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Harm Reduction OD Social v12 - Zero Tolerance

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^it's a cunt to remember sometimes hey, especially when you're getting hit with 15+pm's on some days. one of the perks of being a mod;)

nah doug, mods only get an extra 50 pms. sr mods get 250 and admins unlimited.

cloudy - great to hear you've landed and are well, man:)

i'm fucking flooded in from getting to town and isolated at home :| we've had over 14inches of rain over the last 72 hours. fuckin' hell.

i haven't been able to get any beers or steak and sausages to bbq up for Australia Day today because we're stuck here:(
ughhhh I feel like hell! I haven't been posting for the past couple of days due to a hellacious 4 day IV Oxymorphone IR binge.... but it's finally over now. regardless alota money was spent that I shouldn't have, and I had a really good strung out ass time :) but now I'm kinda regretting it... well we all know how that goes.

@tentram holy fuck that's alota rain!
@the dialogue between Doug and tent, all I have to say is it seems like Doug has no extra fucks to spare lmao
ughhhh I feel like hell! I haven't been posting for the past couple of days due to a hellacious 4 day IV Oxymorphone IR binge.... but it's finally over now. regardless alota money was spent that I shouldn't have, and I had a really good strung out ass time :) but now I'm kinda regretting it... well we all know how that goes.

@tentram holy fuck that's alota rain!
@the dialogue between Doug and tent, all I have to say is it seems like Doug has no extra fucks to spare lmao

qft :p
Finally got done shoveling snow. When I get paid ill be $225 richer plus I get $330 on Tuesday. Thank fuck
Sittin by the door so you could say im actin spooky
rather smoke a doobie than be burning and alluding,
Bang Bang, pig shooting, we should blame Rudy Julie.
Bangin for the cameras, China White & nose candy
unless you bangin on the system, yous a gangsta wearin panties
RBG my family from the Bronx to Miami.... Police cannot stand me!
Never let the system use me, watch the homies in your army
they dont always show their badges.



Looks that way.

Well my sisters a fucking junky again and tried to blame her lack of paying rent on me. Pretty much told my parents its my fault. Bitch please I pay my part of the rent to you every month I've been here. Fuck it, I'm bouncing out of the hood tommorrow night to go back to delaware and stay

The only reason she can't pay rent is cuz she spends it on oxy. Your gonna tell me your 90 mg a day habit is my fault? That's why I haven't missed a month but you got the landlord here 3X a month and now the cable is off for the 2nd time in 2 months and the only reason it was back on is cuz I owed rent and it went towards that. Fuck it, I cleaned up the house and my shits packed. Peace out biatch
Looks that way.

Well my sisters a fucking junky again and tried to blame her lack of paying rent on me. Pretty much told my parents its my fault. Bitch please I pay my part of the rent to you every month I've been here. Fuck it, I'm bouncing out of the hood tommorrow night to go back to delaware and stay

The only reason she can't pay rent is cuz she spends it on oxy. Your gonna tell me your 90 mg a day habit is my fault? That's why I haven't missed a month but you got the landlord here 3X a month and now the cable is off for the 2nd time in 2 months and the only reason it was back on is cuz I owed rent and it went towards that. Fuck it, I cleaned up the house and my shits packed. Peace out biatch

I ain't gonna fuck her up but it does piss me off

I know I should UTFSE but I got a question. I came home and my sister looks fucked up but idk. She says her legs and neck hurts and said something about w/d but she was scratching her nose and body a little and her eyes are blacked (crying maybe) she doesn't think her dude sells subs but I told her about loperamide and w/d. What would be a good dose for someone with a 90 mg a day oxy habit? I hate her right now but since I am her blood I want to help. So please help me
It's one word.
You don't even have to type it.
Just copy and paste it from this post in the search engine.
That is like 5 to 6 clicks of the mouse and no typing.
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I don't get an exact answer. I see doses from 10-100 mgs. Fuck it, imma tell her 20 mgs, hope it works lol
Haha. Just UTFSE a little more and got a couple answers that agreed ;) 20 mgs looks like a good starting dose.

Problem is she looks like she is going through w/d and then she just left and said ill be right back. I have a gut feeling that she's gonna cop, but hopefully she's getting some loperamide.

I did my part on suggesting it but I can't force feed it to her. She's lucky I even told her about it b/c a part of me wants to tell to go fuck her self but w/d is horrible so I'm gonna be nice I guess.
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