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Effects list of K2 Summit

i broke through and actually got stoned tonight...heavy indica buzz with subtle sativa effects...the tolerance issue with spice seemed to affect it yesterday,but to day it felt like a new marijuana high again... intense euphoria(mildly)for about 20 minutes and a mild buzz trailoff.All i did was switch my one hitter to those cigarette pipe thingy's...the bowl is more upfront so i guess it generates more heat and trichromes etc...but regardless i did get stoned...for a bit
Ive been about a month off spice, and nearly 3 months off herb, cept a owl about 2 weeks ago that did nothing really... then yesterday i smoked a bowl of herb again and still hardly any effect... and it was top shelf med grade with hash on top... barely even felt anything... slight munchies... but nothing like my pre spice days... :(
Woah this is very strange..but your story is so similar to my own if you switch the pot to alcohol.

I was never a full blown alcoholic but I did drink regularly and to excess...(maybe 2 or 3 times over my daily unit limit)... for a few years this was fine and I'd feel a bit groggy but it was worth it for the way I felt intoxicated and fantastic nights I had. Then one day I experienced the first of many experiences which I can only describe as indescribable like yours. Just an excruciating pain in the head which throbs to the core of your very being and makes you curl up in a fetal position wanting to die. A hangover from hell, call it whatever, I get these now when I drink more than 1 beer and the onset is fairly quick within 4 or 5 hours usually. It's a pulsating pain that makes me jolt and wrythe in agony. Painkillers don't touch it. My blood pressure feels sky high and it takes me maybe 3 or 4 days of bed rest to recover and get back to normal. Needless to say I don't to excess very often anymore if I can help it.

I've never been able to find out why this has started and always wondered had I damaged my liver maybe from all the drinking in past, such that it can't process the toxins or break down alcohol normally.. not sure, but it ruined one of the few pleasures in my life, drinking and going out socialising. Made me a miserable old sod who stays in lol

It could be like a self-protection mechanism of the body maybe.. perhaps if you overdo something which is harming you the body puts up some defenses to tell you its not good. Just like when you cut yourself it hurts, but this is a different kind of pain..
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Ok now this is odd... i just packed another bowl today and got properly hih.... same herb as yesterday... entirely different effect... only difference is today i was outside in the warm sun smokin it... whatever tho... im happy.. and high... as fuck... lol =D
Ok now this is odd... i just packed another bowl today and got properly hih.... same herb as yesterday... entirely different effect... only difference is today i was outside in the warm sun smokin it... whatever tho... im happy.. and high... as fuck... lol =D

good for you man...yeah all i did was switch my piece to what was getting me stoned before(strangely a cig bat)and i got the same enjoyable stone i got prior before using synths...not overly intense,but definitely a big improvement from the other day.I guess my system had to get used to the weed buzz again,because it felt like a whole new high,and the familiar feeling of being stoned..the other day when it hit me,my system felt strange,like it was more used to the trippy overwhelming,and uncomfortable..lol synth buzz,but when i hit it yesterday i suddenly remembered what good pot was like again
^ you should try smoking a massive bong load of good nugget. I'm glad that you Are starting to get the effects you desire again. I think it's interesting how deeply you read the high, claiming its indica or sativa none of that ever crossed my mind. The only time I would think about that was when I knew the grower/ strain. You sound young which is fine just don't let weed ruin your life :) best of luck to you! You can try PMing me if you have questions directly
^ you should try smoking a massive bong load of good nugget. I'm glad that you Are starting to get the effects you desire again. I think it's interesting how deeply you read the high, claiming its indica or sativa none of that ever crossed my mind. The only time I would think about that was when I knew the grower/ strain. You sound young which is fine just don't let weed ruin your life :) best of luck to you! You can try PMing me if you have questions directly

hey thanks man..appreciate that...regarding the strains,i just noticed that this one that i have right now,is more of the stoney variety,kinda dominantly centered around the body,and some good euphoria music wise,not as"racy"as the previous bud i had,and not as euphoric and tripped out..still VERY GOOD though...
and yeah i plan to smoke more sometime...trying to conserve though...i'm more of a light to moderate high dude,than someone who likes to get blasted,just a nice mellow buzz if ya know what i mean,with some euphoria
lol then dont take so many hits. i usually take 1/2 a hit with all synthetics
Yeah I was joking don't go over board with the weed either. All is fun in moderation, something I've learned the hard way in multiple cases.
lol then dont take so many hits. i usually take 1/2 a hit with all synthetics

definitely done with the synthetic shit...unless i want a buzz similar to an acid trip with speed...the real thing is much more enjoyable for me
My headaches have.. changed.
For the first 4 weeks, I had a pain in the front of my head on both sides. An inch above both of my eyebrows.
It was hard to think critically.

Then, one day they went away.

A month later, My head starts hurting again. It is on the top of my head. Like, not excruciating, but it feels like I am in a daze. There is pressure similar to the area (and sensation) as if you put your hand across the top of your head and pressed down. Again, its harder for me to focus/learn/cognate and such.

This has been going on for 3 weeks.

Do you think the two are linked? What should I do. I am just.. scared. I want to be normal again. I don't even know if this was related to my JWH use. Backstory: In January, (3 months ago) I took one big hit of this spice called "AK-47 Gold Karat" and after that, I kept feeling slightly high for a week and then headaches persisted. That was the first type of headaches. I have not smoked anything whatsoever since.

I dunno. Sigh. Can anyone offer me anything? I am trying to be as healthy as I can.
I noticed spice after effects stick around for a good week or two after quitting... i will absolutely not touch the shot anymore... the little high i get from ot isnt worth the week and a half of feeling dazed and out of it after... when i went from smoking it daily to quitting i had wothdrawals comparable to heroin withdrawals.... puking, chills, sweats, insomnia, feeling like death, etc...

In fact ill still do a little heroin on occasion... and feel fine the next day... spice has me fucked up for a week, withdrawals and everything, after even a day of using it... and it makes standart cannabis not work for a month... spice is shit... i rate it worse than piperazines...
My headaches have.. changed.
For the first 4 weeks, I had a pain in the front of my head on both sides. An inch above both of my eyebrows.
It was hard to think critically.

Then, one day they went away.

A month later, My head starts hurting again. It is on the top of my head. Like, not excruciating, but it feels like I am in a daze. There is pressure similar to the area (and sensation) as if you put your hand across the top of your head and pressed down. Again, its harder for me to focus/learn/cognate and such.

This has been going on for 3 weeks.

Do you think the two are linked? What should I do. I am just.. scared. I want to be normal again. I don't even know if this was related to my JWH use. Backstory: In January, (3 months ago) I took one big hit of this spice called "AK-47 Gold Karat" and after that, I kept feeling slightly high for a week and then headaches persisted. That was the first type of headaches. I have not smoked anything whatsoever since.

I dunno. Sigh. Can anyone offer me anything? I am trying to be as healthy as I can.

I would look into what anxiety can do to you and what you can do to recover. This is most likely the issure with you, sure everyone loves slagging of cannaboids but the fact is that such long lasting problems will nearly definitely not be sue to the cannaboids directly.

Work out, eat well, sleep well and abstain from ALL drugs are essential.
are there any harm reduction or other groups that test these products and post the results?
are there any harm reduction or other groups that test these products and post the results?

Ecstasydata.org does for a fee... $40 for pressed pills... $100 or 120 (dont rememeber) for powder, capsules, spice, etc..

I totally misunderstood the question. You can get various forms of analysis done for less than $120 I am pretty sure. I will ask a friend of a friend and see what they recommend.
don't you need a DEA license in order to test illicit products? does ecstasydata not accept a product if it is labelled as illicit, or how do they get around that sort of thing? i know they don't post mg's of each component, but can post ratios...

have people sent in spice etc to be tested? are results anywhere public? i've seen tablet test results but not spice or cannabis or street powders.
I'm sure you all have heard of K2 Summit, and probably smoked it some time or another, well here is my story about it, and how it's ruined my life.

So since the age of 16 I've recreationally smoked marijuana, I'm now almost 19 and all my good friends and most the people I know still do. A few months ago, around October, I had a couple friends in trouble with the law, as well as a few friends who preferred the legality and high of K2, who started smoking K2 Summit everyday.

I smoked it on only about 5 occasions total, the last two it totally took me to a bad place. The feeling is indescribable, but I remember I could only sit there with my hands on my face, my brain in intense pain, feeling as though it was just melting into itself, nothing like a headache, leaps and bounds worse.

About a week later I started getting horrible headaches, this is in December. They got worse and worse and worse. This horrible feeling (there's no possible way to describe how painful it is) in my brain would return everytime I :
a.)ate sugar
b.)was up more than 8 hours
c.)took tylenol or any over the counter pain reliever
d. take any medication to make me tired
e. took my ADD medication (ridalin)
f. ate salt
g.worst of all, I couldn't smoke weed anymore, ever. I imagine for most people, this wouldn't be such a big deal. Other drugs are nice, sure, but I am a pothead. I love the giggles, I love the munchies, I love the perception, I love the creative flow, I love how it makes music amazing, sex, everything. No more of it. Imagine every time you're hanging out with friends, time after time you're offered a blunt, or a joint, or anything, and you have to refuse because if you take just one toke, for the next five hours you'll wish you were dead, because the brain melting pain just isn't worth it.

Worse yet, nobody can possibly relate, and I have nobody to relate to, because I can't find any reason for it on the internet, nobody with the same symptoms, everyone just says how awesome they think it is. I have one friend, who this started happening to, after he smoked it literally every hour of every day for 3 months straight. Now I have one other person in the same boat as me, but we still have found no help in the world.

(Sorry this is so long, but I feel all of this is necessary.)

These headaches begin when we wake up, and end when we fall asleep. The rest of the time they can be anywhere from tolerable, though still painful, to "I'm sorry I just can't deal with this conversation/work/hobby/anything"

We've both been to neurologists and brain surgeons, had MRIs and CAT scans done, taken different medications to help, but nobody has any idea, they just treat it like a headache, and all the headache medications only seem to make it worse.

I think it is somehow related to dopamine receptors or saratonin, because all of the things that trigger it, are supposed to cause pleasure. My friend thinks it has something to do with endorphins, for the same reason. But sex releases endorphines, and it doesn't make the pain worse.

The one and only cure is beer. I don't like it, and I think it sounds stupid, or like I want to be an alcoholic or something, but it's true. Liquor helps slightly, but then makes it worse, and it wears off much more quickly.

Can anybody offer any sort of feedback or know anybody who's gone through this? It's everyday and it's killing me and nothing will cure it. I'm at my wits end,
any help would be greatly appreciated.

You could try using Ketamine, methoxetamine. It will work very well. A K-hole is a brain reset.

But I see this was written in 2010. How are you doing right now mate?