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The Big & Dandy 4-AcO-DMT Thread - Act Three

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Tried 4-aco-dmt the first time a week or so ago. 10mg insufflated and 10mg more insufflated 30 mins later. No burn at all just a very nasty taste when it ran down my throat. The first dose took about 20 mins for the effects to kick in and about an hour to peak. I didn't get much in the way of strong visuals (very limited trails even) but there were some interesting effects. Everything seemed surreal, and common settings and objects appeared dreamlike like they were not themselves and occasionally appeared completely different (e.g. the top of a palm tree looked like a tiki statue). The closed-eye visuals were very detailed and produced a hybrid between dream like scenes and psychedelia. Like most psychedelics I had an broadened sensation of earthly space. Audibly I had some interesting effects such as integrating the surrounding neighborhood sounds into an orchestra (the most amazing part of the trip by far). Mentally, it was head-fucky, but I enjoy this and could have taken much more of the fuck. The head-space was reflected in my open and even more so in my closed eye visuals. I had several bouts of shit-eating-grin euphoria, which was nice. It lasted about 5-6 hours and I went to sleep easily. Overall, I found it very gentile on my body and mind, perhaps too gentile. It left my body almost entirely alone except for a relaxed feeling and I had no nausea. Next time I will probably up the dose by 50% or 100%.
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I experience strong sedation, drowsiness, some loss of motoric capabilities, talk a bit like a drunk and also find it hard to move around. I usually don't move around.


The sedation and drowsiness is a kind of hallmark of 4-AcO-DMT, and people usually love it or hate it.

I did a light (less than 10 mg) dose 4 or 5 hours ago, and after my come up went for a hike. Boy I wasn't expecting the sedation, felt sleepy the whole time and a little uncoordinated (still did some hard hiking though). A gay guy hit on me on one of the trails, I found myself slurring a little as I was trying to get rid of him. Towards the end I was feeling frustrated because I wanted to be resting but I had more hiking to do. Home now, but I'll keep in mind its sedating effects for future doses. 4-HO-MET is better for hiking, for me at least. Had a pot brownie and am sipping on a beer now, should be a good evening...
been experimenting with this for a while now and i gotto say its great. had 65mg this morning. thing is with the CEVs, every time i close my eyes i just end up in this weird horrible messy place with all these weird shapes and its not interesting or beautiful like i want it to be. there doesnt seem to be any way of having any control over the nature of the weird messy world and its just really annoying so i keep my eyes open and thats fine.
65mg is...whoa. No wonder your CEVs were crazy and confusing.
I feel the same way. I still have a great time at 30mg, but I find it a little confusing, and increasingly amnesic as the dosage goes up. 25mg seems to be my sweet spot for a comfortable trip that is still full of visuals. 65mg... I think I would black out.
i dont know why but for some reason i always seem to need a much higher dosage than other people to get the same effect with all the tryptamines ive tried.

i wouldnt say the CEVs are confusing because they are always the same as its the same 3d space with the same weird objects. they were a bit intersting for like 10 minutes in my first trip but after that it was just boring. like when im on mushrooms, the CEVs are exremely interesting and beautiful and colourful with great geometric patterns and its always different but with 4-aco-dmt they are always the same and crap for me. maybe ill move on to something else.
i wouldnt say the CEVs are confusing because they are always the same as its the same 3d space with the same weird objects. they were a bit intersting for like 10 minutes in my first trip but after that it was just boring. like when im on mushrooms, the CEVs are exremely interesting and beautiful and colourful with great geometric patterns and its always different but with 4-aco-dmt they are always the same and crap for me. maybe ill move on to something else.

i can't even begin to believe that is down to the drug. i've been using 4-aco-dmt regularly for about a year now and there's something new visually every time.

you might need to move on to doing something new with your brain in your day to day life.
if i spend all day gardening before dosing my OEVs will contain luminous 3-dimensional plants and vines. Other times it will just be patterns on the wall or floor. other times it will be translucent geometric objects floating in space.
recently, for the first time ever, i saw a stationary blanket flowing and running as if the fabric were a river.

but, hey, if you are tired of it im sure i could find something to do with the rest of your stash :p
I was reading the effects of 4-AcO-DMT on erowid, and it notes physical stimulation multiple times along with tachycardia... Yet I have never noticed either effects when taking mushrooms... I thought the effects would be similar for both. Are they really that different? Has anyone found this to be any more stimulating than mushrooms?
twelvesevndi said:
you might need to move on to doing something new with your brain in your day to day life.

thats a good idea because i pretty much sit about in my room all day since im a student and its the summer time. maybe ill do it outside next time. its just the CEVs that are crap for me though, the OEVs are always great.

I was reading the effects of 4-AcO-DMT on erowid said:
I was reading the effects of 4-AcO-DMT on erowid, and it notes physical stimulation multiple times along with tachycardia

no i havent experienced these this either i dont think. sometimes i get a bit of extra muscle tension though.
i guess, tachycardia is mostly a psychological side-effect due to anxiety? on my last mushrooms trip, my heart went crazy when approaching the peak because of the intensity.
my 4 aco has started to become darker and clumpy/sticky

is it still usable?

Most likely. There's a good article on erowid from a few years back regarding 4-AcO tryptamines turning into a brown goo over time in less than ideal circumstances. https://www.erowid.org/chemicals/4_acetoxy_det/4_acetoxy_det_article1.shtml

I was reading the effects of 4-AcO-DMT on erowid, and it notes physical stimulation multiple times along with tachycardia... Yet I have never noticed either effects when taking mushrooms... I thought the effects would be similar for both. Are they really that different? Has anyone found this to be any more stimulating than mushrooms?

I've not really experienced those things. Maybe occasionally increased heart rate, but probably more due to my state of mind than a direct effect of the drug. Generally i've found it almost sedating, definitely not stimulating. But YMMV of course.
my 4 aco has started to become darker and clumpy/sticky

is it still usable?

yes but you should triple-bag and freeze it immediately.

i had the same thing happen with some hcl. i froze most of it and the stuff i froze is still fine.
i left a little out for easy access, however, and it turned into a black goo. i have not brought myself to eat the goo but the erowid article linked above suggests that it may be active.
my 4 aco has started to become darker and clumpy/sticky

is it still usable?

yes but you should triple-bag and freeze it immediately.

i had the same thing happen with some hcl. i froze most of it and the stuff i froze is still fine.
i left a little out for easy access, however, and it turned into a black goo. i have not brought myself to eat the goo but the erowid article linked above suggests that it may be active.

Yes, definitely good advice. Kinda embarrassed i forgot to mention that myself :eek: I've always kept my 4-HO & 4-AcO trypts in the freezer & never really had any issues to speak of, some kept for 2+ years (knock on wood)
i had about 400mg of mine turn from a beige/tan powder that lightly clumped into a brown/black lump that resembles a hand-rolled hash. a friend vouches that it is still just as active, and i have yet to determine for myself.

it was double-bagged, sealed in the dark, and exposed to steady temperature between 18-24 celcius. some lmited humidity was present OUTSIDE the storage, dont know if it could permeate a double-bag though.

ps: does anyone else get insomnia after 4aco? i get a really blasais mood on the comedown and cant sleep for several hours. i find it leaves me feeling worn out and almost mildly depressed
Thanks guys. I imagine the tachycardia probably has to do with the state of mind as well, I just wanted to confirm that it was not actually physically stimulating. I am definitely going to read the storage thread before I purchase anything so I can try and prevent any of those issues lol I don't know if I could handle the black goo..

Since, at least orally, 4-aco-dmt de-acetylates into psilocin, would it be okay to use it as part of a daily diet in low doses for all the benefits attributed to psilocin as well as its possible nootropic properties?
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