• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Photography Photography Thread vs. BL Shutterbugs unite!

Cute dog! And awesome about the photography group, Samadhi! Having the hands on photography sessions with people who know more than yourself is the BEST way to learn, I've found. There's nothing like that in my small vicinity (maybe if I drive an hour to the nearest city), so I've done a majority of what I've done on my own, but in my early beginnings (which weren't all THAT long ago) I learned a lot of the little things by going shooting with a friend of mine. The same friend who I consulted when buying my DSLR. He has an extensive knowledge on cameras, lenses, etc. I always envied his photography abilities, but guess what... mutual friends of ours have come to say they like my photography better. ;) Shhhhhh... but it just goes to show... you get that push in the right direction by people with some know-how and soon enough, you take your training wheels off and slay the shit out of the world around you! :D

Here's a couple recent ones I took.



I have eyes like this too but they're blue. Once I had some crazy German chick grab my by the shoulders one day and almost poke me in the eye trying to show her friends while I was woking one time. Also they're see through when your looking from side on. Will post a pic laters.

On the same wave though this is a picture of my dogs eye taken on my iPhone. The black dot is a blood clot and will move around his eye depending on gravity. Im amazed at the quality of the picture since its only from my iPhone 4.

Captured these ones at the Indians Home Opener today in Cleveland. I have more pictures if anyone wants to see em, but these ones... I really liked. :)


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^ Was it you who had the photographs of the baseball players in circa-1900 baseball outfits? If so, where'd they go? I really like those. These are excellent, too. :D
Ahhh thank you ap!!! Yeah it was me. This isn't by any means all of em, and these aren't even all of my favorites, but these are some of the ones that I have quick and easy access to online.








No problem! I appreciate your admiration! I love the way baseball stills look. I live in a baseball heavy area. The town I live in it hosts those vintage games each fall. It's really cool and provides me with great photo opportunities! One of these times soon, I'll take the time to dig up my favorites from the vintage baseball games. :)
A couple more from the Opening day game.


This next picture... I was zoomed in all the way and a good ways back, plus Rasmus was running at top speed and diving through the air to catch this ball. It was incredibly difficult to keep him in the frame, but somehow I managed to. I was a little disappointed that I wasn't able to frame him better, but the fact that I caught the action... I was still pretty excited!


Some people in the crowd, sitting behind me, argued that Choo was safe at second... now... I'm an Indians fan, but this is photographic evidence that Choo was definitely out.


Thanks! I love baseball... LOVE... baseball. I think it helps me with my baseball photos! :)
Haha damn right! I'd like to think my timing is pretty great too. :D
a few I took a yellowstone a few years ago....you don't have to be a good photographer to knock it out of the park there :) every pic we took came out great. we got all these blown up and they are haning on the wall now.


