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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread-11th Dose-50 grams and a kidney later..

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I have been taking 300-400mg of Tramadol for the last week for arthritis pain. I was wanting to use some mxe tomorrow night. Will 24 hours after my last dose of tramadol be long enough for me to be safe serotonin wise? I know dxm and tramadol is a big no no so that is why I ask.
Ha I have the same issue.

Firstly it matters if it is instant release or extended release. Instant release tramadol works for at least 12(-18 ) hours and for extended release it is apparently best to count 36 hours.
But 400 mg is a big dose and it has a half-life of about 6 hours so assuming it is instant release 12 hours later you are still at about 100 mgs (if BA was 100), meaning you better add all of that together (= 30 hours) and still consider the possibility of nastiness. Interactions can cause life-threatening serotonin storm and similar issues and a mild form of that might not be appreciable either.

Personally I am counting at least 48 hours from my 200 mg extended release dose.
Ha I have the same issue.

Firstly it matters if it is instant release or extended release. Instant release tramadol works for at least 12(-18 ) hours and for extended release it is apparently best to count 36 hours.
But 400 mg is a big dose and it has a half-life of about 6 hours so assuming it is instant release 12 hours later you are still at about 100 mgs (if BA was 100), meaning you better add all of that together (= 30 hours) and still consider the possibility of nastiness. Interactions can cause life-threatening serotonin storm and similar issues and a mild form of that might not be appreciable either.

Personally I am counting at least 48 hours from my 200 mg extended release dose.

This is sound advice. Having said that, in my earlier days of MXE usage I have used low doses of MXE (~20mg) about 12 hours after a few hundred mgs of instant release tramadol and have experienced no ill effects. Not something I have done recently nor something I plan to do again, however.
I used to be prescribed 300mgs of tramadol daily and never had any negative interactions mixing it with mxe; although it may not be completely safe.
So obviously there is cognitive impairment for ppl who abuse this class of drug. Does anyone know if it is permanent? Does the retardation cease when the use ceases(or shortly thereafter/i.e. back to normal in a couple weeks/months) or does abuse now going to cause impairment long after one stops using? Cause if the damage is permanent and the brain is "re-wired" so to speak that's some scary shit.

I was by no means a heavy user, but I can comment on how impairment only really seems to last for a week at most. My use pattern was sparse, 3g scattered over ~8 months either by itself, with 2ce, or after amphetamine. I stopped using after noticing how much time was spent with the substance. I'm usually very active and I eat very healthy, so I didn't notice much impairment on the long-term. For the first few days after mxe use emotions seem to be unreliable, and sometimes I suffered slight memory deficits like forgetting names, or losing track of the task at hand, but overall I haven't noticed any cognitive impairments thus far.
Thanks guys, that is pretty much what I figured. It is instant release. I will probably wait until later in the night and start slow if I decide to do any tomorrow. I took less than a day off of tramadol before a 2c-c trip last weekend and I think that might have added to some physical discomfort that I had.
fell asleep on a low dose last night(w/ benadryl) and had crazy/vivid dreams that included doing drugs and tripping in the dream. definitely wanna try that again
I don't really see the difference in using it for physical pain, or psychological pain if you aren't abusing MDMA. Nobody said anything about abusing MDMA. There isn't a whole lot wrong in using another drug to make a comedown easier if it doesn't hurt you in the long term tbh. Why suffer if you can choose not to?
^ Because it makes your brain heal slower?

OK cryptix my refusing to join your anti-MXE crusade has evidently made me a target for some antagonism. Let me qualify what I meant.
90% of opiate withdrawals (well, the early stages) are acute physical discomfort. MXE is a very effective painkiller even at sub-recreational doses, hence its usefulness when you're going cold-turkey on heroin.
Using its mood-boosting properties to continue abusing a drug (MDMA) which has the potential, for some, to cause emotional instability is dangerous IMO because, as I stated before, and quite clearly, if you're getting bad comedowns it's a sign you should stop taking MDMA, and it'd be dangerous to simply mask the psychological toll it is taking on you by resorting to another drug.
So, heroin withdrawal being physical and something that one tangibly recovers from quite quickly, I think using MXE as a painkiller in that stage of withdrawal is acceptable. Using it to mask potentially lingering, worsening psychological damage is more dangerous, because you don't realise how badly you're getting burned.

Does that still seem oxymoronic?

And regarding my stating that I use GHB and heroin (both very sparingly by the way, last time I had some smack was 5 months ago, and in my four, going on five years of using opiates I've never fallen into the trap of chronic use except once, for a month, using 4 days a week), it had nothing to do with MXE. I was saying that as strong an euphoriant as MDMA is, I've had to give it up because of its horrendous comedowns. Heroin and GHB, when treated with respect, don't give any sort of comedown and are far less harmful for the brain than MDMA.

If you disagree with my stance on MXE, please do it directly with a rational discussion, rather than taking pot-shots at posts that have nothing to do with your stance, in an attempt to discredit my intelligence.

[EDIT] Solipsis you know your neurochem far better than me so not trying to contradict you or anything, but I know that myself, effie and Shambles also never had any issues combining tramadol with MXE. I have to add the caveat that I was taking very small doses chronically (15-20mg plugged every 3 or 4 hours), and low doses of tramadol (50-100mg) but I know Shambles did absolutely ridiculous doses and never had serotonin syndrome (although he's a drug monster and shouldn't be seen as an example to follow lol). I don't know what effie's use was like but she didn't have any problems either. MXE seems to bring out the opioid aspect of tramadol far more IME
I wouldn't want others to see this as a green light, it might just be us being lucky w.r.t. brain wiring or what have you...

Yes. Why would one need to go 'cold-turkey' with heroin if they were so-called treating it with respect?

I have no vendetta against you man, you just remind me of myself a lot. It may be the internet but it's still not too difficult to recognize what sounds like addictive behavior; and that kind of behavior has landed me in jail 3 times and the ICU once. I am only trying to spare another person what I went through because of my irrational views on drugs, which I kept for quite a long time. I do not pretend to be perfect; I still smoke weed every single day, and think of doing drugs often. It is because I know the risks now that I choose not to partake, and give others that would a word of caution.

And on a side note, I think it could be argued whether heroin or MDMA is more harmful. However as it is quite off topic I will not digress here.
I realize now why I find this drug so very frustrating: it gives me great ideas and a sense of clarity and willful power to manage certain things, but at the same time the ideas crumble, and I falter cognitively when trying to achieve something.

OK alright I admit that the alcohol is not doing it any good, but still I felt it when I started off with a 5 mg sublingually just now to play the piano: suddenly it seemed I have some insight into the way to play certain pieces but at the same pace my motor skills got worse, another example. With language it is the same. The mania and dissociation, are they truly complementary? My housemate leads me to believe that 3-MeO-PCP is much more balanced and workable in this respect.
Really interesting report. Looks like MXE is on its way out in the UK.
Really interesting report. Looks like MXE is on its way out in the UK.

Yep. That report is from October 2012, 4 months ago. Once everything settles down in the UK, I'm sure the US will take more notice and will start to incorporate it in to it's own drug laws. I see this substance being banned, it's almost inevitable. This is perhaps one of the greatest substances I've ever taken and to be completely honest it saddens me to think this will most likely be gone and hard to get without going through illegal channels, which I do not enjoy having to doing.
j. wallace said:
I think anyone interested in using this drug should read this report from the UK. It's actually not biased and lists everything there is to know about the chemical structure and it's reported effects on the body. Having read this I am definitely cutting down even more on my mxe usage.


Looks like you Britons can say goodbye to RC arylcyclohexylamines. Pretty decent report, and it says there's already an animal study indicating notable bladder/kidney toxicity, as we suspected.
This is perhaps one of the greatest substances I've ever taken and to be completely honest it saddens me to think this will most likely be gone and hard to get

My approach is to view these experiences (MXE or whatever) like a good vacation or sex with someone new. In both cases you may not re-experience the fun, so I personally just like to be grateful to have the chance. But I understand it is hard not to be bitter! :/
So glad to be US haha... Sorry for you UKers.

I'm definitely going to have a to start buying grams of it and stock up whenever I can. Who knows when the US will decide to ban it.

On another note, that report definitely had some interesting mephedrone usage numbers. Why the fuck can't I find mephedrone like all those damn London party goers. It's definitely taken a permanent place in the illegal drug scene right next to MDMA.
So glad to be US haha...

As am I.

I've been wanting to stock up on this chemical in large amounts for future personal use, however I keep using this substance and just end up ordering more. What I really want to do is save it, cause we all know it will inevitably be gone one day, probably sooner than we think.
i actually really enjoy the combination of MXE and tramadol. I find it to make MXE more euphoric. Ive never experienced any negative side effects from the combo but I dont take tramadol regularly. On the occasions that i do get some tramadol i like to take a little MXE with it.
Same goes for kratom. The high from the combo is much more serene and the kratom or tramadol also takes away the speedy effects of MXE.
I like to get comfy on my couch with a blanket, put on a good playlist and get lost in thought.
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