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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread: 9th dose - Tolerance Schmolerance

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what about l-tyrosine/l-phenylalanine supplementation for dopamine precursors( not direct) or directly with some l-dopa (mucuna pruriens/vevet bean extract) if depletion is very dramatic, with vitamins water and exercise+ some anti-oxidants should help a little with the mood and anxiety, but with recent banning in europe isnt MXE for a little while be a little harder to find /quality lower? I was trapped in the perpetual MXE cycle and took a literal not ordering it/ giving it to a buddy to hold for a 4 day break, . this chem is so nice on my mind it makes me want to stock a ass load even if i dont plan on using it at all, A very fine product of RC ingenuity,.............. another note sleep is easy and MXE is mess desired i find when anti-psychotics that are dopamine antagonist as main mech of action (geodon is a very good one) that totally desroys the reward aspects of MXE each night i would take from 60 -20mg geodon withits half life made the next morning so much easier not to dose, of if mid day a tiny dose of geo would eliminate redose cravings
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Panic attacks can sometimes cause physical pain yeah. It's also possible the eye pain was related to high blood pressure caused by the MXE. Or even something else. What was your dosage? Were you on any other drugs/medication too?

can you die from a drug induced panic attack?
As though I haven't been addicted to those before? lol.

I went through an Alcohol addiction, as well as a 2 year long Opiate + Benzo addiction. MxE is addictive, very much so psychologically. As is any drug. Any substance.

Idk, i was going thru about a half gram a day for about 3 months... i just didnt buy more cuz i knew it was impossible for me to stay out of and when it ran out i just felt slightly bored for a couple days :\
can you die from a drug induced panic attack?
If you jump from a 500ft building, probably yes.. sorry couldnt resist.

If you mean to directly die like destroy your nerves or something than probably not but theoretically you can do any crazy shit to get there, like the famous stories about suiciding people on LSD. Who knows if they really happened though.
I don't think I've read a single report of a bad trip from high dose MXE alone. Has anyone had one?
Well...for a few weeks, a few months ago, I was using mxe just about everyday, I'd miss one day here or there if I really didn't have time for it but usually I figured out a way to use it. One day, I woke up and realized I was headed toward addiction and then forced myself to take 2 weeks off...2 weeks turned into 3 weeks I think and then I did it again and now I don't use it all that often. I mean, I have the last week but it might be even 2 weeks before I use it again and that really doesn't bother me. I just kind of got bored with the effects also when I use it too often. The effects aren't near as psychedelic when used that way IME.
I don't think I've read a single report of a bad trip from high dose MXE alone. Has anyone had one?

I've had two or three out of many.
USually when you dose too high. Shit gets rather intense like shrooms on high doses...
I'm convinced I almost killed myself on MXE one night by itself, overdosing on accident while too high to realize what I was doing. lol

It felt like more than an normal out of body experience.. quite scary.
Limbs were numb for a few days after and my speech was slurred for a week and noticeable slow.
More than your average "I don't think I'm coming back this time".
That time I Was begging for my life outloud and my eyes were bugging out of my head.
face sliding around on the floor.

You can very much push MXE too far. Be safe. Love ya. <3:)

Panic attacks can sometimes cause physical pain yeah. It's also possible the eye pain was related to high blood pressure caused by the MXE. Or even something else. What was your dosage? Were you on any other drugs/medication too?

There is something going on with MXE that if you dose too high your heart starts to go crazy and it's very uncomfortable and scary and you lose control and flip out. I've done it. Scary shit. Heard other people do it too on here. I'm convinced I came too close on this drug and it straightened me out pretty quick. lol

Some of these guys have to realize these are all real drugs still.
They have real consequences.

Another common characteristic of MXE is "pressure in your head and ringing of the ears".
These are fairly interesting and creepy side effects.
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thats to do with the BP increase. ringing in ears (tinitus) and pressure in head is common, i get it from stims
I've had two or three out of many.
USually when you dose too high. Shit gets rather intense like shrooms on high doses...
I'm convinced I almost killed myself on MXE one night by itself, overdosing on accident while too high to realize what I was doing. lol

It felt like more than an normal out of body experience.. quite scary.
Limbs were numb for a few days after and my speech was slurred for a week and noticeable slow.
More than your average "I don't think I'm coming back this time".
That time I Was begging for my life outloud and my eyes were bugging out of my head.
face sliding around on the floor.

You can very much push MXE too far. Be safe. Love ya. <3:)

There is something going on with MXE that if you dose too high your heart starts to go crazy and it's very uncomfortable and scary and you lose control and flip out. I've done it. Scary shit. Heard other people do it too on here. I'm convinced I came too close on this drug and it straightened me out pretty quick. lol

Some of these guys have to realize these are all real drugs still.
They have real consequences.

Another common characteristic of MXE is "pressure in your head and ringing of the ears".
These are fairly interesting and creepy side effects.

Speak for yourself, I never heard of anyone who had that side-effect (ringing in the ears), neither on bluelight nor in real life. I don't think it's that common.

The fact that too high doses are scary is obvious; this is a really strong drug which can become very confusing very quickly. To be honest I think what many of the users in this thread are doing is wildly irresponsible. I wouldn't dream of using MXE every day, and the people around me would never accept it if I did that. I don't really understand why anyone would let it come to that with a drug which is as powerful and potentially scary as MXE.

And yes, I think you can definately kill yourself with MXE. A friend of mine had to be taken into the hospital and was in coma for hours after he took way too much MXE, mistaking it for amphetamine. However he does not seem to suffer from any lingering effects.
Speak for yourself,
I am speaking for myself, thank you very much.
I've also read people had pressure in their head on this chemical too before.
Might want to do more research. Maybe you were overlooking the negatives.
(Like most seem to do with these magical drugs)
It's here on bluelight in these threads, the mods advised discontinued use for head pressures associated with MXE.

Just because you didn't have this negative side effect doesn't mean myself and others don't.

Obviously not everyone is going to have every side effect of every drug they take.

I have experienced different head pressures on MXE more than one time. Many times.
Otherwise I probably wouldn't say so. Same with ears ringing.

To me, this is seemingly a worrying side effect.
It don't matter now because I've discontinued use for the forseeable future..
But perhaps I can still be of some help when questions like "Can you have a bad trip on MXE"
Arise since I've been there and back on it a few times.

MXE is a full blown respect demanding dissociative that will kick your ass and drive you nuts.
Be careful! You literally may never come back the same person after a trip or two on this.
Speaking from my own experiences.

When my friend gave me some of this and I had no idea what it was and they told me to research it before I did some, that still wasn't enough warning to prevent me from dosing up to 200mg in one night and figuring out how the entire universe works when I didn't really want to know..
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^ at higher doses i ofeten get strange tinnitus type effects... sometimes the sensation spreads to other parts or throughout my whole body
Anyone here done MXE while on an SSRI?

Have been on Zoloft for about 10 days and am really craving some mexxy.

People warn of serotonin syndrome, but I'm not sure why exactly. Does MXE even do anything with your serotonin levels? I thought it just influenced dopamine.
i think it does something to serotonin levels, but i dunno what. every time ive combined it with MDMA its been a very fucked up experience and has given me a horrible comedown. ive also experienced brain zaps from MXE, but they weren't the usual kind of ones. would advise against it but whatever
i think it does something to serotonin levels, but i dunno what. every time ive combined it with MDMA its been a very fucked up experience and has given me a horrible comedown. ive also experienced brain zaps from MXE, but they weren't the usual kind of ones. would advise against it but whatever

I really have no idea, but perhaps that's an excess of dopamine. MDMA induces serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine release.
Speak for yourself, I never heard of anyone who had that side-effect (ringing in the ears), neither on bluelight nor in real life. I don't think it's that common.

The fact that too high doses are scary is obvious; this is a really strong drug which can become very confusing very quickly. To be honest I think what many of the users in this thread are doing is wildly irresponsible. I wouldn't dream of using MXE every day, and the people around me would never accept it if I did that. I don't really understand why anyone would let it come to that with a drug which is as powerful and potentially scary as MXE.

And yes, I think you can definately kill yourself with MXE. A friend of mine had to be taken into the hospital and was in coma for hours after he took way too much MXE, mistaking it for amphetamine. However he does not seem to suffer from any lingering effects.

Tinnitus is a common side effect for virtually every dissociative drug.
Just so it's on record, my loud music induced tinnitus is definitely exacerbated by mxe. It's also exacerbated by getting stoned, taking valium or ket. Tripping seems to ease it, tryptamines & pea's.
Anyone here done MXE while on an SSRI?
People warn of serotonin syndrome, but I'm not sure why exactly. Does MXE even do anything with your serotonin levels? I thought it just influenced dopamine.

I have, whilst on 50mg of Sertraline daily.. I dont think there's any danger of SS, I dont believe MXE has enough effect on serotonin to cause any concern about that.

From wikipedia "Methoxetamine is thought to behave as a NMDA receptor antagonist and dopamine reuptake inhibitor, though it has not been formally profiled pharmacologically. "
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