The TDS Appreciation Thread vs. Share the Looove!

I'm going to try to remember to add to this daily or as often as possible, so for today:

stardust.hero - you are a caring great friend , who seems to be genuine in a time that people in your age class unfortunately tend to come across as fake and trying too hard. I love how you are you, and that's okay with you. It's also a huge plus when my insomnia is in full gear and you are still chillin on AIM :p - keep doin what you do girl, I greatly appreciate it - much love <3
Thanks man, I was never normal. Thanks for appreciating it :p. <3 Your late night insomnia comes in handy for me too <3<3 Mucho apresh and love to the TAoW.

Ugly You're a beautiful woman. I love when you pop back in. You're a wildcard lady, sometimes you have some humor, sometimes you have some srs bsns (serious business), sometimes you send a really lovely PM that makes someones day (like you've made mine a few times). Love you hon <3.

Asclepius our TDS music thread moderator. <3
Panic In Paradise ~ Infinite respect for you bro, although sometimes I swear I'm tripping while I read what you post - it's in a beautiful way. You make anything interesting and while I do not know much about your medical conditions, I know that you deal with a lot and I respect you tremendously for that and your ability to remain so level. That's a real man right there, God bless brother (don't take that the wrong evangelical way please) one love <3
Been a stranger 'round these purts lately, buuuuut:


....I'm sure there are more, and to those of you not mentioned (but never forgotten, er) - <3<3<3
I can't single anyone out. You're all special to me and I tell close friends that because I really enjoy helping on here as much as I can despite having to juggle high school. All of you mods have become my family in a way, but the connections I've made from all of you has been amazing, and I feel that I have made life long friends from Bluelight.
<3 Serotonin for all your help and making me feel better tonight
<3 taow because I want you to feel better, you deserve nothing less! And for putting me in a better mood tonight as well
<3 herby, stardust and trip for all the help throughout the months
<3 to anyone else on here tonight who isn't feeling well, I hope things get better for you all
Thanks for the sweet aknowledgementI above. I'll be on again(when time is more fruitful) and bore the shit out of people with a big long list! bwahha ha ha! :p

but for now...just give some Marvin to sum up all the gratitude for all the ones on here. <3:|=D<3
All of the current mods

<3 <3 <3 Asclepius!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
someone who's encouragement and faith has helped tremendously (I miss our talks :()

dammit... I need to get back on AIM :(
you are super practical and know how to simplify things to the realities that they are

dude, I still have PMs saved from you from when I first joined. You have a ton of knowledge and I followed your advice regarding exercise and withdrawal. The withdrawal thing will never be forgotten, brother
All of the past and present moderators of TDS have given so much of themselves to this forum.
I'm so proud of all of you.

To our retired staff:

Enki- You were beyond an amazing moderator. I have tremendous respect for you. I have no idea if you will ever see this but you always impressed me with how accurate and encouraging you could be. You always knew just what to say and how to say it. You gave what needed to be given to people at the right times. You are an extremely intelligent and loving man. I miss you much.<3

Paranoid Android- You put in a lot of time here giving incredible advice. You have a wealth of knowledge you shared freely and openly. You have been a true friend and I have always admired your brutal honesty. <3

OverDone- There is a tender heart under the rough exterior, like Pa. You too have been so generous of yourself and your experiences. You don't hold back and always are willing to lift someone up, even when you haven't been in the bright place at that time. You are a caring and light soul. <3

N3o- There could never be enough positive said about you.
Your touch has been gentle yet has had a deep impact on this forum, the site, and me personally.
We are all lucky to have you a part of our lives and I am truly lucky to have you as my friend. <3

Dave- You have this zen quality that just radiates even from your posts.
You have given this forum a calm and sensibility. You're a blessing. <3

Mariposa- You are such a sweetie. You held my hand when I first became a moderator in TDS! I still have my first PM's from you!
Thank you for all you gave and all you continue to give here. You help to bring awareness to important issues and for that I am so thankful. You give advice w/ great sympathy and an open heart. <3

Our current moderators:

Vaya- I have told you countless times how impressed I am with you. You express your views in such a beautiful, touching way.
You have soul in every post and EVERYONE feels the positivity you give out.<3

Redleader- You're both past and present! :D You offer level headed advice with informative, to the point advice.....always caring, and fair to everyone. <3

stardust.hero- You, my sweetheart, are such a caring and compassionate woman.
Your dedication and kindness can be felt by everyone. You give the respectful and true words of wisdom.
And it's gotta be said that you are HILARIOUS- you can always crack me up. ;) <3

Baddy- You're wise beyond your years. I know I've said this of you before but you are!!
You're smart, insightful and carry too much for such a young heart. <3

Herbavore- You are truly inspirational. Words always fail me when I try to tell you how much you mean to me and TDS.
It is like you reach into every poster's heart and have this touch of light to give.
Your open minded advice is always spot on.<3

And Trip- I'm very pleased you're now on board here in TDS.
For years you have given TDS your insight, your compassion and stellar advice. <3

Thank you to all of you.
I know I am not alone, as has been demonstrated not only in this thread but throughout the board over the years, in saying that we are all SO grateful. It takes a really special kind of gift to be able to moderate this forum.
(This is to all other staff of TDS as well that I did not list here in this post as well)
Each of you has been to the darker sides of life, in your own ways and your own times, and have come through with enough wisdom and light to offer of yourselves to everyone else.
I appreciate each of you for countless reasons. <3 <3 <3
Daw :) i feel loved. TDS saved my life and i wouldnt be here today without this forum. I love each and every one of you out here; ive never seen such love and care anywhere.
Special shout outs to (in no particular order):
Herbavore- you saved my life. You really helped me through a tough part of my life and im forever grateful.
Stardust- your warmth and love flow in every post you make and always are there for us when we're going through tough times.
CH- your story touched me man and i have a lot of respect and love for you. Your posts initially brought me to BL so i thank you very much for all your posts :)
Pagey- you're warm and compassionate and an incredible young lady. I always look forward to your PM's everyday :)
And to the mods overall- you're all such an incredible asset to the BL community and i love all of you. Thank you for your services to the TDS community, youve all made my life so much easier with your advice and offered unparalleled comfort and unconditional love (i'm sure we all feel this :) ).
I love everyone here in TDS. And for all my fellow junkies, i hold a special place in my heart for you as i know how hard the road is but things do get better when youre clean. 6 days from now i will have 9 months clean and you all in TDS have helped me tremendously. <3<3<3
Asclepius for being such a awesome friend and helping me out through all the bullshit Ive been through

n3o for being a really good friend through the years Ive known you and your beauty on the outside is matched only by how much of a beautiful person you are on the inside.

Ocean for putting up with all my bullshit through the years and being there for me even in my darkest moments. You also have the best damn legs on the planet and in the entire galaxy :D

OD for being a really good sport about all the old folks jokes and for being a really cool guy. It sucks though that i never got to go down your way like i was planning to.

Dave for being a pretty damn cool guy and helping me keep those yanks in line :D

Pagey for being a really cool person, a fellow Led Zeppelin fan, for thinking I'm rather funny, for being very pretty and even though i have just started talking to you i now consider you to be a really good new friend and I'm very glad that we talked. I really hope that the dark clouds pass and that the sun shines on you and that you find happiness very soon.

I'm sure I'm forgetting a ton of people and I'm sorry if i am but i love the lot of ye that i have come to call friends on here

<3 <3 <3
"Where is the loveee...... where is the love the love the love... where is the Loveeeee"
Ocean <3 because you simply rock.
Pagey <3 the world loves you :)
Serotonin <3 I just feel like slinging u some hearts :)
Thank you trip :) <3. Youre an incredible personality here in TDS. I always see you posting, helping people out here regardless how dark of times these people find themselves in. :) god do i love TDS!