• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Photography Photography Thread vs. BL Shutterbugs unite!

What a pretty little bird! ^ Great capture.

The images of Yellowstone are beautiful - I particularly love the canyon with the sun/shade contrast.
Fantastic photos, undead :) Can you tell me the lens you were using?
Thank you!

Yeah, I was using a 50mm prime lens f1.8 and this one specifically:


Obviously the 1.8 aperture makes it great for shooting in low lighting situations, the one draw back is that it's a fixed focal length so I can't zoom in or out with it. You have to be willing to get a little adventurous. ;)

I took this fun shot the other morning during sunrise. I didnt even see the spider in the middle till i looked at the picture later.

Thank you!

Yeah, I was using a 50mm prime lens f1.8 and this one specifically:


Obviously the 1.8 aperture makes it great for shooting in low lighting situations, the one draw back is that it's a fixed focal length so I can't zoom in or out with it. You have to be willing to get a little adventurous. ;)

I have just recently bought myself a Canon 50mm prime lens f1.8. I'm still just learning how to use it, but it's good to know that it has at least some capacity to take such great shots (i have no idea how it compares to yours, i know that it's not a professional lens by any stretch, but I got it second hand for $60 and it's a great starter prime lens). I just have to work out how to do so ;)

I seriously love your photography so much, undead <3
Lovely photo, neko! Looks like a comfy day, but F that spider! I'm not like... afraid of spiders or anything, I just don't want em crawling in my ear, mouth, eyes, nose, butthole, dickhole, or any other hole and laying eggs. Not cool with that.

And thank ya a TON samadhi!!! <3
some wonderful photos in here as per usual!!

today i got bored and decided to make a slightly interesting facebook cover picture out of a self-portrait that i'd taken this evening...


and the original photo


Really cool, I love your stuff Volundr! I'm pretty sure I've PMed you about it in the past? If not... then believe me, son!

Here's a few I got recently at my buddy's U-8 girls soccer team. It's his first year coaching soccer (he's learning the game along with the girls) and he asked if I'd come out and get some pictures sometime. My buddy's team is in orange and they were playing his brother-in-law's team who's, obviously, in blue.







Thank you!

Yeah, I was using a 50mm prime lens f1.8 and this one specifically:


Obviously the 1.8 aperture makes it great for shooting in low lighting situations, the one draw back is that it's a fixed focal length so I can't zoom in or out with it. You have to be willing to get a little adventurous. ;)

both the canon and nikon 50s are light, cheap and fast. 50mm is close to a natural perspective from a human.

its a few stops faster than your normal f2.8 or 4 zoom lenses so it gives you great low light ability at a low price
undead - you've outdone yourself again <3 :D

As for the 50mm - i'm really liking it, but am understanding peoples' frustrations (those i've read about on photography forums) regarding crop factor :\
both the canon and nikon 50s are light, cheap and fast. 50mm is close to a natural perspective from a human.

its a few stops faster than your normal f2.8 or 4 zoom lenses so it gives you great low light ability at a low price

Absolutely! And it's been every bit worth the money I spent on it. Very affordable lens... very invaluable!

And thank you ap and samadhi! <3

This weekend was the 38th annual Donauschwaben Tournament, which is one of the biggest amateur tournaments in the country. It travels, but this year it happened to be in Mansfield, OH, hosted by the Liederkranz Soccer Club (an incredible local soccer club/pub)... which is about a 20 minute drive from me.... of course I had to go snap a few shots!











I'll also post up some of the pictures from my night in Cleveland, Friday. I'm friends with the girlfriend of a local bands' lead singer and hadn't seen them before. She actually introduced me to their music so I told her to let me know when they play cause I wanted to come out and get some pictures. They had a show May 25th so I shot up the highway for a bit to take in some good tunes and get some good shots! :)
And here are some of the photos from the show...





















And I had to put these two together for good measure. Dan, the guitarist, had just mentioned that they're about to play a song they haven't played live yet, and he began shredding... then he fucked it up... and stopped, announced that he fucked it up, and said "let's give that another go, eh!?"

So, I shot my first wedding yesterday. It was a LOT of fun. A bunch of Ohio farm boys (I'm good friends with the groom) and some cute farmers' daughters! The atmosphere at the wedding was insanely fun! Never been to a wedding quite like it! They got married out at a scenic farm in Greenwich, OH (don't even bother looking it up, it's probably not even on a map) and the reception was held in the barn. There wasn't a bar or bartender, just coolers filled to the brim with ice and beer spaced along the perimeter of the barn. If you wanted a beer... ya grabbed one. Good homestyle cooking. Just a blast! But I got a couple images that really stuck out... this one was one of my favorites!

^ I can only imagine how awesome the others turned out! :)

How did you convince them to go into the tall grass in good clothes, let alone clothes for the wedding? 8o
Oh it was simple! They're all farmhands anyways, but their suits weren't rented, they bought the pants, shirts, suspenders and ties themselves. What you CAN'T see... is that they all wore Chuck Taylors, too. So it was seriously the most laid back and fun group of people to be around. I had em do an ass to ass shot... they did it. I got a picture (from the back of course!) of them all peeing at the same time. They lined up in a football formation at one point. I mean... there was nothing they wouldn't have done. :D