun of of MXE happened x 10 with the 3-meo.
A few more very bad situations (worse than mxe) and the 3-meo-pcp went into the fire and I finally learned my lesson with this stuff.

How does MXE addiction compare to other drug addictions? E.g. Tobacco, Cannabis, Heroin, Cocaine..
MXE is by far the most addictive substance I have tried, despite it's lack of a physical dependance it made me fiend for a drug for the first time in my life.

The positives: Amazing spiritual experiences, great personal introspection, music sounded soo good on it. I suffer from depression and it also seemed to help a lot.
I really did learn a lot about myself and other in the first couple of months using mxe moderately, But I should have hung the telephone up much earlier but there is always that urge with mxe to go deeper and deeper.

The negatives: Wanting to be in that state for every waking hour, distancing myself from my partner, friends and family, spending far too much money, I became completely
delusional, Paranoid and very egotistical when it was my IQ that was in fact dropping. Terrible effects on memory and Just not being a nice person to we around.

If you love Ketamine,mushrooms, etc then you will love this one, but try and not get sucked in, lady mxe is a biatch!!
Take Extreme care with MXE's evil cousin 3-meo-pcp though, that stuff REALLY is dangerous.
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I've gone through some serious binges in the past with MXE but I always end up taking a break when I start binging on opiates instead...plus the magic is long gone. I usually take opiates 4 days a week and suboxone/MXE the other 3 days. Keep me from developing any serious addiction but I still want to cut my use down but i'm afraid if I stop then i'll just use opiates more and I rather be addicted to MXE because of the lack of physical withdrawal. I gotta say tho when I first found the stuff a year ago I was instantly in love and used almost everyday for months until the magic slowly went away.
on topic: i do find this shit moreish. and sneaky about it too because its DRI effects are so long-lived.

To clear up a couple common misconceptions, MXE neither acts as a DRI (or releaser or direct agonist) nor as an opioid.
